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Research study about Anxiety on Students

This research study entitled ANXIETY OF SHS STUDENTS TOWARDS THEIR
submitted by Mary Car A. Elumba,Jun Neil C. Macadangdang,Anne Arn Claire U.
Aying,Vinz Lloyd B. Mejorada,Jemaimah P. Balios in partial fulfillment of the
examined and is recommend for acceptance and approval upon ORAL EXAMINATION.
Subject- Teacher
Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with the grade of __________.
Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for PRACTICAL
Principal, Senior High School
Presented to the
Faculty of Senior High School
St. Vincent`s College
Dipolog City, Philippines
In partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for Practical Research 1
Senior High School
Mary Car A. Elumba
Jun Neil C. Macadangdang
Anne Arn Claire U. Aying
Vinz Lloyd B. Mejorada
Jemaimah P. Balios
This research paper explores the relationship between anxiety, student
achievement, self-concept, and self-efficiency for students in SVCI. Anxiety can have
negative effects on all students. Students with anxiety problems tend to show lower levels
of academic achievement. The reduction of anxiety requires the work of students,
teachers, and parent’s mindfulness, meditation, coping, and teacher involvement are
anxiety reduction strategies explore. Problem based learning is a teaching method proven
to increase student’s level of positive recognition. In conclusion, student’s anxiety on
their academic performance has negative effect on their performance in class.
Chapter 1
The Problem and its Setting
Anxiety is a common problem of the students nowadays. Anxiety has a big impact
to the academic performances of every student. This research study is exclusive only for
SVCI Main Campus.
Anxiety is the most common feeling that the students are experiencing nowadays
towards their classroom performances. Anxiety is a normal reaction to a certain situation.
It can affect every academic ability to every SHS student of SVCI. The teachers are
responsible for determining the reasons how anxiety occur and how to treat anxiety.
Anxiety is an emotion that predates the evolution of man. Children, adolescents
and adults experience anxiety in different forms, while this is visible in some, it can be
inferred to others from their physiological and psychological responses. Anxiety also
varies in frequency and intensity in different persons, even in response to the same
stimulus (Trivedi & Guptha, 2010). It is a generalized state of apprehension of
foreboding. There is much to be anxious about. Our health, social relationships,
examination, career and condition of the environment are but few sources of possible
concerns: It is normal, and even adaptive, to be somewhat anxious about these aspects of
life or motivates us to study for tests. Anxiety is an appropriate response to threats, but it
can be abnormal when its level is out of proportion to a threat. In extreme forms, anxiety
can impair our daily functioning.
Nearly a century ago, Sigmund Freud (1895) coined the term anxiety neuroses,
which he believed resulted from dammed-up libido: a sociological increase of sexual
tension leads to a corresponding increase in libido, the mental representation of
sociological event. The normal outlet of such tension, in Freud’s view, a sexual
intercourse, but sexual practices such as abstinence and coitus interrupts prevent tension
release and produce neuroses. The conditions of heightened anxiety related to libidinal
blockage include neurasthenia, hypochondriasis, and anxiety neuroses, all of which are
regarded by Freud as having a biological basis.
The word anxiety has as its root angst, German for fear. According to Hallam
(1992) anxiety is a word used in everyday conversation and refers to a complex
relationship between a person and his situation. Anxiety is often a diffuse, unpleasant and
uncomfortable feeling of apprehension, accompanied by one or more bodily sensations
that characteristically recur in the same manner in the person. It is an alerting signal that
warns an individual of imminent danger and enables him to make measures to deal with
it. Anxiety or fear arousing stimulus may be internal or external immediate of future,
definite or vague, and conflictual or non-conflictual in nature. One can, however,
differentiate anxiety from fear, in that in fear no conflict is involved in the threat is
Purpose of the Study
It is the aim of this study to know the following:
To identify the impact of anxiety in the academic performance of SHS Students in
To know the perception of SHS Students in SVCI towards their anxiety.
To know the effects of anxiety in the health of SHS Students in SVCI.
To find out how SHS Students in SVCI cope up with their anxiety.
Statement of the Problem
This research seeks to answer the following questions:
• The specific classroom performance that triggers their anxiety.
• To know why does academic performance trigger their anxiety.
