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IELTS Writing Task 2: Advantage/Disadvantage Samples

Tổng hợp bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng
Topic 1: Shopping ..................................................................................................................... 2
Topic 2: Aging population ................................................................................................. 7
Topic 3: Traditional vs Modern Diets .....................................................................11
Topic 4: Family ........................................................................................................................16
Topic 5: Housing and Architecture ..........................................................................20
Topic 6: Food .............................................................................................................................24
Topic 7: Fossil fuels ..............................................................................................................28
Topic 8: International travel.........................................................................................31
Topic 9: Languages ..............................................................................................................35
Topic 10: Social media.......................................................................................................39
Topic 1: Shopping
In some countries, small town-centre shops are going out of business
because people tend to drive to large out-of-town stores. As a result,
people without cars have limited access to out-of-town stores, and it
may result in an increase in the use of cars.
Do you think the disadvantages of this change outweigh its
advantages? (Đề thi ngày 14/03/2019)
Bài mẫu
In many countries the world over, small shops in
city centers cannot compete with large stores
that are based on the outskirts; therefore, many
of those small businesses are threatened with
closure. This leads to a number of consequences,
including a rise in car usage in these countries and
access to large out-of-town stores becoming
limited for those without cars(1). In my view, this
change does more harm than good.
Increasing bankruptcies among small towncenter shops are an unfortunate situation that
puts local people to great inconvenience, with
those who are not in possession of a car standing
most affected, because they now have to travel
to a distant place to shop(2). The time used for
such journeys could be better spent on other
activities that are of greater importance, be it
work or entertainment. The situation’s impacts
are also far beyond individual levels. It causes a
significant loss for the economy of any city
where large numbers of such businesses are
forced to shut down. This may inflict unexpected
damage on the national economy as a whole. The
rise in car usage caused by people’s demand for
long distance travel is also problematic. Traffic
somebody: cạnh tranh
với cái gì đó, ai đó
To be threatened with
something: bị đe dọa bởi
cái gì đó
A rise in something: sự
tăng lên ở cái gì đó
shops: sự phá sản nhiều
của những cửa hàng nhỏ
To cause a significant
loss for the economy of
any city: gây ra tổn thất
lớn cho nền kinh tế của
bất cứ thành phố nào
congestion will become worse due to the higher
number of vehicles on streets. Furthermore, the
quantity of pollutants emitted from car engines
will rise, which heightens pollution levels in those
places and adversely affects human health.
However, this change in people’s shopping
preference may encourage them to move to outof-town areas to live. Given the fact that modern
cities are faced with overpopulation and
consequently ever-growing pressure on
housing supply systems, this could be
considered a start of relieving such pressure (3).
In conclusion, the trend towards shopping in large
stores located away from city centers is having
many negative impacts. Although it could
encourage some people to move to places where
these stores are established and help solving
some population problems in modern cities, I
doubt that the trend could promise any
significant outcome.
Traffic congestion: tắc
To adversely affect
human health: ảnh
hưởng tiêu cực tới sức
khoẻ con người
To be faced with
evergrowing pressure on
systems: đối mặt với quá
tải dân số và hậu quả là
áp lực đè nặng về vấn đề
cung cấp chỗ ở
Cấu trúc câu
Câu (1): This leads to a number of consequences, including a rise in car
usage in these countries and access to large out-of-town stores
becoming limited for those without cars.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Mệnh đề “including a rise in car usage in these countries and access to
large out-of-town stores” là mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn bổ sung thông tin
cho “a number of consequences”.
Mệnh đề “becoming limited for those without cars” là mệnh đề quan hệ
rút gọn bổ sung thông tin cho “large out-of-town stores”.
Chủ ngữ “This” trong mệnh đề chính thay thế cho toàn bộ câu đứng trước
Cấu trúc “a rise in something” nghĩa tăng lên về cái gì đó.
Câu (2): Increasing bankruptcies among small town-center shops are an
unfortunate situation that puts local people to great inconvenience, with
those who are not in possession of a car standing most affected, because
they now have to travel to a distant place to shop.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Mệnh đề phụ “that puts local people to great inconvenience” là mệnh đề
quan hệ bổ nghĩa cho “unfortunate situation”.
Mệnh đề phụ “with those who are not in possession of a car standing
most affected“ bổ nghĩa cho “local people”.
Cấu trúc “put somebody to something” mang nghĩa là đặt ai đó vào tình
thế/trải nghiệm gì đó.
Cấu trúc “In possession of something” mang nghĩa là sở hữu cái gì đó.
Từ nối “because + mệnh đề” đồng nghĩa với “since”, có chức năng đưa ra
nguyên nhân.
Câu (3): Given the fact that modern cities are faced with overpopulation
and consequently ever-growing pressure on housing supply systems,
this could be considered a start of relieving such pressure.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Chủ ngữ “This” trong mệnh đề chính thay thế cho toàn bộ câu đứng trước
nó: “this change … to live”.
