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Digital Innovation: Brand Ambassador Assignment

Digital Innovation in China
Assignment 01
Due: 22:00PM, Sunday, April 3, Beijing Time (16:00PM, Sun, April 3, Paris/Berlin Time)
Late submission penalty: (0, 1] hour late ⇒ −5 points, (1, 2] hours late ⇒ −10 points, (2, 4] hours late
⇒ −15 points, (4, 8] hours late ⇒ −20 points, (8, 16] hours late ⇒ −40 points, more than 16 hours late
⇒ not accepted. Please send your completed assignment to zachzhoucourse@hotmail.com.
Many athletes had great performance in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Choose a company from
the following industries: automobile industry, cosmetics industry, mobile phone industry, and finan­
cial industry. Then select an athlete participating in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and recommend
him/her to the company as a brand ambassador. State the reasons for your recommendation. I look
forward to seeing your analysis of strategic product positioning, target market, competitor analysis,
resources of the company, strategic direction in the future, characteristics of the athlete, fit between
brand and athlete, and cost and benefits of hiring the athlete, etc. You don’t need to provide all of the
above analysis. You only need to make a persuasive recommendation. If you cite online information
or data, please give the source of the information and data. Your answer cannot exceed 1 page (page
size = letter or A4Íž font size is 10pt or larger). If there are pictures or diagrams, they can be placed after
the first page and will not be counted in the number of pages. This is a group assignment.
Instructor: Zach ZHOU Zhizhong