• To identify the impact of anxiety in the academic performance of SHS Students in
• To know the difficulties that they experienced while facing their anxiety.
• To identify the effect of anxiety in their health.
• To know the common emotions that they have when their anxiety occur.
• To know their coping mechanism.
Theoretical Lens
Discusses the concept of neurotic anxiety in the context of classical
psychoanalytic theories, psychoanalytic and socio-cultural formulations, and existential
analysis. Neurotic anxiety is a reaction to threat which is disproportionate to the
objective, danger, involves repression and other forms of intrapsychic conflict, and is
managed to through inhibitions, symptoms, and defends mechanisms. It is assumed that
any viable theory of neurotic anxiety must include (a) intrapsychic conflict; (b) early
environmental experiences; (c) loss or separation; (d) socioeconomic, political, and
cultural factors viewed in a historical perspective; (e) principles of learning theory; (f)
existential questions which affect an individual’s identity and sense of security. It is
hypothesized that intrapsychic conflict is the basic cause of anxiety, which is repressed,
thereby necessitating the operation of defense mechanisms. Anxiety is seen as both the
cause of repression and the effect of the breakdown of the ego’s defenses (Crossby, J. F.
Significance of the Study
The result of this research is significant for the following reasons:
The findings of this study will show the main reasons of anxiety of the students
towards their classroom performances.
It will help to determine how anxiety can affect the academic ability and capacity
of every SHS students in SVCI.
It can reduce the worries of every parents regarding to the behaviors of their
It will give treatments and cautions to avoid anxiety.
It will help the teachers understand why some students have low performances or
high performances in class.
Scope and Limitations
This study intends to identify the effect of anxiety towards the academic
performance of SHS Students in SVCI.
The study is strictly limited to study only the impact of anxiety of SHS Students
of SVCI towards their classroom performances.
To come up with the answers, we will base upon the response of respondents in
SVCI. This study is conducted on the 1st and 2nd semester of the school year 2019-2020.
The study is only limited to the Grade 11 SHS Students in SVCU Mani Campus.
It only focuses on the Anxiety of SHS Students and its effect on their academic
Organization of the study
Chapter 1
In the chapter 1 includes the problem and its setting, introduction, purpose,
research questions (main and sub), theoretical lens, significance, scope and limitation,
organization, and the definition of terms.
Chapter 2
Under the chapter 2, it’s primarily about the Review of Related Literature and
Review of Related Studies that supports the idea of the whole study.
Chapter 3
In chapter 3, it is all about methodology and how the process or method will be
done including the detailed procedures and research design of the study.
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 will tackle about the results and discussion based on the gathered data
and information. Interpretation, analyzation and presentation of data are also provided.
Chapter 5
Chapter 5. This will be about the summary of findings, conclusions, and
recommendations based on results of the study.
Definition of terms
Anxiety- a feeling worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or
something with an uncertain outcome.
Academic Performance- is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has
attained their short or long-term educational goals.
Neurosis- a class of functional mental disorders involving chronic distress but either
delusions or hallucinations.
Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature
Anxiety is a normal reaction to certain situation. A small level of anxiety is
normal, but severe anxiety can be a serious problem. Academic anxiety can become more
detrimental over time. As a student’s academic performance suffers, the anxiety level
related to certain academic tasks increases (Huberty, 2002). Most teachers will have
students with social anxiety and academic anxiety. Social anxiety can also affect a
student’s academic performance. Social anxiety can go along with or even lead to
academic anxiety. Teaching student’s self-regulation can reduce anxiety and increase
academic performance (Ader & Erktin, 2010).
Many students suffer from anxiety when facing difficult academic tasks, students
with learning disabilities often face more anxiety than general education students (Nelson
& Hardwood, 2011).
The academic ability of students was measured using the College Inventory
Scales Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and Welsh’s Anxiety Index
(AI). All three of the assessments were given during college orientation. The scores of the
students who achieved a GPA of 3.5 or higher during their first freshman semester were
used. According to (Meclue et al., 2011) states that they conducted a study about the
relationship between success attributions and motivation in students.
