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DAkkS Calibration Results & Mark Guidelines

Presentation of calibration results and the use of the DAkkS calibration mark
71 SD 0 025_e | Revision: 1.1 | 19 September 2019
Date of confirmation by the Accreditation Advisory Board: 30.04.2019
Presentation of calibration results and the use of the DAkkS calibration mark
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Table of contents
Scope ................................................................................................................................ 3
Terms ............................................................................................................................... 3
Presentation of calibration results in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 ............. 4
Calibration certificates ......................................................................................................................... 4
Recommended sample of a calibration certificate ............................................................................... 4
Informative documents (EA, IAF, ILAC, DAkkS) ................................................................... 5
Annexes ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Annex 1
Recommendation for a multi-page analogue sample calibration certificate with ILAC-MRA symbol ............... 6
Annex 2
Recommendation for a multi-page analogue sample calibration certificate without ILAC-MRA symbol .......... 8
Annex 3
DAkkS calibration mark .................................................................................................................................... 10
Presentation of calibration results and the use of the DAkkS calibration mark
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The purpose of this document is to provide additional information on the presentation of calibration
results. It takes into account all requirements agreed in the European co-operation for Accreditation
(EA), including those from DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, for the form and content of calibration certificates in analogue form or calibration certificates in digital form. Both forms must meet the requirements of DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018. The document refers exclusively to analogue or digital calibration certificates issued within the framework of an accreditation granted by DAkkS. In the following,
only analogue calibration certificates are considered1.
The sample calibration certificate shown in Annex 1 is provided for the purpose of achieving a uniform appearance of all calibration certificates. It takes all requirements set out above into account.
The layout is not obligatory. It can be assumed that conformity assessment bodies using this layout
comply with the requirements for calibration certificates.
Digital calibration certificate
Digital data record whose integrity and authenticity can be verified by cryptographic methods
(DCC = digital calibration certificate).
Calibration certificate
Non-digital records that can be sent for example in paper form.
For digital calibration certificates, detailed documentation with good-practice examples is being prepared by
PTB in consultation with DAkkS. The first version of this documentation will be published at the end of 2019.
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Presentation of calibration results in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
Calibration certificates
The calibration certificates issued by accredited calibration laboratories must comply with the requirements of DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 (Sections 7.8.1, 7.8.2, 7.8.4 and, if applicable, 7.8.6) and of
For the determination of measurement uncertainties, the rules of EA-4/02 M apply. For the indication of measurement results, internationally standardised presentation in accordance with DIN EN
ISO 80000-1 applies.
For conformity declarations, regulations of ILAC-G8 and JCGM 106 must also be noted.
The use of the accreditation symbol provides documented evidence that the metrological traceability
of the calibration item has been demonstrated. This makes it easier for the user to verify compliance
with the requirements of DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018.
For the drawing up of calibration certificates, it is possible to choose from the following two options:
Analogue calibration certificate (recommended sample as per Annex 1 or Annex 2).
If the binding requirements are met as mentioned above, other options are also permitted.
The measurement results of the calibrations must be within the scope of accreditation of the calibration laboratory.
Recommended sample of a calibration certificate
The samples of calibration certificates shown in Annex 1 and 2 are recommendations. Since the implementation of accreditation and the associated requirements for calibration certificates in Germany and Europe, they have proven themselves to be successful in a similar form and have a high
recognition value. Page 1 should be laid out uniformly in accordance with the given sample (Annex 1
or 2, German-English). Other language combinations with German or English are possible.
The calibration mark should be designed in accordance with the sample given in Annex 3. For reliable
traceability and identification, the use of the calibration mark on subsequent pages of the calibration
certificate is also recommended.
For the use of the accreditation symbol or the combined ILAC-MRA symbol, the binding rules of
71 SD 0 011 apply.
Presentation of calibration results and the use of the DAkkS calibration mark
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For the use of additional symbol (e.g. DKD logo), the calibration laboratory issuing the calibration
certificate is solely responsible (note: legal agreements may need to be concluded with the licensor
of the symbol). A reference to certifications (e.g. to ISO 9001) is not permitted in the calibration certificate (see EA-3/01 M).
Templates for calibration certificates can be found in Annex 1 (sample calibration certificate with
ILAC-MRA symbol) and Annex 2 (sample calibration certificate without ILAC-MRA symbol) to this
Informative documents (EA, IAF, ILAC, DAkkS)
DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration
EA-3/01 M:2012
EA Conditions for the use of accreditation symbols, text reference
to accreditation and reference to EA MLA Signatory status
EA-4/02 M:2013
Evaluation of the Uncertainty of Measurement in Calibration
ILAC Policy for Uncertainty in Calibration
Guidelines on Reporting of Compliance with Specification
JCGM 106:2012
Evaluation of measurement date – The role of measurement uncertainty in conformity assessment
71 SD 0 011_e
Rules for accredited conformity assessment bodies on the use of
the accreditation certificate, the accreditation symbol of the
Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH as well as other references to
the accreditation
DIN EN ISO 80000-1:2013-08
Quantities and units – Part 1
Presentation of calibration results and the use of the DAkkS calibration mark
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Annex 1
Recommendation for a multi-page analogue sample calibration certificate with
ILAC-MRA symbol
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Presentation of calibration results and the use of the DAkkS calibration mark
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Annex 2
Recommendation for a multi-page analogue sample calibration certificate without
ILAC-MRA symbol
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Presentation of calibration results and the use of the DAkkS calibration mark
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Annex 3 DAkkS calibration mark
DAkkS recommends the use of the present DAkkS calibration mark. These have proven themselves
for decades and have a high recognition value. If they are used, the following rules are binding.
1. DAkkS calibration mark
a) DAkkS calibration mark with layout
The DAkkS calibration mark facilitates the identification of the measurement object associated with
the result report. The layout is to be used as specified below.
18 mm
25 mm
Field for entering the sequential calibration number; sequence number of calibration certificates issued
DAkkS case number in accordance with the regulation on the accreditation
Field for entering year and month of calibration
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DAkkS calibration mark with layout
The DAkkS calibration mark facilitates the identification of the measurement object associated with
the result report.
The layout of the DAkkS calibration mark corresponds to that of the DAkkS calibration mark:
18 mm
25 mm
Field for entering the sequential calibration number; sequence number of calibration certificates issued
DAkkS case number in accordance with the regulation on the accreditation
Field for entering year and month of calibration
2. Size
The dimensions specified under item 1 must always be adhered to. Reductions are permitted if the
calibration item does not allow such a calibration mark to be affixed, provided that the mark is still
clearly legible.
3. Colour
DAkkS calibration marks should be in blue [HKS 47K, corresponds to CMYK 100/0/0/0], the lettering
in black. Other colours are permitted, but must not impair legibility and require approval.
4. Quality
The DAkkS calibration mark must be made of suitable material and labelled to ensure that the following are excluded where possible
The affixed mark is unintentionally detached from the calibration item
The lettering runs, becomes blurred or becomes illegible due to abrasion or brightening
The functionality of the calibration item is restricted
Presentation of calibration results and the use of the DAkkS calibration mark
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