....,.,. ~. . ,.•!~:~,;;·: ... I I I -; '~~é~~;."";;;;;':;';;::;"J -í L..-'--~m h~1l--: ·Ir""" L~[DU ... ,""" I II I BS 4076 :1978';~1~lt~~ U \..i,l.-' I f .\. .•r'\~_.",,-'_:,.~ ..• - :·§Yt!;g~~{t' UDC 697.84: 669.14 '. -z, . \ I ' ~. ". 1 .. ·.'·::~!~â1.i,V1> "'''~'}~; '; :,<~?~;i5~: ' - • -Ór I I Ó "," I I :1 " Specification for ~.: :} ~"".'.' ~< ;1 Steel chimneys •••• • _ ••• ~.....,.. sua,. _1:Ia : ';",-,;~}~~}(.~~";~: t - ----- r,,'." ,.,f·i , , i Spécification des cheminées d'acier Spezifikation für Stahlblechschornsteine I f, I ! t( :;:,~ .. '~ -' ~::" :r,')t~ii~?ti: (.:/ '~.;: \~ .••... i t *'~. ~1 i; .; ~ ':~ < ::?);t/;' ,;: , /" 'f"! .h ~_" ~ ~~ .~' ,~~ ~') j .",; ~t~·"nd~'rd'::; lnstituticn G ••• _ • I, ''''.:'*h:(/''I 17·,:/·,·.'1' I .' .,'-t. " i- '.0,':-' "j I '. (I 'r ~i .. , ~ _ ~ •• ~~._ •••••••••• __ •• h "''''''''' CO\TE:-iTS U Fo r ewo r d f r o r; Inside Ccroeracing ••• 0 .~. " "'-.;:.:....:;.:..._.~- __ __~j~J:~' z o -y:l'.,;,.r·r~~~~ j organiz3tions "ge :2C~ Jver S:ope ~e:~:::'~r',ces 3. De f i n t i cn s 4. Chirnney shells í Suppo r i n g s t r uc :;t.r~'~};;'f;: Te r-pe ra t u re coefficient, Carrosion allowances In,ulation values Va l u e s oE K for d i f Ee r en 4. 2 FIGURE 6 6. Chimney :ini~gs 7. Exterior insulation 8. P'ro t e c t i ve t r e a t t-e n t s 6 8 t I. 2. 3. 1 I I ur e s t P age"iéPj"'fj: TABUS CO":_:r SP;:CIFICATlON S. __.•••• , _,,_o ! 978 BS 4076: ,. ••,_~.:..-;_~ Kc ",~o 3 cypes.of t c c+ s ; :"'.!t.:tlon·· ,, I. Effcc:ive height of chimney i shell' 1 9 'j APPE~,D ICES À. In sp e c c i o n anà B. C'. ~ind ma i n t e nanc e oscillacions excited Re corrsne nd a t i ons an d' o t b e r S tee for t he USe 11 11 of s t e i a l= s s ;;~~~ 13 15 -v, )o{. ~~:i .::: i~6:~· ~ .: .•••1'::: .' .: "' FORf.\';ORD This standard, which has beeo prepat'ed t;ndet' the d i r e c r cn ':)f"che Coces o f Pr ac c i c e Corr.n t t aa for Ci"il Er.?ineering, '.Jas f i r s t ?:;t>lis~ed i r: 19ÓÓ. Si:~c~ rhat ~la(e three anend~e~~5 h~ve be0~ issue~ wM~_ch hav~ d~alc ~ith the eff2~t ~[ w~n~ ~~ í í cirClllar c11imney shafts r e l a t i oris h j j, w i r h CP Lo ad s ". A FAneral r ev in ord~r to ~ai~:ai~ Ch ap t e r 'i: ?art i s i on o f t he s r and 3: 2 c r-; the '\{ind nas heco~e necessary, afcer the require~e~ts ~f this st~ndard hed been a9plied a~d additional eXt'2rie~ce had heen gained in i:s a?pljr~~i0n c u r i nc the i n t e r ...-e n i np y e a r s . Th~ ()pror;:!.!~!i.ty nas aL;0 b e e n t.!~e:1 to ::'Ptricate tJith BSr ?nlicy. :.;.~t? s t a nd e r : 1:1 2ct:ordance 1[,:(> c l aus e dealing t.~:<7q["lded an d t he r..: w it h c o r r o s i o n h a s 02,,;:-1 ';:CSiO~1 all,~)·.,;an::e 2~~:::.:-?ç l~ ence. In vip~ of che fnct chac th~ light af exper the majority of ch D~ey shafts are n0~ ~~!àed, it h0S b~en cnnsidered essential tha: provision be ~a(~e in this stan~ATd to enSUT2 chat 5ecl~ ~elding is carried out i~ 2 satisfactory r~~nner. As A r~slJlt of c~is ~ev21o~me~t it is no;~ 00r2 :h~11 -r :l~:'C~~:;:;·lry::;'1.~': t"1J·:.'1U.-l~C ,~":~3~,:'.::r2:~.~·~ b~ given to ~ind effect upon s~ooch shafts cf this constt'uction. Appendix B has therefot'e b~~n t'evised and expandeà to accord ~ith the I~test te i ma t i on t i vet'y important con t ró've r s i a l s ub j e c t , A'lt ho ugh mor e r e s e a r ch is neede~t[n this field, it is hoped that the info~.r.;:,,:'1contained i the i wi 11 prove Q! aSSi$(2~Ce to designers. clmic a l n fo r on h s a f'" nd . : .. , ~. o n app e nd x Ic has be~:'1 assumed in the drafting of this standa~d chae the àesign of ste21 chimney s~afts will b~ en:rusted to appropriately qualified engine~~s for whose guidance ir has been prepared. an d t ha t lhe vo rk w l l be e x ec o t e d und e r the direct~a~ of appt'opriately qualified supet'visors. > . .. ..•.. í ; It can~~t he toa stt'ongly stressed thar it is essen[;~l ar the enquiry st222 that alI t'e1evant i n f o rrn.i t i on b e p r ov i de d 50 t a a t the con:rac=ar h as c o+ n lot e a n d s u f f i c ie n t in t o rma t ion . Any special dcsign Ot' site considerations (e.g. fO'..lnda:io~s, which at'e not normally designed by a spe c i al i s t chimney co n t rac t o r ) should be inc ludrd 50 that a satbfacl0ry e s t ima t e c an b e given. T!1is will avoid any Qi$ll~derstanding3 a r i s in.; :rom inadequate information. ~:cen:~J~ ~3 also drawn ta consen~ mAy be necessat'y in examplc, The Greeter London o f the Lo nd on Building Ac t s , ('0: o ,. 'c:" the fact that sca~~L:ory cercein cases, for Council, under Part IV (Ameridmen t ) Act 1939. 100 '..(:' ~ '. ,". .. ; .. :.,' ;u' o, .' . '::"€i~;;, ~. ~. , ,I ,', .J'~~:' - _. BRITlS;'; ~ ~A.:;D/ ~ S'IEEL C .~~~EL SEClrrC';'TIO~i ...;1: ••• .. FOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '~f4~')Y .'..ooft' 1. SCOPS • 3_: .~~~~,:":~'," standar~ the structu~al tO d~sign r -, and of lini~i o~ cla~di~g e a r to í ns e c o.i a n ma n e to 1uch nanc e a r e ve n ~idely iu height, 5hap~, pur?ose arrd de5ig~. The design of chimneys of other than circular cross section is not included in this standard. Chimneys in pair3, rows ar gro~?s, a~d chose near oeher struccures of co~?a~~bl~ hei6he, may be subject to axcep~ional ~ind force and particularly ~inGinduced oscillation greater chau tnat allo~2d for in t h i s s t and ar d , Ap p rcp r i.at a exp er t a dv i ce should ther~iore be obtained in chese cases. The pur?ose for which che chi~,e7 is reauired will àeternine whether lini~g, insulation or cladding is ne ce ssa r y , ..'~.•. il e ..:.~ld. i c r s z ou.ic a ti A ch icnay on s u p p o r t e d by , ch i rane y , i~ í J~ c 3.10 b ra c.ic t , A co n s t ru c t j o n providing r e s i s t ar.ce to I a t e re ~ d i sp la cec.en t; o f t h e ch i criey , and zo r suppotting part or alt of the weight of (he s t e e l c a i.an e y s , wít:h ar :..:~ti~out a~à thei~ 5up?Orts, a~d to the ch iran ey s , wh e r e r equ i re d , Re cotaaerid a t i o n s ·...·i t h g d p ti d i t gi ap pe nd i x ..~ Th e p r i r c i p l e s d e s c r i b e d n ~;d.~ s t arid a rd app ly g ene ra l ly to c h i.cm ey s v a ryi n]; "',0 _ relates con s t ru c t i on of li~i~5s, applicacion ( b a this ..~-::1o~nse~ c::i::cn7{. ~oi.le ';:"~':'~::';', 3.11 brac~~ted ch :::~~!. A chimn~y ir. which ~ot a11 e xt c r.:nI ap p l 2C 10aJ~ (",.g. ·.·ind) are cBrriúd e:<clusiv~ y ~1 the structural sh~ll a~~ for which bracke~s are provided to ensure stability. The tities of the sta~dards publications r2fe~red to ic t~is sca~card ar~ listed on the i~sici~ bac~ cover. 3.13 cleaning door. A door, nOl'2ally at che ba5~ o f the ch i.mney, tO p e rraí t the r enova L o f flue dus t • 3.14 cope bando A 5(ee1 section attached to the top the ch i mnsy ar o und its pe r i.met e r to g ve adde d strength and corrosion resistance at this level. <\ For the purposes af (Oi5 British fo l Lcv i ng de f in i t ion s app Ly : ~ . í 3.15 cope no od , A hc cd fitted ex t e rn a Ll y to t he t op of Li na r , co ve ri rig t he up s ran d of the C2? a plate, Standerc ~Ã;, . ' A 3.1 dccesS door. perso,,~,"L. ~00r for the en(ry the . of haoks. F::cings ~elded to a ChL~~~y to pe rrní c toe a t t achr.er.t o f s t e ep lej ack s eq u ip.nen t (see llS JÓ78). top 3.3 aerodvna~ic stabilizer. ~ device fitt~d structural shell to r2ci~ce ~ind-excited o s c i Ll a t i o n s D/ ::1~d~ r:;i:-:; '':O:-~~·X s h ec d i n, . , ~. ~.: 3.6 A horizontal plate fixed :\ CO~i.':21. c h i rrne y COw 3.18 c rav a t rooip~r r a in wa t e r . J.l d re.i.nf~-{L r ) to toe bRS~ fins of ite2~ anci to 'che 3.7 base stool. A construction vertical piates, welded to the to the baseplate, su~porting a through which the nolding-doN~ Eixed ba~2?