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Acid-Base Balance Worksheet: pH, Buffers, and Regulation

Acid-Base Balance worksheet
1. What is the normal body fluid pH range? 7.35-7.45
2. What pH would be considered acidic? Less than 7.35
3. What pH would be considered basic? More than 7.45
4. What is the constant ratio balance of carbonic acid to bicarbonate in a healthy adult? 1:20
5. What is the symbol for bicarbonate? HCO3
6. What is the most common base in the human body? Bicarbonate HCO3
7. What is the symbol for carbonic acid? H2CO3
8. What is the symbol for bicarbonate? HCO3
9. What is the symbol for carbon dioxide? CO2
10. If CO2 increases what will happen to the pH and why? Decrease in pH because solution is getting
more acidic
11. If there is an increase in bicarbonate, (a) what will happen to the H+ ions? And (b) what will happen
to the pH? A) Decrease B) Increase
12. Which organs control the bicarbonate levels? Kidneys
13. Which organs control the carbon dioxide levels? Lungs
14. Carbohydrate metabolism forms what chemical? Carbon Dioxide/CO2
15. What is produced with protein metabolism? Sulfuric Acid
16. What is produced with fat metabolism? Ketoacids
17. What is produced when cells metabolize under anaerobic conditions? Lactic acid
18. Which organ has the faster response to pH? The lungs or the kidneys? Lungs, within seconds to
19. What are the 3 acid-base control mechanisms in order of occurrence? 1. The chemical buffers 2. The
respiratory system 3. The renal system
20. What are the 2 most common chemical buffers? Phosphate and Bicarb
21. What are the most common buffers? Chemical or Protein? Hemoglobin
22. What ICF and ECF protein buffers help control acid-base balance? Albumin
23. What is the second line of defense against pH changes? Respiratory regulation
Acid-Base Balance worksheet
24. What is the third line of defense against pH changes? Renal regulation
25. Respiratory acid-base balance: What controls the respiratory regulation of acid-base balance? Rate
of hydrogen and ion loss
26. What is the strongest regulator of acid-base balance? Kidneys
27. What 3 actions by the kidneys help regulate the acid-base balance? Movement of bicarb, excreting
hydrogen ions into the urine, and reabsorbing bicarbonate from the urine
28. What does compensation mean? Body attempts to correct pH changes
29. Which organ system is faster at compensating? Lungs/respiratory
30. What does fully compensated mean? pH is within normal range
31. What does partially compensated mean? pH is not within or close to normal range