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Greek Writing and Art History

Greek Writing and Art
The Greek Writing System
: the greek writing system called the Greek Alphabet was derived from Phoenician Letters
: it was developed during the Iron Age Century after the loss of linear B.
: Nowadays, the Greeks use this Modern Greek Alphabet.
The Greek Art
: Greek Art began in the Cyladic and Minoan Civilization, and gave birth to western classical art.
: The art of Ancient Greece is usually divided stylistically into four period: the Geometiric, Archaic,
Classical and Hellenistic Period.
Geometric Age
: The geometric period derives its name from the dominace of geometric motifs in its vase painting.
: It is the age that marked the end of Greece’s Dark Age.
Ceramic Vessels were primarily used as funerary items
Repetitive geometric shapes and figures were common features in those vessels
The most famous vessels uses a technique called horror vacui (from the latin, fear of empty space),
in which every space of the surface is filled with imagery.
Archaic Age
: dated from about 1000 BC
: known for its black-figure style of vase painting.
Vase Painting was an important art form in this period.
One of the early Greek potter’s technique was known as the ‘Black Figure Technique’.
Black Figure Technique involves scratching incisions to reveal black silhouette designs and
backgrounds of orange clay. Details were then painted in red or white.
Around 530 BC a new technique called ‘Red Figure Painting’ emerges. In this technique, a black
background is painted on the vase. The Ancient Greeks then use the three-step complex firing
process to seal the correct color scheme.
Classical Age
: Persian Wars of 480 BC to 448 BC are usually taken as the dividing line between the Archaic and
Classical Period.
: Referred to as the Golden Age of Greece.
The creation and decoration of greek pottery, dramatically changed.
The scene shown in the greek pottery is like a window to the pass.
They include picture of greek mythology, everyday life, and 5th century comedians.
The artists took pride in their work, as some artefacts of those potteries are signed.
Some of the most impressive bronze sculptures were made in this age.
But those early sculptors haven’t yet mastered the technique of making their pieces appear natural.
It was also during this time that the artists broke away from the tradition of sculpting glorified
renditions of ideal men and women, and began sculpting more realistically.
Expressive faces are imbued to those sculptures for the first time.
: Contrapposto Pose: this stand puts most of the figure’s weight on one leg, turning the torso
slightly. Making subject seem more dynamic and relaxed.
Corinthian Columns, along with the Ionic and Doric columns, belongs in this age.
Friezes carved in relief were also rendered in temple design. Frieze sculptures features mythological
and historical scenes, and sometimes animals.
A Piece of the Parthenon Frieze
The sculpture of Parthenon heavily influenced art in the 5th century BC and continuous to influence
art today.
Hellenistic Age
: The death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC is regarded as the event separating the
Classsical Age from the Hellenistic Period.
: Hellenistic Art was increasingly used for propaganda purpose.
: Greek artist developed new techniques and styles.
: This was also the period when Art, as a career, gained recognition, and several art
schools were established, including the Sicyon School in Peloponnesus.
During this age unflattering images were incorporated in sculptures.
Two of the famous sculptures in Greek history came to be.
“The Venus de Milo” and the “Winged Victory of Samothrace”
During the 4th Century BC Athens was well on its way to decline, but the influence of Greek Art had not
yet began to wayn.
Greek Art set the foundation for many modern art practices.