“Given (the fact) that” được dùng khi người viết xem xét một sự việc nào
đó, thường được dùng làm nguyên nhân cho thông tin được cung cấp phía
Cấu trúc “to be faced with” mang nghĩa là đang phải đối mặt với điều gì
Cấu trúc “Somebody/something is considered to be noun/adjective”
mang nghĩa là được coi như cái gì/như thế nào đó.
Topic 2: Aging population
In the future, it is expected that there will be a higher proportion of older
people in some countries. Is this positive or negative development? (Đề
thi ngày 23/03/2019)
Bài mẫu
Developments in medical technology and health
care systems, among many other factors, are
leading to people having longer life expectancy
than before. As this trend continues, in the future,
we can expect the number of old people will be
much greater than that of young people. In
several ways, society may benefit from a
growing proportion of senior citizens. However, I
believe the rest of the world population would
have to shoulder much more responsibilities
and the global economy would face a serious
labor crisis.
On the positive side, an increase in the number of
old people means a greater pool of volunteers for
community and government projects. These
people are usually more financially comfortable
and therefore more willing to contribute free
labor to ameliorating their communities. For
example, we often see old people in developed
countries engage in charity work to provide
shelter and food for the homeless in their
neighborhoods. Such an act also instils a great
sense of responsibility and altruism into the
young generation. This is, in fact, globally
recognized to be advantageous in a world where
selfishness hinders one from taking action for the
sake of others.
To have longer life
before: có tuổi thọ dài
hơn trước đó
Senior citizens: người
dân lớn tuổi
To shoulder much more
trên vai nhiều trách
nhiệm hơn
To contribute free labor
to ameliorating their
communities: đóng góp
nhân lực miễn phí cho sự
cải thiện cộng đồng
To engage in charity
work: tham gia vào công
việc từ thiện
To instil a great sense
of responsibility and
altruism into the young
generation: truyền bá
tinh thần trách nhiệm và
lòng vị tha tới thế hệ trẻ
Nevertheless, aging populations will place the
whole world under many pressures. Both
governments and businesses will have to pay for
increased retirement pensions and health
care costs, which means tax-payers will have to
bear a greater financial burden and the young
workforce will have to work harder and care for
the elderly at the same time (1). Furthermore, lack
of young labor workforce would cause
stagnation for the growth of individual
businesses and the global economy as a whole
because little innovation may take place in this
circumstance(2). As a matter of fact, many first
world countries whose proportion of senior
citizens is higher than that of young people, such
as Japan, are already experiencing these
undesirable impacts(3).
To pay for increased
and health care costs:
trả khoản lương hưu và
các chi phí chăm sóc sức
khoẻ cao
To bear a greater
financial burden: chịu
gánh nặng tài chính cao
Stagnation: sự trì trệ
In conclusion, an aging population is beneficial in
certain ways. However, the benefits society may
reap from an aging population cannot match the
damage it inflicts. It is important that the world
governments should not underestimate the
complexity of this problem and take immediate
action to reduce its future influences.
Cấu trúc câu
Câu (1): Both governments and businesses will have to pay for increased
retirement pensions and health care costs, which means tax-payers will
have to bear a greater financial burden and the young workforce will
have to work harder and care for the elderly at the same time.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Mệnh đề “which means […]” là mệnh đề quan hệ bổ nghĩa cho cả mệnh đề
chính trước đó.
Cấu trúc “Both … and …” mang nghĩa là cả hai.
Câu (2): Furthermore, lack of young labor workforce would cause
stagnation for the growth of individual businesses and the global
economy as a whole because little innovation may take place in this
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Cấu trúc “cause stagnation for (something)” mang nghĩa là dẫn đến sự
chững lại/trì trệ cho cái gì đó.
Cấu trúc “as a whole” mang nghĩa là xét trên tổng thể, nói chung
Từ nối “because + mệnh đề” đồng nghĩa với since, có chức năng đưa ra
nguyên nhân..
Từ nối “Furthermore” đồng nghĩa với In addition đứng ở đầu câu, dùng để
trình bày luận điểm mới.
Câu (3): As a matter of fact, many first world countries whose proportion
of senior citizens is higher than that of young people, such as Japan, are
already experiencing these undesirable impacts.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Mệnh đề “whose proportion of senior citizens is higher than that of young
people” là mệnh đề quan hệ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng ngay trước nó là
“many first world countries".
Cấu trúc “such as +noun” đồng nghĩa với noun + noun..., được dùng để đưa
ra ví dụ để minh họa, làm rõ cho danh từ chính.
“As a matter of fact” là một cụm từ được dùng để nhấn mạnh, mang nghĩa
là sự thật là (tương tự như “in fact”).
