Your Current Location DIST / DIRECT to OBJ AZIMU./ Terrain Feat. RP/CP OBJ GRID TASK ORG: 1SQD: Front Security / ASSLT 1 2SQD: Flank Security / ASSLT 2 3SQD: Rear Security / SBF HQ: Command and Control TERRAIN AND WEATHER DATA: (SO WHAT?) Temp H/L: Moonrise /Set Sunrise /Set: Wind Speed / Wind direction: BMNT (dawn) EENT(dusk): BMNT (begin morning nautical twilight, i.e. nautical dawn) and EENT (end evening nautical twilight, i.e. nautical dusk) 1. Situation a. Enemy Forces i. COMP: Recon/IN element mounted/ dismounted elements ii. DISP: Where ENY and Weapon Systems are located iii. STRENGH: # of ENY elements iv. EQUIPMENT: # of Weapons Systems and type v. MLCOA/MDCOA: Plan for MDCOA b. Friendly (HIGHER, LEFT, RIGHT): LOCATION, MISSION, TASK, PURPOSE c. Attach/Detach: 1 X SAPPER SQD , 1X EOD TM , 1X FMT 2. Mission: READ THIS 2 X’S. (GIVEN BY CADRE/ TASKS TO SUBOR.) 3. Execution a. Concept of Operation: 1PLT will move from (Current GRID / Terrain Feature) WB 87654321 on a hilltop in a traveling (movement technique) as a PLT wedge (FORMATION) to ORP located at WB12345678 in a draw for 300 meters, in a NE direction, for 180 degrees, (Grid, Terrain Feature, Distance, Direction, Azimuth. From the ORP to the OBJ 1PLT will move in a (FORMATION / TECHNIQUE) to WB 1234567 on a (Terrtain Feature) for xx meter, in a NE direction at 180 degrees. 2SQD will recon and establish L/R side security IVO WB12345678, 1SQD will recon and establish ASSLT 1 and ASSLT 2 positions IVO WB0987654 and WB 0987654, and 3SQD will recon and establish SBF positions IVO WB 56789012. Once all elements are in position, PL will initiate the ATTACK IVO WB 123456689 located on a (TERRAIN FEATURE) with RADIO comms to the SBF / 3SL . SBF positions will provide surpressive fire. 2 x WHISTLES TO SHIFT FIRE, 3 X WHISTLES TO LIFT FIRE. ASSLT elements will assault through the OBJ. AT the end of the OPERATION, all enemy elements will be destroyed and friendly forces will hold key terrain for follow on missions. i. Maneuver: 1. PHASE I (Planning and Rehearsals) a. OOM from the AA/PB is 1/2/HQ/3 b. Formation: ___________________ c. Technique: ___________________ 2. PHASE II (Execution) a. OOM from the AA/PB is 1/2/HQ/3 b. Formation: ___________________ c. Technique: ___________________ 3. PHASE III (Reconsolidation) a. OOM from the AA/PB is 1/2/HQ/3 b. Formation: ___________________ c. Technique: ___________________ ii. Fires: Priority Type (GIVEN IN OPORD/CADRE) b. Tasks to Subordinate Elements: 1st Squad: i. T1: Conducts (movement to contact) at OBJ Yellow WB12345678 on a hilltop IOT destroy enemy forces NLT Wednesday 011800MAR22 ii. P1: Destroy enemy forces and occupy area iii. T2: Provide Primary EPW & Aid /Litter (Security, provide S&O team, RS Teams, SBF, ASSLT 1/ASSLT2) iv. P2: Ensure enemy is neutralized prior to friendly medical evacuation 2nd Squad: 5W’s & T/P 3rd Squad: 5W’s & T/P c. Coordinating Instructions: TimeLine: One Thirds – two Thirds 0700 0730 0800 0830 0900 Mission Brief UNIFORM Back Briefs CLASS C Rehearsals CLASS C PCIs Recon Team ready to SP d. PIR/FFIR/EEFI– Cadre will give in OPORD) i. Enemy Groups Larger than ________ ii. Civilian Supporting Enemy iii. Encounters w/Media ______________ e. Rehearsals: i. At min, the React to Contact Near / Farside ii. Crossing LDA .. BACK BRIEFS | NEXT HARD TIME | SAND TABLE TASK 4. Sustainment – BREIFED BY PSG a. Classes of Supply: i. Class I (Ration) M-A-M / All water sources topped off Full Canteen ii. Class II (Expendables) clothing & equipment iii. Class III ( POL) Fuel for equipment / vehicles Fuel Cans topped off iv. Class IV (Barrier Material) Wood, Cones, C-Wire. 2 Strands per vehicle v. Class V (Ammo) Basic Load vi. Class VI (Personal Items) – hygiene supplies, food, etc Not available vii. Class VII (Major End Items) – N/A viii. Class VIII (Medical) – CLS basic load / IFAK / ix. Class IX (Repair Parts) b. CASEVAC/MEDEVAC: Discuss pre-assigned HLZ , expectations of Aid and Litter Teams & EPW , equipment ROLE 1: Self / Buddy Aid ROLE 2: TMC ROLE 3: Advanced Treatment 5. Command and Signal: a. Command i. Location of Commander: PL will be located with the ME / ASSLT 1 during PHASE I and PHASE II of mission ii. Succession of Command: PSG, 1SL, 2SL, 3SL, Senior in Time in Grade b. Control: i. Reports: Cross LD, Enemy Contact, 9 Line MEDEVAC c. Signal i. Call Signs: PL WAVE 1-6 PSG WAVE 1-7 1SL WAVE 1-1 2SL WAVE 1-2 3SL WAVE 1-3 MEDIC WAVE-1-8 RTO WAVE 1-5 ii. Communication Priority 1. P: Radio 2. A: Hand and Arm Signals 3. C : Verbal 4. E: Runner iii. Passwords: 1. Number Combination: 2. Challenge Password: 3. Running Password: 4. Other: BACK BRIEFS | NEXT HARD TIME | SAND TABLE TASK