Paper No. 08130 INTERNAL CORROSION DIRECT ASSESSMENT OF BURIED STEEL PIPELINE IN CHINESE OIL INDUSTRY Lu Qimin PetroChina Planning & Engineering Institute Beijing, China Huang Guibai CNPC Research Institute of Engineering Technology Tanggu, Tianjin, China ABSTRACT The substance and the progress of the study on Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA) technique in buried steel pipeline are described. The technical route of ICDA in buried steel pipeline as well as the internal inspection technique and assessment of buried pipeline are studied in combination with the actual application practice in Chinese oil industry. The ICDA study achievement will result a trade standard of Chinese oil industry. Keywords: oil, pipeline, corrosion, assessment, inspection INTRODUCTION The internal corrosion of buried pipeline is the cause of the problems in safety, environment protection and economic loss, but it is always hard to be controlled in oil industry. Since 1990s, we have started the study on internal corrosion inspection and assessment technique in pipeline and a related trade standard of Chinese oil industry has been issued. Recently, we have a study on ICDA technique in buried steel pipeline in according to the internationally prevailing management concept of pipeline integrity. The technical route and related substance of this study are described in this paper. Copyright ©2008 by NACE International. Requests for permission to publish this manuscript in any form, in part or in whole must be in writing to NACE International, Copyright Division, 1440 South creek Drive, Houston, Texas 777084. The material presented and the views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author(s) and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association. Printed in the U.S.A. 1 Miguel Sudiaz Luna - Invoice 102103 downloaded on 5/14/2019 10:22:01 PM Single-user licence only, copying/networking prohibited STUDY ON ICDA OF PIPELINE Development of Internal Corrosion Inspection and Assessment Technique in Buried Pipeline Since 1995, our institute has started the study on inspection and assessment technique for corrosion and prevention of in-service buried pipeline and storage tanks and the trade standard of Chinese oil industry SY/T0087-95 “Standard of Survey Method for Corrosion and Prevention of Steel Pipeline and Storage Tank” was issued, in which a set of inspection and assessment technique is used for the internal corrosion of pipeline (refer to Fig. 1). It is the first technique used in China for the inspection and assessment on internal corrosion in pipeline. Study on Technical Route of ICDA in Pipeline Recently NACE introduced the standard of ICDA of natural gas pipeline (water cut less than 5%) and recommended ICDA technique for oil pipeline (no NACE standard is formulated at present). The ICDA technique has not been established for the oil pipeline with water cut more than 5%. However, the internal corrosion is serious relatively in such kind of buried oil pipelines in Chinese oilfields. Therefore, we focus the study on ICDA technique to be used for the oil pipeline with water cut more than 5%. Under the new management concept of pipeline integrity and in combination with the actual operation practice in Chinese oil and gas pipelines and the development of inspection technology in China, we study and put forward the technical route in ICDA, which is applicable to the actual internal corrosion condition in the buried oil pipeline in China (Fig. 2). This assessment technique consists of several steps as follows: Preparation Routine Survey Key Point Survey (excavation inspection and assessment) Collect basic and historical corrosion and leakage information and present the requirement of instrument Monitor media corrosivity and inhibitor effectiveness in service Make excavation inspection in suspected points and assess metal corrosion and internal coating effectiveness Have comprehensive analysis based on routine survey and key point survey result Comprehensive Assessment FIG.1 - Frame Diagram of ICDA of Pipeline Pre-assessment. The preparation before the indirect inspection and assessment and direct inspection and assessment shall include followings: Collection of information and data; ICDA feasibility study; Division of ICDA pipeline; Inspection method, selection of equipment and technical requirement. 2 Miguel Sudiaz Luna - Invoice 102103 downloaded on 5/14/2019 10:22:01 PM Single-user licence only, copying/networking prohibited Indirect Inspection. A primary above ground examination will be made for the pipeline in this step to find the most potential internal corrosion area of buried pipeline, which is used as the guidance to determine the excavation location for a detailed examination. By the basic ICDA method, it will try to find the lower points of the natural gas pipeline and the locations where water will accumulate are thought as the potential areas of internal corrosion of the buried pipeline. But obviously such basic ICDA method is not applicable to the buried oil pipeline in view of its characteristics. It might not necessary to find the major corrosion areas by the inspection route of analyzing the flow characteristics of the media in pipeline and the features of location. Therefore, we select pipeline instantaneous electromagnetic method (to measure the average metal loss of buried pipeline body) in our study in combination with the above