Topic 3: Traditional vs Modern
In many countries, people like to eat a wider range of food that cannot
be grown in their local place. Therefore, much of the food people eat
today has to come from other regions.
Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh
disadvantages? (Đề thi ngày 13/04/2019)
Bài mẫu
These days, it is quite common for people to eat
foods that are not, or cannot, be grown or
produced where they live. As a consequence,
large quantities of food are either transported
long distances within a country or imported from
other countries. This essay will review some of the
advantages and disadvantages of this trend.
Thanks to globalisation, the increase in efficient
transportation between and within countries, and
a growing trend in food culture, people can
now enjoy a vast array of foods like never
before. This trend has many advantages. Firstly,
having access to a wide variety of foods from
different regions can provide people with a
highly nutritious diet that can help to promote
health and prevent disease(1). For example,
some kinds of nutrient-rich berries that can only
be grown in Asia can now be enjoyed by people
all over the world. Furthermore, with such a
growing interest in exotic foods and food culture,
people can experience a range of cuisine without
leaving their own town or city.
A growing trend in food
culture: xu hướng đang
thịnh hành về văn hóa ẩm
A vast array of: một
chuỗi rất đa dạng
A highly nutritious diet:
chế độ ăn giàu dinh
To promote health and
prevent disease: nâng
cao sức khỏe & ngăn
chặn bệnh tật
Losing their own access
to their food sources:
không thể tiếp cận được
với những nguồn thực
phẩm của họ
However, this trend also comes with a number of
disadvantages. For example, some communities
around the world where exotic and rare foods are
grown are losing their own access to their food
sources. When demand for a certain food
increases, the price also increases, and people in
poorer countries where the food is grown can
sometimes not afford to buy it anymore (2).
Another problem with this trend is that the
constant transportation of foods over long
distances contributes to climate change due to
the large amount of carbon emissions
produced by transportation(3). And lastly, many
foods that are transported long distances need to
be treated with chemicals and preservatives
which make them less healthy to consume (4).
Contributes to climate
change: góp phần gây ra
biến đổi khí hậu
transportation: khí thải
carbon từ vận chuyển
hàng hóa
Treated with chemicals
and preservatives: được
xử lý bằng hóa chất và
chất bảo quản
Overall, although there are many benefits to
having access to a wide variety of foods,
personally, I believe that the disadvantages of
this trend outweigh the advantages.
Cấu trúc câu
Câu (1): Firstly, having access to a wide variety of foods from different
regions can provide people with a highly nutritious diet that can help to
promote health and prevent disease.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Mệnh đề phụ "that can help to promote health and prevent disease" là
mệnh đề quan hệ bổ sung thông tin cho cụm danh từ ngay trước nó “a
highly nutritious diet”.
Cấu trúc “provide somebody with something” mang nghĩa cung cấp cho
ai đó cái gì.
Từ nối “firstly” được dùng để nêu quan điểm đầu tiên, đi kèm sau là một
mệnh đề đầy đủ.
Câu (2): When demand for a certain food increases, the price also
increases, and people in poorer countries where the food is grown can
sometimes not afford to buy it anymore.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Mệnh đề “When demand for a certain food increases” là mệnh đề trạng
ngữ chỉ thời gian để làm rõ thời điểm hoặc điều kiện khi mệnh đề chính
xảy ra.
Mệnh đề “where the food is grown” là mệnh đề tính từ được dùng để làm
rõ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng liền trước nó “poorer countries”.
Cấu trúc “can afford to do something” mang nghĩa có khả năng tài chính
để làm gì.
Câu (3): Another problem with this trend is that the constant
transportation of foods over long distances contributes to climate
change due to the large amount of carbon emissions produced by
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Mệnh đề “that the constant transportation of foods over long distances
contributes to climate change” là mệnh đề danh từ làm rõ ý nghĩa trực
tiếp cho chủ ngữ.
Mệnh đề “due to the large amount of carbon emissions produced by
transportation” là mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ nguyên nhân, nhằm làm rõ: khí
thải carbon là nguyên nhân vì sao nói vận chuyển hàng hóa có thể gây
ra biến đổi khí hậu.
Cụm danh từ “carbon emissions produced by transportation” được tạo
thành bằng cách rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ, cụm danh từ này có thể được
viết lại đầy đủ là “carbon emissions which is produced by transportation”.
Câu (4): And lastly, many foods that are transported long distances need
to be treated with chemicals and preservatives which make them less
healthy to consume.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Mệnh đề “that are transported long distances need to be treated with
chemicals” là mệnh đề quan hệ dùng để làm rõ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng
liền trước nó. (Trong đó đại từ quan hệ “that” có thể thay bằng “which”.)
Mệnh đề “which make them less healthy to consume” là mệnh đề quan
hệ dùng để làm rõ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng liền trước nó. (Trong đó đại từ
quan hệ “which” có thể thay bằng “that”.)
