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CCM Purchasing Rebates Standard Configuration

September 2017
Condition Contract
Management Purchasing Rebate
Delivered Standard Configuration in S/4HANA 1709
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
69190 Walldorf
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Typographic Conventions
Type Style
Example text
Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field
names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and
Cross-references to other documentation.
Example text
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Example text
Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths,
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Example text
Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the
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<Example text>
Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these
words and characters with appropriate entries.
1. Purpose ...................................................................................................... 6
2. Configuration ............................................................................................. 7
Configure Pricing including Condition Contract Conditions ............................. 7
Condition Tables ................................................................................................ 8
Access Sequences............................................................................................. 8
Condition Types ............................................................................................... 11
Specify CC-Relevance for Condition Types ...................................................... 26
Define Condition Type Groups ......................................................................... 26
Assign Condition Types to Condition Type Groups ........................................... 27
Define Account Keys ........................................................................................ 28
Define Pricing Procedures ................................................................................ 29
Condition Exclusion For Groups Of Conditions ................................................. 36
Define Document Schema Groups for Settlement Document Types ................. 37
Pricing Procedure Determination ...................................................................... 39
Configure Condition Contract Maintenance ................................................... 40
Define Number Ranges .................................................................................... 40
Define Condition Contract Categories............................................................... 40
Define and Configure Field Status Groups for Header Fields ............................ 41
Define Text Determination Procedures ............................................................. 43
Specify Text Types for Text Determination Procedure ...................................... 43
Define Check Groups ....................................................................................... 44
Specify Settings for Transfer Manager .............................................................. 44
Define Condition Contract Types ...................................................................... 55
Activate Additional Functions............................................................................ 58
Configure Condition Contract Settlement ...................................................... 60
Define Amount Field Groups ............................................................................ 60
Define and Configure Profiles for Business Volume Determination ................... 61
Define and Configure Field Combinations for Business Volume Selection......... 66
Define and Configure Sets of Field Combinations ............................................. 72
Define and Configure Condition Type Groups for Accruals ............................... 73
Specify Extended Scope of Settlement Management........................................ 74
Define Number Ranges .................................................................................... 75
Define Country Specific Number Ranges.......................................................... 76
Define Process Categories ............................................................................... 76
Define Posting Rules ........................................................................................ 77
Define Field Change Groups for Cancellation Documents................................. 78
Define Settlement Document Types ................................................................. 79
Assign Transfer Groups to Settlement Document Types ................................. 103
Define Field Status Groups ............................................................................ 106
Define Column Sorting Groups ....................................................................... 107
Define Settlement Process Types ................................................................... 110
Allowed Combinations Settlement Process Type / Settlement Document Type
Specify Copy Control...................................................................................... 118
Specify Settlement Settings for Condition Contract Types............................... 120
Other Configuration Settings ....................................................................... 132
Define Access Sequence for Account Determination ...................................... 132
Define Account Determination Type ............................................................... 133
Define and Assign Account Determination Procedures ................................... 133
Assign G/L Accounts ...................................................................................... 134
Activation of Scope-Dependent Application Job Catalog Entries (S/4HANA) ... 134
1. Purpose
This configuration guide describes the settings for the Purchasing Rebate Processing scenario
delivered as of the standard configuration. The guide will help you to set up your own
configuration by providing information about necessary steps and the relationship of
Customizing activities.
Note: Purchasing Rebate Processing is a specific scenario within the Condition Contract
Management (CCM) application. A more generic description of the CCM configuration including
basic configuration principles is delivered with a specific configuration guide document.
The standard configuration comprises settings for the basic purchasing rebate scenario and
settings for several variations of this basic scenario. The basic scenario concerns the
purchasing rebate agreement with one supplier. The settlement documents that you create in
the different settlement runs (partial and final settlement, delta accruals settlement) are directly
transferred to Financial Accounting. This basic scenario is related to condition contract type
0PI1 Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invoice.
As variations, the standard delivery also contains settings for contracts with the collection of
settlement documents before the transfer to Financial Accounting is posted (condition contract
type 0PI2 Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invc, 2step) and the goods-related taxation (condition
contract type 0PI3 Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invc, Goods). Condition contract type 0PI4
Purchasing Rebate: Supl Invc, Gds, 2step represents the combination of these two variations.
Another variation concerns the point in time for the rebate amount determination. There are two
alternatives: GR posting with the corresponding material documents as source document and
purchase orders as source documents. These alternatives are represented by condition contract
types 0PG1 to 0PG4 and 0PP1 to 0PP4, respectively.
To summarize, the purchasing rebate scenarios with the corresponding condition contract types
Basic scenario with a condition contract based on invoices, taxation as service (0PI1)
Condition contract based on invoices, taxation as service, with collective settlement (0PI2)
Condition contract based on invoices, with goods-related taxation (0PI3)
Condition contract based on invoices, goods-related taxation, collective settlement (0PI4)
Condition contract based on GR posting, taxation as service (0PG1)
Condition contract based on GR, taxation as service, with collective settlement (0PG2)
Condition contract based on GR, goods-related taxation (0PG3)
Condition contract based on GR, goods-related taxation, with collective settlement (0PG4)
Condition contract based on PO, taxation as service (0PP1)
Condition contract based on PO, with collective settlement, taxation as service (0PP2)
Condition contract based on PO, goods-related taxation (0PP3)
Condition contract based on PO, goods-related taxation, with collective settlement (0PP4)
The configuration settings for the different scenarios are to a large extent identical. To avoid
reduncancies in this configuration guide, we therefore describe all settings for the basic scenario
in detail. However, for the other scenarios only the differences relevant for the process variation
are outlined.
2. Configuration
The configuration of Condition Contract Management comprises three main steps:
1. Configure Pricing Including Condition Contract Conditions
In this step, you define pricing conditions that are relevant for the calculation of the
settlement amount during the condition contract settlement.
In particular, you make specific settings for the so-called condition contract conditions
which you enter in the condition contract maintenance in the Conditions screen area.
Contract conditions usually comprise the rebate and accrual conditions.
2. Configure Condition Contract Maintenance
In this step, you first define and configure parameters for condition contract types and
then the condition contract types themselves.
3. Configure Condition Contract Settlement
In this step, you first define and configure parameters for condition contract settlement.
Then you enhance existing condition contract types with these parameters.
2.1 Configure Pricing Including Condition Contract
The configuration of pricing in Condition Contract Management for purchasing rebate
processing comprises two areas:
Configure settings for pricing used in settlement documents as part of condition contract
Configure specific settings for condition contract conditions
Note: The configuration of pricing for condition contract management and the configuration for
settlement documents as part of the condition contract settlement (see chapter Specify
Extended Scope of Settlement Management to chapter Allowed Combinations Settlement
Process Type / Settlement Document Type) overlap thematically, as the pricing procedures
described here (together with related configuration settings) are used within the settlement
documents to calculate rebates as well as accrual amounts and to reverse accruals.
The account key described in chapter Define Account Keys is as well related to settlement
documents as it controls the posting of pricing data to Financials. However, as it is a parameter
used in pricing procedures we describe it already in this main chapter.
2.1.1. Condition Tables
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Pricing Materials Management (MM)  Maintain Condition
Tables  Display Condition Table
2. Check the following condition tables.
Condition Table
Condition Contract
Condition Contract / Material
Condition Contract / Product Hierarchy 1 / PH2 / PH3
Condition Contract / Material Group 1 / MG2 / MG3 / MG4 /MG5
Condition Contract / Customer
The condition tables specifically defined for Condition Contract Management contain the
condition contract number as key field. The corresponding short description in the configuration
screen is Condition Contract, the technical field name is COCO_NUM. This is shown here for
condition table 4AB Condition Contract.
2.1.2. Access Sequences
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Pricing Materials Management (MM)  Define Access
Control the following access sequences.
Access Sequence
Purchasing Rebate
Purchasing Rebate Accruals
Purchasing Rebate Tax
Purchasing Rebate Tax Trigger
Access sequence RE01 Purchasing Rebate has the following accesses and access fields.
Access sequence REA1 Purchasing Rebate Accruals has the same accesses like RE01
Purchasing Rebate. However, accesses 20 has the requirement 67 CCS: AccrMultVal. This
formula effects that the "exclusive" flag works on level condition type / condition contract and not
only on condition type level.
Access sequence RET1 Purchasing Rebate Tax has the following access and access fields.
Access sequence RET2 Purchasing Rebate Tax Trigger has the same access and access fields
but the access has requirement 69 CCS: No Tax Code.
In addition, access sequence COMP Condition Contract & CC/Mat. is part of the standard
delivery since several years. The technical name is derived from the previous naming of the
solution in SAP ERP – Compensation Management. The description reflects the two accesses
to table 4AB Condition Contract and 163 Condition Contract / Material. As the accesses are
also included in access sequence RE01, we do not show details for COMP.
2.1.3. Condition Types
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Pricing Materials Management (MM) Define Condition
Types  Set Pricing Condition Types - Purchasing
2. Check the following condition types.
Condition Type
Output tax manually
Input tax manually
Rebate Accruals
Rebate Accruals Rev
Rebate AccrualsSettl
Rebate Business Vol.
Rebate Accruals
Rebate Accr Total
Rebate Net Amount
Rebate PartSettl Rev
Rebate Tax Trigger
Rebate Tax
RES1 Rebate and REA1 Rebate Accruals are the condition types for which you maintain data
records in the condition contract maintenance (see chapters Specify CC-Relevance for
Condition Types, Define Condition Type Groups and Assign Condition Types to Condition Type
All other condition types are (only) used in the pricing procedures for the settlement documents
– see chapter Define Pricing Procedures.
Condition type RES1 Rebate
Explanation RES1: You use this condition type in a condition contract to maintain rebate
conditions in purchasing rebate scenarios. This condition type uses the delivered access
sequence RE01 Purchasing Rebate.
Condition type REA1 Rebate Accruals
Explanation REA1: You use this condition type in a condition contract to maintain accruals
conditions in the purchasing rebate scenarios. Therefore, note that the Accruals indicator is
selected in the Control Data 2 group box. This condition type uses the delivered access
sequence REA1 Purchasing Rebate Accruals.
Condition type REBV Rebate Business Vol.
Explanation REBV: You use this condition type in a settlement run for the business volume, see
pricing procedures A10002, A10003 and A10004 in chapter Define Pricing Procedures. It's a
manual condition type without access sequence because the condition amount – accordingly,
the calculation type is B Fixed Amount – is determined by the settlement program.
To control the transfer to the pricing procedures in the settlement run, you specify this condition
type in the Amount Fields view of a profile for business volume determination (see chapter
Define and Configure Profiles for Business Volume Determination).
Condition type RES2 Rebate PartSettl Rev
Explanation RES2: You use this condition type in a settlement run for the total amount of
previous partial settlements, see pricing procedures A10002, A10003, and A10004 in chapter
Define Pricing Procedures. It's a manual condition type without access sequence because the
condition amount – accordingly, the calculation type is B Fixed Amount – is determined by the
settlement program. To control the transfer to the pricing procedures in the settlement run, you
specify this condition type in a condition contract type (see chapter Specify Settlement Settings
for Condition Contract Types).
Condition type REA2 Rebate Accruals Rev
Explanation REA2: You use this condition type in a settlement run for the amount of the
accruals reversal, see pricing procedures A10002 and A10004 in chapter Define Pricing
Procedures. Therefore, note the Accruals indicator in the Control Data 2 group box. It's a
manual condition type without access sequence because the condition amount – accordingly,
the calculation type is B Fixed Amount – is determined by the settlement program. To control
the transfer to the pricing procedures in the settlement run, you specify this condition type in the
condition type group for accruals (see chapter Define and Configure Condition Type Groups for
Condition type REA5 Rebate AccrualsSettl
Explanation REA5: You use this condition type in a settlement run for the amount of the
accruals index update, see pricing procedures A10002 and A10004 in chapter Define Pricing
Procedures. All parameter values are identical with values for REA2. So, note the Accruals
indicator in the Control Data 2 group box. It’s a manual condition type without access sequence
because the condition amount is determined by the settlement program. To control the transfer
to the pricing procedures in the settlement run, you specify this condition type in a condition
contract type (see chapter Specify Settlement Settings for Condition Contract Types).
Condition type RED1 Rebate Accruals
Explanation RED1: You use this condition type in a settlement run to determine the accruals
amount for delta accruals, see pricing procedure A10003 in chapter Define Pricing Procedures.
