2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME) | 978-1-6654-1262-9/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICECCME52200.2021.9591148 Proc. of the International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME) 7-8 October 2021, Mauritius A Comparative Study of the Energy and Environmental Performance of Cement Industries in Ethiopia and Sweden Alebachew T. Mossie, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa, Ethiopia mossie@kth.se Micheal G. Wolde School of Mechnical and Industrial Engineering, Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa, Ethiopia mwolde@kth.se Getachew B. Beyene School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa, Ethiopia getachewb@gmail.com Abstract – Cement industry is both energy and emission intensive. This paper examines energy and environmental performance of cement plants in Ethiopia and Sweden. Energy intensity (thermal and electrical), alternative fuel (AF) share, CO2 emission intensity and clinker substitute rate are applied to compare Ethiopia and Sweden cement industries. In most of the parameters, the Ethiopian cement industry ranks lower than the Sweden cement industry. The average thermal and electrical energy intensities for the Ethiopian cement industry is 3.76 gigajoules per tonne of clinker (GJ/t clinker) and 138.6 kilowatt hours per tonne of cement (KWh/t cement), respectively. Whereas, in Sweden cement industry, the average intensity is about 3.6 GJ/t clinker for thermal and 131 KWh/t cement for electricity. The emission intensity is 0.853 tonne CO2 /tonne clinker (0.853t CO2/t clinker) in Ethiopia and 0.701t CO2/t clinker in Sweden. The alternative fuel (AF) share reaches 62% in Sweden cement industry, while in Ethiopia the share is almost insignificant (less than 1%). Adoption of specific energy efficiency measures, such as waste heat recovery power plant (WHRPP) and thermal fuel switch, significantly improved both the energy and environmental performances of Sweden cement industry. Therefore, this study suggests deployment of WHRPP and raise of AF share in Ethiopian cement industry, but the technical and economic viability of these measures should be investigated in the context of Ethiopian cement plants. Keywords – energy intensity, CO2 emission intensity, alternative fuel, energy efficiency measures I. INTRODUCTION Cement production is continuously increasing as a consequence of new resident and infrastructure needs to satisfy global population [1]. The annual global cement production is forecasted to grow by 12-23% in 2050 [2]. According to International Energy Agency (IEA), the annual global production reached a high of 4100 million tonnes (Mt) of cement in 2019; China and India being the leading countries accounting for some 55 % and 8% of the global production, respectively [3]. Production is likely to decline in China while increases are projected in developing regions like Africa and Asia [2]. In 2019, East Africa cement market reached a volume Björn Palm Dilip Khatiwada Department of Energy Department of Energy Technology, KTH, Royal Technology, KTH, Royal Institute of Technogy Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden Stockholm, Sweden Björn.Palm@energy.kth.se Dilip.khatiwada@energy.kth.se of 35.5Mt, Ethiopia has the largest market share with an installed production capacity of 16.5Mt [4, 5]. The cement manufacturing sector is third largest industrial energy consumer and major contributor to climate change; accounting for about 7% (10.7 Exajoules) and 8% of the global industrial energy use and CO2 emission, respectively [2, 6, 7]. A typical cement plant using the modern dry process kiln technology consumes a primary energy of about 75% fossil fuel and 25% electrical energy. The fossil fuel is used to generate process heat required for pyro-processing (clinker production process) in a kiln. In a modern cement plant, the specific thermal energy consumption varies between 2.9 to 4.18 GJ/t clinker depending on the technological stack i.e. the combination of the staged pre-heaters and pre-calciner, and clinker cooler [8]. The specific electrical energy consumption is about 110 KWh/t cement, roughly two-thirds of this energy is used for raw material and cement grinding process [9, 10]. IEA’s sustainable development scenario (SDS) recommends, global average thermal and electrical intensity to be 3.1 GJ/t clinker and 85 kWh/t cement by 2030, respectively [6]. Similarly, the direct CO2 intensity of cement production shall be 0.48t CO2/t cement by 2030. Energy efficiency improvement (EEI), uptake of alternative fuel, use of blended cement and/or clinker substitutes, and deployment of carbon capture storage (CCS) technologies are identified as the main levers for the reduction of CO2 in the SDS [2]. In Sub-Saharan Africa, energy intensity of cement production is in the range of 3.35 - 4.19 GJ/t clinker for thermal and 105 - 140 kWh/t cement for electrical. Sub-Saharan Africa cement is relatively energy intensive as compared to global energy performance