Cấu trúc “to be treated with something” mang nghĩa được xử lý với cái gì.
Cấu trúc “make something adjective” mang nghĩa làm cho cái gì đó trở
nên như thế nào.
Từ nối “and lastly” để chỉ ra quan điểm cuối cùng trong bài.
Topic 4: Family
In many nations, people in huge cities either live alone or in small family
units, instead of in large, extended family groups. Is this a positive or
negative trend? (Đề thi ngày 25/04/2019)
Đề mẫu
In many large cities around the world, it has
become quite common for people to either live
alone or in a small family, as opposed to living in
large extended family households. This essay will
take a closer look at some of the positive and
negative aspects that arise with this trend.
On the one hand, this trend does have some
positive aspects. For example, different
generations want and value different things
these days. Many young people do not wish to
live the traditional lifestyles of their parents
and grandparents. Therefore, living alone allows
them the freedom to do as they please without
having to face constant judgement or criticism.
Furthermore, many older people do not wish to
live the hectic, fast-paced lifestyle of modern
city life and prefer to live a slower-paced,
healthier life in the countryside during their
retirement. Living alone, or in smaller family
groups allows each generation to live their
preferred lifestyle.
However, this trend also brings several
drawbacks. Firstly, as parents and grandparents
get older, they may face a number of physical
and mental health problems, and by living
alone, they may lack the care and attention
they need from their children(1). Secondly,
children will have less interaction and influence
lifestyles: lối sống truyền
The freedom to do as
they please: tự do làm
theo ý bản thân mong
Constant judgement or
criticism: sự đánh giá
hoặc phê bình liên tục
lifestyle: lối sống hối hả,
bận rộn
healthier life: lối sống
chậm rãi, lành mạnh
retirement: trong suốt
thời gian nghỉ hưu
Physical and mental
health problems: những
vấn đề sức khỏe thể chất
và tinh thần
Lack the care and
attention they need:
thiếu sự chăm sóc và
quan tâm cần thiết
from grandparents, and potentially miss out on
important life lessons that can be taught from
grandparents who have a lot of valuable life
experience. Important traditions and customs
may also be lost from generation to generation (2).
And finally, living alone, or in small family groups
can lead to poor family bonds between
In conclusion, I believe that while this trend does
bring some benefits, overall they are definitely
outweighed by the drawbacks.
grandparents: sự tương
tác và ảnh hưởng từ ông
experience: kinh nghiệm
sống quý giá
Poor family bonds: tình
cảm gia đình thiếu thân
thiết, gắn bó
Cấu trúc câu
Câu (1): Firstly, as parents and grandparents get older, they may face a
number of physical and mental health problems, and by living alone,
they may lack the care and attention they need from their children.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Mệnh đề “as parents and grandparents get older" là mệnh đề trạng ngữ
chỉ thời gian dùng để làm rõ nghĩa cho mệnh đề chính đầu tiên “they may
face a number of physical and mental health problems”.
Mệnh đề phụ “they need from their children” là mệnh đề tính từ, bổ sung
làm rõ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng liền trước “the care and attention”.
Cấu trúc “face something” mang nghĩa đối mặt với chuyện gì (thường
mang nghĩa tiêu cực).
Cấu trúc “by V-ing” mang nghĩa bằng cách làm như thế nào.
Cấu trúc “lack something” mang nghĩa là thiếu cái gì.
Từ nối “Firstly” được dùng để đưa ra luận điểm đầu tiên, đi kèm sau là một
mệnh đề đầy đủ.
Câu (2): Secondly, children will have less interaction and influence from
grandparents, and potentially miss out on important life lessons that can
be taught from grandparents who have a lot of valuable life experience.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Mệnh đề phụ “that can be taught from grandparents” là mệnh đề quan
hệ làm rõ nghĩa cho cụm danh từ đứng liền trước “important life lessons”.
Mệnh đề phụ “who have a lot of valuable life experience” là mệnh đề quan
hệ làm rõ nghĩa cho cụm danh từ liền trước “grandparents”.
Cấu trúc “Miss out on something” mang nghĩa bỏ lỡ cái gì.
Từ nối “Secondly” được dùng để đưa ra luận điểm thứ hai trong đoạn, đi
kèm theo sau là một mệnh đề đầy đủ.
Topic 5: Housing and
In many cities, there is little control on the design and construction of new
houses, so people can build houses in their own styles rather than
building them with the same style as the old houses in the local area. Do
the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (Đề thi ngày 23/05/2019)
Bài mẫu
In many cities around the world, people have little
influence in the design and construction of their
houses. Many people believe it is better to allow
people to freely choose the style and construction
of their new homes rather than forcing everyone to
follow the uniform style of the local area. In my
opinion, a diversity in housing styles can bring
many more benefits than drawbacks to an area.
