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Bollington St John's Art Curriculum Progression

Bollington St John’s Curriculum
Art- IPC Progression Document
Learning Strand 2:
Communicating through the expressive arts
and creativity
Communicating through art
2.85b Responding to rhythm and beat in
creative ways including linking music to art,
dance and movement
2.76b Expressing ideas, moods and feelings
through a wide range of art, construction and
model making activities
2.77b Designing and creating 2D and 3D
artwork for a range of purposes
2.75b Exploration of colour, texture,
materials, textiles, space, line and shape
involving tools, manipulation, techniques and
construction to create unplanned and
planned effects
2.78b Exploring cultural art and design
2.74b Using the senses to categorise
materials and textures
2.79b Using the styles of selected artists to
Milepost 1
Know about some of the forms used by
artists in their work
Be able to use a variety of materials and
Be able to suggest ways of improving their
own work
Be able to comment on works of art
Understand that the work of artists can be
seen in a wide variety of places and
Milepost 2
Know how a number of artists- including
some from their home country and host
country- use forms, materials and
processes to suit their purpose
Know about some of the work of artists
in the host country
Be able to use art as a means of selfexpression
Be able to choose materials and
techniques which are appropriate for
their task
Be able to explain their own work in
terms of what they have done and why
Be able to talk about works of art, giving
reasons for their opinions
Milepost 3
3.01 Know that the study of art is concerned with
visual and tactile expression and
3.02 Know how artists, craftspeople and
designers from a variety of traditionsincluding those in their home country and
the host country- use materials, forms and
techniques to express their emotions,
observations and experiences
3.03 Be able to use a wide variety of materials,
forms and techniques to express their
emotions, observations and experiences
3.04 Be able to communicate through visual and
tactile forms
3.05 Be able to improve their own work
3.06 Be able to make judgements about works of
art, showing understanding, appreciation,
respect and enjoyment as appropriate
3.07 Be able to consider works of art in terms of
meaning, design, materials, technique, place
and time
3.08 Understand that the work of artists is
influenced by their environment and that
artists have an effect on the environment
inspire drawings and artwork
2.80b Freely experimenting with art and
design and presenting ideas through artwork
Bollington St John’s Curriculum
Art- National Curriculum Coverage
*See the NC14 Cross Reference Document which specifies which objectives are covered in each unit
Expressive Arts and Design
Explore, use and refine a variety
of artistic effects to express their
ideas and feelings
Return to and build on their
previous learning, refining ideas
and developing their ability to
represent them
Create collaboratively, sharing
ideas, resources and skills
Listen attentively, move to and
talk about music, expressing
their feelings and responses
Watch and talk about dance and
performance art, expressing
their feelings and responses
Sing in a group or on their own,
increasingly matching the pitch
and following the melody
Develop storylines in their
pretend play
Explore and engage in music
making and dance, performing
solo or in groups
Milepost 1
To use a range of materials creatively to
design and make products
To use drawing, painting and sculpture
to develop and share their ideas,
experiences and imagination
To develop a wide range of art and
design techniques in using colour,
pattern, texture, line, shape, form and
About the work of a range of artists,
craft makers and designers, describing
the differences and similarities between
different practices and disciplines, and
making links to their own work
Milepost 2
To create sketch books to record their
observations and use them to review
and revisit ideas
To improve their mastery of art and
design techniques, including drawing,
painting and sculpture with a range of
materials (for example, pencil, charcoal,
paint, clay)
About great artists, architects and
designers in history
Milepost 3
To create sketch books to record their
observations and use them to review
and revisit ideas
To improve their mastery of art and
design techniques, including drawing,
painting and sculpture with a range of
materials (for example, pencil, charcoal,
paint, clay)
About great artists, architects and
designers in history
Creating with Materials
Safely use and explore a variety
of materials, tools and
techniques, experimenting with
colour, design, texture, form and
Share their creations, explaining
the process they have used
Make use of props and materials
when role playing characters in
narratives and stories
Being Imaginative and Expressive
Invent, adapt and recount
narratives and stories with peers
and their teacher
Sing a range of well-known
nursery rhymes and songs
Perform songs, rhymes, poems
and stories with others, and
(when appropriate) try to move
in time with music