{ate. comprising t\olO chimuej shell and horizontal plate bolts passo 3.8 bl ank in z+o f f p·late. An irr,>e: forate p la t c fitted i~~ediateiy beneath the inlet of a COtmney to p r e ve n t t he was t e g a se s re ach í.ng t he 1.,)\""::'portion of the chimney. . j -~~:1{~t~~-····,~:?:'\""t~--. . !!f4'II' • .<.ifiii!'.i'!' .., :.1 l, of:--zhl: o " ~~':'l~ wo: \ «>0 '". t,.'.~~,.'f!\'8:·.. .- ~~""'.......-;<r.~~~~"" t 0::- d isn e d C2.p :i t ce d to th~ o r ed u ce Lhe in g re ss o f r a in uo ] , up s t aad f i xe d to the roo I , cap plate to prevent the ingress A:1 l:L; :,1(1:::!. .', c vhe r e i n c re as e d s tr e s s e s pLa::~2 t'iX2J o t.Lê s n of a Ll :'J o c cu r , 3.20 double s!un c!\L~~ey. A chimney con s i s t i rrg o: an outer load-bearing steel shel1 and an inner steel liner which carríes the flue gases. 3. 21 ~. gussets. Tria~gular tO Ch2 sneli ai' the chio~ey e to the 3.4 base cone. A trcnca:ed cone incorporRc~~ imme,:!Lately above t h e oas ep la ce of a ch i n.ie y to reduc~ deflection. 3.5 baseplate. base~~mney. ai rain water. te r. t.J2 l .'./ .. th~ ingress 3.ló corrosion test o e ce . A f i xe d or r e mo vab la steel plate insere, ~enerally of lesser thicknes5 than the shell of the chinney, in coutact with the waste gas~5 end fittcd at strategic poincs where rna x imurn CU[ r o s i cn i s e xp e c t a d to o c eu r • 3. I 7 3.2 acceS5 . to prevent í 3. DEFI:-iITIO)lS IC" ~ 3.12 cap plate. A sloping plate fitted to the tO? of the structural shell, covering the a~ea between ir and the liners and incorporating c r ava t s t hr o ugh \.;hich t he l í.ae r s p ro t ru d e , of 2. R.E:Fé:~~CES , A w re rcp e attached í at cne end to a ch i tnnay :lr.J anch o r a d =t the o t h a r 50 as to p r ovi Le t e n s i Le r e s i s t aa ce [O ;::1.e La t e r a I d i sp Lace man r; vi the coimn"y. 3.22 guy bando A s t e , l se c c i.on fitted a ro un d outside of 3 chi;~ley with provision for the attachment of GUYs. t he 3.23 gu}:ec!chirrr~. A chirnney in wh i ch no t ali externally applied loads (e.g. wind) are carried exclusively by lhe stru~tural shel1 and for which guys are provided to eusure stabi1ity . •••-~.....•.....- •.•.•~---.- .••- ... -~~,,":,"","""'-'-'-"---'---. ~.---:_~--";>-...~.-:-.~ -7" .•.-:- .•• 111,.1I1 •• ,."IIR' _.-'ltll ••••• " .. 076: 55 ;11~~1 1978 3.24 ~_~di::~-down bolts. Bolts built into ·t b r i ck base c r SU?PC:':'~~6 an ch o r ag e a t toe case o: CO:. _·e7."_cH'::1dacio~, :- • .lC'k:..; •..·;:Ç to p r o vi de ~r. i ::1'-,,/. .J • J. .J02?iac? 15 e S • ~" 26 í the A s ho r t duc t f i xe d to t,;'le s ha ~1 ar o f a ch i cr ey f o r t~e e n t ry o f f~t!·~ ••• ~t .I inter::-.ediate !:i~~·:,.;':T.e-i~a~2 ::í1~ a~ded 3.27 joi~tin3 fla~~e. A steel section fit:~d ead ar a chi=ey section co ep.a':Jle sectiO:l3 cor.r.ecced together. Ducts cantained wi:hin liner base. A suitable a co nven e o t heíght ab o ve s t r uc t ur a L s t e e I shell to í a structural s cp po r t p os t i one d a t t he b e s e p l a t e o f t h e c a r ry t!':e Ioieight of t h e í (B through tne BH is t ou r p r ov i d i n g b o th t e ns resist.ance to t::e later2.1 di s í) ~acemen t o f t:he ch i~ __ '""le)'• .Ao r i g i d "~l:1ber í (:c;:p;e3sive ch i rme y, t,,'J Le ".. cs of in this 3: Ch ap t e r V: less tri an 1.0. exit velocity_ on referred ia o~der (s e e 7.1). It to mininize cold ai.r i s s ooe t i ce s i n c o r r e c c l y - 3.38 t~l~dish. A cc~ical ar slo?i~g pla~_.~p"rovid2.d v it h f a c i Li r ie s ~~r bla~ki~~-off d r a i n a ge . .s , -~;;~~:l :h:.~~<"J)C,-j. ..\ ~,o Jt~ c e s i ,;r: :::) 5 ~l?;: :"-~. in ~at(~r ciear ai the cravat ~i,d p~'cve~t its rntry í~to the bui!ding. The d~te~~inaticn recommendations of Part 2, and subject oe 0~ d2a~ l~~J, ~ind i c ac c o r d ar.c c wi.ch CP 3: Ch ap t e r v; to the follo~ing the for level above factot B at class for ~~lf the ground· class C at t~e ... #/ ...•'.. -. above ground h e i gh t; o f ch i mne y for the (Ln rn) values i n •!. o s c Ll a t i on , o n e sh a Ll, b e adop t e d , r e Pare J pcovisos. 'J' c~::: e s n o : ch For i.n s t an c e , he l i c a l strakes of t h r e e r a i l s h av n g a p r o j e c t o n of 0.1 to 0.12 t i.ne s the oI Lhe ch i rariey , \,,rCt!.:-'.c) 2qual1.y s p ac e d , r cund t.h e p e r i cie t e r o Lhe shell a t a I)~tch o f about t i rm-s the d i ame c e r o f t he ch i m..e y for nc r l~SS t h an t he lL:pper or.e+th r d of t, I í í í í ? . ~. í r sh a l .t", I (e) D·o':l,·ction. The de f Le c c i o n at the top of the chimn~y ?roduced by the desiin wind load, calcu~a[~d as acting on the circular cross sectinn, in the case of designs according to 4.I(d)(I) or 4.I(d)(2) shall not be greater than' h/200. lhis requirel:1en~ doe3 not incl~de the -:,..;ind ;'C':"'':2 C~1 s t ab i l i z e r s , no r do e s i:: ap p l y to chi~~~ys dasigned in-accordance with che fo~ulae' i n B. J. 2, and B. 3.3. 5HELLS ar~d o cn e r ~.)a'.!3 sa a l l factor cn t rr.ey s less t.h an 10 rn h i gh class B column shall be used. a ~',i.' 4.1 l.. oading. J". h) .- (3) Chi~ney5 may be dBsig~ed in accordance with R?pendix B to provide for increase af Lo a.i i n g for dynami c e ff e ct and , if ne ce s s a ry , for tr:", f i t t i ng o f s t ab i I i z e r s , li s t ab i lizers ;'J' -::.;;33:Y, d ig e ch iane y be ir. .i cc or dance '.;i tn 4. J (d) (I). to as a ve~cllri, CHI~EY ~~ . (2) 5elf-supporting chimneys not ficted with aerodynacic stabilizers or tensioned guys shall be so c!esigned that stabi Lizers o r guys c an be fi: ced quickly and without difficulty La t cr , i f requi r e d , L.e. a l l owan ce for v i od forc~ 0n the stabiLizers ar the Ioads on the guy s s l.a I I be made as specified in 4.I(d)(I). The ma i n ax t a rna l s t ru c t u r e i o g any f l an ge s , e x c l ud che ~, c crie . ,\ t r un ca t e d cone o r other t:(";lce fi~ts!~~--cç t o p G! a chir:::"ej ;',,') ii!-:reas~ ::-:e grl=i * '?na (I) Cn irnney s fitted '.o'Íth aeroàynamic s t ao i l i ze rs sh a l 1 be designed for a force coefticient af 1.2 ou the part fitted with scabilizers*; The 1atter shall be measurad as the projected area of circular cross se c t i on enclosing __t he s t ab i.Li z í.ng r Lb s , For o th e r t yp e s of s t ab i Li.z i ng devices see B.3.6. ara providcd ta ensure stability. 3.~37 the and (80 70 (d) Oscil Let.Lon ; To a110w of tb c iollo',.;ing.procedures í 3 . .'36 s t ru c t u r a l shell. is For the s tdj'ed ch maey . A ch i mney i o wh i ch no t e11 externally applied loads (e.g. wind) are carried e xc l us Lve Iy by the s t r uc t ur a I shell and for wh i ch 3.35 l cu.i C ) H H appcopri~te leveI h i 5 r h e actual rooE. J.J!. s t ay • a~d 4. - H approp,iate C í í add i.e. 3.33 self-stepTJorting chinney •. A ch i rrrie y i n T..Jhich exte::nally applied loads (e.&. wind) are carried e xc l us i ve Ly by th e s t r uc t ur a L s ae Ll arid vh i ch , 't o ge che r w t h t h a fovnd a t í.on , w i Ll r e rna i n stable unde:: a11 design condirians wit~.:Jut additional s upp o r t , i.nver s 2 wh e r e 3.32 ,oo:plate. A p l a t e vh ch f o Ll ow s th'e con of Lhe roof round the chi~.ey w~ere i~ passes t:\~ requir,,-' are í í 3.31 mu Lt i.r f Lue ch i cme y , A g r oup o f t:'JO o r rao r e ch i rrmays within a s t r uc cur a I f r acevo rk or a g ro up o f ('';0 or more liners v i tb i n a s t r uc t ur a I sh e l L, ar the ~ordar.ce Je calculata~ ~'·.iQ~ .( e. í l.i.ne r s • ~tUy1 che O~ p ~or 1. (c) Ea c co «: 51' For chimneys o ve r 80 m in he i gh t , the f2ctor 51 shall be taken irom the class C co Lucn , ::0:: th os e ch irmeys De c-."een I O rn and 80 m t h e c l as s C facto r s h a l I b e increased by the dirference between class B and class C at the app r o p r i at;e level, rau l t i p l ie d by 80 mi nus toe ch rnr.ay he gh t , and d i v i de d by 70, to sh=ll-.