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Microclimate Impact on Health: Research & Quiz

Introduction ..............................................................................p.
Goals and objectives ........................................................................p.
Chapter 1. A person in a microclimate.
1.1. What is a microclimate? …………………………………………...p
. 1.2. The influence of microclimate on human health..…………………...p.
Chapter 2. Generalization of microclimate data.
2.1. Tips for working in unsuitable temperatures...........
page 2.2 Creating a quiz game on this topic.……………………....page
List of used literature..…………………………………….....page
The microclimate has a significant impact on the human body. A decrease in
temperature and an increase in the speed of air movement contribute to an increase
in convective heat exchange and the process of heat transfer during evaporation of
sweat, which can lead to hypothermia of the body. With an increase in air
temperature, researchers have found that human performance decreases. The
thermal regime in enclosed spaces largely depends on the building material.
A person's tolerance of temperature, as well as his heat perception, largely depends
on the humidity and speed of the surrounding air. The higher the relative humidity,
the less sweat evaporates per unit of time and the faster the overheating of the body
Insufficient air humidity can also be unfavorable for humans due to the intense
evaporation of moisture from the mucous membranes, their drying and cracking,
and then contamination by pathogens. [4]
With the development of climatology, the concept of climate is differentiated, and
currently, along with the macroclimate, local climate and microclimate are
The reason that prompted the allocation of microclimate and local climate into
objects of independent research, except for their specific features, due to
significantly different scales, other than macroclimate, lies in the fact that, firstly, it
is in the microclimate zone and the local climate that a significant part of human
activity takes place and, secondly, they are most accessible to change in the right
direction. The difference in the scale of phenomena is determined both by the scale
of climate—forming factors and by the proximity of the studied air layers to the
active surface — the source of heat and moisture, over which the main method of
transmitting all the properties of air (heat, humidity, dust, etc.) — turbulent
exchange - is hundreds and thousands of times less than in a free atmosphere. The
scale of the phenomena was the basis for the allocation of microclimate and local
Relevance of the research topic: the influence of microclimate on a person never
ceases. We need to know about its impact on our health and correctly apply
knowledge in practice.
Purpose: to study the influence of microclimate on human health.
1. Study the literature on a given topic.
2. Give the concept of microclimate.
3. To study the effect of microclimate on human health.
4. Give recommendations on working in uncomfortable temperature conditions
5. Create a quiz on this topic.
Subject of research: the influence of microclimate on human health.
Object of research: microclimate.
Research methods: study, analysis, generalization.
Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the concept of "microclimate".
1.1. Microclimate and the person in it.
Microclimate is a complex of physical environmental factors in a confined space
that affects the body's heat exchange.
The microclimate is determined by the following main meteorological
components: air temperature, thermal radiation, humidity and air velocity. The
microclimate of open spaces varies in accordance with the state of external
atmospheric conditions and, therefore, is subject to seasonal fluctuations. The
microclimate of enclosed spaces is created artificially in order to provide the most
favorable conditions for people and protect them from unfavorable ones. For this
purpose, taking into account the climatic conditions of the area, the heat loss of the
room is calculated and heating and ventilation are calculated.
The influence of the microclimate on the health of a child, teenager or adult is
expressed in maintaining the functionality of each system of the body. And if the
air temperature, humidity and speed of movement deviate from the norm, a person
is prone to morbidity, which emphasizes the importance of organizing an adequate
level of ventilation indoors. [4] An unfavorable microclimate, with prolonged
action, has a cumulative negative effect on human health, comparable to prolonged
stress. The body's defenses suffer, immunity decreases – the risk of viral and
bacterial infections, inflammatory diseases increases. Poor sleep, loss of strength,
irritability – this is often the result of poor microclimatic conditions. [1]
Classification of microclimatic regimes in residential, administrative and public
buildings for various purposes:
• Optimal level ‒ creates a balanced state of heat exchange and general functional
well-being of a person during the entire stay in the room.
• Heating mode ‒ a set of microclimatic parameters that lead to the failure of
human and environmental heat transfer processes. It manifests itself in a feeling of
discomfort, increased sweating (hot).
• Cooling mode ‒ a set of microclimatic indicators that lead to a noticeable lack of
heat in the human body (cold).
Optimal microclimate parameters:
• Workplace air temperature - 18-22 °C
• -indoors in the warm period - 20-22 ° C
• -indoors in the cold period - 18-22°C
• Relative humidity - 40-54%
• Air velocity - 0.2 m/s
• Permissible saturation of the air with toxic substances is less than 0.8 [3]
Here are the basic data about the microclimate. How can suboptimal microclimates
affect people? What are the symptoms of a bad influence on people of a heating or
cooling regime? I will tell you about this below.