The study explored student’s attributions for success and failure at school. This
study focuses on how students view attribution- as personal or social. The results were
not necessarily conclusive when comparing honor students to the general population. The
differences between MMPI score means were up and down depending on the scale, and
few scores were statistically significant (Robinson, 1996)
According to the study of (Owen’s et al., 2012) states that, anxiety and depression
lead to higher levels of worry in regard to academic tasks. High levels of anxiety,
depression, and worry can lead to lower academic performance and poorer working
memory function. School tasks that involve more working memory are greatly affected
by anxiety and depression. Students benefit from lowering the levels of anxiety in school
to support healthy working memory.
Anxiety has been linked to poor academic performance. High levels of academic
anxiety can negatively affect working memory (Owen’s et al., 2012). Anxiety is also
associated with high levels of worry that can affect academic performance of the
students. According to (Spielberger, 1983) anxiety is the subjective feeling of tension,
apprehension, nervousness, and worry with an arousal of the autonomic nervous system.
Everyone experiences stress, everyone has fears, and phobias. Anxiety and fears
aren’t unnatural, from an old man to a young child. Anxiety isn’t something that is fun to
have either. To children these certain “feelings” they aren’t just normal they are essential.
Overcoming your anxiety can formulate young people, and even elders into getting over
challenging experiences and hard conditions to life. Anxiety exists well-define as “worry
without deceptive cause”. It typically happens when there is no instantaneous threat to a
human’s security or comfort, but the hazard textures tangible. Anxiety makes one desire
to relieve oneself from a position, in this case as quickly as possible. Their heart rate
might increase with a fallow of sweat and “flurries of butterflies” in the stomach.
Though, anxiety may cause one to stay vigilant and absorbed with things around
them. When someone has an anxiety attack it’s their bodies accepted reaction to danger.
Anxiety is an instinctive warning signal that activates when you feel, under stress, or face
with a stressful condition. Anxiety helps one stay alarm and attentive it kicks you to
action. It’s very consistent or overbearing, when it effects your doings, their body could
possibly stop being efficient.
Another study by (Speilberger, 1983) in other words, trait anxiety is
conceptualized as a relatively stable personality characteristics while state anxiety is seen
as a response to an anxiety-provoking stimulus such as an important test.
Anxiety, as a term, can either refer to a normal reaction to stress or pressure or it
can refer to an emotion portrayed through feelings of tension, would increase blood
pressure and other conditions. Although the common conception of anxiety is that it is
harmful to a person and can lead to other disorders, anxiety can prove to be helpful in
certain circumstances. However, if this anxiety response is to be too excessive or too
frequent, the anxiety response can prove to be harmful and can have a harmful effect on
the person’s daily actions. A person with anxiety problem can have recurring intrusive
thought and/or concerns. Although the person dealing with this kind of anxiety may
realize that his/her anxiety is too excessive, the person may have trouble controlling it
and the anxiety can even become a form of an obsessive thinking style and ultimately
negative affect daily and needed actions. Due to anxiety, the person might avoid doing
certain things out of worry or out of fear that the action could trigger his/her anxiety even
if the action is a significant action that the person must perform. Have you ever felt so
scared of school? How about to the point where you physically can’t make yourself go
the next day? This is a large problem that a lot of teens face during their high school
According to (Chastain, 1975: Kleinmann, 1977) states that, at the time were
studies which found the anticipated negative relationship between anxiety and second
language achievement, but several studies found no relationship, and positive
relationships between anxiety and second language achievement were also identified.
This is called Anxiety; A natural human response to a hazardous or tense
situation. Teens with anxiety often are reluctant to come to school, have low grades
because of said truancy, and seem to feel sick often, along with many more symptoms.
Students with strong anxiety tend to be less productive and have low grades, despite how
“smart” their teachers and parents claim that they are. Teen can beg and plead at home to
stay home, even as often as every day. They can tend to more reclusive, living in fear of
their anxiety acting up again “ending school avoidance”.
Typically, anxiety as a personality trait is differentiated from a transient anxiety
state. In other words, anxiety is a serious problem for teens but there are ways of coping
and strategies that are open for teen to use to help solve their problem. So, what exactly is
this anxiety thing? Is it an excuse for students to skip school because they feel scared or
overwhelmed by their expectations? Not exactly, no. While students tend to be truant and
reluctant to attend school, they cannot exactly help it. There are two things in this life that
we are all bound to encounter, stress and death. Stress is something that affects each
human, every day. Some of us may have bigger or higher levels of stress than others, one
reaction to stress may be anxiety.