It is not an accruals condition type itself – the Accruals indicator in the Control Data 2 group box
is not selected – but it uses the accruals condition type REA1 as reference, see corresponding
entries in the Master Data group box. Such a condition type is required in the pricing procedure
as accruals conditions are not considered in the net amount determination. The net amount is
used for the accruals update.
Condition type RED2 Rebate Accr Total
Explanation RED2: You use this condition type in a delta accruals settlement run for the total
amount of accruals to be reversed, see pricing procedure A10003 in chapter Define Pricing
Procedures. It’s a manual condition type without access sequence because the condition
amount is determined by the settlement program. To control the transfer to the pricing
procedures in the settlement run, you specify this condition type in the condition type group for
accruals (see chapter Define and Configure Condition Type Groups for Accruals).
Condition type RETX Rebate Tax
Explanation RETX: In scenarios in which you regard purchasing rebate agreements as a kind of
service, you use this condition type in a settlement run for the tax condition, see pricing
procedure A10002 in chapter Define Pricing Procedures. This condition type uses the delivered
access sequence RET1 Purchasing Rebate Tax.
Condition type RETT Rebate Tax Trigger
Explanation RETT: In scenarios with goods-related taxation of the rebate amount, you use this
condition type in a settlement run for the tax condition, see pricing procedure A10004 in chapter
Define Pricing Procedures. This condition type uses the delivered access sequence RET2
Purchasing Rebate Tax Trigger.
Condition type RENT Rebate Net Amount
Explanation RENT: You use this condition type for the business volume in manually created
settlement documents, see pricing procedure A10005 in chapter Define Pricing Procedures.
Condition type VS00 Tax trigger
Explanation VS00: You use this condition type as trigger for the tax determination in manually
created settlement documents, see pricing procedure A10005 in chapter Define Pricing
Condition class G Tax Classification ensures to determine the tax conditions based on the tax
code of the item. Tax conditions are not determined via pricing; they are taken from the
corresponding tax code determination in FI directly.
Condition type MWAS Output tax manually
Explanation MWAS: You use this condition type to adopt the result of the tax determination
triggered by RETT or VS00 (see chapter Define Pricing Procedures).
Condition type MWVS Input Tax
Explanation MWVS: You use this condition type to adopt the result of the tax determination
triggered by RETT or VS00 (see chapter Define Pricing Procedures).
2.1.4. Specify CC-Relevance for Condition Types
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General  Settlement Management Condition
Contract ManagementCondition Contract
ConditionsPurchasingSpecify CC-Relevance and Copy
Control for Condition Types
2. Check the Relevant for Condition Contract Determination in Pricing indicator and the Usage
parameter for the following condition types: REA1 Rebate Accruals and RES1 Rebate.
The Relevant for Condition Contract Determination in Pricing indicator controls that a condition
type is relevant for the determination of applicable condition contracts during pricing for a document.
2.1.5. Define Condition Type Groups
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement ManagementCondition
Contract ManagementCondition Contract
ConditionsPurchasingDefine Condition Type Groups
2. Check the condition type group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate.
You assign a condition type group to a condition contract type (see chapter Define Condition
Contract Types).
Condition type group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate is assigned to all condition contract types used
for purchasing rebate scenarios.
2.1.6. Assign Condition Types to Condition Type Groups
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement ManagementCondition
Contract ManagementCondition Contract
ConditionsPurchasingAssign Condition Types to
Condition Type Groups
2. Check the entries for condition type group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate. Note value A Condition
Contract Number Must Appear in Access Sequence is selected in column Usage of
Condition Contract Number for Condition Type.
3. Select this entry and choose Condition Types for Group in the Dialog Structure frame.
Check the assigned condition types as shown below.
In condition type groups 0P01, you assign condition type RES1 Rebate for maintaining a rebate
condition in the condition contract and condition type REA1 Rebate Accruals for maintaining
accruals conditions.
In condition type group 0P01, you only use two maintenance levels – Condition Contract and
Condition Contract / Material – for condition types RES1 and REA1 in the condition contract. The
maintenance levels correspond with the accesses (to condition tables 4AB and 163,
respectively) of the access sequence RE01 (REA1) assigned to condition type RES1 (REA1).
2.1.7. Define Account Keys
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Account Determination Materials Management (MM)
Define Account Keys
2. Check account key 0P1 Purchasing Sales as shown below.
3. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Account Determination Revenue Account Determination
(SD) Define and Assign Account Keys Define Account Key
4. Check account key 0P1 Purchasing Rebate as shown below.
The account key 0P1 Purchasing Rebate is used in the pricing procedures to control the
account determination for rebate and accrual condition types.
2.1.8. Define Pricing Procedures
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Pricing Purchasing (MM) Set Calculation Schema Purchasing
2. Check pricing procedures A10002 Rebates (Germany), A10003 Rebates Delta
Accrual(Germany), A10004 Rebates (Goods Rel.) (Germany) and A10005 Rebates Manual
(Germany) as shown below.
3. Select an entry and choose Control data in the the Dialog Structure frame. Check the steps
in the pricing procedure as shown below.
Pricing procedure A10002 Rebates (Germany)
The calculation logic for pricing procedure A10002 is the following:
Step 100, condition type REBV Rebate Business Vol.
Contains the business volume amount that the system transfers to the pricing procedure in the
settlement run. Accordingly, the Manual indicator is selected for this condition. In addition, the
Statistics indicator is selected as the business volume amount shall not be considered for the
net amount. The business volume amount is stored in subtotal 7. Print ID is A Total: General
Step 200, condition type RES1 Rebate
The condition basis for the rebate amount calculation is line 100 (see From column). Base
formula 214 in column BasType is required to adjust the sign of the condition value if you
handle a delta accrual related settlement document and to set right value for fixed value
conditions types if the condition basis is negative. The account for the FI posting is determined
using account key 0P1 (see column Account Key). The calculated value is stored in subtotal 1.
Print ID is A Total: General
Step 300, condition type RES2 Rebate PartSettl Rev
Contains the total amount of previous partial settlements. The system determines this amount in
the settlement run and transfers it to the pricing procedure. Accordingly, the Manual indicator is
selected for this condition. The account for the FI posting is determined using account key 0P1
(see column Account Key). The total amount of previous partial settlements is stored in subtotal
3. Print ID is A Total: General
Step 399, Net Amount
Contains the net rebate amount as difference between the actual calculated rebate amount
minus the amount of previously settled rebates. Print ID is A Total: General
Step 400, tax condition type RETX Rebate Tax
The tax value is determined using the corresponding access sequence. The condition basis is
the net amount of the previous line. Print ID is A Total: General.
Step 499, Gross Amount
Contains the gross amount as sum of net amount and tax amount. The calculated gross amount
is stored in subtotal 9 which copies the value to KOMP-BRTWR (gross value). Print ID is A Total:
Step 800, condition type REA2 Rebate Accruals Rev
Contains the amount of the accruals reversal. The system determines this amount in the
settlement run and transfers it to the pricing procedure. Accordingly, the Manual indicator is
selected for this condition. In addition, the Statistics indicator is selected as the amount of the
accruals reversal is not relevant for the total net amount. Account key 0P1 (see column
Accruals) is used to determine the accruals account for the FI posting. The calculated value of
the line is stored in subtotal 2.
Step 850, condition type REA5 Rebate AccrualsSettl
Contains the amount of the excessive accruals amount that shall be written back to accruals
index table WCOCOF. The amount is calculated by condition value formula 91 CCS: Accr. in
Settl, entered in column Alt.Calculation Type, as the difference between the absolute value of
subtotal 2 and the net value.
Step 900, Effective Value
Contains the effective value which in fact equals the gross amount. The calculated amount is
stored in subtotal S (KOMP-EFFWR).
Pricing procedure A10003 Rebates Delta Accrual(Germany)
The calculation logic for pricing procedure A10003 is the following:
Step 100, condition type REBV Rebate Business Vol.
Contains the business volume amount that the system transfers to the pricing procedure in the
settlement run. Accordingly, the Manual indicator is selected for this condition. In addition, the
Statistics indicator is selected because the business volume amount should not be considered
in the calculation of the net amount. The business volume amount is stored in subtotal 7.
Step 200 (condition type RES1) and step 201 (condition type RED1) reflect some flexibilty in
how accruals are handled during condition contract processing. The configuration has been
done to avoid the creation of two different pricing procedures which would lead to a duplication
of some other parameters (settlement document type, condition contract type).
If the rebate and accruals percentage of a condition contract should be identical, it is sufficient
to just maintain the rebate conditions with condition type RES1 and to also use the condition
RES1 for the accruals posting.
Step 201, condition type RED1 Rebate Accruals represents the usual accruals amount
determination with the accruals conditions. Here, the accrual condition type REA1 is not used
directly. Instead a 'normal' condition type, RED1 is used where the accruals condition type REA1
is assigned as reference.
To avoid double-calculation of the accruals amount in these two steps, a condition exclusion
group containing condition types RES1 and RED1 has been defined and assigned to pricing
procedure A100003 (see chapter Condition Exclusion For Groups Of Conditions) so that only
the condition type with the higher percentage is applied.
Step 200, condition type RES1 Rebate
Represents a percentage condition which is determined using the corresponding access
sequence. The condition basis for the rebate amount calculation is from step 100 (see the From
column). Base formula 214 in column Alt.Cond.Base Value is required to adjust the sign of the
condition value if you handle a delta accrual related settlement document and to set right value
for fixed value condition types if the condition basis is negativ. The account for the FI posting is
determined using account key 0P1 (see column Account Key). The calculated value is stored in
subtotal 1.
Step 201, condition type RED1 Rebate Accruals
Contains the percentage condition type RED1 Rebate Accruals which is determined using the
corresponding access sequence. The condition basis for the rebate amount calculation is from
step 100 (see the From column). Base formula 214 in column Alt.Cond.Base Value is required
to adjust the sign of the condition value if you handle a delta accrual related settlement
document and to set right value for fixed value conditions types if the condition basis is negativ.
The account for the FI posting is determined using account key 0P1 (see column Account Key).
The calculated value is stored in subtotal 1.
Note: An accruals condition type is not considered for the net amount calculation in the pricing
procedure. However, this is required for the accruals amount. To enable consideration for the
net amount, a 'normal' condition type is used instead which references the actual accruals
condition type REA1. Condition type RED1 has the same access sequence as REA1.
Step 300, condition type RES2 Rebate PartSettl Rev
Contains the total amount of previous partial settlements. The system determines this amount in
the delta accruals settlement run and transfers it to the pricing procedure. Accordingly, the
Manual indicator is selected for this condition type. The account for the FI posting is determined
using account key 0P1 (see column Account Key).The total amount of previous partial
settlements is stored in subtotal 3.
Step 350, condition type RED2 Rebate Accr Total
Contains the total amount of already reversed accruals. The system determines this amount in
the delta accruals settlement run and transfers it to the pricing procedure. Accordingly, the
Manual indicator is selected for this condition type. The account for the FI posting is determined
using account key 0P1 (see column Account Key).The total amount of already reversed
accruals is stored in subtotal 2.
Contains the net amount as calculated by condition value formula 2 Net value.
Step 499, Gross Amount
Contains the gross amount as sum of net amount and tax amount as calculated by condition
value formula 4 Net value + tax. The calculated gross amount is stored in subtotal 9 which
copies the value to KOMP-BRTWR (gross value).
Step 900, Effective Value
Contains the effective value which in fact equals the gross amount as also formula 4 is applied.
The calculated amount is stored in subtotal S (KOMP-EFFWR).
Pricing procedure A10004 Rebates (Goods Rel.) (Germany)
Compared with pricing procedure A10002, the calculation logic for pricing procedure A10004
only differs in the way how the tax amount is determined:
Step 400, condition type RETT Rebate Tax Trigger
As tax trigger condition type – condition class is G Tax Classification – triggers the tax
percentage determination from the tax calculation procedure, see explanation for condition type
VS00 in pricing procedure A10005 below. The tax code is taken from business volume data.
Only when no tax code has been found – this includes the scenario that there is no business
volume for the current settlement item – the tax rate is determined from condition records.
Pricing procedure A10005 Rebates Manual (Germany)
Again, to limit the number of delivered objects, this pricing procedure is used for two contexts:
the entry of a settlement document for an external document sent by a supplier, and the
‘internal’ creation of a settlement document. Accordingly, this procedure combines two types of
tax amount determination. For an external invoice tax data are copied from the manual entries
in the settlement document, for the internal creation the tax rate is determined from condition
records. Requirements 65 LO-AB: Tax entry and 66 LO-AB: Tax determ. establish an
either(VS00)-or(RETX) logic.
