Kcp sugar industry Dm plant M.srinu 14096-ch-025 DM PLANT Demineralisation is the process of removing mineral salts such as cations of Sodium,Magnesium,Potassium,calcium,Iron, Copper etc., And anions such as Chlorides,Sulphates,Nitrates,Bicarbonates, Carbonates etc., In this content of water purification,Ion exchange is a rapid and reversible process in In this content of water which Impurity Ions Present in the water are purification,Ion exchange is a replaced by Ions released by an Ion-exchange rapid Impurity and reversible process resin.The Ions are taken up by in the resin,Which must be periodically regenerated which impurity Ions present in the to restore it to the original Ionic form(An Ion is an water are replaced by ions atom or group of atoms with an electric released by an Ion-exchange charge.Positively -charged Ions are called resin cations and are usually metals; Negatively charged Ions are called anions and are usually non-metals.) ION EXCHANGE RESIN There are two basic types of resin cationexchange and anion -exchange resins. Cation exchange resins will release (H+)Ions. Anion exchange resins will release hydroxyl(OH-) Ions. DM PLANT CONSISTS OF 1Solid Contact reactor clarifier 2Multi-Grade sand filter 3Activated carbon filter 4Strong acid cation 5Degasier tank 6Weak base anion 7Strong base anion 8Mixed bed SOLID CONTACT REACTOR In this clarifier mixed with Alum,Polyelectrolyte,Hypochloride to remove the solid particulates or suspended solids from water for clarification. Concentrated Impurities,Discharged from the bottom of the tank are known as sludge,While the particles that float to the surface of the water are called scum. MULTI-GRADE SAND FILTER The Multi-Grade sand filter consists of a multiple layer of sand with a variety in size and specific gravity.These filters are designed to remove turbidity and suspended particles present in the feed water. ACTIVATED CARBON FILTER Activated carbon filter is the most common method of treatment for dechlorination and removal of Colour,Odour,Organic Impurities & residual chlorine from water. STRONG ACID CATION Strong acid cation is filled with cation resin it is used to remove the hardness cations from the water.The resin is very efficiently regenerated with an acid,usually HCL.The cation exchange resin will release Hydroden Ions. DEGASIER TANK Degasier tank is a part of a D.M PLANT .It is used for to remove the carbon dioxide in the water. WEAK BASE ANION It is filled with weak base anion resin.The weak base anion resin absorbs all the free mineral acidity present cation treated water thus producing substantially free from dissolved salts. STRONG BASE ANION It is used for to remove the all the cations from the water like Nitrate,sulphate etc., Regenerated with a Caustic soda(NAOH). MIXED BED The last traces of silica can be removed on a resin bed where highly regenerated strong acid cation and strong base anion resins are mixed. The mixed bed units deliver an excellent treated water quality,but are complicated to regenerate. Thanku