record, for instance in India/Europe the average energy intensity is about 3.14/3.67 GJ/t clinker for thermal and 85/111 kWh/t cement for electrical [11, 12]. Ethiopia cement industry, which is part of Sub-Saharan Africa cement, has 15 large and medium sized operational cement plants [5]. Monitoring energy performance and related CO2 intensity of a cement plant is a first step in understanding the potential for improvement. With this in mind, this study first examined the overall energy performance and related CO2 978-1-6654-1262-9/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Downloaded on March 28,2022 at 12:55:44 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. intensity of cement plants in Ethiopia and Sweden. Then, key performance parameters are used to compare. The comparison is used to understand the potential gaps in Ethiopian cement sector. II. METHODS AND DATA SOURCE Literature review, interviews, data collection through visits, and consultation with experts working in the industries are the methods employed to complete this study. The required data are collected from Cementa, the only cement producer in Sweden. In Ethiopia, the data is collected from six of the largest cement plants (LCP) that covers nearly 78 % of the country’s installed production capacity. The data is processed to obtain key performance parameters such as specific energy consumption, share of alternative fuel, and clinker substitution. The paper begins with a brief presentation of Ethiopian and Sweden cement industries. Then, presents the energy and environmental performance of the industries in both countries. Finally it provides discussion and analysis, comparison and concluding remarks. III. OVERVIEW OF ETHIOPIAN CEMENT INDUSTRY Cement industry is one of the oldest and rapidly developing sector in Ethiopia. Ethiopia has an abundant reserve of limestone, clay, silica, sand, gypsum and pumice [13]. Portland Pozzolanic Cement (PPC), Ordinary Portland Cement, and Portland Limestone Cement are common types of products with a production share of about 81.1%, 18% and 0.9%, respectively. The LCP are built upon the modern dry process kiln technology (multistage pre-heaters and a pre-calciner), whereas medium sized plants utilize the oldest vertical shaft kiln technology (VSK). The LCP adopted their technology from Europe (Germany and Denmark) and medium sized plants use the Chinese VSK technology. intensive than HFO. However, significant change in emission was not reported after the switch. The energy cost which was 50 - 60% before the switch was reduced to 40 - 45%, this energy cost is not within the acceptable global standard (20 - 40%) [15, 16, 17]. Fig. 1 shows the thermal fuel consumption trend in the LCP, 2013 - 2018. In the second step, it was planned to substitute 40% of the thermal fuel by biomass (or alternative fuel, [AF]) by 2020 [17]. In this regard, agricultural residue (sesame and rice husks) was used as thermal energy carrier in two of the LCP kiln, namely, Mossobo and National cement factories. Most recently, Dangote, newly emerged LCP, successfully co-processed scraped tyre and polypropylene bag. The same plant is under discussion with CCIIDI to utilize 600,000 tons of banned local transformers PCB (polychlorinated biphnile). Nevertheless, the share of AF is insignificant in the sector (See Fig. 2) According to [18], the use of AF sources (such as scraped tyre, refuse derived fuel [RDF] from municipal solid waste, agricultural residue/biomass and other industrial wastes) in Ethiopian cement firms is at infant stage. The study [18] indicated that RDF, scraped tyre and biomass represent 35 million GJ/year of thermal energy. In another study [15], the potential of agricultural residues (like Coffee husk, Sesame husk, Cotton Stalk, Saw dust) and MSW as thermal energy carrier is estimated to be 3.6Mt of clinker/5.4Mt of cement per year. In terms of electrical energy, all cement plants are dependent on the national electricity grid (mainly, hydropower generated), which is under immense stress due to inefficient power grid infrastructure and supply shortage [19, 20]. Current reports show that frequent power interruption is hampering the sector’s productivity seriously. Large share of imported thermal energy carriers, i.e. coal, heavy furnace oil (HFO), pet coke, and gasoil, are used in the production of clinker. Due to the large share of fossil fuel, the sector is highly emission intensive, for example, the direct CO2 emission significantly increased from 2.6 Mt in 2013 to 6.3 Mt in 2018 [14]. Fig. 1 shows the CO2 emission trend in Ethiopian cement industry. Since the industry is highly dependent on imported fossil fuel, energy cost accounts for major portion of the overall operational expense. To mitigate the high energy cost characteristics and corresponding CO2 intensity, a two-step energy efficiency (EE) programme, namely Thermal-FuelSwitch, have been lunched, with the assistance of Chemical and Construction Inputs Industry Development Institute (CCIIDI). CCIIDI