The calculation logic for pricing procedure A10005 is the following:
Step 100, condition type RENT Rebate Net Amount
The condition value for this step is filled with the net value entered in the settlement document
item. This data transfer is controlled by the condition value formula 250 in the Alt.Calculation
Type column.
Step 400, condition type VS00 Tax trigger
This pricing step is for the scenario with an external invoice. Requirement 65 LO-AB: Tax entry
checks a control parameter set by the Settlement Management program that reading conditions
is not required. Because of condition class G Tax Classification, the condition type triggers the
tax percentage determination from the tax calculation procedure (see first screenshot below)
and fills the result into the condition value of step 410 with condition type MWVS Input tax
manually (compare second screenshot). The data transfer only works when (relevant) condition
types for taxes from the tax calculation procedure are included in the pricing procedure for
condition contract settlement.
Tax calculation procedure TAXD Sales Tax - Germany
Maintenance of tax rates for the specific tax code V1 19% domestic input tax
Step 410, condition type MWVS Input tax manually
Adopts the result of the tax percentage determination triggered by condition type AS01 for
purchasing-sided manual settlement documents.
Step 420, condition type MWAS Output tax manually
Adopts the result of the tax percentage determination triggered by condition type AS01 for
sales-sided manual settlement documents.
Step 450, condition type RETX Rebate Tax
The tax value is determined using the corresponding access sequence. The condition basis is
the net amount of the previous line. Requirement 66 LO-AB: Tax determ. checks a control
parameter set by the Settlement Management program that reading conditions is required.
Step 900, Effective Value
Contains the effective value which in fact equals the gross amount. The calculated amount is
stored in subtotal S (KOMP-EFFWR).
Step 950, condition type REA5 Rebate Accruals Settl
Currently, this step serves as placeholder for a future enhancement.
2.1.9. Condition Exclusion For Groups Of Conditions
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Pricing Purchasing (MM) Condition Exclusion For
Groups Of Conditions
2. Choose activity Define Condition Exclusion Groups on the dialog screen.
3. Check exclusion group 0P01 Purch Rebate DeltaAc as shown below.
Then choose Back (F3).
4. Choose activity Assignment of Condition Exclusion <-> Condition Types on the dialog
5. Check assignment of condition types RED1 and RES1 to exclusion group 0P01 as shown
Then choose Back (F3).
6. Choose activity Assignment of Condition Exclusion <-> Calculation Schema on the dialog
7. Select pricing procedure A10003 and choose Exclusion in the Dialog Structure frame.
Check assignment of exclusion group 0P01 as shown below.
The exclusion group for pricing procedure A10003 has been configured to enable the usage of
one pricing procedure for two ways of calculating the accruals amount: a calculation based on
the 'normal' rebate condition and a calculation based on the accrual condition - see explanation
in chapter Define Pricing Procedures.
Note: The exclusion group must contain the condition type RED1 used in pricing procedure
A10003 and not condition type REA1 for accruals (for which you maintain entries in the
condition contract) that is the reference condition type in condition type RED1.
2.1.10. Define Document Schema Groups for Settlement
Document Types
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Pricing Define Document Schema Groups for Settlement
Document Types
2. Check document schema groups as shown below.
The document schema groups are used in the pricing procedure determination as explained in
chapter Pricing Procedure Determination. You assign the document schema groups to
settlement document types (see chapter Define Settlement Document Types) so that the
different pricing procedures can be used for the settlement document types fulfilling different
purposes (partial settlement, delta accruals settlement, etc.).
Document schema group 0P Purchasing Rebate is used for the following settlement document
types (and the corresponding settlement document types for the document reversal):
0P11 (0P13) Purchasing Rebate Invoice (Reversal)
0P12 (0P14) Purchasing Rebate Credit (Reversal)
0P21 (0P23) Purchasing Rebate Invoice Parked (Rev)
0P22 (0P24) Purchasing Rebate Credit Parked (Reversal)
0P51 (0P53) Purchasing Rebate Invoice Proforma (Rev)
0P52 (0P54) Purchasing Rebate Credit Proforma (Rev)
0P61 (0P63) Purchasing Rebate AccRec Accruals Rev (Rev)
0P62 (0P64) Purchasing Rebate AccPay Accruals Rev (Rev)
0P91 (0P93) Purchasing Rebate AccRec Collection (Rev)
0P92 (0P94) Purchasing Rebate AccPay Collection (Rev)
Document schema group 0Q Pur Rebate DeltaAcc is used for settlement document type 0P42
(0P44) Purchasing Rebate Delta Accruals (Reversal).
Document schema group 0R Pur Rebate GoodsRel is used for the following settlement
document types (and the corresponding settlement document types for the document reversal):
0PA2 (0PA4) Purchasing Rebate Goods Rel Credit (Rev)
0PB2 (0PB4) Purchasing Rebate Goods Credit Parked (Rev)
0PE2 (0PE4) Purchasing Rebate Goods Credit Proforma (Purchasing Rebate Goods Credit Prof
0PF2 (0PF4) Purchasing Rebate Goods Accruals Rev (Rev)
0PI2 (0PI4) Purchasing Rebate Goods Collection (Rev)
Document schema group 0W Pur Rebate Manual is used for settlement document type 0P31
(0P33) Purchasing Rebate Manual Invoice (Rev) and 0P32 (0P34) Purchasing Rebate Manual
Credit (Reversal).
2.1.11. Pricing Procedure Determination
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Pricing Pricing Procedure Determination
2. Choose activity Pricing Procedure Determination for Settlement Document on the dialog
3. Check the entries as shown below.
Pricing procedure A10002 Rebates (Germany) intended for partial and final settlement is
assigned to document schema group 0P Purchasing Rebate.
Pricing procedure A10003 Rebates Delta Accrual(Germany) intended for delta accruals
settlement is assigned to document schema group 0Q Pur Rebate DeltaAcc.
Pricing procedure A10004 Rebates (Goods Rel.) (Germany) intended for partial and final
settlement within the goods-related taxation scenarios is assigned to document schema group
0R Pur Rebate GoodsRel.
Pricing procedure A10005 Rebates Manual (Germany) intended for manual settlement
document entry is assigned to document schema group 0W Pur Rebate Manual.
2.2 Configure Condition Contract Maintenance
The configuration of Condition Contract Maintenance comprises two steps:
Configure parameters for condition contract types
Define condition contract types
2.2.1. Define Number Ranges
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Condition
Contract ManagementCondition Contract Maintenance
Define Number Ranges
2. On the following Edit Intervals: Condition Contract, Object WCB_CC screen, choose
function Intervals and check the number range 01 as shown below.
Note: You assign number ranges to condition contract types. Number range 01 is assigned to
all condition contract types in the standard delivery.
2.2.2. Define Condition Contract Categories
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Condition
Contract ManagementCondition Contract Maintenance
Define Condition Contract Categories
2. Check condition contract category 0P Purchasing Rebate.
Note: You assign condition contract categories to condition contract types (see chapter Define
Condition Contract Types).
Condition contract category 0P Purchasing Rebate is used to bundle condition contracts for
purchasing rebates, for example, in reporting.
2.2.3. Define and Configure Field Status Groups for Header
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Condition
Contract ManagementCondition Contract Maintenance
Define and Configure Field Status Groups for Header Fields
2. Check the field status groups with corresponding fields as shown below.
You assign field status groups to condition contract types (see chapter Define Condition
Contract Types).
Field status group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate is assigned to condition contract types for condition
contracts with taxation as a service, for example, 0PI1 Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invoice.
Field status group 0S02 Purchasing Rebate Goods Related is assigned to condition contract
types for condition contracts with goods-related taxation, for example, 0PI3 Purchasing Rebate:
Supplier Invc, Goods.
Field status group 0P01 sets the purchasing-related fields (EKORG Purchasing Organization,
EKGRP Purchasing Group, BUKRS Company Code) as required entries.
Field ACCESS_TYPE Access Type is hidden as currently only the value blank Exclusive out of
two options is supported.
In field status group 0P02 all sales related organizational data are hidden so that the Sales tab
page is hidden completely.
2.2.4. Define Text Determination Procedures
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Condition
Contract ManagementCondition Contract Maintenance
Text Control  Define Text Determination Procedures
2. Check text determination procedure 0P Purchasing Rebate.
You assign text determination procedures to condition contract types. Text determination
procedure 0P Purchasing Rebate is assigned to all condition contract types for purchasing
rebates described in this document.
Text determination procedure 0P Purchasing Rebate allows the user to enter texts on header
2.2.5. Specify Text Types for Text Determination Procedure
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Condition
Contract ManagementCondition Contract Maintenance
Text Control  Specify Text Types for Text Determination
2. Check the assignment of text types to text determination procedure 0P as shown below.
Client-independent text IDs 0P01 Internal Text and 0P02 External Text that are assigned to text
determination procedure 0P Purchasing Rebate delivered as of the standard configuration.
2.2.6. Define Check Groups
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Condition
Contract ManagementCondition Contract Maintenance
Additional Checks  Define Check Groups
2. Check the check groups 0P01 Purchasing Rebate as shown below.
You assign check groups to condition contract types: 0P01 Purchasing Rebate is assigned to all
condition contract types described in this document (see chapter Define Condition Contract
Currently, check group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate does not provide any additional checks.
However, it can be regarded as preparation for future releases to allow the definition of
customer-specific checks.
2.2.7. Specify Settings for Transfer Manager
Note: The settings for transfer event 75 Condition Contract Default Values Head are relevant
for the definition of condition contract types (see next chapter). Therefore this Customizing
activity is described now, starting with transfer event 75. However, to avoid repeating this
Customizing activity at other places in this document, the settings made for other transfer
events – mostly relevant for the settlement document types – are already described here (in
alphanumeric order).
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Settlement
DocumentsSpecify Settings for Transfer Manager
2. Choose activity Define Transfer Groups.
3. Select event 75 Condition Contract Default Values Head and choose Transfer Groups in the
Dialog Structure frame. Check transfer group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate and the
corresponding transfer rule as shown below.
4. Select event 18 Data Transfer Collective Document Head and check transfer group 0P01
Purchasing Rebate and the corresponding transfer rules as shown below.
5. Select event 22 Fill Pricing Item Supplier and choose Transfer Groups in the Dialog
Structure frame. Check transfer group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate and the corresponding
transfer rules as shown below.
6. Select event 23 Fill Pricing Item Customer and choose Transfer Groups in the Dialog
Structure frame. Check transfer group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate and the corresponding
transfer rules as shown below.
7. Select event 63 Default Data Header Cancellation and choose Transfer Groups in the
Dialog Structure frame. Check transfer group 0R Rebate and the corresponding transfer
rules shown below.
Note: This transfer group is used both in purchasing and sales rebate scenarios.
8. Select transfer event 6I Transfer Final Document Number and choose Transfer Groups in
the Dialog Structure frame. Check transfer group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate and the
corresponding transfer rules as shown below.
Transfer event 75 Condition Contract Default Values Head
Transfer group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate with transfer rule 1 sets the default value 0P01
Purchasing Rebate Net Amount for the amount field group when you create a new condition
contract with one of the condition contract types described here.
Transfer group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate is assigned to all condition contract types described in
this document.
Transfer event 18 Data Transfer Collective Document Head
Transfer group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate includes three transfer rules to copy the actual
settlement date (field KOMLFK-ACT_SETTLE_DATE), the start date of the settlement period
(field KOMLFK-SETTLE_START_DATE), and the settlement date type (field KOMLFKSETTLE_DATE_TYPE) from the single settlement document to the collective document.
Transfer event 22 Fill Pricing Item Supplier
Transfer group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate sets the fixed value 1 for field TAXM1 Tax
Classification Material in the pricing communication structure KOMP for the pricing feature in the
creation process of a settlement document (compare chapter Define Pricing Procedures). This
reflects that the purchasing rebate is regarded as service for the supplier for which the full tax
can be applied independent from the tax classification of the material.
Rule 2
Transfer group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate is assigned to all settlement document types related to
purchasing rebate scenarios in which the rebate is regarded as a service and for which a
supplier-sided settlement is configured (see chapter Assign Transfer Groups to Settlement
Document Type).
