Republic of the Philippines SULTAN KUDARAT STATE UNIVERSITY Laboratory Science High School ACCESS, EJC Montilla,9800, Tacurong City 4A’s DETAILED LESSON PLAN Grade 7 I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students can: 1. define accurately the concept of linear and nonlinear text; 2. share effectively their ideas on how linear text differs from nonlinear text ; and 3. Perform accurately by transcoding linear text into informational maps. II. SUBJECT MATTER Topic: Using Charts and Transcoding Information in Linear Text into information Maps. Materials: 1. Laptop 2. Mobile Phone 3. Powerpoint Presentation References: Values Integration: Putting forth their best effort and self-trust Skills Developed: Builds self-direction, independence, and intrapersonal skills Teaching Approach: Constructivist and Learner-Centered Approach Teaching Methods: Indirect and Discussion Teaching Strategy: Fishbowl and questioning Teaching Technique: Transcoding and identification III. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity A. Preparatory 1. Routine “Good afternoon class! How is your day so far?” “That’s good to hear! So can I expect a full blast of energy and active participation from you?” “Good afternoon, Sir. We are fine.” “Yes Sir.” a. Prayer “Before we begin the lesson this afternoon, let us ask the guidance of almighty God and let us enlighten our mind to completely understand the lesson this afternoon. I would like to ask the class president to please lead the prayer?” “Yes Sir.” “Loving heavenly Father, We come to you this hour asking for your blessing and help us as we are gathered together. We pray for guidance in the matters at hand and ask that you would clearly show us how to conduct our work with a spirit of joy and enthusiasm. Give us the desire to find ways to excel in our work. Help us to work together and encourage each other to excellence. We ask that we would challenge each other to reach higher and farther to be the best we can be. We ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.” b. Checking of Attendance “For our checking of attendance, I would like to ask your classroom secretary to note the names of those who are absent today” “Yes Sir.” “Thank you” c. Setting of Classroom Standards “Good afternoon again class, we are your intern teachers, my name is Salvador Olivar or you can call me sir Salv for short, together with Ma’am Maria, so we are assigned to teach in your class, so as your teacher we have also our class rules.” 1. Respect and listen to the teacher. 2. Respect and listen to your classmates. 3. Raise your hand to speak. 4. Share your ideas. 5. Always try to communicate in English. d. Review “Let’s have a short review on the past lesson last week. Josh kindly give us a short recap about our previous lesson” “Yes Sir.” “Last time we discussed about simple present tense. When we say simple present tense it involves using a verb to describe something that happens continually in the present. It is used for things that happen often or for factual statements.” “Thank you Josh” e. WORDS OF THE DAY “So, let's proceed to our word of the day, so I guess Sir Jerick already assigned somebody to present his or her word of the day, am I right?” “You may present it now” “Yes Sir.” “Good afternoon everyone, our word of the day is Arduous. It means very difficult or difficult to accomplish.” “Thank you Jewel for that very interesting word.” “For example, climbing a mountain is an arduous task.” 2. Motivational “For our motivational activity, we will be playing a game called “Guess what". I will show you some pictures together with its definition, and all you have to do is to identify the unknown word. Understood?” “For number one, what is your answer, Clint?” “Yes Sir.” “Chart, Sir” “Correct!” “For number 2, what is your answer Mike?” “Linear Text, Sir” “Very Good!” “For our last pictures, Justine what is your answer?” “Venn Diagram, Sir” “Correct!” “Very good class! So, our topic this afternoon is about Using charts and transcoding information in linear text into informational maps” “Since I have given you the definitions of some important terms, I want somebody to recall the definition of chart” “Correct!” “I, Sir” “A chart is a diagram, picture, or graph which is intended to make information easier to understand.” “Linear text refers to traditional text that needs to be read from beginning to the end.” “How about linear text?” “Nonlinear Sir” “Correct!” “What is the opposite of linear text? “Yes Sir.” “Correct!” “Can you define what is non-linear text” “Very good Samantha” B. Developmental Activities 1. ACTIVITY “Nonlinear text is the opposite of linear text. As its name suggests, it is nonlinear and non-sequential. In other words, the readers do not have to go through the text in a sequential manner in order to make sense of the text.” “So now, let us proceed with our activity. I want you to get your pen and paper as you will be jotting down your answers. So, in our activity, I will be showing you some pictures of which you will answer ‘linear or non- linear texts', understood? In every slide you will be given only 10 seconds to answer.” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. “Yes Sir.” 6. 7. 