----- 3.30 :he force (b ) Fact.?r 5,. The f a c t o r 5, inCP Pa r z :'.: '972 s h a l L be t ak e n as not expansian. liners. C~ ac cc r c an c e with standa:c. to che to be ].23 lateral suo~o~~s. Su?por~s pos:tionec 2~ a~propriate lavels ~ithin the s:ructural 5t~11 locate the liners and to allv~ fo~ their inde?endent í ~ind fo:ce 0n ladder5 constructed in wich ~s ~21: fixed to a chi~ney shall de t e rra i n e d in a cco rdauce wit:h ê;"le reco::-::--.en:i-ólti:>p.s of CP 3: Ch aci e r 1,' .. c o c e , A t r un c a t e d cone ,::-:~:::"~~:I 5~e:.!. dt :i:1 Le ve l C"J r e cu ce c-2::ec-::u~. !,~I:::":-~~~r1:eC~!1 3.29 (a) Force coeffícíent. The force coefficien~ a c r c u l ar ch í.mney of s mco t h cons t r uct on , with no external ribs or pIate projecti:~s exceeding l/ISO of the diacecer, otne= tha~ horizoncal ones, shall be ta~err as O~6• í d i arne t e r five ':. " : ,:;:":~:\~, ~\~~t ,.;.- .. :<>-" (f) Guyec, stayed, bracketed or gr~~p5 ~f chiwneys. Oscilla:io~ af g~/ed. scayed, b ra ck e t ed , pairs o r g ro up s o i s t ack s i s o u t s i de ( ;' that the weighe Df ~he flue linic~ shall be included i~ the ~2aJ laa~) b~t its stre~gt~ sha~; be ~xclud~J fro~ th~ :;.~~la~ioGs for be~ding a~~ stiff~ess* the scope of this .standard excep: to require that guys, stays ar brackets shall be aJe~uate to elioinate appreciable increas~ oi s:reS5 due to ::1ovecant. , 4.3.2 tsi nir: ..:1 thic:",,,ss c E steel 4.3.2.: Chimney shell. The rain iraum t h ckne s s o r the ,..Jad-b"·,d:1g cn i xney sh e Ll , in single or rr. ~ c i p le 5.'e II corist r uc t on s s ha lI be the calculR>' thickness obtained from stress and í 4.2 }~ateria ls ~ í e. â High tensile steel: structural quality. The !:laterial used for tne manufacture of high tensile steel bolts, nues and uashers, roe which pe rmí s s ib le stresses are g ve n in BS 449, shall have a Q~ni!:lum tensi1e strength of 580 ~/~2 and other me ch an i c a I p rcp e r t i e s app rop r i a t e t,) grade SOB of BS 4360: 1972. minimC!m thickness of British Standard (se e 4.2.1) hollow sec:ions sealed at the ends, used for external construction exposed to the wEath~~ or other co rro s v e influences sh a ll be 4.0 and for cunstructic~3 ~at so exposed) 3.0 ~~. The í =, í 4.3.2.', Angle I Lariç ec , Th a m i n irnuni t h i c k ne s s o: j o i n t rig .m g l a s to chi rrie y f la~gf:'5 sb a l I be 6.0 mm. Friction gr~p colts. Friction grip bolts, nuts aod washers shall co~ly with the requirements of BS 4395: Part I, and~shall be used in accordance with the requirements of BS 4604: Part am. SJpportinq sceel~ork. Th~ minimurn thickness for h~c roiLed sections used for external construc:iJn exposed to the weather Sh2l_ be 8.0 C~, and for co~structicr.5 not so exposed an d a n c i Ll u rv s t e e lvcr k , 6.0 r.n (s e e IlS 449). These pr0vi~io~s ~o r:~: apply to the webs of Br i t i sh S~:lndarJ (se2 4.2.1) r o llad steel sections, or te pac~i"6s. ni l steel. Ali raild s t e e L bolts an d nu t s shall have a tensile s:rengeh oi noe 1ess chan 400 N!=2 and a mi n i nu,n e lcnga t io n o f 17 ;:, as defined i n BS 4190: i9Si and BS 4395: Pare J: 1969. " corrosion í 6.0 ~ and nuts the Chimney Lirie r ; Ihe mi n imura t h i ck ne s s o f the steel lioer in a cloubie skin ar multi-flue construct~u~ sh~ll be coe calculated thickness obcained [r.J~ stress consideratio"s plus the corrosion atlowatlce, but s~all be not less than í Bolts co n s i d e r c t i o n s p l u s ,-1..~O:l ance (s ee 1,.3.-".5), b ut s h a II no t be less than 6.0 ~", nor 1ess thao 1/500 of the outside d ame t a r o f the ch cme y at toe saca he i ght , a Ll ow í 4.2.2 I í 4.2.1 Plates and sections. Seeel plétes used in the construction of chi.:::neyscoraí n g ',;ithi:lt he s co p e o f t h i s Br t i sh Standard shall cornply '••ith the r eq u i re me n t s for grade 43A o f BS 4360: 1972. Alternatively, suitable stainless or al10y steels oay be used in speciai ~irc~ta~ces (see ap pe nd i x C) b ut t h e t hi ckne s ss s sha Il Ot::é rv s e comply ~ith the require=eots of this spec~fication. Sup po r t i ag s t aa Lvo rk a ad an ci Ll a ry f i t t irg s sha ll comp ly .,ith t.h e r equ i rene nt s of BS 4 or c,;; !,d48 for àimensions and witn not 1ess than gr2~ê 43A or S03 in BS 4360: i972 f o r q ua li.t y . í 4.3.3 !. stresses Al10wable A1Icwable workiüg stresses shall to tak2 eccount of the most adverse General. be calculated 4.2.3 Gu",. ropes and fittings. Guy r o pe s s n a l I comply with the require~ents of BS 365. Fictings for guy s sh a l I be g a lva n i zed and s ha lI co.cp l y ."ith the requirements of cne re1evant: British Standards (e s g , as 462, as 463, BS 464, BS 825 and 35 5281). Guy ropes with hecp cores shall not be ,us2n. t ernp e r e t u r e to h r•••• í ch o r p a r t rnay h e :-::er::ner t reasonabJy be expect~~ tO be ezpcSicl and shall be ubtain~d by DulcipLying the allowable stress~~ sp e c i f i ed ia BS 449 o r tae c otnpre ss i vs s t re s se s fron the eyu~ticn i~ by che appropriate temperature coefficienc. Kt, froa taole 1. The expected temperac~~e of the steel components shall 4.2.4 Access fittings. Ac ce ss flttings.sh 1l1 not be allowed to exceed 480 eC• The values in comply with the r eq u i reme n t s of BS 3'ifT"i~.·':'h between attach:::ent o f p e rtaane r.t l adde rs to s te",1 ~(, -:-.r:eys tabIe 1 may be adj~s:a~ proportionately c .e is no t comply r e cornrae nd e d b'..:c. i f r e q u i r e d , t he. w i t h the r equ i rcne n t s of BS 4211. S:.J t L1 he .12~-iro.,l TABU: J. 'j t ao •.. :l::.::.< ·:al·~;~.s. U·!PEP~\TLP-!:: COGFFICIU;T, Kt 4.3 p.-S,signand cons·t7L:ccion 4.3.1 sheil -'.', The use of companents be ~n ~!,:r,:vrc.!2:1ce r..Ji~.::: (':-.e .relevaot cIauses of BS 449 , .-' I :.1,: ....- c: ..'. ~: General. and ochar " steeL for the chimn~ys shall r e qu ir erne o t s o t Temper=:.-r "c ~(~~.' -30* to 315 370 4807 425 J 1.0 I ,_ 0.9 " S~e (C.H) af ap~e~~ix C. t S~e (C.9) af appen~ix C. I 0.7 0.5 .(a) mi n mura thickness; í defl",ction: (c) a I Lov ab La compressive stress in circular shells due to direct force and bending ~omént; 4,3~J.2 E~·.fer;;ti'/9 i:e ].1t o: cc irxieu s iie l L, Fo r tll~ purpo~es of ~.3 •. 3. the efie~tive teight shall be taken from :gure I. (d) a1lowánce (e) allowance (f) stresses ~é}· I I ~ • ror corrosion; con ~: .deu[" __ The r e comme nd a t i.ons in BS 449 regarding t ue f o Ll ow i ng ma t t e rs sh a ll , hove var , be s up e rse.Iad by the requirements o f this standard: . (b) allowabie , structurai af steei for terr:perature; due -'I~i'·· r o uc ng , ccnp r e s the shell. s í va s t re s s To c aus e d by f ib re s t re ss due t , bending and d i re c.t load shall no t ex ce e d the following, redu:ed furcher, if necessary, for temperature (sei and ca1culated with the corrosion a1lowap~e jed~cted. to wind. Ali rnenbers, incIuding guys, .taken into ·account in design Compressive stress in L b k Li th(> the comb irrat i o n o f e x t reme t if any. shall be ca Lcu Lat ion s , e xcap t 3 ~~ .., ',.,:;S;.~.. ~~~.•.. }'i-)i!.';,,~. s,1 ··~·\l·;9 \, ..~r~;O:-"'·"'''''':'":''·'''·,:"~~~~~·~.,........r'' -:",''''-~,,,',"••"~'-"""'~.-''''~ .•••••...•••••.••.•.•...•• ."... ••. - .••~_ .•>'-.," ._- ...,. ••" ••• _- ..,••--.,. •...-...,..,..--~--,-_., .". - ._-:::;.; 1.11 .,.-<, , :~~'~~~.~Jéi~~· )·;r:'·BS,'4076: . 1/.... .' ~ 1978 ;:" \í~~roop,",,, seress v" 115 (.;/=2) .~ ,( B ' 4.3.1..3 Internal carrosian. The corrosion of the internal surface o~ a chi~ne; is a direct resule of th" corroslve effeet of the flue gases ""hi::h i t c a r r i e s , If the flue g a s e s a r e of a ncn+co r r o s i re n a t u r e , DO co r ro s Lo n a l Lowanc e is h "'"where A h 0.54 ,--"'.;0'... : " - '. '" h i .Lf ~ D ' (0.019 + ,')1 '- e i: D I e 2 I; » rec u F' re 'sa:;~3 a t t a c k ~·~.e i n t c r i rr su r f ac o s d C:i:--:-:·.c:': ii '..:..;~J02:15ac~o!". :.:1kes t.