The influence of microclimate on human health.
Working capacity directly depends on the state of health, and it is predetermined
by the conditions in which a person lives and works. If it is in conditions of high or
low air temperature, it harms the body, as overheating or hypothermia occurs. In
the first case , there are such signs:
• Recurring headaches
• Nausea, vomiting
• Redness of the face
• Intense sweating
• Increased pressure level
• Weakness
• Impaired coordination of movements
The above signs indicate heat stroke, which can lead to stroke, myocardial
infarction, dehydration, hypovitaminosis, hypoxia and other disorders. So we come
to the conclusion that the installation and maintenance of a good climate is simply
necessary for high-quality work and simply existence indoors. We need to consider
ways to create a suitable microclimate and tips for improving well-being if, for one
reason or another, it is impossible to establish an optimal climate for a person.
Chapter 2. Generalization of microclimate data.
2.1. Recommendations for working in unsuitable temperatures.
In cases where, for a number of technical and other reasons, optimal standards
cannot be provided, they are guided by acceptable standards. [1] But circumstances
do not always allow us to create conditions that will fit into the optimal framework.
Sometimes a hot or cold microclimate is simply necessary. How to work in such
conditions? There are a lot of tips and tricks for working in certain temperatures. I
will give the main ones below.
When working in heating mode:
• Drink more water. Not soda!
• Turn on the air conditioner. It is recommended to keep the temperature around
22-25 degrees and not sit over the flow of cold air.
• Take breaks to relax in a cool room if there are no air conditioners in your work
• Do difficult work before lunch, before the Sun gets too aggressive to fry. [5]
When working in cooling mode:
• Eat right and drink enough. Food should contain more fat and protein. Choose
dishes from meat, fish, milk, cereals, potatoes. It will be great to add celery to the
diet and шпинат. They improve heat exchange, because they contain potassium,
which accelerates blood circulation. It would be nice to drink a glass of warm
water or green tea with ginger just before going outside.
• Dress warmly. In order not to freeze even in the bitterest cold, put on several
layers of clothing.
• Get used to the cold gradually.
• Don't forget about activity. Even if your task is to stay in one place all the time,
you can walk in circles, jump and squat. [6]
I have given data on the microclimate, optimal conditions and ways of working
under suboptimal conditions. To test my knowledge on this topic, I created a quiz
2.2. Creating a quiz game on this topic.
As a product of the project, I made a quiz game for 10 questions. The questions
were compiled based on the material of this project.
List of questions and correct answers:
1. On what does the human tolerance of microclimate temperature largely depend?
• From humidity and air velocity
2. Which of the above signs is a sign of both hypothermia and overheating?
• Suppression of the speech apparatus
3. What is the percentage of permissible saturation of the air with toxic substances?
• Less than 0.8
4. Which of these is the advice when working in high temperatures?
• Do difficult work before lunch
5. Optimal workplace air temperature
• 18-22°C
6. In many ways, the thermal regime in closed rooms depends on ...
• Building material
7. What can be compared with prolonged exposure to an unfavorable
• With stress
8. What contributes to the increased humidity inside the building?
• The development of diseases of the respiratory system
9. What are the symptoms of insufficient humidity?
• Both options are correct (Slow bowel activity and irritability)
10. How can you not keep warm at low temperatures?
With this product, you can test your knowledge on this topic. This game can be
used as a small test for students or just interested people.
During the performance of this work, I studied the literature, gave the concept of
microclimate, studied its impact on human health, gave recommendations for
working in uncomfortable temperature conditions and created a quiz game on
In the course of the work , the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. Microclimate is a combination of temperature and humidity in a room. Too high
or too low indicators of these factors that go beyond the norms have a negative
impact on the health and psycho-emotional state of a person, reducing the quality
of his work.
2. If it is not possible to work in optimal conditions, then compliance with the
above recommendations will help to maintain your health, nerves and quality of
work even in a bad microclimate.
3. The project product will help you easily and quickly check your knowledge of
the microclimate and understand whether it is necessary to replenish them. After
all, no one will ever mind working in comfortable conditions and they should
know how to arrange a comfortable indoor climate.
List of literature:
1. https://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enc_medicine/18788/Микроклимат
2. https://www.prof2.ru/news/view/optimal-nye-parametry-mikroklimata
3. https://vc.ru/u/775411-asadbek-mi/228431-vliyanie-mikroklimata-nazdorove-cheloveka
4. https://prosto.rabota.ru/post/kak-v-zharu-zastavit-sebya-rabotat/
5. https://prosto.rabota.ru/post/kak-ne-zamerznut-rabotaya-na-ulice-zimoj/