Transfer event 23 Fill Pricing Item Customer
Transfer group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate sets the fixed value 1 for field TAXM1 Tax
Classification Material in the pricing communication structure KOMP for the pricing feature in the
creation process of a settlement document (compare chapter Define Pricing Procedures). This
reflects that the purchasing rebate is regarded as service for the supplier for which the full tax
can be applied independent from the tax classification of the material.
Rule 2
Transfer group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate is assigned to all settlement document types related to
purchasing rebate scenarios in which the rebate is regarded as a service and for which a
customer-sided settlement is configured (see chapter Assign Transfer Groups to Settlement
Document Type).
Transfer event 63 Default Data Header Cancellation
Transfer group 0R Rebate for transfer event 63 Default Data Header Cancellation concerns the
cancellation of settlement documents. Transfer rule 1 initializes the reference document number
(KOMLFK-XBLNR) for the cancellation settlement document. Transfer rule 2 copies the creation
date of the settlement document to be cancelled to the document date (KOMLFK-BLDAT) of the
cancellation settlement document.
Transfer group 0R Rebate is assigned to all settlement document types for cancellation
(exception for the settlement document type to cancel manual settlement documents) used in
the purchasing rebate scenarios described in this document (see chapter Assign Transfer
Groups to Settlement Document Type).
A related configuration setting is the field change group for cancellation. The field change group
0R Rebate allows to change fields KOMLFK-XBLNR and KOMLFK-BLDAT and is also assigned to
the settlement document types (see chapter Define Field Change Groups for Cancellation
Documents and Assign Transfer Groups to Settlement Document Type).
Transfer event 6I Transfer Final Document Number
Transfer group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate for transfer event 6I Transfer Final Document Number
sets the reference document number also for the payment reference. This transfer group is
assigned to settlement document types for ‘normal’ settlement (see chapter Assign Transfer
Groups to Settlement Document Type).
2.2.8. Define Condition Contract Types
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Condition
Contract ManagementCondition Contract Maintenance
Define Condition Contract Types
2. Check the following condition contract types as shown and explained below.
Settlement Document Type
Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invoice
Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invc, 2step
Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invc, Goods
Purchasing Rebate: Supl Invc, Gds, 2step
Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt
Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt, 2step
Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt, Goods
Purchasing Rebate: Gds Rcpt, Gds, 2step
Purchasing Rebate: Purchase Order
Purchasing Rebate: Purchase Order, 2step
Purchasing Rebate: Purchase Order, Goods
Purchasing Rebate: PurOrd, Goods, 2step
Condition Contract Type 0PI1 Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invoice
Fundamental for a condition contract used for purchasing rebates with a certain supplier – this is
the scenario for which condition contract type 0PI1 has been designed – is that the type of
contract partner is V Supplier and the type of eligible partner is N No Eligible Partner.
In this condition contract type, several previously defined parameters are specified: number
range 01, purchasing condition type group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate, text determination
procedure 0P Purchasing Rebate, field status group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate, check group
0P01 Purchasing Rebate, and transfer group for default values in the contract header 0P01
Purchasing Rebate.
You can also see that no approval process is defined and that changes via UI are allowed.
Tab page Post Processing Framework Actions will be hidden for corresponding condition
contracts as the Hide Tab Page for PPF Actions indicator is selected.
The Enable Creation of Successor Contracts indicator is selected as the creation of successor
condition contracts is included in the designed purchasing rebate scenario.
As the Contract Partner is Optional indicator and the Condition Contract Validity is Optional
indicator is not selected, you must specify the supplier and condition contract validity when you
create a new condition contract.
The following condition contract types have the same parameters:
0PI2 Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invc, 2step
0PG1 Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt
0PG2 Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt, 2step
0PP1 Purchasing Rebate: Purchase Order
0PP2 Purchasing Rebate: Purchase Order, 2step
Condition Contract Type 0PI3 Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invc, Goods
The only difference of 0PI3 compared with condition contract type 0PI1 is that field status
group 0P02 Purchasing Rebate Goods Related is assigned instead of field status group 0P01
Purchasing Rebate.
The following condition contract types have the same parameters:
0PI4 Purchasing Rebate: Supl Invc, Gds, 2step
0PG3 Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt, Goods
0PG4 Purchasing Rebate: Gds Rcpt, Gds, 2step
0PP3 Purchasing Rebate: Purchase Order, Goods
0PP4 Purchasing Rebate: PurOrd, Goods, 2step
2.2.9. Activate Additional Functions
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics – General Settlement Management Condition
Contract ManagementCondition Contract Maintenance
Activate Additional Functions
2. Choose function New Entries and activate all additional functions as shown below.
The additional features for the maintenance of conditions in a condition contract are active in
the Cloud delivery.
2.3 Configure Condition Contract Settlement
The configuration of Condition Contract Settlement comprises five main areas.
Business Volume Determination
Settlement Calendar
Creation of the Settlement Documents
Pricing in Settlement Documents - Calculation of the Rebate Amount, Taxes etc.
Accruals Posting & Reversal (involving Pricing)
Settings for pricing in settlement documents have already been described in main chapter
Configure Pricing Including Condition Contract Conditions.
Calendar settings are included in the settlement settings for a condition contract type (chapter
Specify Settlement Settings for Condition Contract Types).
2.3.1. Define Amount Field Groups
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics – General Settlement Management  Condition
Contract Management Condition Contract Settlement
Define Amount Fields Groups
2. Check amount fields groups 0P01 Purchasing Rebate Net Amount and 0P02 Purchasing
Rebate Rebate Basis as shown below.
You can optionally specify amount field groups when you maintain amount fields in profiles for
business volume determination. The two amount field groups defined here are used in the
amount field specification of business volume determination profiles 0PG1, 0PG2, 0PP1, and
0PP2, amount field group 0P01 is additionally used for profiles 0PI1 and 0PI2 (see chapter
Define and Configure Profiles for Business Volume Determination). From this usage, you can
see that either the net amount determined in the pricing procedure for a source document can
be used as business volume basis or the subtotal 7 equivalent to KOMP-BONBA for the rebate
2.3.2. Define and Configure Profiles for Business Volume
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics – General Settlement Management Condition
Contract Management Condition Contract Settlement
Define and Configure Profiles for Business Volume
2. Check the following profiles for purchasing rebates as shown below.
In the following, profile 0PI1 is explained in detail, then the differences of the other profiles.
3. Double-click profile 0PI1 Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invoice.
4. Choose Amount Fields in the Dialog Structure frame and check the corresponding
parameters as shown below.
5. Choose Split Criteria for Settlement in the Dialog Structure frame and check the split criteria
with the corresponding parameters as shown below.
You assign profiles for business volume determination to condition contract types. The following
tables illustrates the usage of profiles in condition contract types (see chapter Specify
Settlement Settings for Condition Contract Types).
Condition Contract
Purchasing Rebate: Supplier
Purchasing Rebate:
Supplier Invoice
Purchasing Rebate:
Supplier Invc, 2step
Purchasing Rebate:
Supplier Invc, Goods
Purchasing Rebate:
Supl Invc, Gds, 2step
Purchasing Rebate:
Goods Receipt
Purchasing Rebate:
Goods Receipt, 2step
Purchasing Rebate:
Goods Receipt, Goods
Purchasing Rebate: Gds
Rcpt, Gds, 2step
Purchasing Rebate:
Purchase Order
Purchasing Rebate:
Purchase Order, 2step
Purchasing Rebate:
Purchase Order, Goods
Purchasing Rebate:
PurOrd, Goods, 2step
Purchasing Rebate: Supplier
Purchasing Rebate: Goods
Purchasing Rebate: Goods
Receipt, Goods
Purchasing Rebate: Purchase
Purchasing Rebate: Purchase
Order, Goods
The business volume table VWB2_RBKP_RSEG_1 is a view for database tables RBKP Document
Header: Invoice Receipt and RSEG Document Item: Incoming Invoice. That means that supplier
invoices represent the source documents to determine the business volume. Accordingly, the
parameter Document Type Business Volume is set to 04 Invoice Verification and fields BELNR ,
GJAHR, and POSNR are specified for the source document key.
To find relevant source documents with respect to the condition contract validity, the Date
Selection parameter is set to Standard and the BLDAT Document Date in Document is used to
specify the source document's relevant date.
As currency for the business volume, field WAERS Currency Key is used.
As the material group is supported as business volume selection criteria, which also includes
that a material group hierarchy is specified (see chapters Define and Configure Field
Combinations for Business Volume Selection and Define and Configure Sets of Field
Combinations), the Explode Material Group Hierarchy indicator is selected to explode a
specified material group hierarchy into single material groups in the business volume
In the Amount Fields view, amount fields WRBTR Amount in document currency is specified as
amount field.
The business volume amount determined with these fields is transferred to condition type REBV
Rebate Business Vol. within the relevant pricing procedures of the settlement documents (see
chapter Define Pricing Procedures).
As the Detailed Statement feature is supported in the purchasing rebate scenarios, BUSVOL_1
is set in the Fieldname in Detailed Statement column for the WRBTR line.
Additionally, the amount field group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate Net Amount is set for WRBTR line.
In the Split Criteria for Settlement view, fields MATNR Material, and PRCTR Profit Center are
specified as split criteria on item level. Target fields in the settlement document are identical.
The accruals reversal split should be identical to the settlement amount. However, as the fields
for the mentioned split criteria (MATNR and PRCTR) are not available in index table WCOCOF,
the fields MATNR_CDS, PRCTR_CDS have been specified for the accruals reversal split. With this
setting, the system determines the split information from the source documents.
6. Now, check the differences of the other profiles compared with profile 0PI1.
Profiles 0PI2 has the same details parameter and amount fields. However, there is an
additional split criterion MWSKZ for settlement (as shown below) reflecting the goods-related
taxation scenario.
The fundamental difference of profile 0PG1 Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt compared with
profile 0PI1 is that now the material documents for goods receipt postings serve as source
documents for the business volume. Accordingly, as shown below, the business volume table is
VWB2_MKPF_MSEG_1 Business Volume from Goods Receipt, the parameter Document Type
Business Volume is set to 03 Goods Receipt, and fields MBLNR , MJAHR, and ZEILE are
specified for the source document key.
Additionally, amount field BONBA with amount field group 0P02 is specified in the Amount Fields
The fundamental difference of profile 0PP1 Purchasing Rebate: Purchase Order compared with
profile 0PI1 is that now the purchase orders serve as source documents for the business
volume. Accordingly, as shown below, the business volume table is VWB2_EKKO_EKPO_1
Business Volume from Purchase Order, the parameter Document Type Business Volume is set
to 05 Purchase Order, and fields EBELN and EBELP are specified for the source document key.
Additionally, amount field BONBA with amount field group 0P02 is specified in the Amount Fields
view (not shown as screenshot).
2.3.3. Define and Configure Field Combinations for Business
Volume Selection
We show here all the field combinations that can be used for purchasing and sales rebate
scenarios. Which field combination become relevant for a scenario is controlled by the set of
field combinations (see next chapter).
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics – General Settlement Management Condition
Contract Management Condition Contract Settlement
Define and Configure Field Combinations for Business Volume
2. Check the field combinations as shown below.
3. Select field combination 0001 and choose Field Assignment in the Dialog Structure frame.
Check name field KUNNR with the corresponding parameters as shown below.
4. Choose Field Combinations in the Dialog Structure frame again.
5. Repeat the procedure described in steps 3 and 4 for the other field combinations.
Note: Field combinations are grouped in sets of field combinations (see chapter Define and
Configure Sets of Field Combinations) which are assigned to condition contract types (see
chapter Specify Settlement Settings for Condition Contract Types).
2.3.4. Define and Configure Sets of Field Combinations
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics – General Settlement Management  Condition
Contract Management Condition Contract Settlement
Define and Configure Sets of Field Combinations
2. Check the set of field combinations 0P01 Purchasing Rebate as shown below.
Note: Sets of field combinations are assigned to condition contract types, set of field
combination 0P01 Purchasing Rebate is assigned to all condition contract types described in
this document.
Set of field combination 0P01 Purchasing Rebate contains the relevant field combinations
supported in the purchasing rebate scenarios.
Concerning field combination group A: As known, a field combination group within a set of field
combinations effects that the business volumes for the field combinations included in the group
are summarized. This means that you add the business volume of specified materials, material
groups and so on.
The field combination group B for the supplier shall indicate that similarly you can also select
suppliers with different selection criteria while applying this summation logic.