-' ~·.Jl.e. I':: th2 D í '~I t ( • ~_. inner .urface oE :he chi~ney, whi::h í5 in ccntac: the f l ue gaSe-s, is a Ll ow e d to f a l l b e l ov t h e ,cíd ce~ point ar the gases (:or normal boiler ~lue gases this m2! be taken ~s 132 °C) condensaclan cakes place and acid attack results. [f the inner surfece oE the (hi~ney is kept above ~he acid de~ point cf the gas~s which it is c a r ry i ag , i nt e r n..ai. a t t a ck ·il~ t ak e p l ac e anil' whilst the inner se=ia~e of the chimney is being heated to above th~ acid de~ point. This a~ot.:nt af corrosion shall be taken as 'average' in table 2. 1"\ '.•1 :.: 2 70!:.. o .,', and D .'. !2 ~ .. if (! \ < ó7 - .!:..) i ; "--" J U J:)O , 3':: ; 3 '" t is the thic~~êSS of ?~2:c a c considered (ie. m) where r,:... a: c.he D is the cean dia~eer consicered (in c) ".: .~:~ ~-':.,:-.~'.. .~.,~""'.",- leve L th a l•••• leve 1 : :~ \' .•.~·'w' • h :;~~·r:.'· - is the eifective he~g~c for consideratio~ e of buckling ( ia m) (saa fig~re_I). ~.3.4.4 Temperature control. To ~Âíntain tne te~era:ure oE the lnner surrdce oE the chi~ney '/-'.'-' Deflect~or. stresses. If the c~l~ney carri25 .: a vertical load other t it i t, f exa:nple, to the r e ac t on of S'-lys. a he avy l i.n i n g ",';~:' or an imposed Lo ad , s o that ao app re c i ab lê! ~~';.'~~co!llpressive stress results, deflection due to w nd ":\cay cause the a x i a I load to o e corae e c cen t r i.c ; t h e ,"Tcoment 50 p ro d u ce d shall be determined, added to ''':"thatfrom the ·..,rindload and any o ch e r live ar d e a d '"load and used to c a l cu l at e t h e co zb ne d s t re s s e s , "which sh a I I no t a x ca e d t h os e s p e c i f i.e d i ..•. 4.3.3. This procedure i s ne ces s arv only i f t~e total /axial load p ro duce s stresses g r e a t e r t.han I/J"'/H ":~:thebending stresses due to "..Iind. h an s ovn ••. e gh du a , c abo';e the acid d~w point ::1ini~izE: r ticting suitable clause 7). í ,'o" heat ChE; lo s s ; cladding it ij t h is ar necessary be can to a c h i e ve insulatian d by (se~ ( í Allowar.ce Eo~ ca~r4:ion. The total allo""an~e ior corrosion shali be the s~ of the exter~al (Ce) end internal (Ci) allowances given 1n table 2. 1hi5 cotal allowance sha1l be added to the thickness oE sheLl obcained Eram che calcl11aéion of the stresses and defleccion. Inter~al flanges shall have corrosion allowar.ce Cio and tne externaL flanges corrosion allowance ce on all exposed surfaces. í J'-, "':.:'4,.3.3.5 Safety i ectio : of gt:y rapes and fittinqs. A minim~ factor of safety of 3 shall b~ used: i.e. __'designed b r e ak n g load;;' 3 x raax imun calculated ',",' Lo ad , Be c aus e o f the large v a r i e t y o f f i t t i ng s "'(see 4.2.3), g r e a t c a r e s na l l b e t ak e n n the f t.h se i t ms , to t the .. ,,,minimuCl f ac t o r of safety is p rov i de d by a11 '.'., components o f toe supp or t í.ng s y s t ems , ~~--; IA3LE í Degree í : s e Le í ct on o e e e r s u r e h a 2. CaRROS IO~ ALLOl-iA.'iCES corrosicn of D('sign expecced Ext e rna • C ,e '.-;.. Stresses aue to wind forces. Except for --'~,stresses caused by f a c t o r s de s c r i b ed n and 'those for ch cr e ys d e s i gne d in ac co r d a a c e w i t h ,4.1 (d) (3), t he a I Lov ab Le s t r e s s e s g i van i n this spsciiication may be exceedeci by 25 % 1n cases where an increasi:: in stress i3 solel)' du~ to wind forces. nie s t s e l th ckne s s h ove ve r , s h a L no t b e ''less .th that if the w stresses were ,.peglected. í j í ne e de Ab o ve í \ooe co s n o h Ln (i.e. unp r o t e c c e d r age me: mm 1.5 Í 20 :-;il 13.0 f~ e a Ll arid e x e a Ci (e.g. non-corrosive ;~ses c r t:\e s t r u ctu r al o f ~u 1.; i p 1e c h i :~ne J' 5 ) Generai" A cn i nne y s h e 1: is s uo j c c t to by r ro io b t t rr y t rri y . The corrosion of the exterior ser face is caused ,by at mcsphe r i c at t ack : t h s i s r.o rraa l I y min i ma l , compared with c:-:~ at t ack whic:, t cke s p l a ce on .~he' :,inner s ur f ace ue to the co r r o s ive e f f e c t of ~-e 'or : ::'",i:;':1ey ~ó :'Jr prdtracted per ods. ack ave Internal nd ' tt y e ar s í d :::··4~3.4 cor ros i on a 10 )'ears :;one (i.e. p a i n t , i nsu l a r i on , c l add i a g ar s i ra i La r p r o t e c t i o a ) l:-;i1 í an life ~ ..\,-:·e:-ag~ Ll (eg ar na~u~al . I i n od , flue she l l s Nil ~il I. :; 3.0 3.0 5.0 No t ~ot i n s u l a r ..-·.j gas-fir::.!) í , flue gas e s :~e ur.us e Ab o ve ; .~. oLl-fired .~ recorr:- recor:l'"' lCended rr.ended :.• 3.5 .:;11o".N2nces to r Ler qe a.::ertt:res in Sh211. ~ha ailo~abl~ str~jj~S ap?ly co the shall ?la~as after Jue alLowanc," ror rivets and bolt holes. '.,'bereLa r ge ape r t u r e s are cut in the shell plates, as for i n Ie t s o r i n sp e c t i on p ane l s , a s t ru c t ur a l analvsls of the stresses shall be ~ade and cOlCp~n$2ting ma t e r ia l p rov ide d , as r equ i red , to ~nsure that the str~sses specified in the 5tandard are oot exceed~d. Ap2rtures in the shel1 . ··..::· .....(b) acne, i.f t n e e xt e r i o r i.; .r.a at a i ne d a t re gu l a r í.nr e r va l s .and p r e ve n t e d from rus t ing ; '<~'::"regular'painting ;lith a s c i t ab l e pa i n t is an ,':~_. ef.fective t re a t raen t ; í :c?,::' (c) above ave rage , f it i s unp rot e c t e d by painting or ather exterior anti-corrosive treatment. ~\)al-iired) I (e.g. l1n~rotected (a) none, if t he chimney fs fitted with weatherpr~of insulation ar cladding; .. :.~ -?.52 í '4.3.1 •• 2 External corxoe i.on ; T~.e a-ncun t o f • 'corrosion tlh::'chx ak e s p La ce c n t ne exterior of a chi~~ey shell (see table 2) s~all be take~ as: " E! r .~:~ce? c o na i ~ C"" av (e.g. unpr0tected í •.. 4 ~r ""'; . .~~;! \•..•. :~~;.' " .. ', ( ..•..... ' .. .~ ..... ': plates, cther than ·fiue inlecs, sha1i ha~e ~he co rr e r s r ad ius e d to a ::!ir1i~;';::l c i tO t, ·.<;ere .. t is the thlCkness o: t~e plate. 4.5 4..3. 6 2as~?;late iL--:':! ."--:·:)2:::;:;-r.c~r:.co : cs , ~~.:: b p l d l d i g+d o-.... it h l l 0-.:> qua r e to t ak e r h e Lo ad s t b e n d i n g ~o::-:~n~;s ;J.:10 r e a c r i on s bet~een th~ shell a~d che· s~9Porting s:~~cture or fOl:ndations, the position of ~~lding-J0~11 oolts ~~q~~re~2:\~5 a s e a c e an and base o n gussets -n co or stcols s s a a t í , .,' ' .. " lt i s re cornmende d that ve Ld n g p roc e du ra approvdL tests carried out in accorda:1ce wich this sca~dard and witnessed by an ind~pendent inspecting aucho:lty should b2 accepted by ot~er i n s p e c t i ng aut ho r i t i e s p r o v i d e d t h at a11 t he provi~ian5 have bcen fulfilled. .. ,:,., í .'i ~...: mae arid to l r r.e an s e h e í a 4.3.10 Sealing. Ri ve t ed ch raaeys should b e caulked, especially if condensation is likely occur. The welder who completes satisfactorily tha procedure ap p ro va l test is thereby exetnp t f rcm further we lde r approval teses involving the s ane range of pracedures. í to 4.3.11 Gas tight.'1ess. Lh e degree of g as c ight ne ss shall b e app rop ri a t e to t he ch icn ey s USé'. 4.S.4 of weI ds (shop eriâ site). In h e r cq c i remo n t s of 1•• 5.1, the manufactur~r shall Ddlntain quaIiey control by 4. J. ::1 s roce cx ior: eç e.i rvs t: l i qn triiriq , Su i t a b l e periodicaL checks. These shall consist of protection against ligh:ning, in accordance with radiographic examinacions carried oue in the reco~~endacions of cha relevant claus2s of accordanca wich the requirements of BS 2600: CP 326, shall be provided. Part I, and shall cover an aggregate of at leasc 4.3.13 Erection tol~ra~ce. The departure af the 3 m af concinuous welding to include at least ch i mn c y f ro:a the ve r t i ca I on e re c t o n s r.v. 1 .io t f o u r s e p a rn t e j o i n t ..