To begin with, cities in Vietnam, such as Saigon,
have very few, or even no, regulations on local
housing styles, which means that residents in these
areas are free to decide on the architecture for
their home(1). The only disadvantage that may
arise is the lack of uniformity of houses, which
can be a unique feature in certain places. The
houses in Hoi An, for instance, demonstrate a
consistent style and therefore have made the city
a popular tourist destination. If the house owners in
this city change the style and break this
uniformity, the number of tourists visiting the area
is likely to decrease.
The lack of uniformity:
sự đồng điệu, sự giống
To be free to decide:
được tự do quyết định
consistent style: thể
hiện một phong cách
đồng nhất, nhất quán
uniformity: phá hủy sự
đồng nhất
To be more worthy of
consideration: đáng để
cân nhắc hơn
To reflect a variety of
architectural designs:
phản ánh sự đa dạng
trong thiết kế kiến trúc
However, the advantages brought about by a
diversity in housing styles are more worthy of
consideration. Firstly, buildings reflecting a
variety of architectural designs can make a city
more attractive and appealing to people of
different cultures. For example, the buildings in the
centre of Ho Chi Minh city are designed in both
European and Asian styles, which has eventually
given the city a more cosmopolitan
atmosphere, with residents coming from many
different countries(2). Secondly, the freedom of
choice in housing styles can allow local people to
be more creative, as they can design their homes in
a unique way.
To give the city a more
atmosphere: mang lại
cho thành phố bầu không
khí dễ thích nghi cho mọi
người trên thế giới
The freedom of choice:
sự tự do lựa chọn
In conclusion, though potentially making some
areas less attractive by losing a part of their
character, a diversity in architectural styles should
be widely encouraged, as it can beautify a city and
allow residents to be more creative.
Cấu trúc câu
Câu (1): To begin with, cities in Vietnam, such as Saigon, have very few,
or even no, regulations on local housing styles, which means that
residents in these areas are free to decide on the architecture for their
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Cấu trúc “which means that + clause” có thể được hiểu như là do đó, điều
đó có nghĩa là. Dùng thay cho “therefore”, “as a result” hoặc “so”.
Cấu trúc “Be free to + verb” nghĩa là được tự do làm gì đó.
Câu (2): For example, the buildings in the centre of Ho Chi Minh city are
designed in both European and Asian styles, which has eventually given
the city a more cosmopolitan atmosphere, with residents coming from
many different countries.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Cấu trúc “with residents coming from many different countries” cần lưu
ý khi dùng “with
Object + V-ing/Being VII”, tùy theo dạng chủ động hay bị động, tương tự
cấu trúc mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn
Topic 6: Food
Today food travels from thousands of miles from the farm to the
consumer. Some people say that it would be better for the economy &
environment if people ate food produced from local farmers. Would the
advantages of this idea outweigh the disadvantages? (Đề thi ngày
Bài mẫu
Nowadays, food travels long distances before
reaching consumers, and it is therefore believed
that consuming locally grown food would bring
about a number of economic and environmental
benefits. Despite some advantages, I believe that
the disadvantages of this idea would be more
Consuming locally grown food is advantageous
in several ways. First, when produce is purchased
and consumed locally, the local economy greatly
benefits. More income will be generated for those
involved in the food’s production, including
farmers and growers, which will, in turn, enhance
their standards of living(1). Eating locally grown
food can also play a role in helping to protect the
environment. The transportation of food around
the world greatly contributes to global warming
due to the large amount of carbon emissions
produced during the process. Eating locally
grown produce will help to reduce the distance
that food travels, helping to reduce the negative
effects of carbon emissions which are released
from vehicles during transport.
Locally grown food:
thức ăn được trồng ở địa
To reduce the negative
emissions: cắt giảm
những hệ quả tiêu cực
của việc thải khí CO2
standards of living:
nâng cao tiêu chuẩn cuộc
In spite of the aforementioned benefits, I
personally feel that the drawbacks need to be
considered more carefully. For example, if non25
locally grown foods are purchased less often on
the market, local people will therefore have fewer
opportunities to experience specialties and
healthy products from other regions(2).
Furthermore, if local foods become the more
dominant products, price manipulation by local
merchants can occur. Several food sellers will
make use of this opportunity to increase prices to
control the market in the long term. It will be
difficult for people, especially lower income
households, to buy essential foods for
themselves, causing adverse impacts on their
In conclusion, I hold the belief that local
consumption, despite having economic
environmental merits, does more harm
good to people’s culinary experiences and
foods: thức ăn được
trồng ở nơi khác
specialties and healthy
products: trải nghiệm
đặc sản và thức ăn tốt
cho sức khỏe
thao túng giá cả
thương nhân địa phương
Cấu trúc câu
Câu (1): More income will be generated for those involved in the food’s
production, including farmers and growers, which will, in turn, enhance
their standards of living.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Mệnh đề phụ “including farmers and growers” là mệnh đề quan hệ, được
viết ở thể rút gọn, làm rõ nghĩa cho thông tin “those involved in the food
Mệnh đề phụ “which will … of living” là mệnh đề quan hệ bổ nghĩa cho
mệnh đề chính.