2.3.5. Define and Configure Condition Type Groups for
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Condition
Contract Management Condition Contract Settlement
Define and Configure Condition Type Groups for Accruals
2. Check condition type group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate for accruals and the assigned
condition types as shown below.
Note: Condition type groups for accruals are assigned to condition contract types, condition type
group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate is assigned to all condition contract types described in this
document (see chapter Specify Settlement Settings for Condition Contract Types).
Condition type REA1 Rebate Accruals within the condition type group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate
is the accruals condition type for which you maintain records in the condition contract.
The assigned target conditon type REA2 Rebate Accruals Rev is used in pricing procedure
A10002 to adopt the amount for the accruals reversal during a settlement run (see chapter
Define Pricing Procedures).
The assigned target conditon type for delta accruals RED2 Rebate Accr Total is used in pricing
procedure A10003 to adopt the total amount of already reversed accruals (see chapter Define
Pricing Procedures).
Condition type REA5 Rebate AccrualsSettl is the condition type that is used for the situation in a
settlement run when not all accruals are to be reversed (for example, accruals higher than the
settlement amount are to be transferred to the next settlement). You also specify this condition type
directly in the condition contract type (see chapter Specify Settlement Settings for Condition
Contract Types).
2.3.6. Specify Extended Scope of Settlement Management
In the standard delivery for on-premise releases, the extended scope for Settlement
Management is not activated. However, this is part of the configuration content for Cloud
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics – General Settlement Management Basic
Settings Specify Extended Scope of Settlement Management
2. Check the settings as shown below.
In the Cloud releases, all extended features for Settlement Management are supported.
2.3.7. Define Number Ranges
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Define Number Ranges
2. On the following Edit Intervals: Settlement Managemnt, Object W_LFAKTURA screen,
choose function Display intervals check number range 01 as shown below.
You assign number ranges to settlement document types (see chapter Define Settlement
Document Types). In the standard delivery, number range 01 is assigned to all settlement
document types contained in the standard delivery for purchasing rebate scenarios.
2.3.8. Define Country-Specific Number Ranges
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Specify Country Specific Number Ranges
2. Check number range group 0001 General.
Explanation: In some countries, country specific number ranges are required for settlement
documents - at least for settlement documents which require a payment run in Financial
The general setting of the number ranges is defined on settlement document type level which is
of course not country specific. To allow a country specific number range assignment this
customizing activity was introduced to assign on a group level unique number ranges per
For the countries which require country specific number ranges you have to define the country
related number ranges and you have to assign the number ranges to the number range group.
The number range group 0001 General is already assigned to the settlement document types
which will create FI documents with open items for payment. When the number range group
contains relevant country specific number ranges then theses number ranges have a higher
priority than the number range explicitly assigned to a settlement document type.
2.3.9. Define Process Categories
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Define Process Categories
2. Check process category 0P Purchasing Rebate as shown below.
You assign process categories to settlement process types. Process category 0P Purchasing
Rebate is assigned to the settlement process types described in this document.
Process category 0P is used to bundle settlement documents for purchasing rebates, for
example, in reporting.
2.3.10. Define Posting Rules
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Define Posting Rules
2. Check posting rule 0A Accruals Only as shown below.
Note: You assign posting rules to settlement document types. Posting rule 0A Accruals Only is
assigned to the four settlement document types 0P61 (0P63) Purchasing Rebate AccRec
Accruals Rev (Rev), 0P62 (0S64) Purchasing Rebate AccPay Accruals Rev (Rev) and 0PF2
(0PF4) Purchasing Rebate Goods Accruals Rev (Rev) used for the accruals reversal for the
whole condition contract (see chapter Define Settlement Document Types). The posting rule
ensures that for the accruals reversal settlement, which is similar to a normal settlement, only
the accruals reversal is posted but no rebate amounts.
2.3.11. Define Field Change Groups for Cancellation
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
 Define Field Change Groups for Cancellation Documents
2. Check field change group for cancellation 0R Rebate as shown below.
Note: You assign field change group for cancellation to settlement document types, field change
group for cancellation 0R Rebate is assigned to the settlement document types for cancellation
used in the purchasing rebate scenarios; excepted is settlement document types for the reversal
of manual settlement documents (see chapter Define Settlement Document Types).
Field change group for cancellation 0R Rebate allows you to change the document date (field
BLDAT) and the reference document number (field XBLNR) in the reversal settlement document.
A related configuration setting is the field status group (see chapter Define Field Status Groups).
The field status group 0P02 Purchasing Rebate Manual sets fields KOMLFK-XBLNR and
KOMLFK-BLDAT as required fields.
2.3.12. Define Settlement Document Types
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Settlement
DocumentsSettlement Document Types All Document
2. Check the following settlement document types.
Settlement Document Type
Purchasing Rebate Invoice
Purchasing Rebate Credit
Purchasing Rebate Invoice Reversal
Purchasing Rebate Credit Reversal
Purchasing Rebate Invoice Parked
Purchasing Rebate Credit Parked
Purchasing Rebate Invoice Parked Rev
Purchasing Rebate Credit Parked Reversal
Purchasing Rebate Manual Invoice
Purchasing Rebate Manual Credit
Purchasing Rebate Manual Invoice Rev
Purchasing Rebate Manual Credit Reversal
Purchasing Rebate Delta Accruals
Purchasing Rebate Delta Accruals Rev
Purchasing Rebate Invoice Proforma
Purchasing Rebate Credit Proforma
Purchasing Rebate Invoice Proforma Rev
Purchasing Rebate Credit Proforma Rev
Purchasing Rebate AccRec Accruals Rev
Purchasing Rebate AccPay Accruals Rev
Purchasing Rebate AccRec AccrualsRev Rev
Purchasing Rebate AccPay AccrualsRev Rev
Purchasing Rebate AccRec Collection
Purchasing Rebate AccPay Collection
Purchasing Rebate AccRec Collection Rev
Purchasing Rebate AccPay Collection Rev
Purchasing Rebate Goods Rel Credit
Purchasing Rebate Goods Rel Credit Rev
Purchasing Rebate Goods Credit Parked
Purchasing Rebate Goods Credit ParkedRev
Purchasing Rebate Goods Credit Proforma
Purchasing Rebate Goods Credit Prof Rev
Purchasing Rebate Goods Accruals Rev
Purchasing Rebate Goods Accruals Rev Rev
Purchasing Rebate Goods Collection
Purchasing Rebate Goods Collection Rev
You assign settlement document types to condition contract types. The following table gives you
an overview of this assignment.
Settlement Document Types for
In the purchasing rebate scenarios you want to get a rebate from a supplier for purchasing at
him. For the cash flow, there are two options. You can either send the supplier an invoice, which
means that you settle the condition contract agreement using the A/R accounts. Alternatively,
you can create a credit memo from a supplier. This means, you use the A/P account for
settlement. In the purchasing rebate scenarios described in this document the two options are
realized. In the condition contract type you specified two settlement document types (and
settlement process types) for the two options.
The basic settlement document types for the purchasing rebate scenario are 0P11 Purchasing
Rebate Invoice for the A/R settlement option and 0P12 Purchasing Rebate Credit for the A/P
variant. So, parameters are explained for this settlement document types in detail. For all other
settlement document types, only the diffferences are explained.
Settlement document type 0P11 Purchasing Rebate Credit
This settlement document type represents the settlement option that you send the supplier an
invoice. Accordingly, the settlement document category is 01 Single Document of Type Invoice
in the General Control group box.
You also see that change documents are active at document level.
In the Number Range group box above, you can see that the number range is 01 Settlement
Managemnt (see chapter Define Number Ranges). Additionally, number range group 0001
General is assigned (see chapter Specify Country Specific Number Ranges).
In the Document Entry / Default Data group box, you can see that the change scope is restricted
to 1 Only Posting Date and Posting Period. Settlement documents shall not be changed or
deleted deliberately or by accident. If a change is required, the best practice way is to cancel the
settlement document, do necessary changes in the condition contract and re-create the
settlement document subsequently. On the contrary, posting date or posting period changes are
sometimes required when a certain posting period has already been closed.
The Zero Values Allowed for Items Amounts indicator is selected because it might be the case
that for some items a zero value is calculated based, for example, on a non-reached scale level.
In the VAT Registration Number group box, you can see that the customer VAT ID shall be
proposed from the customer’s master data and that the company code country shall be used for
the determination country.
In the Pricing group box, you can see that the application for price determination is M
Purchasing. Accordingly, pricing procedures A10002 to A10005 have been defined for
application M (see chapter Define Pricing Procedures). Document schema group 0P Purchasing
Rebate (see chapter Define Document Schema Groups for Settlement Document Types) is
assigned to differentiate the pricing procedure determination (see chapter Pricing Procedure
Determination). You can also see that not only zero values are allowed but also a negative net
value and a negative effective value. A simple example is that, for any reasons, in a certain
settlement period the amount of returns is higher than the amount of purchasing.
In the Accounting group box, you can see that according to settlement document category 01
Single Document of Type Invoice a journal entry with FI document type DR Customer Invoice
will be created. Note: As the Posting Block for Transfer to Accounting indicator is not selected,
the settlement document will be passed to FI automatically. Additionally, you can see that
statistical conditions are not passed to FI, and that no tax type check will be performed for the
journal entry creation.The current settlement document number will be used for the reference
number in the journal entry.
In the Control of Account Determination group box, you can see that for the FI postings related
to settlement documents the account determination procedure has been set to V SD Account
Determination. This means that in principle settings are relevant that you maintain in the
Customizing for Settlement Management under Basic Functions  Account Account
Determination  Revenue Account Determination (SD) (see chapter Assign G/L Accounts).
You also see that KOFRP0 Purchasing Rebate has been specified as the procedure for account
In the Message Determination group box, you can see that the Use Output Control indicator is
selected and that 0P02 Purchasing Rebate AccRec has been set as output procedure header.
In the Cancellation group box, you can see that 0P13 Purchasing Rebate Invoice Reversal is
specified as the settlement document type for the reversal document.
Settlement document type 0P12 Purchasing Rebate Credit
There are five differences between settlement document type 0P12 compared with 0P11.
Basically, as 0P12 represents the second settlement option with the creation of a credit memo
from the supplier, the settlement document category in the General Control group box is 03
Single Document of Type Credit Memo. Accordingly, the supplier’s VAT ID shall be proposed
from the master data with again the company code country (see VAT Registration Number
group box) and the FI document type in the Accounting group box is KG Vendor Credit Memo.
Additionally, the output procedure header in the Message Determination group box is 0P01
Purchasing Rebate AccPay and the settlement document type for cancellation in the
Cancellation group box is 0P14 Purchasing Rebate Credit Reversal.
Settlement document type 0P13 Purchasing Rebate Invoice Reversal
Explanation: As 0P13 Purchasing Rebate Invoice Reversal is the reversal settlement document
type for settlement document type 0P11 Purchasing Rebate Invoice, the settlement document
category is 03 Single Document of Type Credit Memo. Note: This settlement document
category ensures that you can cancel a document when you have cleared items in FI.
In the VAT Registration Number group box, you can see that the customer VAT ID shall not be
proposed for the cancellation document because this information is copied from the cancelled
In the Cancellation group box, no settlement document type for reversal is specified. Instead,
the Settlement Doc Type Only f. Cancellation indicator is selected. You can see that 0R Rebate
(see chapter Define Field Change Groups for Cancellation Documents) is used for the field
change group for cancellation.
All other parameter values are identical to 0P11.
Settlement document type 0P14 Purchasing Rebate Credit Reversal
Explanation: As 0P14 Purchasing Rebate Credit Reversal is the reversal settlement document
type for settlement document type 0P12 Purchasing Rebate Credit, the settlement document
category is 01 Single Document of Type Invoice. Note: This settlement document category
ensures that you can cancel a document when you have cleared items in FI.
Parameters in the VAT Registration Number and Cancellation group box are identical to 0P13.
All other parameter values are identical to 0P12.
Settlement document type 0P21 Purchasing Rebate Invoice Parked
Settlement document type 0P22 Purchasing Rebate Credit Parked
Settlement document types 0P21 and 0P22 are used for the scenario that settlement
documents are not transferred directly to FI but bundled in a so called collective settlement
document which is then transferred to FI. The creation of the collective settlement document is
controlled in the corresponding settlement process type 0P15 Purchasing Rebate Accounts
Receivables and 0P10 Purchasing Rebate Accounts Payables (see chapter Define Settlement
Process Types).