• a c e a c h t h i ckn e s s p r od uc e d . excee.J 2S or 1/1(1,'):lf t hc he i gh t , ·..;hi-h·_:'.:e: is 1 li ~ p" r i ('. i i c c h e c r~s :;r. a L1 t H k e p 1 a c e a t i n t e rv 2 1 s che g:eacert at any ?O~~t. ai ~ot ::l;~2 th~~ th:'·!e m()n:h~. e = Fixing 4.4 .', ~:~'. :,:" ,. . ~ ',O .. ' .: (: .' .( <:0 t í of ~uys lhe accepta:1ce lcvel6 shall 1 i n BS 4870: Pare 1: be in acco~~ance wi~j 4.4.1 t ab l e There s h al I be a mi n imu:a of t h ree guy r ope s to each set; guys shall be positianed radially i11. plan and the angle bet~aeg any adjacene pair cf guy s s h a l I no t exceed 130 • •• \-.'henrando", radiagraphy af part of a weld reveals unacceptable planar defects, two further welds i:1 the group representcJ by this weld shell be 30 t~s(~d t~ :':2 S3~1~ ~x~~~t. !~ch~s~ ~u~~~er ~~l~:J show no u~~~cept2ble planar defects, th~ defects in t he I i rs t we ld s sh a Ll be r ep a red and t h en re-radiogiaphed. lf the repair is satistactory, the group af welds shall be accepted. Position. Guys shall be positioned su f f i c i e n t Ly b e Lov t he outlet o f the ch i c.ie y to avoid the corrosive accion of ehe emergenc comb u s t ion produccs. A rai n imun d i s t aric e o f 'J rn i s ra:::'J::=.e:,.C-2d. The guy rapes shall the horizontal. ... Ouallty add i t icn t " í 4.5.3 vle':'c1er e pp ro veL tests. Welders ercp Ioye d i~ the manufacture 2nd erection of steel chi~eys made in accordance with the requirements af this standard s~all have been tested by the manufacturer "Slng an approved procecure. Compl~te racorda aE such tests shall be availab1~ for ns pe c r i ou by t he pu rch ase r ar h i s r ep re sen cat i va as specified in BS 4871: Part 1. 4.3.9 Clear~'1ce. wn;,re a ch i cm e y pa5Iê·~',[hrough a rooi ar other pare of a building, provision shall be made to acco~ccate che I:love~enc o: tne y i rai t tr f r ai t , Norcally an air gap of 50 rnm ls desirable, but flexible heat-resista:1t packing may be u~ed. ch 511:. ~;OTE. =. í .~j A ~anuE3cturer shall be exempc fre::Jmaking procedur~ tests ia accordance with th~ reGuire~~~ts vi chis clause when he ca~ show tnac, for the !Jrc·,ious t~lr~e years, h~ has 5u~cessfuily und e r t ak en t he \':le l d i ng o r s t e e l ch irnne y s to a qUdlity ~quivalenc to that required by as 4870: Pat:t : i:l the p ro ce d ur e s f rorn wn i ch he s eek s e x e mp t i o n , o ase gu sse t s e ra o ly o e . e 11. Sr.oLl e r t we ea r he na i a 4.3.8 F'la.'1ge bolts i."l the str:.JctlJr~s!:e~1. AlI flange bolts ia the s cruc t u ra l s he lL'<sh a ll o e pc s zi orie d not more r n an f ve d i ame t e rs c,e[\·Jaen cen t r e s , wich a raa x i oun o f 150 Ac co un t shall be takan in the design oi the bolts for the eccentricicy due to che bolt position~~ í " t Base g u s se t s s h a lI De of acp le height a:1J s na ll extend :0 :he edge c~ the baseplate. The an31e of tne slo?ing edge of ~~y gusset to the horizoncal sh a l I be n o t l e s s t h an 60°. Tu e .ni.n i raum th i ckrie s s ai che 'gu s se t s h a lI be 6.0 ='. ~ o: t s for we l d i riq •. t.Jeldi!"'l~ accordance with t he 4.5.2 Pro ..,aurc D?proval tests. Before a ca~ufn~:u~~r i~ pernitted to weld chic~eys in aC~'.rJ~n~~ ~ith the requirements of this Briti5~ 5_Jndar~. na shall adequately a~d successfully cest hi~ ~everal pro~edures, and com~lete ~eco~J$ oF ." c~scs shall be avai1ab1e for the purchas2r ~C his r~presencative as specified in as 4870: P a r t J. e being 4.3.7 Base çiis se zs erici stools. r"ner ar s t oo ls are used, t~ey sh ou ld pre e ven l y d i s p o s e d ro und t h e ch imney s s e co nd a r y g us se t s ca;: be p ro v i d ed be gussets. . j c Ce:ieral teq ui remen b e c a r r i e d 01lc~.; ~ ~5.1 :aken i~:o be a de qu a t e ly t i cn s :0 p re ve.r the st,ipping cf tr.reads, and the :,aseplace shail be p:operly giouted . í ~/: . . ", .. n ielc~:lg !•. shal1 acc o cn c , Ho Ld i ng+dc vn oc lt s shall t i.gh t e ne d , •.•• t h ap p rc p r a t e p r e c au ,.:,.. 1973 BS 4076: not exceed an angle • ai 60° í lf one af the cwo Eurther welds shows unacceptable planar defects, each weld 'in the graup soall be radiograph2d. Unaccc?table defects shal.l be r e p a i r e d ..lurJ th e n r e+r ad i og r aph e d • to 4.4.2 '::.recr:io."l tzeris i or: , Th e tension n C"" t,'.:ys after erection shall be not less than 15 % nór more (han 30 7. of tha calculated maximu~ tension ,due to the wind. í 4.5.5 í .... , Si tc, wei iriq â An adequate and prap~rly-supported worki~g platform shall be pravided to enable the walder ta stand and move comfortably in the positiún he normally adopes at graund level to carry out the welding. 4.4.3 si te .tensioning of guy roi.es ; Th e anoun t of p re+t ens io n ng ap p l i e d to the guy ropes on s i t e shall be in accordance with tha appropriace desiin considerations; it may be measured by the use of a suieable instrucent. ; 1974. 5 , J.l}'t>; !;t~ t'3/ :,) ,~ \~~~:!: ':"';il"~~ ~~;?: . ti~es ~oe ~aximUQ overturning moruent due tO stres3-increaslng dead loads, leiS 0.9 times due to stress-:educing 10aJs, plus 1.4 times due to ~ind and imposed Ioads. -;:"',-: The weLdi ng area an d ·..;orking p La t Fo rm '~'~~:;.'~: s ha L~ b e pro t e c ce d ade quat e ly f roei t he ve a t he r. ',){,~'.~~ _->'-./ •• 5.';.3 Su r f a ce s to be •.•e Lc e d shall b e free f r orn <;"'-~~i:;t:ure. Pr e c au t ion s shall b e t ak e n t o prevent . ~-~~.,,:. ... '<~4i;}::::,t~~:1'de'scent o f CO~ s t ur-e (1. e. :-a i n anó . ".::. ..tff,·~~i~L~·nâensat.i.o:';.)c n to toe t,.;e:::::~:;6 are a ::om t h e }~tt'structurc ab ove the po int; o i. ·rielding • • ,-~;.;.'l.:>~;. .. ; - <0.9 :\.f2 '.,.i: Ma ';'/."; )í.s - toe ove r t u rn ng morne n t p rc Ju ce d b;: crie winc and ioposed loads (i~_;~) f-!..; í í is .'{m í ".fe ;~{:{~':'>~~~~RTL"G t rie ove r t u r n ng í l o a d s wh ch ,na! combi~ed moment (i~ ~ exceeding •..• 1·•.•...• ~·~I ( í ,) c c r e as a ~: " " -r thc fcundatioil bearing ,I ·t, pressure n :, m) í t ~:' í í :<i~,~~P.,~2004~ .:_ ~;;'l~iÀ"ehiinnéy taay be counted on t h e smoke box of a j~,';~boiler, p r ov i ded t ha t the s cok e box , boi ler an d :.-B,::boiler foundation are de s gc e d o r strengthened ,::;;:~f .to' comp Ly with the re qui r eraen t s of BS 4t,9 and í •. í ln the case of se1f-supporting chi~~eys. the require~ents of 5.2 shall be observed so that the speciiied combination of loads will not produce roore t han 1.8 t írnes t he al:":,·"able foundation bearing pressure. Subclause of CP 2004: 1972 may b e app lied whe n ca l cu l a t ng t he allowable bearing pressure for liruiting settlemen~, but no reduction in wind load o~ increased bearing pressure ir: accordance with chis sub c l aus a shall b e ma de when designing for foundacion Ioad limicacion to prevent shear failure. í -:t~ ': r he r e s t o ri n g morae n t p ro duce c o y t h e f o und ac ion v i chout e xce e d ing toe allowable ma t er i ... r l s t r e s s ano the g r oun d s t r e s s w i th out; STRt:GURES <":-' ro duc.id by cead ae:" í :'5 H;) ":?' '5.'1 'General. Structures sup po r t iag chioneys shall 'l"'be,,construc::eci o f s cee l , co nc r e t e , b r ck or o t he r )~<;,suitable mat e r i a l s in accordance wito the requirement s of the re levan:: Br i t sh Standards or '~~-codes of practice for the c!asign and use of thes<, ~;-""'-',ma:terials. Reference shoul d De ziad e to the reco=endations in the f o Ll cv ng do cumen t s r );:)'-BS 449, CP 110: Part I, CP 111, CP 114 and p .t [;lOS';' o r othe r i s t h« o ve r t u r a i ng .rro men t produced by de ad or,other 10êds which act àt alI cimes to reduce combinéd ruomenc (ir. ~ m) :;j~~(';~ :'.",':".." . \,' !tii;~:;5.2,Stability. _-:iQ';. wh~re w~nd 1r:~;~',:load carried, 0.9 .'