The study of (Blasco-Fontecilla et al., 2006) reveals that, the relationship between
anxiety disorders and suicide-related behaviors in adult has received a modest amount of
attention. A review of the adult literature concluded that, while there are no definitive
results of any single anxiety disorder, anxiety disorder in general are associated with
higher rates of suicidal delineation, but their relationship with suicide attempts remains
Anxiety is physiological, as well as psychological state. Anxiety maybe viewed as
a “more intense” form of stress. Each person will differ when it comes to their own
personal cause of anxiety but quite a common worrisome from is that of death anxiety.
Every living human being will eventually die, that is a universal truth but quite a bitter
pill to swallow. It was important to select this topic as a teacher who directly teaches
students that have issues with anxiety, stress and frustration. Each student is different in
the ways of dealing with their emotions. It is imperative for teaching staff to fully
understand how each student works in school setting so that they can help them become
as independent as possible. During the research, the writer sought multiple ways to
proactive with student and their anxiety, stress, frustration. To learn ways to prevent them
from becoming anxious, stressed or frustrated while in school setting so they can be
included in the mainstream classroom more often. We all know the feeling of anxiety.
Some may not be able to distinguish it from fear. For others, it’s a constant struggle that
impedes almost every aspect of their lives.
Anxiety is not a new disorder caused by recent advancements in technology.
Rather, it’s always been with us and our psyche since our beginnings. From the times
when mankind lived in caves, anxious about killing a large predator or other attacking
humans. To today, anxious about finals or an upcoming deadline at work.
Anxiety is a normal emotion that most people experience at least once in their
lifetime. It is a feeling of nervousness, fear, worry or not being at ease. Anxiety can lead
to physical symptoms such as rapid breathing, heavy sweating, and rapid heartbeat. Most
people experience only mild anxiety. However, anxiety can become severe enough that it
affects a person’s ability to function properly daily. In this case, it can be classified as an
anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders include panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). These forms of anxiety are common
and require treatment. Anxiety is a feeling and emotion excessive and prolonged worry, a
sense of dread and generalized tension. Fear and anxiety are similar emotions but have
important differences. While fear is based on a specific threat and is relatively short.
Anxiety has no definite basis and often prolonged. We all experience anxiety at some
level. Students feel when taking an exam. You may feel apprehensive about going out on
a blind date. Many people are of delivering a speech. Many situations in everyday life
evoke anxiety. This means that anxiety is a normal occurrence and is part of a human
being’s strategy to cope with life. Anxiety is useful because it makes us more alert to
danger, increases our focus.
The study of (Young, 1986) stated that, he found a significant correlation between
anxiety and academic performances.
Anxiety has main definition. A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease.
Although, it has its single definition, each person diagnosed with anxiety has different
symptoms. With that, some have more severe cases of the actual diagnosis. It has noted
that anxiety has had an increase in terms recently. In the last 30 years, the statistics for
anxiety in fifteen to sixteen-year old have doubled for both girls and boys. It is said, “in
societal moments like the one we are in. it often feels as if ours is the Age of anxiety”.
Anxiety affects teenagers profusely because the emotions of a teenager are more
vulnerable than those of an adult.
We all experience anxiety; it is a natural human state and a vital part of our lives.
Anxiety helps us to identify and respond to danger in “fight or flight” mode. It can
motivate us face up to dealing with difficult challenges. The ‘right’ amount of anxiety
can help us perform better and stimulate action and creativity. But there is another side to
anxiety. Persistent anxiety causes real emotional distress and can lead us to becoming
unwell and, at worst, developing anxiety disorders such as panic attacks, phobias and
obsessional behaviors. Anxiety at this level can have a truly distressing and debilitating
impact on our lives and impact on our physical as well as our mental health. Anxiety is a
familiar emotion because it is part of everyone’s experience. Its natural function is to
alert us to potential threats, allowing us to evaluate and respond to them in appropriate
ways. This heightened state of readiness can also help people to perform better and
stimulate creative impulses.