2. ANALYSIS “Let’s check your answers class” “For the number 1, what is your answer Maricris?” “Why?” “Yes Sir.” “Good, how about number two Sam?” “It’s linear Sir” “Why?” “Because that is an article, and an article can be read from the beginning to the end” “Very good” “For the number three, Mitchelle what is your answer?” “Nonlinear Sir” “For the number four, Bea what is your “Because one of the examples of chart is table” answer?” “Good” “For the number five, Carol what is your answer?” “Nonlinear Sir, because Venn diagram is an example of chart” “Great” “It’s linear Sir, because Essay needs to be read from beginning to the end ” “For the number six, Brad what is your answer?” “Why?” “It’s linear also Sir, since poem needs to be read from beginning to the end as well ” “Very good” “Nonlinear Sir” “For the last number, Catt what is your answer?” “Because we cannot read it from beginning to the end just like essays or poems; we skim through them to obtain the specific information we need.” “Absolutely” “Thank you class for all of your ideas” 3. ABSTRACTION “What have you learned today?” “linear Sir, because novel is an example of it” “When we say linear texts what are the examples, Mario?” “We learned that linear text refers to traditional text that needs to be read from beginning to the end while nonlinear text refers to text that does not need to be read from beginning to the end” “Correct!” “How about when we say nonlinear texts what are the examples, Beck?” “The examples of linear texts include novels, poems, short stories, letters, educational texts, and all those texts we read from the beginning to the end” “Correct!” 3. APPLICATION “For your application, read and study the text I will provide. Then, create a non-linear text using the given information. Choose the appropriate non-linear visual from the following. You will be given only 5 minutes to answer” . . . . “The examples of nonlinear texts include flowcharts, charts, and graphs (ex: pie chart, bar graphs), graphical organizers such as knowledge maps and story maps.” 1 2 2 “Here is the text that you will transcode:” [After five minutes] “Time’s up!” “Okay, Kenneth kindly present your work” [The students will read the passage and they will choose which among the three nonlinear visuals is the most appropriate for transcoding.] “Yes Sir” “Good afternoon everyone, here is my work” Eggs “For our last linear text, I want you to choose your own nonlinear visual but make sure that it is appropriate to the passage I am going to present” Boys Will be Boys By Helena Daily English The two brothers loved each other. But sometimes they argued with each other. Sometimes they yelled at each other. Sometimes they pushed each other. Sometimes they hit each other. Sometimes they got into a fight with each other. Bobby was the older brother. Billy was the younger brother. Bobby was older than Billy. Billy was younger than Bobby. Bobby climbed into a tree. His kite was in the tree. He could not reach his kite. He fell out of the tree. Billy laughed. He laughed when he saw Bobby fall to the ground. Bobby was not hurt. But he was angry. “Why are you laughing?” he asked Billy. “That was funny!” Billy said. Bobby said it wasn’t funny. Billy said it was funny. Bobby pushed Billy. Billy pushed Bobby. Bobby punched Billy in the stomach. Billy punched Bobby in the stomach. They put their arms around each other. They wrestled on the ground. They rolled around and around. Their mom came outside. “What are you two doing?” she asked. She separated them. She said, “You shouldn’t hit each other. That’s not nice. Wait till your father gets home.” She sent them to their rooms. [After five minutes] “Time’s up!” “Okay, Sofia kindly present your work” Adult Frog Tadpole Young Frog Froglet “I chose block chart since the passage is all about the life cycle of a frog.” “Very good Sofia” “Yes Sir” “Thank you class” “I chose Venn diagram as my chart because I want to compare and contrast Bobby to his younger brother” IV. EVALUATION TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES ‘’Please answer the following questions. Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.” 1. What is a linear text? a. It is a traditional text that needs to be read from the beginning to the end. b. It presents graphs and maps. c. It contains information that is found in a graphic organizer. d. It includes digital texts. 2. What is a nonlinear text? a. It includes printed texts. b. It is a traditional text that needs to be read from the beginning to the end. c. It is lengthy. d. It refers to texts that do not need to be read from the beginning to the end. 3. Which is an example of a linear text? a. charts b. maps c. essay d. tables 4. Which is an example of a nonlinear text? a. flow charts b. novels c. narratives d. short stories 5. Why do the readers find the nonlinear text more efficient? a. It does not take time for the readers to search for information. b. It is like a picture. The readers will enjoy looking at it. c. It will help the readers think wisely. d. It does not distract the reader’s attention. Answer key 1. a 2. d 3. c 4.a 5.a V. ASSIGNMENT TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES Search for an essay and transcode it using 3 nonlinear visuals. Make sure that the nonlinear that you will use are appropriate to the content of your chosen essay. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Prepared: SALVADOR G. OLIVAR III Pre-Service Teacher Checked: PROF. JERICK E. FEGARDIO Cooperating Teacher