·Im - ( where ALI ~lectrio weldir:~ cr: site shall be out •... .i ch t he ::Jlni::JG:l p r ac t i c a I length of cab l o be twe e n the -po·..-er source and t he ar e a , The supply o f -.'eld:ng current in of vo l t age and aep e r a ge shall De adequate welding procec!ure b e i ng erap Loye d , .:~~~1f,~ :,2004. 1.1 + i p a r t s be i ng cor.ne c t e d by wl:Iding s h a I 1 f i rml y to e ach o t ne r by bc Lt ng , o t h e r me chan ca 1 rae an s until welding i n the a re a , 'rr:":-4.5.S.4 Al1 ',~- b-e attached "c Lanp í.ng or .v-. i8 compl-ete 4.5;5.5 carried _li:'; welding .:;(, working '-}',,irespect ':;'$;,'_ ..; for the i e , 1.~:iN Chat that .í ,e , 1.6 0.9 (a,,, + C'm) - 0e 1.8 cf < par: of the structure are reduced by the dead and ",-hera this i s t ake n into _~~~: -accourrt, a c a I cul ar on shall be cada t.o shov t h a t -'fl}~: the--stress - ic?osed by 1.6 t ice s the total of wind ::-::~~~load.p Lus any s t r e s s+Ln c re a s i rig mpos e d loads, :_~jÇ'i_-less0.9 times the .mín ímum d e ad load e xc l ud ng :;'}~;:::anys t re as-e r e duc í.ng Lmpos e d l oa ds , w l l no t exceed 1.8 t i.zces the. a l l.owab Le s t re s s s pe c if i ed where <~:-;' 6. CHI~~EY LININGS ~ '.-.~.t.~.\~~{_ ~::.3;:~.• 6.1 General. Li n i ng s for steel ch íraney s may ':te required ,for one o r more o f the following purposes :1 j For every Lo ad stresses ~i 0w-' c~ and 0e are defined a~ i5 the allo~able ~ (Ln N/m2) í in 5.2 foundation bearing pressure í í í -Ó, •. -. .: -:!~~)i~e~;'.1.6:(aw + 0rn) - 0.9 rJe < 1.8 0a J~ .i·· ,., ~~~~~~~~~'~~~~tt:_:;'~, •' ':~~;i;~ciw'iSthe s t r e s s produced ::j';;ii;;;~;~c?("c '(in N/m 2) • < I (a) by the wind Load ':tJ:~:~~;";·.'ÕJo''':~~,; ,;'~~:+"àrtt"is .ché s c r e s s produced- b y any ocher load .~~~~;<y,.-.may act to increase the comb ne d s t re s s wh ich (o) eo maintain gases. 2 ;:',.-kóa ~ ~ 1 _ ~._'.. _,_~st he ",,-_Q~a:Jl,- .,"/' ";jA';Y' -,(i n N/ m 'S.3 .! covering, .1 , sere", _.. =. 2 ) ~... • - • ~ ~ i ; ~ .I, ci r e ..• __', ~.3.J a , Foundations. accordance crri ~ ~ thus '~ temperature of che fl~e ~. ~ ~ ~~ a a nd a r e The foundation shall De designed the r e cocrae nd a dons of CP 2004. .': ..• ~equir~~~~t í (c). ~~~ s~rengt~ an~ hard --~~~~&Z:,~:~~." . ~~-~ .. -.-'....·..t:f.~·'!:.... ~-.; ~ frot:l abrasion Suitable propercies: bricks hav~ the f0110wing Therrnal; coriduc t iv i t y about Bulk density not less kg/m3 j I ~ ~ surface wculd give protection to the steel when this has to be considered. , ~ ~ 1.25 W/(m K) í ' ._ ,~ This type of linin~ fuIfils rcquirement (b) and to a degree requirement (a) in 6.1 up to a temperature of about 1200 °e, but its high density makes ic oE Iittle use in respect of I.< i t h ,;;;;~.~;~tt~: '-i::::' ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ the n ~ f heat; Firebricks. to suic case o: guye d or La t e r a Ll y su opo r t ed ::~':chdmneys , t he s t ab i Li t y of 't h e s t ruc t ur e and ~. foundationas a whole or any parc of it shall be Lnve s t gat ed , and weight or anchorage shall be provided 50 t h a t , •••• ithout ex ce e ding the al Iowab l a ,:i5tmaterial stresses and founda t on be ar í.ug vp re s su r e , .:X,'t,O.9 .t íraa s the leas t res toring mooent including -~;::}J.ancho.ragewill'not be less than the sum of 1.1 '< fro~ These are made in radial form chimney dimen~ions; firebricks having 2.7"'1 l CO:~:-?:".: :'~t~·;2~i1 ~:'; ~ J:! :; satis~dctory for ~tte rr.ajorit)' of applicacio:-\.>. These b r ick s are SE: t in .nor t a r ffi2.Je f r cra g r c und iireclay ar io a suicable fir~ cenent. 6.2.1 ;.::'~, úi, the- -< the shell 6.2 }!ater'ials ,:i;/~:"~rtsure s t ab i Li ty at alI t írces , ac ccun t sha Ll b" -~ -taken of probable variations in dead load during construotion, repair or other si:niIar \..'ork. "~>in chimney ) "?Ji~1à;':,;~is the s t ress produced by the dead Load ·:·"~:"-::;~':ii:"-.:and any o t he r load vh i cn a c t s at ali times It~T~/df,;;:'and will reduce the corro ine d s t r e s s (in ~/m2) \.:~~::;.ri}t;~'f~•. the '(b) to act as a protective r e d uc i.ng co r ro s ion ; í -::f.~[(;;:~i,,"(i~ ',N/ro to protect than 2000 ~ ~ :~ <$ :~ ~~ 6 ,':=>" -;;; . ".;,;-'." .". . .~~ '~""""~--,~"~'---:-""'---"~.'-". '-- ..-...• - •..•~!·~·-r":"-:~-~~ ."::; ...,~~':"""';·~::~~·······~· •• ,*! j .~ .~~::\~qJ.: . BS 4076: .) '1' \!~ T' ·"·-e····' ·· · '::- - • ~l>1 ;; - :~ .. ~,.' _: '" . not Cold crushing stren6th ~... . Coe~rlc1ent o f ex~ans1on: For Le s s ha n t the I!. N/r::m' t ernp to 3 .3 x 10 -6/ K up o f g as , rC("JÍ~e::lent (b) e r a tu r e r arige ) SO C to 870 t y pe 6.2.5 Retractor!:, concrete. A lining may be formed in situ 'gunning' procesl. In use it f ír e o r i ck Li ni n g 3.r.d fu l f i l s (see BS !. 207) • chi~,eys taking gases from certain proces5 or equi~:::lentac te8?erar:ures i:-.. ::.:eS5 o: -1~CO !)C, ,a b :'.:.;: ',..;i.-ch a ~igher ·;-:.~·~c::i:!2_~:-:'C':::lt is nc~ded and 1 ni~6i ~or suc~ .~eeial _~cies nee~ '.individual deta led cons d o ·_.:íon. í.nc i r.e r a t o r "1: 1978 .;. ° ir'.6.1 in t he C. r e f r ac t o r y co ncr e c e or applie~ by the is 3i~ila~ to a similar rL1I.l:'re-::..e~:s í 6.2.6 Scl....íd d.t1d cetner.t mixtures'. I'he s e ar e 5\.!~ta~:e 6.2.2 Solià grade c'::a:' .lceou:; ar i ck s , Th e s e c an for Li ni t t d by t h '.: be mace to suit the .a:r.ece::of che ch mney and in more gen~rally for use in toe 10~ teruper~ture ch ck ne s s e s (g e ne r a Ll y be cve en 7.6 and I) 4 mm) to range (see BS 4207). suit the degree af ir~.: _:ion required. This type 6.2.7 O~~er materials. Uther lining ~teria15 ~ay of brick is se: :.. .co r t a r cade irom the b r i ck be r e q u i r e d for use i n spe c a l c i r cums t anca s a..c d material g roun d to pC'_'cierf o ra ví ch add t i o n oi these shGll be applied inaceordance wich the Portla~d .cr high alu=ina cene~t) ..according to the manufactur~r's specification. gas tej~erature. or in mortar suppli~d by tne bric~ =anuiacturers. Conditicns like1y to lead to 6.3 DesigrL 2nd construction 10s5 of s t r e ngt h o f a i gh a Lura i a a ce.:::.ent .1::2 kncvn and ·,.;iere t 6.3.1 Ceneral. The interior surfac of t~e steel s í.gn i f i c an t , shell shal1 be e1ea~ and sha11 be reee from 100se rust and scale, e.g. by wire brush ng, iomedia~ely ,~ This class of l n n ',;o\!!dcevar requite:~er.:s (a) before applying the 1ining.. ( and (c) and , cep~r:c rg upo n tr.é type-'i:pf'ilas, 6.3.2 Tnermal expa.nsion. The thermal expansion af .'; .. require:len5 (b ) in õ I ;;"ichin t t ,f' the 1ining sha1l be provided for in design. range 150 C to 8üO c. Refractory and acid-resistant linings shall be When dry this materia: has a 101.1coeffic~ene of divided i t sect~H!s: a suitable i f ti expansion and is reslstant to te~eracure changes. lS 6 m. Each section of the linir'.g shall be Beir:g highly ;;ater-absoroent these brlcks should supporteJ by an internal steel ri~g securely be s t o r e d i n dry su r r o cnd i.n g s ; briek Lí n i ng s attached to the chic~ey shell. A space for .shou1d be drie~-out slo~ly and, preferably, _ expansion shall be 1eft above the top of each maincained at an elevated tenperature tnereafter. section 50 that lt remain5 elear of the ring abo~e. Suitable bricks have the following properties: The expansion spa~e shall be filled with asbestosS fibre, mineral wool or other pliable, ; '"·Them.al condu ct i.vi t y not greater than nori+cotnb u s c i b l e f i l l ng , :; ng s con s ru c e e ! gunn í r.g ' p rcce s s , í = í í í ·.:-~:.