is a responsible government stakeholder that provides assistance for the sustainable development of the sector, particularly, for achieving CO2 emission reduction target set in Ethiopia’s Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy [8]. Within this strategy, Ethiopia recognized climate change and has committed itself to a low carbon development path. In the first step of the EE programme, thermal fuel is switched from HFO to coal, since coal is slightly less emission . Fig. 1, 2 & 3. CO2 emission trend, Thermal fuel consumption, and Share Authorized licensed use limited to: KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Downloaded on March 28,2022 at 12:55:44 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. IV. OVERVIEW OF SWEDISH CEMENT INDUSTRY Cementa, under HeidelbergCement Group, has two plants located at Slite (island of the southeast coast) and Skövde in southern Sweden. In 2020, the company produced 2.7 million tons of cement. The plant located at Slite is the largest plant, with two modern rotary kilns (6 stage pre-heater and precalciner) and has a total production capacity of 300 t/h. The production is mainly driven by fossil fuels such as coal and pet coke, AF, and electrical energy. [22] In Cementa, the term “AF” represents biomass and different forms of waste such as scraped car tires, municipal solid waste, meat production residues, woody biomass, sewage sludge, textiles, and paper and agricultural residues. AF dominated the fuel mix, the substitution rate reached a maximum of 62% in 2020 (see Fig. 4). Technically, fossil fuel can be substituted fully by alternative non-fossil energy source. Globally, some cement plants already reached 95 % yearly average. Compared to global practice, Cementa has a relatively a good performance in using AF [23]. The use of AF decreased fuel related GHG emissions of the Swedish cement sector. Energy efficiency improvement and increased uptake of AF significantly lowered the CO2 emission intensity from 0.722 - 0.701 tCO2 /t cement (2010 – 2016) [33]. Swedish cement industry has a roadmap towards fossil free cement production. The main levers for the roadmap include energy efficiency improvement, thermal fuel switch, cement composition (blended cement and/or clinker substitutes), CO2 uptake by concrete, and CCS (see Fig. 5.). According to the roadmap, CCS technology is expected to provide the largest CO2 reduction. Currently, CCS technology is under investigation at Slite plant site to collect over 1.8 Mt of CO2 per year, it is planned to be commissioned by 2030 [24]. Next to CCS, biofuel (AF), changes in cement composition, and concrete CO2 capture moderately contributes to the zero CO2 ambition. EEI has already been exhausted, therefore, it will have a slight contribution in the roadmap. Furthermore, CemZero project, which aims for electric heating of clinker production, is under study in Sweden. Fig.4. Fig.5. The zero CO2 ambition V. DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS A. Energy Performance of Ethiopian Cement Plants The five year annual electrical and thermal energy consumption of Ethiopian LCP have been summarized in this section. The average specific thermal and electrical energy consumptions are presented in fig. 6 & 7, respectively. The specific thermal energy consumption is calculated using the annual clinker production and annual thermal energy consumption of each plant. In a similar fashion, the specific electrical energy consumption is calculated using the annual cement production. In 2013/14, the average thermal energy intensity was 4.5 GJ/t clinker, which then reduced to 3.76 GJ/t clinker in 2017/18. The average electrical energy intensity was 186.76 KWh/t cement in 2013/14, improved to 138.43 KWh/t of cement in 2017/18. In general, the intensity of the sector has shown progress. The thermal energy intensity is improved by 16.4% whereas the electrical intensity by 25%. As can be seen in Fig. 6 & 7, energy consumption varies among the plants. This might be due to differences in production technologies. Some plants are installed with different modern dry kiln technology, and others are not. For instance, Dangote, Derba and Mossobo cement plants have single production line installed with 5 and 6 stage pre-heater and pre-calciner rotary kiln technology. While, Mughar has three production lines that have different kiln technologies (5 stage pre-heater, staged pre-heater, and 6 staged pre-heater, and pre-calciner). On the other hand, National cement plant uses the old integrated VSK technology. Wide implementation of EEM throughout the plants may smoothen the disparities in energy consumption as well as improves their individual intensity. Share of alternative energy substitutes Authorized licensed use limited to: KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Downloaded on March 28,2022 at 12:55:44 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. In Ethiopian cement plants, the average clinker substitute rate is 26.6%. In this regard, Sweden cement