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Statics Exam Paper - Forces, Friction, Resultant Forces

Title of the Paper: Statics
Date: 07.04.2022.
Duration: 90 Minutes
Max Marks: 50 Marks
PART A ( 5 X 2 = 10 Marks)
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1. Define Forces.
2. Define Linear Momentum.
3. Define Earth Gravitation.
4. Define Tension
5. Define Hooks Law.
PART B ( 5 X 2 = 10 Marks)
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6. The magnitude of the resultant forces of two given forces P,Q is R. If Q is doubled then
R is doubled. If Q is reversed then also R is doubled. Show that P: Q: R = √2: √3: √2.
7. State the Laws of Friction
PART C ( 3 X 10 = 30 Marks)
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8. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant of F1 and F2 .
9. Two Forces of magnitude F1 and F2 act at a point. They are inclined at an angle α. If the
forces are interchanged, show that their resultant is turned through the angle
 F F
2 tan 1  1 2 tan 
 F1  F2
10. The resultant of two forces of magnitude P and Q acting at a point, has magnitudes
 2n  1
P2  Q2 and  2n  1
respectively. Show that tan  
P2  Q2 when the forces are inclined at  and 90o  
n 1
n 1