There are only three differences for 0P21 Purchasing Rebate Invoice Parked (0P22 Purchasing
Rebate Credit Parked) compared with 0P11 (0P12). There is no number range group assigned
because a country-specific differentiation is not required since the FI transfer happens with the
collective settlement document.
There is no output procedure for the header assigned because the output creation happens with
the collective settlement document (not shown here as screenshot).
The settlement document type for the reversal document is 0P23 Purchasing Rebate Invoice
Parked Rev (0P24 Purchasing Rebate Credit Parked Reversal) (not shown as screenshot).
Settlement document types 0P23 Purchasing Rebate Invoice Parked Rev and 0P24 Purchasing
Rebate Credit Parked Reversal
There are two differences compared with 0P13 (0P14): There is no number range group and no
output procedure for the header assigned.
Settlement document type 0P31 Purchasing Rebate Manual Invoice
Settlement document type 0P32 Purchasing Rebate Manual Credit
There are several differences for 0P31 Purchasing Rebate Manual Invoice (0P32 Purchasing
Rebate Manual Credit) compared with 0P11 (0P12).
There is no number range group assigned.
The value for parameter Change Scope is Unrestricted reflecting the manual settlement
document creation.
In the Pricing group box, you can see that document schema group 0W Pur Rebate Manual (see
chapter Define Document Schema Groups for Settlement Document Types) is assigned so that
the different pricing procedure A10005 Rebates Manual (Germany) is determined (see chapter
Pricing Procedure Determination).
In the Accounting group box, you can see that parameter Partner Lines at Item Level has value
X Yes.
In the Message Determination group box, you can see that there is no message determination.
In the Cancellation group box, you can see settlement document type 0P33 Purchasing Rebate
Manual Invoice Rev for the reversal (0P34 Purchasing Rebate Manual Credit Reversal) (not
shown as screenshot).
Settlement document types 0P33 Purchasing Rebate Manual Invoice Rev and 0P34
Purchasing Rebate Manual Credit Reversal
There are three differences compared with (!) 0P31 (0P32): Customer (supplier) VAT ID is not
determined, there is no settlement document type for cancellation assigned, the Settlement Doc
Type Only f. Cancellation indicator is selected.
Note: No field change group for cancellations is assigned – in contrast to other settlement
document types for cancellation – as settlement documents with this settlement document types
are created manually anyway.
Settlement document type 0P42 Purchasing Rebate Delta Accruals
There are several differences compared with 0P12.
There is no number range group assigned.
In the General Control group box, you can see that the settlement category is F Material
Adjustment. This settlement category ensures that the offset posting will be done on a G/L
account instead on a supplier or customer account.
In the Document Entry / Default Data group box, you can see that the Entry of Tax Code
parameter has value 3 No Input of Tax Codes Possible as for the delta accrual posting no tax
code or tax items will be passed to FI anyway.
In the Pricing group box, the document schema group is 0Q Pur Rebate DeltaAcc so that pricing
procedure A10004 is determined (see chapter Pricing Procedure Determination).
In the Accounting group box, you can see that the FI document type is AB Accounting
In the Control of Account Determination group box, account key 0P1 Purchasing Rebate (see
chapter Define Account Keys) has been set for the Account Key Offset Acc. Mat. Adjustment
field. This account key controls which account is determined for the accruals posting in the delta
accruals settlement run (see chapter Assign G/L Accounts).
There is no message determination (not shown as screenshot) as the delta accruals posting is
an ‘internal’ procedure not relevant for the business partner.
In the Cancellation group box, you can see settlement document type 0P44 Purchasing Rebate
Delta Accruals Rev for the reversal (not shown as screenshot).
Settlement document type 0P44 Purchasing Rebate Delta Accruals Rev
When you compare 0P44 with (!) 0P42 you can see that the only differences concern the
settings for cancellation (the settlement document category and settings in the Cancellation
group box) as described, for example, for 0P13.
Settlement document type 0P51 Purchasing Rebate Invoice Proforma
Settlement document type 0P52 Purchasing Rebate Credit Proforma
Settlement document type 0P51 (0P52) has the following differences compared with 0P11.
First, there is no number range group assigned.
In the General Control group box, you can see that the settlement category is D Pro Forma
Invoice according to the purpose of this settlement document type.
In the VAT Registration Number group box, you can see (not shown as screenshot) that the
customer (supplier) VAT ID shall not be proposed as the customer (supplier) VAT ID does not
play a role for a pro forma invoice (credit memo).
There is no message determination (not shown as screenshot).
In the Cancellation group box, you can see settlement document type 0P53 Purchasing Rebate
Invoice Proforma Rev (0P54 Purchasing Rebate Credit Proforma Rev) for the reversal (not
shown as screenshot).
Settlement document types 0P53 Purchasing Rebate Invoice Proforma Rev and 0P54
Purchasing Rebate Credit Proforma Rev
When you compare 0P53 (0P54) with (!) 0P51 (0P52) you can see that the only differences
concern the settings for cancellation (the settlement document category and settings in the
Cancellation group box) as described, for example, for 0P13.
Settlement document type 0P61 Purchasing Rebate AccRec Accruals Rev
Settlement document type 0P62 Purchasing Rebate AccPay Accruals Rev
Settlement document type 0P61 (0P62) has the following differences compared with 0P11.
There is no number range group assigned. In the VAT Registration Number group box, you can
see (not shown as screenshot) that the customer (supplier) VAT ID shall not be proposed as the
customer (supplier) VAT ID does not play a role for the accruals reversal. There is no output
determination (not shown as screenshot).
In the Accounting group box, you can see – as the relevant difference – that the customer
(supplier) posting rule is 0A Accruals Only (see chapter Define Posting Rules).
In the Cancellation group box, you can see settlement document type 0P63 Purchasing Rebate
AccRec AccrualsRev Rev (0P64 Purchasing Rebate AccPay AccrualsRev Rev) for the reversal
(not shown as screenshot).
Settlement document types 0P63 Purchasing Rebate AccRec AccrualsRev Rev and 0P64
Purchasing Rebate AccPay AccrualsRev Rev
When you compare 0P63 (0P64) with (!) 0P61 (0P62), you can see that the only differences
concern the settings for cancellation (the settlement document category and settings in the
Cancellation group box) as described, for example, for 0P13.
Note: During document reversal, the posting rule is copied from the document to be reversed
but the customer (supplier) posting rule 0A is set (redundantly) for transparency reasons.
Settlement document type 0P91 Purchasing Rebate AccRec Collection
Settlement document type 0P92 Purchasing Rebate AccPay Collection
Settlement document type 0P91 (0P92) has the following differences compared with 0P11.
The usage of this settlement document type is reflected in the variant V Settlement Document
In the VAT Registration Number group box, you can see (not shown as screenshot) that the
customer (supplier) VAT ID shall not be proposed as the customer (supplier) VAT ID is copied
from the single settlement documents.
In the Pricing group box, you can see that the document schema group is 0P Purchasing
In the Follow-On Document Creation General group box, you can see value 1 Take Settlement
Doc Category Preceding Document into Account for the Consid. of SDoc. Cat. for Follow-On
Docs parameter.
In the Cancellation group box, you can see settlement document type 0P93 Purchasing Rebate
AccRec Collection Rev (0P94 Purchasing Rebate AccPay Collection Rev) for the reversal (not
shown as screenshot).
Settlement document type 0P93 Purchasing Rebate AccRec Collection Rev
Settlement document type 0P94 Purchasing Rebate AccPay Collection Rev
As settlement document type for reversal 0P93 (0P94) has the settlement document category
03 Single Document of Type Credit Memo (01 Single Document of Type Invoice).
In the Cancellation group box, you can see that settings are a little bit different compared with
the other settlement document types for reversal. Value X Cleared Automatically if Possible for
the FI Cancellation Method parameter supports an automatically clearing of the open FI items. If
a payment has been taken place the standard FI creation process will be performed.
Value 1 Independent of Preceding Document is chosen for the Posting of Reversal Document
parameter to ensure that in case of standard FI creation the posting of the reversal document is
done independently of the posting of the reversed document. See field help for more
Settlement document type 0PA2 Purchasing Rebate Goods Rel Credit
There are the following differences compared with 0P12.
In the Pricing group box, the document schema group is 0R Pur Rebate GoodsRel so that the
pricing procedure A10004 Rebates (Goods Rel.) (Germany) with goods-related taxation is
determined (see chapter Pricing Procedure Determination).
In the Cancellation group box, you can see settlement document type 0PA4 Purchasing Rebate
Goods Rel Credit Rev for the reversal (not shown as screenshot).
Settlement document type 0PA4 Purchasing Rebate Goods Rel Credit Rev
There are the following differences compared with 0P14.
In the Pricing group box, the document schema group is 0R Pur Rebate GoodsRel so that
pricing procedure A10004 Rebates (Goods Rel.) (Germany) with goods-related taxation is
determined (see chapter Pricing Procedure Determination).
Settlement document type 0PB2 Purchasing Rebate Goods Credit Parked
There are the following differences compared with 0P22.
In the Pricing group box, the document schema group is 0R Pur Rebate GoodsRel so that
pricing procedure A10004 Rebates (Goods Rel.) (Germany) with goods-related taxation is
determined (see chapter Pricing Procedure Determination).
In the Settlement Using Follow-On Documents group box, you can see value 0PI2 Purchasing
Rebate Goods Collection for the Settl. Doc. Type for Coll. of Settl Docs parameter.
In the Cancellation group box, you can see settlement document type 0PB4 Purchasing Rebate
Goods Credit ParkedRev for the reversal (not shown as screenshot).
Settlement document type 0PB4 Purchasing Rebate Goods Credit ParkedRev
There are the following differences compared with 0P24.
In the Pricing group box, the document schema group is 0R Pur Rebate GoodsRel so that
pricing procedure A10004 Rebates (Goods Rel.) (Germany) with goods-related taxation is
determined (see chapter Pricing Procedure Determination).
In the Settlement Using Follow-On Documents group box, you can see value 0PI2 Purchasing
Rebate Goods Collection for the Settl. Doc. Type for Coll. of Settl Docs parameter.
Settlement document type 0PE2 Purchasing Rebate Goods Credit Proforma
There are the following differences compared with 0P52.
In the Pricing group box, the document schema group is 0R Pur Rebate GoodsRel so that
pricing procedure A10004 Rebates (Goods Rel.) (Germany) with goods-related taxation is
determined (see chapter Pricing Procedure Determination).
In the Cancellation group box, you can see settlement document type 0PE4 Purchasing Rebate
Goods Credit Prof Rev for the reversal (not shown as screenshot).
Settlement document type 0PE4 Purchasing Rebate Goods Credit Prof Rev
There are the following differences compared with 0P24.
In the Pricing group box, the document schema group is 0R Pur Rebate GoodsRel so that
pricing procedure A10004 Rebates (Goods Rel.) (Germany) with goods-related taxation is
determined (see chapter Pricing Procedure Determination).
Settlement document type 0PF2 Purchasing Rebate Goods Accruals Rev
There are the following differences compared with 0P62.
In the Pricing group box, the document schema group is 0R Pur Rebate GoodsRel so that
pricing procedure A10004 Rebates (Goods Rel.) (Germany) with goods-related taxation is
determined (see chapter Pricing Procedure Determination).
In the Cancellation group box, you can see settlement document type 0PF4 Purchasing Rebate
Goods Accruals Rev Rev for the reversal (not shown as screenshot).
Settlement document type 0PF4 Purchasing Rebate Goods Accruals Rev Rev
There are the following differences compared with 0P64.
In the Pricing group box, the document schema group is 0R Pur Rebate GoodsRel so that
pricing procedure A10004 Rebates (Goods Rel.) (Germany) is determined (see chapter Pricing
Procedure Determination).
Settlement document type 0PI2 Purchasing Rebate Goods Collection
There are the following differences compared with 0P92.
In the Cancellation group box, you can see settlement document type 0PI4 Purchasing Rebate
Goods Collection Rev for the reversal (not shown as screenshot).
Settlement document type 0PI4 Purchasing Rebate Goods Collection Rev
There are the no differences compared with 0P94.
2.3.13. Assign Transfer Groups to Settlement Document Types
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General  Settlement Management Settlement
Documents Specify Settings for Transfer Manager
2. Choose activity Assign Transfer Groups to Settlement Document Type (via Event) on the
following dialog box.
3. Select transfer event 18 Data Transfer Collective Document Head and choose Assign
Settlement Document Types in the Dialog Structure frame. Check the assignment of
settlement document types with transfer group 0P01 as parameter as shown below.