Lưu ý, trước đại từ quan hệ “which” phải có dấu phẩy.
Cấu trúc “to enhance something” tương tự như improve something, mang
nghĩa cải thiện cái gì đó.
Câu (2): For example, if non-locally grown foods are purchased less
often on the market, local people will therefore have fewer opportunities
to experience specialties and healthy products from other regions.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Cấu trúc “to purchase something” tương tự như “to buy something” mang
nghĩa mua cái gì đó.
Cấu trúc “to experience something” mang nghĩa trải nghiệm, gặp phải cái
gì đó.
Từ nối “For example” được dùng để đưa ra ví dụ, đi kèm sau là một mệnh
đề đầy đủ.
Từ nối “therefore” được dùng để đưa ra kết quả, có thể dùng trong một
câu hoặc đứng đầu một câu mới.
Topic 7: Fossil fuels
Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are the main source for
many countries. However, some nations are using alternative energy
such as solar power and wind power. Do you think this is a positive or
negative development? (Đề thi 28/09/2019)
Bài mẫu
Although fossil fuels still remain the most
important energy sources in many places, some
countries are now already using alternative
sources like solar or wind power. In my opinion, it
can be difficult for a country to move towards
using alternative energy at first, but this
development brings about several benefits in the
long run.
Put a heavy financial
burden on someone:
đặt gánh nặng tài chính
lên ai đó
Harness: khai thác
Shift towards doing
something: chuyển qua
việc làm gì đó
On the one hand, the change towards using
alternative types of energy would probably put a
heavy financial burden on the government and
companies as they will have to invest millions of
dollars in purchasing and developing new
equipment and facilities for harnessing solar,
wind or hydro-electric power. For example, the
average cost of installing a wind turbine for
generating electricity is about $3 million, and an
average country would require a wind farm with
hundreds of turbines to supply power to all
companies and households. In addition, the
production cost of large solar panels is still very
high, which is why many countries, especially
those with a poor economy, are still unable to use
this power source(1).
However, I still believe that shifting towards
using alternative energy is a worthwhile
investment due to the great benefits it brings.
Firstly, fossil fuels are the main cause of air
pollution nowadays since petroleum-powered
vehicles and factories are releasing tremendous
amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere every day.
Therefore, replacing coal and petroleum with
wind or solar power will help to reduce the level
of emissions in the atmosphere and improve air
quality. Secondly, fossil fuels, like natural gas or
oil, are finite resources and will soon be
depleted, which will potentially threaten the
economy if there are no alternative sources. This
fact emphasizes the need to develop renewable
energy to gradually replace traditional sources
when fossil fuels run out.
vehicles and factories:
phương tiện và nhà máy
chạy bằng ga hoặc xăng
Finite resources: nguồn
tài nguyên hữu hạn
In conclusion, I hold the view that despite the high
initial cost of new equipment and facilities, the
switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy
sources is still necessary for the long-term
development of the planet.
Cấu trúc câu
Câu (1) The production cost of large solar panels is still very high, which
is why many countries, especially those with a poor economy, are still
unable to use this power source
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Cấu trúc “which” dùng để bổ nghĩa cho cả mệnh đề đứng đằng trước.
Cấu trúc “especially + Noun” dùng để nêu 1 ví dụ nổi bật cho 1 tập hợp
được nhắc đến trước đó.
Topic 8: International travel
International travel is becoming cheaper, and countries are opening their
doors to more and more tourists. Do the advantages of increased tourism
outweigh disadvantages? (Đề thi 16/11/2019)
Bài mẫu
Travelling abroad is becoming more affordable
than ever before, and many nations are
implementing new approaches to attract more
tourists. Although there are still drawbacks of
international travel, I think its values are more
On the one hand, the downsides of welcoming
foreign visitors are varied. First, the local
environment can be adversely affected due to
facility and infrastructural development. For
example, in Vietnam, many tourism companies
are permitted to chop down a great area of
forests to construct modern commodities such as
hotels and golf courses, exerting dire
consequences on natural habitats(1). As for the
countries that play host to international tourists,
the rise in costs of living may lay much pressure
on local people and be a detriment to
domestic travel. This is because the growth in
the number of tourists from abroad would
encourage costs of hotel rooms and other
services to increase. People in the neighborhood
and domestic visitors would suffer in comparison.