Anxiety is often regarded as an artifact of modern societies, one that is
increasingly represented in visual arts, music, literature, and social media. For some
people anxiety triggers inappropriate or disproportionate responses to perceived threats,
leading to persistent and intrusive symptoms associated with anxiety disorder.
Anxiety can also be exhilarating. Putting ourselves into situations that makes us
anxious can feel like as ordeal at the time but getting through to the other side can bring
an incredible sense of achievement. Our most important moments in life are usually not
achieved without some sleepless nights. Being a new parent, our wedding days, passing
exams, learning to drive bring great rewards, but it is unlikely that these were achieved
without some feeling or apprehension.
The research study of (Cheng, Horwitz, Schallert, 1999) stated that they attempted
to differentiate the components of general anxiety. Anxiety is an emotional state that can
work for us as well as against us. It is something we all have in common, but where we
often differ is in how we perceive these feedings of arousal and how we respond to them.
Our life circumstances, our upbringing and our personalities can all be factors in why one
person’s exciting fairground ride will leave another person in object terror. Feelings
anxious isn’t a sign of failure and there are times when it is important to ask for help from
those around us, or from professionals.
However, as we come to understand anxiety better, there is much that we can do
as individuals to take steps to reduce its hold over us and learn to appreciate our full
range of emotions without fear that they will overtake us.
Fear, like anxiety, is a familiar emotion precisely because it is part of everyone’s
experience and we consider it an essential component of our humanity, yet it is also
psychological, physiological, and behavioral state we share with animals when
confronted by a threat to our well-being or survival. Fear increase the body’s arousal,
expectancy, and neurological activity and triggers specific behavior patterns designed to
help us cope with an adverse or unexpected situation.
Anxiety is a general term for several disorders that cause nervousness, fear,
apprehension, and worrying. These disorders affect how we feel and behave, and they can
manifest real physical symptoms. Mild anxiety is vague and unsettling, while severe
anxiety can be extremely delimitating, having serious impact on daily life.
People often experience a general state of worry or fear before confronting
something challenging such as a test, examination, recital or interview. These feelings are
easily justified and considered normal. An individual that has striven to live with anxiety
or an anxiety disorder faces many struggles daily because of the feelings, the condition
stimulates. There are infinite number of symptoms, cause and consequences, but an equal
amount of treatment options and ways to handle anxiety. Anxiety disorders can be
viewed as general or extremely specific, but all in all each one affects the life of a person
living with one or knowing someone who struggles with it.
In regard to teenagers specifically, between three and five percent children and
adolescents in the United States have some sort of anxiety disorder. With the many
challenges teenagers already face because of pressure based on school, athletic, social
interaction, anxiety and anxiety disorders can create more unnecessary stress. Cause by
innumerable and miscellaneous factors, anxiety and anxiety disorders affect the lives of
teenagers frequently with negative consequences.
Anxiety has negative effect on behavior of the students. Low self-concepts and
lack of motivation have been linked to higher levels of anxiety. The research studies by
(Robinson, 1966) said that. Students anxiety has been a topic of discussion amongst
researchers. Some research indicates that a negative correlation between anxiety and
academic performance and other research that did not support the correlation. The
researcher worked with students at Brigham Young University to test the hypothesis that
honor students with high academic ability have less anxiety than honors students with
lower academic ability.
Chapter 3
Research Methodology
Research Methodology
This study sought to provide deeper understanding to the anxiety of SHS students
of SVCI main campus. Aimed and examining the impact of anxiety on students,
especially on their academic performance. Provided by questionnaire that is described as
a method that seeks written or verbal responses from people to a set of written questions
or statements.
This research is based on several other studies, mainly that of (Huberty, 2002),
(Owen,2012) and (Speilberger,1983). Their research has been found to be significant to
some extent to this study. For instance, these researchers have studied how language
anxiety affects students’ oral test performance. Although the present study is not the same
as the said research, it has provided a theoretical framework for the researcher in carrying
out the research. Although students are interested in using the target language, research
shows that the anxiety they experience can negatively affect their performance.
Research Design
The study adopted the survey research method. This is because we are only
interested in determining the influence of the independent variable without manipulating
any of the other variables. A patterned questionnaire, standardized anxiety assessment.
And we will hand them the fixed questionnaire give them the time to answer it. It will be
the structure of our study and our primary data.
