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Acne Scar Treatment With Microneedling by the Best
Dermatologist in Bangalore
Acne are the unsightly blemishes that everyone may
experience at some point in their lives. They are like
unwelcome guests with a possibility of developing into acne
scars which are just as disfiguring and worse. Acne Scar
Treatment are an irritating dermatological condition that
develops normally permanently due to unusual healing of the
swollen acne blemishes (especially cystic acne) which can
hurt the confidence of the sufferers. These can be flat,
shallow depressions that heal below the skin epidermis
(atrophic scars) or raised when scar tissues develop where the
acne spots were once present (hypertrophic or keloid scars).
This blog focuses on the treatment of indented acne scars
(atrophic scars) such as ice-pick (cone-like shape), rolling
(broad depressions with sloping edges), and boxcar scars
(square shape with sharp edges) that form underneath the top
layer of the skin tissue as a result of severe acne which
prevents the correct regeneration of tissues. Among all
possible treatment options, micro-needling is one of the most
promising solutions Read further, to get answers to all
questions related to micro-needling for acne scars including
what it is, how it works, and more from the Best
Dermatologist in Bangalore at Charma Skin Clinic.
What is micro-needling?
Microneedling also known as dermarolling or skin needling
is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that makes use of
a small, handheld device (dermapen) to prick the skin with
tiny, sterilized micro-needles. It helps enhance the skin’s
look, feels, and health by percutaneous collagen induction. It
can treat different skin concerns such as acne scars, burn
scars, surgical scars, stretch marks, melasma, wrinkles, fine
lines, and even enlarged pores. It is one of the popular
procedures among others because of its safety, gentleness,
cost, and effectiveness.
How does micro-needling help treat acne scars?
For the effective removal of acne scars, the treatment must
work at the micro-level of the skin. The science behind microneedling is based on the natural ability of the skin to repair
itself when it encounters physical damage. As the top skin
layers get wounded, the old damaged tissues are dissolved
immediately and replaced with new ones. The skin needling
technique creates micro-injuries in the skin which initiates
the healing process wherein there is the production of new
collagen and elastin fibers, hence resulting in firmer,
smoother, plumper, and younger skin.
Generally, micro-needling gives the best results with pitted or
depressed acne scars. This is because they are formed when
there is a loss of collagen while severe acne heals.
Microneedling is a collagen induction therapy that restores
the collagen in the scarred area and fades away the scars
completely. In contrast, the raised acne scars indicate there is
already abundant collagen in that site and more collagen
production may worsen the appearance of the scar rather
than treat it. One can get the benefits of microneedling
treatment at Charma Skin Clinic, where this treatment is
performed by the best skin specialist in Bangalore and
experienced professionals.
Before going for micro-needling treatment, the patient must
consider the following instructions provided by the
Limit the alcohol intake or anything that can delay healing in
the weeks leading up to the scheduled appointment.
Avoid sun exposure at least 24 hours prior to the treatment.
This must even be followed post-treatment.
On the day of treatment, come with clean and bare skin.
How to perform micro-needling for acne scars?
In-office micro-needling- For the deep acne scars that have
plagued for years, dermatologists performing micro-needling
are recommended. The best skin specialist in Bangalore at
Charma Skin Clinic makes use of an electronic microneedling device whose depth of needle insertion can be easily
managed. The clients having moderate acne scars may
require at least 3–4 sessions with a gap of about 6 weeks and
about 8 sessions if they are severe. This procedure may take
about 30–60 minutes and may involve the use of numbing
cream to reduce any discomfort.
What to expect after micro-needling?
Following the treatment, the results can be seen immediately.
The lasting effects of the treatment may vary for each patient.
Maintenance sessions may be needed once or twice a year.
Most people fully recover in 24 hours and can continue with
normal daily activities.
To know more about the cost of microneedling treatment for
acne scar in Bangalore, schedule an appointment with the
best cosmetic dermatologist at Charma Skin Clinic.
Source: Best Dermatologist in Bangalore