On the other hand, I suppose the benefits of
international travel would eclipse those analyzed
disadvantages. First, the regional economy can
enormously benefit from the burgeoning
tourism industry as more occupations will be
development: phát triển
về mặt cơ sở vật chất và
hạ tầng
natural habitats: tạo ra
ảnh hưởng xấu lên môi
trường sống tự nhiên
Lay much pressure on
local people: đặt nhiều
áp lực lên người dân
trong vùng
domestic travel: ngăn
cản du lịch trong nước
Costs of hotel rooms
and other services: Giá
cả của phòng khách sạn
và những loại dịch vụ
from the burgeoning
tourism industry: được
hưởng lợi to lớn từ ngành
công nghiệp du lịch đang
bùng nổ
created to accommodate the needs of tourists.
Local people can have more job opportunities in
hotels or restaurants and therefore earn more
money to improve their living standards. Second,
the increased number of foreign people coming
to visit another country would evidently enhance
tourism industries, contributing greatly to the
wealth of that country(2). If tourists enjoy their
trips, they will recommend the destination to
their friends or perhaps they will come back in the
industries: Phát triển
ngành du lịch
In conclusion, it appears to me that the merits of
international tourism are more notable than its
Cấu trúc câu
Câu (1). For example, in Dalat, Vietnam, many tourism companies are
permitted to chop down a great area of forests to construct modern
commodities such as hotels and golf courses, exerting dire consequences
on natural habitats.
Các điểm ngữ pháp và từ vựng cần lưu ý:
“Be permitted to do something”: được cho phép làm điều gì đó.
“...., exerting dire consequences on natural habitats.”: đây là mệnh đề quan
hệ đã được rút gọn. Mệnh đề quan hệ đầy đủ bao gồm “..., which exerts ...”,
mang nghĩa “việc đốn hộ một lượng lớn diện tích rừng đã tạo ra hệ quả
xấu. Đại từ quan hệ “which” đại diện cho mệnh đề chính phía trước, và
trước “which” có dấu phẩy.
Câu (2). Second, the increased number of foreign people coming to visit
another country would evidently enhance tourism industries,
contributing greatly to the wealth of that country.
Các điểm ngữ pháp và từ vựng cần lưu ý:
“The increased number of foreign people coming to...”: số lượng khách du
lịch đến đất nước khác tăng lên. Trong câu có “coming” đã được rút gọn
từ mệnh đề quan hệ “who come”.
“..., contributing greatly to the wealth of that country” : từ “contribute” ở
dạng V-ing do đã được rút gọn từ “..., which contributes”, mang nghĩa
“chính việc gia tăng về số lượng khách du lịch đã đóng góp vào sự giàu có
của quốc gia đó.
Topic 9: Languages
A few languages are increasingly spoken in different countries, while the
use of others is rapidly declining.
Is it a positive or negative development? (Đề thi ngày 12/12/2019)
Bài mẫu
These days, there is a tendency that a small
number of languages have gained widespread
popularity in the world, while many others are
being less spoken. In my opinion, this trend could
bring both positive and negative consequences.
To begin with, there are substantial benefits to
society when many countries share common
languages. The first benefit is that cross-cultural
communication can become easier nowadays,
which helps boost multilateral trade and
cultural exchange(1). It is true that ones who are
bilingual or multilingual find it easier to do
business or work in international companies as
their issues at work can be addressed and
discussed thoroughly. Furthermore, by acquiring
languages which are commonly used in business,
science and technology, people from less
developed countries can accelerate the process
of learning from more developed countries. For
example, India achieves such incredible growth
partly by using English as their official language.
Widespread popularity:
sự phổ biến rộng rãi
tiếp liên văn hoá
trade and
exchange: thúc đẩy
thương mại đa phương và
trao đổi văn hoá
Incredible growth: sự
phát triển đáng kinh ngạc
Despite the great convenience of sharing
common languages, the fact that other
languages are less spoken can bring several
drawbacks(2). The first disadvantage is that
communities would lose parts of their cultural
traditions such as songs, myths and poetry which
are not easily translated into another language.
This may in turn affect their cultural identity,
producing a weakened social cohesion as their
values and traditions are replaced with new
ones(3). Moreover, this trend affects not only the
local culture within one nation but also the
civilization of mankind. If all countries no longer
use their own language but use the same one, this
could gradually destroy the cultural diversity
of the world.
In conclusion, although I believe the trend is
inevitable in the era of globalisation, people need
to have measures to protect their less spoken
languages as a way to preserve their cultural
Cultural identity: bản
sắc văn hoá
cohesion: sự gắn kết xã
hội bị suy yếu
mankind: nền văn minh
nhân loại
Destroy the cultural
diversity: huỷ hoại sự đa
dạng văn hoá
Cấu trúc câu
Câu (1) The first benefit is that cross-cultural communication can
become easier nowadays, which helps boost multilateral trade and
cultural exchange.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Mệnh đề which trong câu trên thay cho cả ý “The first benefit….easier
nowadays" và được dịch là “điều này". Lưu ý dấu phẩy được sử dụng trong
cấu trúc câu này.