Research Local
The process of the study will take place inside the SVCI Campus where anxiety of
students occurs. Previous studies found that anxiety affected on students’ academic
performance. The concept is adopted from general term of anxiety and tried to apply in
educational area, mean that to gain the possibility of anxiety among students during
The primary informants of this study are the Grade 11 students of SVCI.
Research Participants
The participants in this study have knowledge in qualitative research which are
the Grade 11 students of SVCI and could answer each question in the questionnaire. If
they have an idea what this study is all about, they will be able to stretch and give
response to every question. The diversity of perceptions from these individuals will make
the study more relevant and interesting. The researchers also ensure the respondent that
everything will be confidential, and no other hands will take their responses.
Sampling Technique
A non-probability sampling procedure was used for selecting the participants in this
study. The technique was employed to ensure a fairly equal representation of the
variables for the study. Within each section, selection of students was by a simple
questionnaire. We picked 50 students from Grade 11 SHS students in SVCI Main
Data collection procedures
Before gathering data from the participants, we ask first the permission from the
teachers to conduct a survey for our research study. We used the questionnaire in
gathering data. We picked 50 students from the Grade 11 SHS students of SVCI divided
by the strands divided by the total number of the sections of every strand in Grade 11.
Another way on how we gathered necessary data for our study is that we search
information from the internet and library research.
Role of Researchers
The role of researchers is to gather data from the Grade 11 SHS students of SVCI
Main Campus about their anxiety on their academic performance in the class. It is to
attempt to access the thoughts and feelings of study participants.
Research Ethics
During the distribution of research questionnaire, the ethics that we applied is to
provide safe a comfortable research study. We all consider their feelings and request on
our study. Confidential information was kept and exclusive only for the researchers. A
primary responsibility of the researcher is to safeguard participants and their data. Ethical
focus is a duty of care toward our research participants. We gave them freedom to either
write their name on the questionnaire or not.
Ethical consideration
Researchers who conduct research in SVCI Main Campus about the Anxiety of
grade 11 SHS students have Ethical Concerns. Making observation in a Grade 11 Senior
High School students can intrude on personal privacy including the privacy of all
students in SVCI. Researcher consider whether their research is likely to present
inconvenience to the participants. Moreover, researchers cannot avoid making
observations that are unrelated to research question at hand but may be relevant to the
anxiety of grade 11 SHS students.
Chapter 4
Presentations, Analysis, and Interpretations of Data
Analysis and interpretation of Data
In analyzing the data, part of the process implied such critical understanding for it
to make sense of the data. The information gathered by the researchers’ by asking
questions through a questionnaire was very crucial. It showed the different perspectives
and feedbacks regarding on the academic anxiety SHS students of SVCI. Most classroom
performances that trigger their anxiety are oral recitation and it makes them nervous and
being uncomfortable. Anxiety can affect their grades since it it’s blocking them to
perform well. Furthermore, anxiety can be a huge hassle for students mentally and
physically. Dissiliency, hyperventilate; unconscious, panicking, heart beat rapidly
increases, sweats too much those are just few examples when anxiety attacks a SHS
Anxiety impacts a student’s working memory, making it difficult to learn and
retain information. The anxious student works and thinks less efficiently, which
significantly affects the student’s learning capability. Therefore, we conclude that anxiety
is such a huge encounter that will affect the academic performance of SHS students of
Additional Data
In regards to this study, even though the time provided was short but we
conducted the study successfully. We follow step by step process, that’s why we’ve been
able to find a way to gather necessary information’s from the respondents regarding to
the problem. Furthermore, we’re thankful for the less hustle because all the respondents
participated formally. Everything was handled properly during the process of gathering
the data.
Discussion of Overall Results
In the research study of Anxiety of SHS students of SVCI towards Their
Classroom Performances: A qualitative study. The study gathered different responses
about the given questions. There are similar and other responses from the respondents.
First the similar response that mostly talked that anxiety can affect the academic
performance of SHS students by having a low grades. On the other hand, the other
response talked that anxiety doesn’t affect academic performance. In conclusion, anxiety
can brought negative effects on the students towards their classroom performance.
Limitations of the Study
There were a lot of do’s and don’ts while conducting the study. First, the
researchers should only conduct the study inside the SVCI Campus. Second, the
questions should not be answerable by yes or no and respondents must give their own
perception about the problem. Third, always know the exact population of the study.
