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Advertising Campaign Development Assessment

BSBADV602 Develop an advertising campaign
Assessment Cover Sheet
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Email / QQ
Course name
BSB61315 Advanced diploma of Marketing and communication
Subject name
BSBADV602 Develop an advertising campaign
Assessment title
MCQs and Short Answers
Due Date
Teacher name
60 marks
Time allowed: Take Home - Open book
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Date: 31/07/2020
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© Melbourne Polytechnic 2020
BSBADV602 Develop an advertising campaign
Teacher use only
Competent / Not
Yet Competent
Mark or Comments if NYC
Section A
Questions 1 - 10
Section 2
Question 11
Question 12
Question 13
Question 14
Question 15
Question 16
Question 17
Question 18
Question 19
Question 20
Question 21
Question 22
To be deemed competent you must attempt ALL assessment task/s and be judged competent in
EVERY assessment task/s. If you are not competent for any part of an assessment, you will be
given an opportunity to re-sit or resubmit as nominated by your trainer.
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BSBADV602 Develop an advertising campaign
Section A: Multiple choice.
Circle the letter corresponding to your choice of answer. There is only ONE correct
answer (each question is worth 1 mark).
The advertising/campaign brief
Is not really necessary to the success of the campaign
States what the client would like the campaign to achieve
Is developed by the media planner
Includes the final media buy
2 Which of these is one of three main categories of advertising objectives?
When developing feasible objectives you need to consider constraints of:
All of the above
Market factors
All of the above
Which of these is NOT an advertising objective?
a. To increase sales
b. To reassure customers
c. To create awareness
d. To reinforce brand recognition
e. None of the above
One method of segmenting the market is to group consumers into specific
behavioural patterns that include:
a. Benefits sought
b. Useage
c. Consumption
d. All of the above
Which function do Reference Groups include:
a. Providing information
b. Offering guidance
c. A means of comparison
d. All of the above
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BSBADV602 Develop an advertising campaign
Which of these is NOT a set of influences that shape a consumer’s perception?
a. The relation of the stimuli to the product
b. The physical characteristics of the stimuli
c. The relation of the stimuli of their surroundings
d. Conditions within the individual
AFA is an acronym for?
a. Australian Federation of Actors
b. Advertising Federation of Australia
c. Australian Force of advertisers
d. None of the above
9. Which of these statements about television advertising is true?
a. It can reach large numbers in a single exposure
b. The geographic scope of TV advertising can range for local to national broadcast
c. Is facing challenges from alternative media such as the Internet
d. All of the above
Part of the role of an advertising/manager is:
a. Justify decisions relating to resource allocation
b. Explain how the campaign objectives will be met by allocated resources
c. Control the budget
d. All of the above
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BSBADV602 Develop an advertising campaign
Section B. Short answer questions.
Q 11.
Identify five (5) pieces of information an advertising/campaign brief should
include (5 marks)
Q 12.
What are the three (3) preparatory steps to determine advertising objectives? (3
Q 13.
Explain the difference between Direct Objectives and Indirect Objectives (4 marks)
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BSBADV602 Develop an advertising campaign
Q 14.
Identify and describe four roles within a reference group that influence consumer
buying behaviour (8 marks)
Q 15.
Explain the difference between ‘Selective Perception’ and ‘Selective Distortion’ (4
Explain the difference between Laws and Codes of Practice (4 marks)
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BSBADV602 Develop an advertising campaign
Q 17.
Identify and describe two (2) legal considerations in relation to your advertising
campaign for Fitness and Lifestyle (4 marks)
Q 18.
Identify the types of research method from the descriptions given (2 marks)
....................................A set of pre-set questions that can be multiple choice, or
scaled format. Can be conducted at a central location such as a shopping centre or
...................................A group of people are asked about their perceptions, beliefs
and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea or
packaging. The focus group is interactive where participants are free to talk with
other group members.
Q 19.
Identify and describe two (2) benefits of television as an advertising media (4
Q 20.
Identify one (1) Creative and/or Production personnel required to produce a
television commercial. (1 mark)
Regarding the production schedule for a magazine advertisement - Identify the
average time it takes for the art director and copywriter to work up concepts ready
for submission to the account director for approval. (1 mark)
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BSBADV602 Develop an advertising campaign
Q 21.
Explain the difference between the ‘Percentage of Sales method’ to set a budget
and the ‘Objectives and Task’ method to set a budget. (4 marks)
Q 22
Identify one (1) legal requirement and one (1) ethical requirement in relation to
appointing external service providers. (2 marks)
Q 23
Describe the purpose of including milestones for an advertising campaign (2 marks)
Q 24
Explain one benefit of including milestones to evaluate the campaign’s effectiveness
at key points throughout the advertising campaign (2 marks)
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