THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ONLINE AND FACE TO FACE LEARNING ON STUDENTS’ LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT USED IN BLENDED LEARNING Quasi Experimental Study at Telkom Junior High School ARMAN ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDIES GRADUATE PROGRAM UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN MAKASSAR 2022 RESEARCH BACKGROUND OF EDUCATION AS FOUNDATION THE IMPORTANCE OF STUDYING ENGLISH ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING SYSTEM AT SCHOOL BLENDED LEARNING THE CHANGE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDONESISA ONLINE LEARNING FACE TO FACE LEARNING STUDENTS LEARNING ACHIEVMENT RESEARCH QUESTION R1 R3 To what extent do the students’ learning achievement in online learning by using blended learning? Is there any significant improvement on students’ learning achievement in online learning used in blended learning? R2 R4 To what extent do the students’ learning achievement in face-to-face learning by using blended learning? Is there any significant improvement on students’ learning achievement in faceto-face learning used in blended learning? R5 Is there any significant difference between online learning and face-to-face learning in students learning achievement used in blended learning?. RESEACH OBJECTIVE 01 To find out the students’ learning achievement in online learning used in blended learning in Telkom Junior high school 02 To find out the students’ learning achievement in faceto-face learning in blended learning In Telkom Junior high school. 03 To examine students learning achievement in online learning used in blended learning in Telkom Junior high school 04 To examine students learning achievement in face-toface learning used in blended learning in Telkom Junior high school 05 To examine students learning achievement in online learning and face to face learning used in blended learning in Telkom Junior High school RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE & RESEARCH SCOPE Online learning is a form of distance learning that takes place across distance or a distance education that uses Internet as the main media. Although online learning often referred to as elearning among other terms. However, online learning is just one type of distance learning (Bartley & Golek, 2004; Evans & Haase, 2001 in Nurdini & Hanim, 2020) ONLINE LEARNING PERTINENT IDEAS According to Bonk and Graham(Bonk & Graham, 2006) offline learning or knows as face-to-face learning is an conventional learning model, that is used in teaching and learning where are teachers and students convey knowledge, interact with each other in one place or room BLENDED LEARNING DEFINITION Hartman et al. (in Hassan Ja’ashan, 2015) “defined blended learning as courses that combine face-to-face classroom instruction with online learning and reduced classroom contact hours (reduced seat time)” FACE TO FACE LEARNING Learning achievement is the result that had been achieved or acquired form of the subject of the students (Herlitz, Ongstad, and Piet in Rahardjo Agus, 2020). The result of the learning activities will be obtained After a learning process of the subject ends. Learning achievement have an important role in the learning process. Learning achievement are used to determine the extent to which students can understand and understand the material What do you call these numbers? PRETEST AND POSTTEST Cardinal Numbers Extra Special Numbers Ordinary Numbers Ordinal Numbers Ms. Cindy went to Nipah Mall at 2:30. She finished shopping at 3:10. How long was Ms. Cindy at Nipah Mall? 30 Minutes 1 hour and ten minutes 45 minutes 40 minutes Data Analysis Technique Statistic analysis DESCRIPTIVE STATISTIC NORMALITY TEST HOMOGEINITY TEST PAIRED T-TEST HYPOTESES INDEPENDENT T-TEST MEAN . STANDARD DEVIATION MEAN MINIMUN MAXIMUN The Description of the Data SCALE OF COGNITIVE DOMAIN (Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) SCALE Classification 86 – 100 Very Good 71 – 85 Good 56 – 70 Fair <55 Poor DESCRIPTIVE STATISTIC The Inferential of the Data paired t-test Prerequisite Test Paired t-test Normality Test If the significant value was. > 0.05 then the data was normally distributed. If the significant value was. <0.05 then the data were not normally distributed. If the significant value was. <0.05 then there is a significant improvement of students If the significant values was >0.05 then there is not a significant improvement INFERENTIAL STATISTIC The inferential of the data hypotheses test Prerequisite test There5stepsinHypothesistesting a. SpecifytheNull Hypothesis b. SpecifytheAlternativeHypothesis c. Set theSignificanceLevel (a) d. Calculate the Test CorrespondingP-Value e. Drawing a Conclusion Statistic and Hypotheses test Normality test Homogeneity test Independent t-test If the significant value was. > 0.05 then the data was normally distributed. If the significant value was. <0.05 then the data were not normally distributed. If the significant value was. > 0.05 then the data Homogenous distributed. If the significant value was <0.05 then the data were not Homogenous distributed. If the significant value was. > 0.05 then H0 data was accepted. If the significant value was. <0.05 then H0 data was not accepted