plant has lower substitution rate (less than 10%). Ethiopian cement industry uses large fraction of Pozzolanic materials (such as Pumice/Sandstone/Sand) in the production of PPC. On the other hand, Sweden cement plant uses less fraction of clinker substituting materials such as blast furnace slag (from steel production) or fly ash (from Coal processing) to produce slag/fly ash based Portland cement. Replacing the amount of clinker or limestone with calcined lime and/or clinker substituting materials reduces CO2 emission intensity. Table I. presents summary of the key performance parameters applied in this study Fig. 6. Average annual thermal energy intensity in each plant TABLE I. No 1 2 3 4 Fig.7. Average annual electrical energy intensity in each plant B. Energy Performance in Sweden cement plants In 2013, the global average thermal energy intensity was 3.5 – 3.8 GJ/t clinker while in Cementa, it was 3.7GJ/t clinker at Slite plant and 4.0 GJ/t of clinker at Skövde plant. Then, due to progressive implementation of EE measure the average thermal energy intensity improved to 3.6 GJ/t clinker in 2020. The electrical energy intensity was 130.6 kwh/t cement in 2020, higher than the global average of 100 – 110 kwh/t [23]. VI. COMPARISON BETWEEN ETHIOPIA AND SWEDEN CEMENT PLANTS Ethiopian cement plants are more energy intensive compared to Sweden cement plants. In 2017/18, the average thermal energy intensity was 3.76 GJ/t clinker in Ethiopian cement industries while in Sweden it was 3.6 GJ/t clinker in 2020. Likewise, the average electrical energy intensity was 138.93 kwh/t cement in Ethiopian cement plant, in Sweden cement plants it was 130.6 kWh/t cement in 2020. The average CO2 emission in Ethiopian cement plants was 0.853t CO2/t cement in 2018, two years earlier Sweden cement sector decreased it to 0.701t CO2/t cement. Thus, Sweden cement sector has better energy and environmental performances compared to the Ethiopian cement sector. This is due the fact that, the Sweden cement industry has implemented most of the cement specific energy efficiency measures/technologies. For instance, WHRPP has been installed (with a generating capacity of 8.8 MW) and large amount of fossil fuel was substituted by AF in the Sweden plants, which were not the case in Ethiopian cement plants. 5 KEY COMPARISION PARAMETERS Parameters Percentage of alternative fuel/energy used in 2020 Annual Average Specific thermal energy intensity (GJ/t of clinker) Average Specific Electrical energy intensity (Kwh/t cement) Average Specific Electrical energy intensity (Kwh/t cement) Cement to clinker proportion Ethiopian cement Industry Less than 1% Swedish Cement Industry 62% 3.76 3.6 138.93 130.6 0.853 0.701 26.6% Less than 10% VII. CONCLUSION Cement production consumes large amount of energy and generates GHGs. Monitoring the energy performance of this sector is essential from economic and environmental perspective. This study used different key performance parameters to compare the Ethiopian and Swedish cement industries. It has been found that the Swedish cement industry has a better performance than the Ethiopian. Predominantly, deployment of WHRPP and replacement of fossil fuel by AF have improved the electrical and thermal energy consumption intensity of the Swedish cement industry. The large share of AF in the fuel mix considerably reduced the CO2 emission of Sweden cement sector. In Ethiopia, no cement plant deployed WHRPP and the use of AF in the sector is highly limited. Furthermore, Sweden cement plants have already put in place a roadmap for achieving fossil free cement production by 2030. In this regard, Ethiopia cement sector has no published or promoted roadmap/strategies for improving energy efficiency or mitigating CO2 emission. Therefore, it is recommended that the Ethiopian cement industry and concerned government body should work in tandem to develop a clear roadmap/strategies for reducing energy and CO2 intensities. In conclusion, this study revealed that there is a gap to be filled by Ethiopian cement industries to be competitive in the market and also to be environmentally friendly. So much to be learned from Sweden cement industry in terms of energy and Authorized licensed use limited to: KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Downloaded on March 28,2022 at 12:55:44 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. the corresponding CO2 emission intensities. Adoption of energy efficiency measures will enable the Ethiopian cement industry to close the gap. However, adoption of these measures, for instance, installation of WHRPP and increasing uptake of alternative fuel, requires a detailed study in the context of Ethiopian cement industry. The findings here can be helpful in applying to many developing countries worldwide. VIII. REFERENCES A. Atmaca and R. Yumrutas. (2014). Analysis of parameters affecting the energy consumption of a rotary kiln in cement industry. Applied Thermal Engineering, 66, 435-444. 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