~-~ sb a l L b e í de avo í d vou í l d b e í ~., ae . -'., :. " e cpe r at u re o ..,-- II~, H/(m K) 0.23 Bu1k density Cold crushing o he gh c o s e c c n í <~1' not'less kg/m3 than 700 no c ~ess th~i· 4.6 The thernal expansion of solid grade diato~aceous i earth brieks. or of concrete made from similári material, being Lov , sec t on heights taay be gr e a t e r, c. and, for small chimneys, a 1ining Df thesa 1 mat e r a l s may be t ak e n a l mo s t to the top o f t he " shell without dividing ir irito sections. D\!é co"sideration shoulé be given to the reneat shrinkage of these caterials. í streng~h "/r= _-o /,) 1=' • t:) p :: :.::: CO_." .•.c i en e xp an s i on .:i;.;, . _•. A'i.:::;,:... ".~~~1>~.~){>~ .~/:<,'<;l.',:~:~.~' ·8 r·· Moddus t o r ~... ' ~ Li r.e í -6 ar : 2. O ±. O. J /K 10 x 2 o f r up t ur e : 0.90 Nh=n Toe upper porticn of such a 1ining is subject to d~age by weather and it shou1d therefore .terminate at a d i s t anc e b eLow the t op approximatcly eqc.:al to the diameter qf the shel1, the lini~g bei~6 co~?leted with an engineering bric~ or d~nse fire~rick, jointed wich 2 suitabl~ rnor t a r , lt i s r ecorc.c ad c c t h a t t he t o p s u r f a ce o: the lini~i should be suitably protected irom th~ 6.2.3 s.ci xes i s tinç c r i ck s ; The se are used '..l~en .' .; ;·::{C>. the ilue gases are h gh Ly ac d i c o r are a t t erap e r a cu r e s a t o r be~o'.-I150°C (í ;e • n t l.c ,'Y~:'" ne i.ghbou rhood of t r.e c.:e·,; po nr ) , Th ey a r. se t i n '.', ·I.~:... an i i ti Cê~d'.t as the obj,'::l i '.i•.... ,,:" ,.' . to p t i:::;:e·'r·:ivc.:s Li g, .:yj,::::".:'f.:~- . fluctuations of t r should be id d , ':,l~~r.t;~~~;'/":~$··,~r':~; ~i,other' ... i s e z he r í.g i o i t y of the l n ng may C[:!JSê i t â í í í í ac d+r r e se e s s a ng an an er.c e a tur d , n í s n s ar.d bec:;::e ve r e e a í ·.::f~}f~·~~~{~:~:n.r,:~:· to f r a c z u r e e Le s s eff í vo e c enc, í L; 'Wll~''''-lí!",···,· . bIe f o r :.~L ...;/'Y~;;. ::.: t h at. t.h'i s c 1as s ~ f" :JrlC~,. 15 SUlCa /;:!y7t;>~}i"'c':"I" r equ i r e ne n t (b ) i.n 6.1 i n c i r cums t arice s o f ;,~?:;?:::;:;.~:.,.: '; flue g as t erape r a t ur e , ;.-!~~~. -r~.,.J..~~:'~. "';. '. ;::i.:~ ...i:;,r;\.;.:: ~,>'It i s .' we a t he r , í . . .. ~. . f.'JlloYw·s i o•.•. . p rac t c ab le to u se h í.g h Ly v i t r i r i eu c i ay o r vitrified f i reb r ck s r e si s t an t, to í :~:k<;::'~\í~~~j':~.;\;: br i ck s ::1~~;~~~~';)"~" ~::~:~~~~;~;.up í te °c S~() and ! 100°C }-\,;#it'tYJ:<:' The acid-resisting bricks and cemerir vshou i d be ··;';Jti;"'~~:~tti,;;c:"'chosen specifically to resist toe acJG.s known o r :.-:.~ ..(,."",,";''; ..•. :\:'0:.;;:';':;", ..:expectedto be present in the flue gfses. . . ': .~'<-}i·~~~~\t· , '.-i'f:.• >'t.;;:.;': : ,ir,,::,:;;!' .':;":.'. <,.:.:::'.:;."'.,;: .. P "'~·";""I\.','-:':~i:". ·~S·.~:.;i::t::·:: l·e it/i~: · J5".~·.~.,.:. ':,. ·;'ct{';"'· ... . No rna l ly a b r i ckwo r J)4 rnrnt h i ck nota ina :';.~~}, 'fi::f1b,?J;f" ~,;.. l í í ê appr r a g r • • .• .' . ~ .. .~;' ".;.... :'.: í í í >.:;f.~,:",.~,~;c~) coefficient .;~~~?~r:;J: '. '2 Lí n ng s h a l I be not Br i ck Li n i ng s no t Le s s than 76 rrm t h ck are permissible for çhimneys not more than 760 mm in internaI diameter, by agreer::ent between the parti25 concerned. NOTE. s c las s of Lí n ing has arelatl.vely 10'.01 of exp an s ion (see BS 4207) a nd '..'ouIO · .:~"!~::~t'},,,~~. cover requirements (a) and (e) and , d ep e udi rg up.)n :\,;i-''-{{~'íjJt·: : ..,. Th :'.' í í .' ~ ~~ 1ess t ha a (se e note) and shall be t ak en to the top of the c imney un1ess operating conditions are such that lining of the ~ho1e C~\i~~2y li ~ot r~G~~red. .. 6.2.4 So.ud axeâe ,d.1.atomaceo Js concz-e t e , Th e aggregate io~ so l d g r ade dia t.orna ce ou s C0r'C r e ce i s . f t ".=.. ~ ,·....;-1L'S as t"'0:1n e b __c r k S men ,..: ,").-1 .0 .._ scu....oe ~te __ .. _...I"t.: •.•. "abovr:: in op i c e ad i ng s , arte. i s ra xe d ·t..'i.th high a luraina cement. The coric r r t e can be p re ca s t Ln s h ape s .as required, ca s t insitu o r p l ac ed by • the "gunn ng ' processo t ...; 6.3.3 tsr i cawo rk ; Sn a p ed b r i.ck s shall be used f o r chimneys up to ~ m :~ interna1 dianeter, or wnen necessary to meet the service requirements, aod the general contour of lhe brickwork shal1 co r r e sportd w i t h the cu rva t u re af the ch i mne y shel1. Joints shall be properly fil1ed and shall 1.:Je a s ~h:':-: .:1:1 po s s i c l e , :~c:-tar sh a l l no t b e placed b~t~een ehe bcicks and the ateei iheil, anci there shail be no cavity between them and the shell. ~}:: ,.~ " ~i.~ ~~. 6.3.4 Supp:Jr=ing r i nç s ; \,nere sup po r t i ng r i n gs a re used, the first course of brick above each ri;'\g ;:; 7 >~: .. A .~ 1978 ., :..:i j .:.: oain': ~in t:;~ t empe r a t u r e of the nne r surface of t'" -: ch i r.; ..::.:, ab o ..'~~ t~f: ac i d I·~~·" p o ín c u.~Cp.t" nO:':::i.:.l ':i'E:~a~ ~:lg ..:,)a<i~t: ..;:-.;. shall project at least 10 ~, so as to protect the ~ing and allo~ any condenia:e ~o falI clear of t~~ ." . .'!ir.i.ng b e Lcv , .l~~ s ze e l r::-::; s .ia l L ex:er.d i.n-... ·at..! tliiit·.from t he shell 50 as to r e a ch at least 0.6 t imes ;;i~f:the thickness of the 'l n ng , . í :rt'.-"··. . ';,;".6.3.5 Openin-;s. Ope n í.ng s for flue and acc e s s d.ao r s " 'into "t he ch crie y lining s ne l l De p r op e r Ly f o r.ae d ~ith arches or suitable sup?or~s to soffits. fhresholds, h e ad s a nd jazes s a a l l, be su c cc l y insulated to ?revent deteriçra~ion. í í 6.3.6 Conical base sections_ Ir. chi~~eys having ·0' conical base se~~ion, the li~i~i in such secticn 'should be rio t less than 229 =:::1 t h ick as f ar up a.. , ia p r.ac t.Lcab Le : t h e internal d i azie t e r wiU :;i-?normally be equal to t ha t o: t ae lini:lg above , The .i.;-\'~ space bet·..,eer. che lining an d t'~e s t e e L shell sha L í í ~W~~'jé'::(b) loIeak coric r e t e (e.g. ~:"""J'" ':f ~. • .•~<~/rubble. or ,';/{<.f.-,,- •. >•.... b e tve en 8 and 10 to aggregate such as br~ck 1) It should be appreciated thaC, however effective the ns u l a t i.on , i f the flue gas entry temperature is too low, condensation and acidic corrosion will take place. . i,:t,':j',)~:'(C) â'suitable comb Lna t í.on (a) of and (b). enâ insula tine; concrete lining. >>'Xlt' is not ge a e r a lLy pr ac t i c ab l e to line ch itnne y s ·j;;?·of less than I m shell d Lane t e r with b r ckwor k o r .".:) gunned Li.rring s af t e r e~ection; in s uch cases ./:,"':'castab le refractory mí xe s of va r ous compos i tions . "~.i);,,may. be used A number or insularion fall basically 7.2 to 7.5 . í .,: into ~ethods may be used which toe four types described in 7.2 Aluminium cladding. Aluminium claddl:-tg* is an effective form of insulation because of its high therinal reflect i vi t y , and i c. shall be app l e d as stated b e l ov , í '·~jfi··' - í linings shell be se cur e d to the chimney ?:;-:,:shéll by a su i t ab Le ancho r ag e , Such anchorage may ?f~'con s s c of s t e e 1 raesh , (se e ss 405 and BS 1485), '~;cconcentric ~ith the shell, fixed by su??orts '/ . ·,.;elded to t he s h e Ll, at ap pr ox i tia ce Ly 600 ·{:;·centrest or of mus h ro cm o r Y-shaped s t ud s at ab cut <{~f450 cent r e s , The Lí.n ng shall provide not less ::;;,'than 25 tmI of cover to ali rae sh and s tudi.. . . ~~ ~~ , :'Í .~ ~~' ..•.~ o,; .:;; ,i~ .~ ] .i~ ] = = (b) The cladding shall cou s s t of a Lurninium sheet, Erom grade ~S3 to grade H4 as specif{ed in BS 1470: 1972 not l e s s t h an 1.6= thick with symnetrical flaage covers made in halves frem ~S3 or SI grade aluminium sheet as specified to BS IL'70: 1972 wh ch a I s o shall no t be less than 1.6 thick. í ;\:~~Thelining may be appl í.ed w t h the cb í.mn ey s:h'ell a horizontal po s i t on , toe latter being ro::â\'~>i /:~: dur ng fo rmi.ng , if desired, t o a vo i.d the us e tof ,t~;:shuttering (see IlS 4207). á'~* ~. i - ~~ 1 .