Uploaded by maika narciso

Effective Communication Principles

If I were to arrange them according to what I believe is the most important, the list would
be like this:
1. Clear – Clarity of one’s message is the most important part of good communication
so that the audience can easily comprehend what you’re really trying to say. I believe
that there can only be a successful communication once all thoughts and ideas you
impart reflects your intended meaning, so that recipients do not misinterpret or
misunderstand anything.
2. Correct – Effective communication entails that your intended message be both
grammatically and factually correct at all times. Make sure to use only accurate facts
and relay our message in the correct manner for if not, readers would question our
credibility as speakers or writers.
3. Complete – When communicating, no necessary information should be missed, for if
we want to achieve a desired response from the person we are talking to, they must
receive all crucial information needed to do so. A message containing facts and
explanations for the possible queries from a reader would make communicating more
4. Concise – Including a jumble of useless words would only confuse and side-track the
reader, that is why we should try to use less words as possible. Keeping it short,
simple, but significant would lessen the risk of confusion.
5. Coherent – I would not really consider communication to be effective if the overall
message conveyed does not make any sense and would lead readers confused
seeing how it does not logically fit together. That is why we should keep the details
and ideas focused on the main message, with the sentences supporting the said topic.
6. Courteous – Being polite in our words is also a necessity as it would help the reader
feel respected as we into take consideration their feelings and opinions while we speak
or write. I feel like this is also an integral part of communication for this is where you
can build good relationships.
7. Concrete – To enhance communication, I think that being specific in your words would
help a lot instead of using vogue terms for it could lead to miscommunication for the
parties involved. Concreteness also helps the receiver understand the exact idea of
your message.