Every response given by the respondents must be confidential. The researcher also
discovered that others are unwilling or unable to give details of their anxiety experiences
in public. Notwithstanding these problems, the respondents obtained are genuine. In
addition, this study has limitations in order to provide the process of justifying a
qualitative research. Some respondents are requested not to answer the questions. By that,
it limits us to gather information by them.
Future Research Needs
For future continuation on this study, we may need more time to address
unanswered aspects of our research problems to the respondents of our research study. It
also needs to enhance in terms of collection of data. Some of the participants resist
answering the research questions because it is too long. In this study it needs more
attention regarding on the response of the SHS students here in SVC Main Campus. We
may enlighten them to accept and adopt qualitative research and give information about
the importance of it to have more functional response in the future research studies.
Chapter 5
Summary of findings, Conclusion and Recommendation
In this chapter contains the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation
of the study. The findings of the study without so much detailed information are written
on the summary. Generalizations and other interferences would be seen on the conclusion
while the recommendation of the researchers to the beneficiaries of this study can also be
seen on this chapter. Generally, this chapter aims to cover-up the end result of the study.
Summary of findings
This aim to answer the following questions:
What specific classroom performance triggers your anxiety?
Why does academic performance trigger your anxiety?
How does anxiety affect your academic performance?
What are the difficulties you experience while facing anxiety?
How does anxiety affect your health?
What common emotions do you feel when anxiety is knocking on your day?
How can you treat your anxiety?
Why anxiousness is the most common feeling a SHS student encounter?
The most common answer of the classroom performance that triggers the SHS
students is oral recitation. It is said that it would make them nervous in facing people.
They said that they lack self-confidence by this, their academic performance was being
affected that they have low scores and that lead them to have low grades. The most
common difficulties that they experienced while facing anxiety is that they can’t breathe,
because of that their mental health is being affected. They would get worried and sad
every time anxiety occurs. They cope up their anxiety taking a deep breath, being calm
and relax. Furthermore, anxiousness is the most common feeling a SHS student encounter
because students have to do a lot of work and also peer pressure.
Students in SVCI who have these disorders are at risk of suffering from poor
academic performances and resistance to anything school-related. This can include lack
of engagement in the classroom, poor relationships with peers and teachers, and
disinterest in pursuing passions and planning for the future. The learning of SVCI
students is also affected due to the fact that anxiety can impact the working memory,
which make it challenging to retain new information and recall previously learned
Anxiety negatively influence academic progress and encourage under
achievement. Students with a high level of anxiety score lower on IQ and achievement
than their peers.
Based on the data gathered, the researchers found out that the grade 11 students in
SVCI have a higher level of anxiety in oral recitation than other types of classroom
anxiety. Academic standards and activities cause students worry so much if they could
reach standards and perform specific activities. Such challenges may cause psychiatric
disorders like anxiety.
The researchers recommend to consider most individual’s lifestyle. Lifestyle
changes are simple but powerful tools in treating depression and anxiety, and they are an
essential component of an integrated approach to treatment. In some cases, lifestyle
changes alone can lift depression or relieve anxiety, so it makes sense to start with them
right away. But if you are suffering from moderate and severe depression, also seek
professional right away. And if you don’t see relief from symptoms of mild depression in
a few months, likewise seek professional help as stated at Center for Spirituality of
Charles Meadows (2014).
McCrosckey, J.C. (1970). Measures of communication-bound anxiety.
Speech Monographs, 37 , 269 277.
Bensoussan, M. (2012). Alleviating Test Anxiety for Students of Advanced Reading
Comprehension. RELC Journal, 43 (2), 203-216. doi: 1177/0033688212449511
Ader, E., & Erktin, E. (2010).
Instruction: Write your answer on the space given.
1. What specific classroom performance triggers your anxiety?
2. Why does academic performance trigger your anxiety?
3. How does anxiety affect your academic performance?
4. What are the difficulties you experience while facing anxiety?
5. How does anxiety affect your health?
6. What common emotions do you feel when anxiety is knocking on your day?
7. How can you treat your anxiety?
8. Why anxiousness is the most common feeling a SHS students encounter?