4. Select transfer event 22 Fill Pricing Item Supplier. Check the assignment of settlement
document types with transfer group 0P01 as parameter as shown below.
5. Select transfer event 23 Fill Pricing Item Customer. Check the assignment of settlement
document types with transfer group 0P01 as parameter as shown below.
6. Select event 63 Default Data Header Cancellation. Check the assignment of settlement
document types with transfer group 0R as parameter as shown below.
7. Select event 6I Transfer Final Document Number. Check the assignment of settlement
document types with transfer group 0R as parameter as shown below.
Transfer group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate (see chapter Specify Settings for Transfer Manager)
for transfer event 18 is assigned to settlement document type 0P91, 0P92, 0PI2 to create the
collective settlement document.
Transfer group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate (see chapter Specify Settings for Transfer Manager)
for transfer event 22 is assigned to settlement document types used in the purchasing rebate
scenarios with taxation as a service and A/P settlement and to settlement document types with
goods-related taxation.
Transfer group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate (see chapter Specify Settings for Transfer Manager)
for transfer event 23 is assigned to all settlement document types used in the purchasing rebate
scenarios with taxation as a service and A/R settlement.
Transfer group 0R Rebate (see chapter Specify Settings for Transfer Manager) for transfer
event 63 is assigned to all settlement document types for reversal documents used in the
purchasing rebate scenarios except the settlement document type for the reversal of manual
created settlement documents.
Transfer group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate (see chapter Specify Settings for Transfer Manager)
for transfer event 6I is assigned to all settlement document types used in the purchasing rebate
scenarios with a data transfer to FI.
2.3.14. Define Field Status Groups
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Settlement
ProcessDefine Field Status Groups
2. Check field status groups 0P01 Purchasing Rebate and 0P02 Purchasing Rebate Manual
with the assigned fields as shown below.
Note: You assign field status groups to settlement process types. Field status group 0P02
Purchasing Rebate Manual is assigned to settlement process type 0P30 Purchasing Rebate
Manual AccPayables and 0P30 Purchasing Rebate Manual AccReceivables and field status
group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate is assigned to all other settlement process types described in
this document (see chapter Define Settlement Process Types).
Field status group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate hides the Fix Value Date (Customer) and Additional
Value Days (Customer) fields in the settlement document's header area as these fields are not
filled automatically by the settlement report.
Additionally, the Payment Reference field on the Basic Data tab page is hidden.
Field status group 0P02 Purchasing Rebate Manual sets the document date (field KOMLFKBLDAT) and the reference document number (field KOMLFK-XBLNR) as required fields.
2.3.15. Define Column Sorting Groups
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Settlement
ProcessDefine Column Sorting Groups
2. Check the column sorting groups with corresponding colums as shown below.
You assign column sorting groups to settlement process types (see chapter Define Settlement
Process Types). Column sorting group 0P01 Purchasing Rebate Accounts Payable is assigned
to settlement process types 0P10 Purchasing Rebate Accounts Payables, 0P20 Purchasing
Rebate AccPay - Two Step, 0P40 Purchasing Rebate Delta Accruals, 0P60 Purchasing
Rebate AP Accruals Reversal, column sorting group 0P03 Purchasing Rebate Accounts
Receivables is assigned to settlement process types 0P15 Purchasing Rebate Accounts
Receivables, 0P25 Purchasing Rebate AccRec - Two Step, 0P65 Purchasing Rebate AR
Accruals Reversal, column sorting group 0P02 Purchasing Rebate Manual AccPayables is
assigned to settlement process type 0P30 Purchasing Rebate Manual AccPayables, column
sorting group 0P04 Purchasing Rebate Manual Acc Receivables is assigned to settlement
process type 0P35 Purchasing Rebate Manual Acc Receivables.
2.3.16. Define Settlement Process Types
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Settlement
ProcessDefine Settlement Process Types
2. Check the following settlement process types.
Settlement Process Type
Purchasing Rebate Accounts Payables
Purchasing Rebate Accounts Receivables
Purchasing Rebate AccPay - Two Step
Purchasing Rebate AccRec - Two Step
Purchasing Rebate Manual AccPayables
Purchasing Rebate Manual AccReceivables
Purchasing Rebate Delta Accruals
Purchasing Rebate AP Accruals Reversal
Purchasing Rebate AR Accruals Reversal
The basic settlement process type for the purchasing rebate scenarios are 0P10 Purchasing
Rebate Accounts Payables and 0P15 Purchasing Rebate Accounts Receivables. So,
parameters are explained for this settlement document types in detail. For all other settlement
process types, only the diffferences are explained.
All parameter values starting from group box Customer-Side Settlement are initial – with the
exception of settlement process 0P20 and 0P25 for which you specify settings for the
collection of settlement documents in the Collection of Settlement Documents group box. So,
this part is only shown once for settlement process type 0P10 Purchasing Rebate Accounts
Payables. In addition, group box Collection of Settlement Documents is shown for 0P20 and
Settlement process type 0P10 Purchasing Rebate Accounts Payables
In the purchasing rebate scenarios, we create settlement documents during the settlement runs.
So, Settlement Document is set for the settlement process category in the Control group box.
This also means that settlement documents are directly transferred to FI and not parked.
As the settlement document is a purchasing-sided document, value 1 Only Supplier Side is set
for the Settlement Partner Category parameter and value Supplier-Side is set for the Price
Determin. on Supplier/Customer parameter.
You can see value D Only Document Schema for the Calculation Schema Determination Type
(see chapter Pricing Procedure Determination).
You can see value C Material-Related With Logistics Data for the Entry Category for Logistics
Data parameter as settlement data is entered including material related data.
As the Post Business Volume in Accounting parameter has value P Using Pricing, the business
volume is posted in the FI document using the account keys specified in the pricing procedure (see
chapters Define Pricing Procedures, Define Settlement Document Types see section Control of
Account Determination, and chapter Assign G/L Accounts).
You can see that the tax code is determined from pricing (value 3 From Price Determination for
the Tax Code Determination parameter).
The Post Tax Amounts indicator is selected as the tax amount has to be posted to FI as well for
the right A/R or A/P account.
The Check Allowed Settlement Doc. Type indicator is selected with view on the future
enhancement, for example, for the entry of the settlement document type when you want to
cancel a settlement document.
You can see that 0P Purchasing Rebate is set for the Process Category parameter (see chapter
Define Process Categories).
In the Check Settlement Management Relevance for Business Partner sub group box, you can
see – from value 1 No Check for the Check Sett. Mgmt. Relevance for Supplier parameter –
that the Settlement Management relevance shall not be checked for the supplier. Typically, this
check is only relevant for the core settlement management processes such as agency business.
In the Default Values group box, you can see that the tax amount and the gross item amount is
calculated - Calculate Tax Amount indicator is selected and value C Automatically for Single and
List Documents for the Determine Gross Value Automatically parameter is set.
In the Document Entry Control group box, you can see value 0P01 Purchasing Rebate for the
field status group (see chapter Define Field Status Groups) and 0P01 Purchasing
RebateAccounts Payables for the column sorting group (see chapter Define Column Sorting
In the Assigned Settlement Document Types group box, sub group box Single Document, you
can see value 0P12 Purchasing Rebate Credit for the Settlement Document Type parameter
(see chapter Define Settlement Document Types and chapter Allowed Combinations Settlement
Process Type / Settlement Document Type).
Settlement process type 0P15 Purchasing Rebate Accounts Payables
Settlement process type 0P15 has the following differences compared with 0P10 – as
consequence of the different settlement via the A/R account for the business partner.
As the settlement document is a sales-sided document, value 1 Only Customer Side is set for
the Settlement Partner Category parameter and value Customer-Side is set for the Price
Determin. on Supplier/Customer parameter.
In the Check Settlement Management Relevance for Business Partner sub group box, you can
see – from value 1 No Check for the Check Sett. Mgmt. Relevance for Customer parameter –
that the Settlement Management relevance shall not be checked for the customer. Typically,
this check is only relevant for the core settlement management processes such as agency
In the Assigned Settlement Document Types group box, sub group box Single Document, you
can see value 0P11 Purchasing Rebate Invoice for the Settlement Document Type parameter.
In addition, column sorting group 0P03 Purchasing Rebate Accounts Receivables is used
(instead of 0P01).
Settlement process type 0P20 Purchasing Rebate AccPay - Two Step
Settlement process type 0P25 Purchasing Rebate AccRec - Two Step
Settlement process type 0P20 (0P25) is designated to create so called parked settlement
documents that are not released to FI immediately. Instead, these settlement documents shall
be bundled in a collective settlement document which is then released to FI. Accordingly, the
Settlement Process Category parameter is B Document Parking and the settlement procedure is
2 Collection of Settlement Documents.
In addition, settlement process type 0P10 Purchasing Rebate Accounts Payables and
settlement document type 0P92 Purchasing Rebate AccPay Collection (settlement process type
0P15 Purchasing Rebate Accounts Payables and settlement document type 0P91 Purchasing
Rebate AccRec Collection) for the collection settlement document are specified for 0P20 (0P25)
in the Collection of Settlement Documents group box.
The settlement document type for the single document is 0P22 (0P21).
Other parameter values are identical to 0P10 (0P15).
Settlement process type 0P30 Purchasing Rebate Manual AccPayables
Settlement process type 0P35 Purchasing Rebate Manual AccReceivables
Settlement process type 0P30 (0P35) is designated to create manual settlement documents. In
the Control group box, you can see B With Logistics Data for the Entry Category for Logistics
Data parameter.
Additionally, you can see value Manual Entry for the Tax Code Determination parameter, as the
tax code is specified on the external invoice.
In the Document Entry Control group box, you can see value 0P02 Purchasing Rebate Manual
for the field status group (see chapter Define Field Status Groups) and 0P02 Purchasing
Rebate Manual AccPayables (0P04 Purchasing Rebate Manual AccReceivables) for the
column sorting group (see chapter Define Column Sorting Groups).
In the Assigned Settlement Document Types group box, you can see value 0P32 Purchasing
Rebate Manual Credit (0P31 Purchasing Rebate Manual Invoice) for the Settlement Document
Type parameter (not shown as screenshot).
Other parameter values are identical to 0P10 (0P15).
Settlement process type 0P40 Purchasing Rebate Delta Accruals
Settlement process type 0P40 is designated to create a settlement document for a delta
accruals settlement run.
In the Default Values group box, you can see value D No Terms of Payment for the Default for
Payment Terms of Supplier because payment terms can be defined on condition contract level.
In the Assigned Settlement Document Types group box, you can see value 0P42 Purchasing
Rebate Delta Accruals for the Settlement Document Type parameter (see chapter Define
Settlement Document Types and chapter Allowed Combinations Settlement Process Type /
Settlement Document Type).
Other parameter values are identical to 0P10.
Settlement process type 0P60 Purchasing Rebate AP Accruals Reversal
Settlement process type 0P65 Purchasing Rebate AR Accruals Reversal
Settlement process type 0P60 (0P65) is designated to create a settlement document for a final
accruals reversal.
In the Assigned Settlement Document Types group box, you can see value 0P62 Purchasing
Rebate AccPay Accruals Rev (0P61 Purchasing Rebate AccRec Accruals Rev) for the
Settlement Document Type parameter (see chapter Define Settlement Document Types and
see also following chapter Allowed Combinations Settlement Process Type / Settlement
Document Type).
Other parameter values are identical compared with 0P10 (0P15).
2.3.17. Allowed Combinations Settlement Process Type /
Settlement Document Type
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Settlement
ProcessAllowed Combinations Settlement Process Type /
Settlement Document Type
2. Check allowed combinations as shown below.
In the purchasing rebate scenarios, we have pre-defined combinations of settlement process
type and settlement document type for the different types of settlement ('normal' partial and final
settlement, proforma settlement, manual settlement, delta accruals settlement, and accruals
reversal settlement).
2.3.18. Specify Copy Control
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Specify Copy Control
2. Choose activity Settlement Management Document to Settlement Management Document.
3. Check copy control entries as shown. Double-click an entry to see the corresponding
parameter settings. The parameter values are identical for all copy control entries. So,
values are only shown once for target settlement document type 0P92 and source
settlement document type 0P21.