ground inspection technique such as coating holiday detection and corrosion activity examination. Collect basic information, survey media corrosivity, divide ICDA area, ICDA feasibility study Pre-assessment (preparation) Above ground pipeline instantaneous electromagnetic inspection, coating holiday detection, active point inspection Indirect (above ground) inspection Determine excavation location and number; corrosion test at excavation point; assess remaining strength Detailed inspection and assessment Analyze metal loss in combination with routine survey data, present repair and service suggestion Present repair and service program Calculate residual life, determine time of re-assessment, assess ICDA effectiveness with routine survey data Post assessment Keep improving Through assessment, feedback ICDA each step with substance FIG. 2 - Technical Route of ICDA in Chinese Buried Pipeline The specific steps are as follows: First: For the areas where IDCA is required, it will apply the pipeline instantaneous electromagnetic method to find the location where pipeline average metal loss is relatively great (both internal and external corrosion are possible). Or pipeline wavemaker detection method could be used to measure the pipeline body metal loss rate if the condition is allowed. 3 Miguel Sudiaz Luna - Invoice 102103 downloaded on 5/14/2019 10:22:01 PM Single-user licence only, copying/networking prohibited Second: For the locations found by the first step, it will apply an above ground examination such as external coating holiday detection and corrosion activity examination. It is aimed to find the locations where the external corrosion is more serious. In this way, it could make a judgment to find the locations where the internal corrosion is serious in the buried pipeline. The indirect inspection technique is applicable to the pipeline to transport the media with various water-oil ratios. Detailed Inspection and Assessment. During this period, it will determine whether corrosion is existed in the pipeline locations where potentially high internal corrosion is found by the indirect inspection and the degree of corrosion if any. The specific steps are as follows: First: Determine the number of excavation points in the locations where internal corrosion might be high. Second: Make pipeline internal corrosion examination at the excavated points, that is, it will apply wavemaker method to determine the location of internal corrosion and apply automatic ultrasonic method or X-ray radiophotography to examine the depth and shape of the defect. In the same time, the external corrosion defects will be examined, too. Third: Select a related assessment method and calculate the remaining strength and minimum residual wall thickness at the corroded locations of the pipeline. Fourth: The cause of corrosion will be analyzed in combination with the oilfield routine survey data such as media corrosivity and inhibitor effectiveness and repair suggestions will be raised. Post Assessment. The purpose of the post assessment is to determine the time of next assessment and make an assessment on the effectiveness of ICDA. Determination of the remaining service life and the time of re-assessment A method to be known as an extreme value statistics for prediction of maximum wall loss is put forward, which is used to determine the minimum wall thickness of the pipeline. The corrosion rate of the pipeline is determined by the actual measurement and the recommended value method. Both equation (1) and related formulas are used to calculate the time of re-assessment. Time of Re-assessment = (T1 – T2) / FCA (1) Where, T1 - estimated minimum residual wall thickness of the pipeline after survey and repair T2 - minimum safety wall thickness from risk assessment; FCA – corrosion rate of pipeline Assessment on effectiveness of ICDA The assessment shall follow the track of the effectiveness of IDCA on the basis of the routine operation survey data of buried pipeline. CONCLUSION 1. According to the management conception of pipeline integrity and in combination with the application and practice in the oil and gas pipelines in China, it is the first time to put forward the technical route and related technical substance to make a direct assessment on the metal loss 4 Miguel Sudiaz Luna - Invoice 102103 downloaded on 5/14/2019 10:22:01 PM Single-user licence only, copying/networking prohibited 2. 3. inside the oil pipeline with water cut more than 5%. The breakthrough is achieved in view of the indirect inspection, direct inspection and assessment technique for the metal loss inside the buried pipeline. The study makes the metal loss inspection and assessment technique inside buried pipeline more scientific and more operational. It will play an important role in corrosion prevention and safety management of oilfield buried pipelines. The technical route and related substance of this study are being further studied and eventually it will result a trade standard in Chinese oil industry. REFERENCE 1. Chinese Oil & Gas Industry Trade Standard SY/T0087.1-2006 “Assessment Standard of Steel Pipeline and Storage Tanks – Direct Assessment of External Corrosion of Buried Steel Pipeline”. 2. NACE RP0502-2002 “Pipeline External Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology”. 5 Miguel Sudiaz Luna - Invoice 102103 downloaded on 5/14/2019 10:22:01 PM Single-user licence only, copying/networking prohibited