EXAM DAY REFLECTION PAPER (5% of Final Grade): A 2-3 page paper that reflects on your growth throughout class. Review the goals you made for yourself on the first day of class from the discussion board. Did you make progress toward your goals and/or did your goals change as you learned more about PUBLIC SPEAKING? Ask yourself what you learned as a presenter AND audience member, and what exercises you found the most helpful throughout the semester. What can you take away from this class for your future career? You may also include anything you found useful from the textbook. This paper must be turned in as a hard copy with 12 point, Times New Roman font, doubled spaced with 1-inch margins. Page Requirement 20pts Thesis/Organization 20pts 0 Did not turn in No Thesis/ Stream of Consciousness Goals/Learning Outcomes 20pts Didn’t include Goals or Outcomes Specific Examples 20pts Did NOT reference specific examples from class OR the textbook More than 20 typos per page Proofread 20pts 1-10 Did not meet the page requirement Awkward sentence structure/Somewhat difficult to understand The goals and outcomes were unclear 11-20 Met the page requirement Points stated clearly and concisely Identified clear goals and outcomes from classroom exercises and the text Cited specific examples The references were unclear 10-20 typos per page Was well edited before submitting AWARD SPEECH (5% of Final Grade): A 2-3 minute speech accepting an award based on the following scenario: You are being honored with one of the most prestigious awards QCC gives. The award for persevering in throughout these difficult times. It’s been hard on everyone but in many ways you’ve set an example of how to cope healthily within the pandemic/online education/hybrid classes. At graduation you’re expected to give a speech accepting this honor. Be gracious (say thank you) in your speech, and organize it the way you’d organize any commemorative speech. With a intro/body/conclusion. Your main points will still follow a past/present/future structure. Keep the speech about those who’ve influenced you, inspired you, as opposed to bragging on yourself. You don’t need to brag, you got the award and we know you deserve it! PRESENTED A SPEECH PROFESSIONAL ATTIRE 0 POINTS DID NOT COMPLETE DID NOT COMPLETE 1-3 POINTS 4-6 POINTS 7-9 POINTS - - - - - - FULL POINTS 50 points COMPLETED 10 points COMPLETED PREPARATION ORGANIZATION VOICE PHYSICALITY Speech felt unprepared. Needed to spend more time writing the speech No Introduction Body Conclusion No Main Points No Sound The student’s vocal volume, clarity, pace, or word choice was distracting The student had some difficulty in effectively using their voice in multiple areas. Student was uncomfortable and distracted from the information of speech. Student needs to work on multiple physical elements to help tell the story of his/her speech. No Video Student needed to practice the speech. Missing details/stories/use of language Needed a little more practice. Didn’t fit the time requirement. Needed to create more of a celebratory speech 10 points Very prepared! 10 points Well Organized and celebratory 10 points Still needs work in one vocal area Used voice effectively to create a celebration 10 points Still needs work in one area Used physicality effectively to create a celebration ************************************************************************************* EXTRA CREDIT SPEECH (Worth up to 10 points to your final grade): This assignment is available to those who need extra credit to help make up points lost from missing another speech, from low quiz scores, low participation scores, etc. A 4-6 minute speech GIVING an award of your choice, to a person of your choice. Follow the same guidelines as the Commemorative speech requirement. MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the EXTRA CREDIT DATE/TIME. Points 0 2 Dressed Professionally Did not Complete Completed Met the time Requirement Did not Complete Completed Organized No Structure Clear Intro/Body/Conclusion Details No details/stories Tone/Celebration Not celebratory/too informative Clear Hook/Reveal/ Main Points/Subpoints A celebration of the person