2.3.19. Specify Settlement Settings for Condition Contract
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Condition
Contract ManagementCondition Contract Settlement
Specify Settlement Settings for Condition Contract Types
2. On the Display View “Condition Contract Types”: Overview screen, double-click an entry
and check the settlement settings for the following condition contract types as shown below.
Condition Contract Type
Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invoice
Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invc, 2step
Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invc, Goods
Purchasing Rebate: Supl Invc, Gds, 2step
Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt
Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt, 2step
Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt, Goods
Purchasing Rebate: Gds Rcpt, Gds, 2step
Purchasing Rebate: Purchase Order
Purchasing Rebate: Purchase Order, 2step
Purchasing Rebate: Purchase Order, Goods
Purchasing Rebate: PurOrd, Goods, 2step
The basic condition contract type for the purchasing rebate scenario is 0PI1 Purchasing
Rebate: Supplier Invoice. So, parameters are explained for this condition contract type in detail.
For all other condition contract types, only the diffferences are explained.
First, the condition contract types of the scenarios with supplier invoices as source documents
(condition contract types 0PI1 to 0PI4) are described, then the condition contract types of the
scenarios with materials documents for goods receipt as sourece document, then the condition
contract types for purchase orders as source document.
All parameters in the Customer Settlement group box are initial for all condition contract types.
So, this group box is only shown once in the screeshots for condition contract type 0PI1
Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invoice for the sake of completeness.
Additionally, parameters starting from the Contract Determination in Pricing group box are
identical for all condition contract types except the accruals reversal types. So, this part is also
shown only in its entirety for condition contract type 0PI1. Additionally, the deviant accruals
reversal type is indicated for 0PG1 and 0PP1.
Condition contract type 0PI1 Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invoice.
The condition contract settlement type is 1 Supplier Contract Settlement – meaning that you
perform a supplier-sided settlement.
In the Business Volume group box, 0PI1 Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invoice is specified for
the profile for business volume determination (see chapter Define and Configure Profiles for
Business Volume Determination) and 0P01 Purchasing Rebate for the set of field combinations.
Value 1 Error if no Entry Exists for the Check Entries for the BV Selection Criteria parameter
means that the user has to specify business volume selection criteria when maintaining a
condition contract. Eligible partners do not play a role for the business volume determination.
In the Settlement Dates group box, you can see that partial settlement is supported with type 1
Cumulative as well as delta settlements with a maximum of 3 settlement runs. Value 2 Partial
and Final Settlement with Delta Accruals Allowed for the Multiple Settlements on the Same Date
parameter means that you can perform a delta accruals settlement run and a partial or final
settlement run on the same day.
Because of value 1 for the condition contract settlement type, the Settlement Type Supplier
parameter is relevant in the Settlement group box and you can see that as default the suppliersided settlement is performed As Account Payables. However, you can change the settlement
type when creating a new condition contract. Because of the specified supplier contract
settlement, settlement process types and settlement document types (see chapter Define
Settlement Process Types and Define Settlement Document Types) are specified in the
Supplier Settlement group box. As both settlement using the A/R account and settlement using
the A/P account of the supplier is supported entries are made for both the ...(Accounts Payable)
and ...(Accounts Receiv.) entry fields
Condition type RES2 Rebate PartSettl Rev specified for the Condition Type Reverse Partial
Settlemnt parameter is used in the A10002 pricing procedure to adopt the amount of previous
(cumulative) partial settlements which the system determines in a settlement run (compare
chapter Define Pricing Procedures).
You can see that a detailed statement is saved with a settlement run (see chapter Define and
Configure Profiles for Business Volume Determination, BUSVOL_1 is set in the Fieldname in
Detailed Statement column for the NETWR amount field line). You can also see that manual
settlement documents are allowed.
In the Accruals group box, you can see several parameters for the accruals processing as, for
example, 0P01 Purchasing Rebate for the Condition Type Group for Accruals parameter (see
chapter Define and Configure Condition Type Groups for Accruals).
In the Delta Accruals sub group box, you can see that the delta accruals processing is active.
The condition type REA1 specified in the Condition Type for Delta Accruals field is identical to
the condition type for which you maintain records in the condition contract (see chapters Assign
Condition Types to Condition Type Groups and Define Condition Contract Types).
In the Contract Extension group box, you can see that condition contract extension is supported
whereas AJ Annual arrangement is the default value for the extension calendar.
Condition contract type 0PI2 Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invc, 2step.
This condition contract type is related to the two step settlement.
The only difference compared with 0PI1 concerns the settings for normal (partial, final)
settlement in the Supplier Settlement group box. The specified settlement process types and
settlement document types make sure that parked settlement documents are created (see
chapters Define Settlement Process Types and Define Settlement Document Types).
Condition contract type 0PI3 Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invc, Goods
This condition contract type is related to goods-related taxation.
So, differences between condition contract type 0PI3 and 0PI1 Purchasing Rebate: Supplier
Invoice are: First, 0PI2 Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invoice,Good is specified for the profile for
business volume determination. This profile contains the tax code as additional split criterion for
the settlement (see chapter Define and Configure Profiles for Business Volume Determination).
Additionally, settings for creating settlement documents are different. First of all, settlement
using the A/R account of the supplier is not reasonable in the context of goods-related taxation.
So, settlement process types and settlement document types are not specified for this
procedure. For the A/P procedure, settlement document types for the normal and proforma
settlement and for the accruals reversal are different. The different document schema group
assigned to the different settlement document types make sure that A10004 Rebates (Goods
Rel.) (Germany) is determined for the settlement (see chapters Define Settlement Document
Types and Pricing Procedure Determination).
Condition contract type 0PI4 Purchasing Rebate: Supl Invc, Gds, 2step
Condition contract type 0PI4 Purchasing Rebate: Supl Invc, Gds, 2step combines the
differences of two-step settlement and goods-related taxation, so to say the differences of
condition contract types 0PI2 and 0PI3. So, 0PI2 Purchasing Rebate: Supplier Invoice,Good
is again specified for the profile for business volume determination. Second, settlement
document types for the normal and proforma settlement and for the accruals reversal are
different – in a way that parked settlement documents are created in connection with pricing
procedure A10004 Rebates (Goods Rel.) (Germany).
Condition contract type 0PG1 Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt
Condition contract types 0PG1 to 0PG4 are used for purchasing rebate scenarios in which the
material documents for goods receipt posting form the source documents for the business
So, the main difference is that 0PG1 Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt is specified for the
profile for business volume determination. This profile contains another business volume table
to select the business volume from material documents (see chapter Define and Configure
Profiles for Business Volume Determination).
Additionally, the accruals reversal type is 1 Use Status in WCOCOF which means that accruals
shall already been created earlier.
Other parameter values are identical compared with 0PI1.
Condition contract type 0PG2 Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt, 2step
Condition contract type 0PG2 Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt, 2step combines the
differences of condition contract types 0PG1 and 0PI2. So, 0PG1 Purchasing Rebate: Goods
Receipt is specified for the profile for business volume determination and the accruals reversal
type is 1 (not shown as screenshot).
Settlement process types and settlement document types used to create parked settlement
documents for the normal(partial, final) settlement are identical to 0PI2.
Other parameter values are identical compared with 0PI1.
Condition contract type 0PG3 Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt, Goods
Condition contract type 0PG3 Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt, Goods combines the
differences of goods receipt based business volume determination and the goods-related
First, 0PG2 Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt, Goods is specified for the profile for business
volume determination. This profile uses a business volume table to select the business volume
from material documents, and it contains the tax code as additional split criterion for the
settlement (see chapter Define and Configure Profiles for Business Volume Determination).
The accruals reversal type is 1 (not shown as screenshot).
Settlement process types and settlement document types used for the normal(partial, final)
settlement, proforma settllement and accruals reversal are identical to 0PI3.
Other parameter values are identical compared with 0PI1.
Condition contract type 0PG4 Purchasing Rebate: Gds Rcpt, Gds, 2step
Explanation: Condition contract type 0PG4 Purchasing Rebate: Gds Rcpt, Gds, 2step combines
the differences of goods receipt based business volume determination, two-step settlement and
goods-related taxation.
So, 0PG2 Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt, Goods is again specified for the profile for
business volume determination.
The accruals reversal type is 1 (not shown as screenshot).
Settlement process types and settlement document types used for the normal (partial, final)
settlement, proforma settllement and accruals reversal are identical to 0PI4.
Other parameter values are identical compared with 0PI1.
Condition contract type 0PP1 Purchasing Rebate: Purchase Order
Condition contract types 0PP1 to 0PP4 are used for purchasing rebate scenarios in which the
purchase orders form the source documents for the business volume.
So, the main difference is that 0PP1 Purchasing Rebate: Purchase Order is specified for the
profile for business volume determination. This profile contains another business volume table
to select the business volume from purchase orders (see chapter Define and Configure Profiles
for Business Volume Determination).
Additionally, the accruals reversal type is 1 Use Status in WCOCOF which means that accruals
shall already been created earlier.
Other parameter values are identical compared with 0PI1.
Condition contract type 0PP2 Purchasing Rebate: Purchase Order, 2step
Condition contract type 0PP2 Purchasing Rebate: Goods Receipt, 2step combines the
differences of condition contract types 0PP1 and 0PI2. So, 0PP1 Purchasing Rebate: Purchase
Order is specified for the profile for business volume determination, and the accruals reversal
type is 1 (not shown as screenshot).
Settlement process types and settlement document types used for the normal (partial, final)
settlement are identical to 0PI2.
Other parameter values are identical compared with 0PI1.
Condition contract type 0PP3 Purchasing Rebate: Purchase Order, Goods
Condition contract type 0PP3 Purchasing Rebate: Purchase Order, Goods combines the
differences of purchase order based business volume determination and the two-step
First, 0PP2 Purchasing Rebate: Purchase Order is specified for the profile for business volume
determination. This profile uses a business volume table to select the business volume from
purchase orders, and it contains the tax code as additional split criterion for the settlement (see
chapter Define and Configure Profiles for Business Volume Determination).
The accruals reversal type is 1 (not shown as screenshot).
Settlement process types and settlement document types used for the normal (partial, final)
settlement, proforma settllement and accruals reversal are identical to 0PI3.
Other parameter values are identical compared with 0PI1.
Condition contract type 0PP4 Purchasing Rebate: PurOrd, Goods, 2step
Condition contract type 0PP4 Purchasing Rebate: PurOrd, Goods, 2step combines the
differences of purchase order based business volume determination, two-step settlement and
goods-related taxation.
So, 0PP2 Purchasing Rebate: Purchase Order, Goods is again specified for the profile for
business volume determination.
Settlement process types and settlement document types used for the normal (partial, final)
settlement, proforma settllement and accruals reversal are identical to 0PI4.
3. On the Change View “Condition Contract Types”: Overview screen, select each condition
contract type and choose Settlement Settings in the Dialog Structure frame to check the
following settings shown only once for 0PI1.
2.4 Other Configuration Settings
2.4.1. Define Access Sequence for Account Determination
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Account Determination Revenue Account Determination
(SD)Define Access Sequences And Account Determination
2. On the following Select Activity: dialog box, choose Maintain access sequences for account
3. Check access sequence KORP Purchasing Rebate and corresponding accesses with
access fields as shown below.
2.4.2. Define Account Determination Type
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Account Determination Revenue Account Determination
(SD)Define Access Sequences And Account Determination
2. On the following Select Activity: dialog box, choose Maintain access sequences for account
3. Check account determination type KORP Purchasing Rebate with the assigned access
sequence KORP Purchasing Rebate as shown below.
2.4.3. Define and Assign Account Determination Procedures
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Account Determination  Revenue Account Determination
(SD)Define And Assign Account Determination Procedures
2. On the following Select Activity: dialog box, choose Define account determination
3. Check account determination procedure KOFRP0 Purchasing Rebate as shown below.
2.4.4. Assign G/L Accounts
Note: In the standard configuration, you cannot deliver an account assignment as the usage of
accounts is a customer individual setting. However, as this is an important piece of the overall
configuration, we show how you would create an G/L account assignment.
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
Logistics - General Settlement Management Basic Settings
Account Determination Revenue Account Determination
(SD)Assign G/L Accounts
2. On the following Assign G/L Accounts screen, double-click the line for table 005 Acct Key.
3. Choose function New Entries and create an entry as indicated below.
2.4.5. Activation of Scope-Dependent Application Job Catalog
Entries (S/4HANA)
1. Access the Customizing activity:
Customizing activity
SAP NetWeaver Application Server System Administration
 Activation of Scope-Dependent Application Job Catalog
Entries (S/4HANA)
2. Check the following entries.