Câu (2) Despite the great convenience of sharing common languages,
the fact that other languages are less spoken can bring several
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
“Despite the great convenience of sharing common languages”: cấu trúc
chỉ hai mệnh đề tương phản, sau despite sẽ là danh từ/cụm danh từ hoặc
gerund (V-ing). Lưu ý phải có dấu phẩy giữa hai mệnh đề.
Câu (3) This may in turn affect their cultural identity, producing a
weakened social cohesion as their values and traditions are replaced
with new ones.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
Trong mệnh đề đầu tiên có cụm “in turn" mang nghĩa dẫn đến kết quả là
(đồng nghĩa với “as a result")
“producing ...cohesion" là mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn của “which produces
….cohesion", cách sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn này tương tự câu
phân tích trên.
“as their values ….new ones" là mệnh đề chỉ nguyên nhân cho mệnh đề
kết quả đứng trước.
Topic 10: Social media
The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among
many people in society. Do you think the advantages outweigh the
disadvantages? (Đề thi ngày 08/02/2020)
Bài mẫu
Social media has deeply infiltrated into
everyone’s life and is believed to be replacing
our face-to-face interaction. This situation,
although advantageous in certain aspects, is
generally a detriment to true human
communication in the long run(1).
On the one hand, there are a number of benefits
from using social networks to communicate(2).
Firstly, they facilitate communication in the
modern times as now people can globally
connect with old friends and relatives or with
others who share common interests. For
example, Facebook is currently providing service
for 2.4 billion users who can choose to connect
and interact with anyone they want, regardless
of where they are. Secondly, study sessions are
frequently happening on social networking
websites through live streaming services.
Therefore, learners around the world now can
have free access to online classes on such sites.
On the other hand, the disadvantages of social
media replacing face-to-face interaction are
much more concerning(3). As these sites are
becoming more and more dominant and attract
large numbers of new users every day, people
can fall prey to online communication abuse,
such as online bullying and harassment. In fact,
social networking websites can become a toxic
something: Thâm nhập
vào đâu đó/cái gì đó
communication: Thúc
đẩy sự giao tiếp
To globally connect
with somebody: Kết nối
toàn cầu với ai
interests: Có những mối
quan tâm giống nhau
service: Dịch vụ live
To have access to
something: Có thể tiếp
cận tới cái gì
To fall prey to online
abuse: Trở thành nạn
nhân của sự lạm dụng
giao tiếp trên mạng (tạm
Online bullying and
harassment: Sự quấy rối
và bắt nạn trên mạng
environment: Một môi
trường độc hại
environment where users can be verbally
assaulted because there are only a few rules,
most of which are spoken rules rather than
established guidelines, that restrict hateful or
abusive contents. Furthermore, overuse of social
media to communicate can lead to people
downplaying the importance of face-to-face
interaction on which true human relationships
thrive. Nowadays, many young and reclusive
users prefer living in a virtual world on social
sites than engaging in real-life relationships.
This may have serious mental effects, such as
increased stress, anxiety and loneliness.
In conclusion, the downsides of social media
replacing face-to-face interaction are more
significant than the benefits users could reap
from those sites(4).
assaulted: Bị tấn công
bằng lời nói
Hateful or
contents: Những
dung cay động
Reclusive users: Những
người dùng không thích
sự giao thiệp thực tế (tạm
A virtual world: Một thế
giới ảo
To engage in real-life
relationships: Tham gia
vào những mối quan hệ
thực tế
effects: Có ảnh hưởng
nghiệm trọng đến sức
khỏe tinh thần
Cấu trúc câu
Câu (1) Although advantageous in certain aspects, is generally a
detriment to true human communication in the long run.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
“Although advantageous in certain aspects”: Mặc dù có lợi ở vài khía cạnh
nhất định (cấu trúc tóm gọn của “althouh clause 1, clause 2”, chỉ dùng
được khi đồng chủ ngữ)
“To be a detriment to something”: Là cái có hại cho cái gì (dùng để nói về
Câu (2) There are a number of benefits from using social networks to
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
There are a number of benefits from … : Có vài ích lợi từ cái gì đó (dùng để
mở đoạn Advantages)
Câu (3) The disadvantages of social media replacing face-to-face
interaction are much more concerning.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
The disadvantages of … are much more concerning: Bất lợi của …. còn
đáng lo hơn nhiều (dùng để mở đoạn Disadvantages)
Câu (4) The downsides of social media replacing face-to-face interaction
are more significant than the benefits users could reap from those sites.
Cấu trúc cần lưu ý:
The downsides of … are more significant than the benefits: Bất lợi của …
đáng lo hơn so với những lợi ích (dùng cho kết bài).
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