\~ -:'.{.'f, .'{ :, í í = .::f::If>linings are applied bythe "gunn ng ' pr o ce s s ·.:;::.:,they.'shall be secured n a manne r similar to .that !;:?: described for c as t ab l e Lí.n ng s and shall be cured :óY'after applicat on as r ecommended by t he "";'. ;·i$.:;t}?~n~tact.urer • í ",:õ: ~ .. .. '.j.. ~;'L j~ .~ .~ J í (c) The cladding shall be rnade in strakes, using a n~~ber of equal plates par strake. Aii seams shall be connected by aluminium allay rivets at not more than 100 mm centres. Vertical seams of each strake shall be set a~ tha midi'oint Df tne strake beneath. í í - -, í ·i~~~'··:':>:~:·~F -.~-.' :,~:~".' 'J'~':7.;~EXTERÍOR I:\SL1.ATIO~ .~ . '.,~for w ind 'I oa.i c a Lcu l u t ion s , ::,,, ch irariey diaz:etar) ':~;;J.:5hali'be t ake n ove r a11 the c xt e r na l c l add i ng , For )i.. aec t i.on mo du Lus , D s aa l l, be me as u re d over t h e /bf:', 1. sue 1.. 11 • .~<~:stee (d)The claddin; shalI be fitted with its nr er na l face 6 ",!TI a'.~a:; f r om t he e x t e r na l f ac e o f the ch i zan e y shell, or a s ne a r as po s s b l e to clear rivet heads in the s:eel she11, this distance being ~2intai~~d tly conti~uo~s c i r cumf e rc a c i a I s p ace r s o ; .) mm t n í.ck asbestos tape coincident with the hurizontal joints of the a l umi n ium, Th e asbestos tape shall be cemented into p c s i t on by ne an s o f s od i um silicate ar ath~r suitable adhesive. The ends of the horizontal rivets i~ the aluminium sheets serve to retain the asbest05 tape in positian aiter erection. The circu~Eerential asbestos s pac e r c -,i:"'Jide r.he 6 ;;-.mi'.irspace oet'"Jeea t ne s t e e I ando t he a l umí n ium i nt o sections no t more than 1.5 ~ apart, thus reducing convection heat losses. .: It has been f o und from cb se rvat i.on and :~calculations that the effectiveness of insul~tion "{,is as shovn in t ab l e 3. It ia essential that :the .1:·grade of insuIation" selected is Buitabl,: to "i . (e) I-i'hen the Leug t h of t h e s e c t icn s of shell between fLanges i~ not a whole cultiple of tha strake w i.d t h , ou l y oue make+up s t r ake pe r section Qf... chimney shall be used. .' General. Ln order to mi n i n iza l.o s s of he at . :~ from a chimney and to maintain the temperature of .',~ th~ steel sheIl above the acid dew point leveI, .k:.externalinsulation may be f i t t e d , '.':,:'.'7.1 ;;}t;':.' .: t. í í ;'!:.' , e f f e c t i.verie s s of ~. ,,:'. (a). the ',' ,," (b ) the ve Loc i t y of the ··~r·~·.:.···(c)the '::-; .•C- '. : '; ;.:, inlet temperature -. :. . t ae flue of í nsu l a t on ; gas e s ; flue gases , -' v ~~;i;~~W0.~ ::;"',:,: ,;;::!::..~.·.~Sheet 'steel ". ar other :.•. :» !;:~~,',,' ~", . .$$ ." I. .:.~:~~4.~~~;~:;:":'."<1'!_~:'~!/ . forros of cladd~ng 'm.ay be sUl.table ,~ 1~ ., .~ ...' :~ 'f~: ,. _;1' 'jj (:~ .;::~;~. ~n c.ertaln cases. ,4'" -~j :.;r't; .~,t~ ..~~ t~~ t~ ';f1 "~ ~; .I\:~~! .. ~ ~ . "',;%';.5 ~. .,.".'~ '~~1~~~:;~:)N;};,:.-·· ..R?: .~ í í the .~ í o i i nsu La t cn r ec ui r ed to ma nt ai n thê ;~~rterilperature' o f flue g as e s vab ov e the acid d~{( po n ; ,:,::~~depends upon: ' í .1 í .' ·:;~~·.:Thêamounc ~ ". í in í ',:: --1':-: (a) The exterior of the steel shell shall be treated as described in clause 8, using a goo~ quality heat re s i s t i ng a l utai rri urn p a in t (s e e BS 5493). í ..<;. .,; í ~,:n6~3'.7 Refractor'j .;;i; ..Caatable '.~; ~n • stable 't-; í ~1I~í;;::~~~:;"fille~W1;:o: ;'~~'::.~, '(a) br ckvork ; or ~ff~f·~u.~ng a heat ~', Th~ velocity of the flue gases shall be as high as : ~acticable to ensure [heir rapid passage through :he length of the chicney. ldeally, the velocity ·;hould. not fall b e Iow 4.5 isl s when unde r light load, but a 10wer velocicy is sometim~s unavoidable. If tne velocity of the gases is too lc~ they will not co~pletel; fil1 the bore at the tO? ai the chim:l~y, cold al[ ~ill e:1ter ort the wind~ard side, d~scend t~e ctlimney for some distance and thu, cool the surfare of the chi~n~y to below acid dew point. This effect is known as 'cold a i r inve r s ion ' and ::Jay be o ve r corne by f t t in g a t op cone to tn2 ch imney (see 3.37). It should also be recognized that gas velocities above about 35 m/s may creace problems due to acoustic effects but these are outside the scope of this standard. í í ~á ., -'?' .' 8 ""1"'\, -.>, ..~." ... . ._,.~,.,.,. ~r ,'~.<~-~~." '~~~"-~:--~":"'?"~~<~-"' ..:-'''''' ,.;~~ .:..~ ~~::m1 ..v; B5 4076: 1978 ;J.;}~:~t~·~~~t.F· ::":'. l' 3. I>iSL1.ATIO~ (f) All projections' shall ~c c l a:..·•.Clcani:1g doo~s and other points ~~_ce a:~ess i5 rcquired sha I L Je ''Jcxed ia' '..rj' .. ,re;-··v ab Le, a l ;.":l1i :1 ~~::J TASLE pane 15. ins\.,;lation TY;Je of I VALL'ES l'h i·::~c·~e S3 Overal ..av~=ag~ U valuL5 .I (g) The air space ~~ :t-:. ch imney t e rta na I shall .be corap Le t e Ly se e l ed t, pre~ent ingress oi rnoisture betwe~~ tha s r.e e L shell.and toe cladàing. Al\.:I:\iniu:n .,. (j) To p it t i f coe t of toe ·.lÍthou': ecov í.ng toe i ng , 150 r:=i square cpen c g s , Lo c ac e d at c ar e f u l l y selecced points anc co var ed by removable p ana Ls app r ox iraat e Ly 230 = square, snàll be p r o ví de d , ..... Su i t ab l e po s t i.ons 'are: e rtn axami.n ch.í a on mney o s r e el, s c ue Lad l app r ox i rca t e Iy 1.25 n~~f.:~~~~~.::-: .:~ch iciaey , t«I-..::_':: -,:· v~ ere7:lo:1, t c and p a i at e d v ch a c l e ar Lacque A:~er '(k) ",~ he may be ng de g r e as :< " -~ I I 1.15 I 0.7 50 rnm 7') mm 100 mm ., 0.5 ...• .: 150 mm ~~ .~.~ 0.35 ',~ e a Rí ve re a no ac 7.5.1 The rnu l t i+f Iue c h i tan ey i s ar. e f f e c c ve me t hod of na i.n t a i n i ng the ve l o c i t y o f the flue gases at various operating levels and oÍ providing adequa te insulation. í 7.5.2 The liners ir. a mu l t i+f Lue chimney may b e contained in a 5tructural shell of steel, brickor reinforced concrete, in a shaft within the structure of a buiIding or in ar. open str~ctural load-bearing frame buile from steel sections or reinforced concrete. Sormally, each liner is connected to one combustian unit so that "he optimum gas velocity can be achieved{n alI operating conditions. ce (n) G~ea~ care shall be takea to ensure cnac .dissi:n:lar met a Ls do no t come into ccn t ac r w t h eaco orner. l~ ie is essential iu the design that t~o dissimilar ce:al~ have to be conneceed, a su i t ab l.e non+conduc c ive and wa t e r+i mpe r v ious filo or agent shall be placed between ehe::l. •...: '. í 7.5.3 The "emperatare af ehe inner surEaee oÍ the liner can be maintained either by wrapping the exterior of the Iiner with a mineral wool mattress or by filling toe space between the liners and 'ehe structural shell with an expanded mineral, or both. 7:3 Mi~aral wool ins~lacion. Wrapping the steel .shel1 with a suitable grad; cf mineral wocL fib~e insulacing material ar sufÍicient thicknes~ 'provides more effeccive insulacion tha:1 al~"ini\.:~ cladding wien the usual 6 ~ air gap. Thicknesses oÍ over 50 are ap?lied ir: ::wo separate layers, the ou:er layer bein~ f~tted so that the ~~rtical an d ho r i zo n t a l, j o in ts 2.;:~ s t a ag e r ed f r om ~:~~ joints o i t he inner ..:2}'c:r. Lf the angle j, . n c i ng . flanga of the chimne~ ~.ction p~ojects pas: ~he , .....i(:<{-~·'1)~·;·· out e r f a ce af t he mí r.e r a l \"'001 ~ i t s h a l I ;.,! }\f.~i,;Ü:(~·' ,wrapped wi t h an add t io n a l Lay e r of mí u e r.: l '·Jol ,>{O',i.':',,::.·.' of the t h i ckne s ror at least 75 ·:':}7i:;:i~s~~:~:c .side f the f l ange j i t , As r a I 1.'001h to ?·1),·J~';:~~t~~\:: b e p r c t ec t e d f.,.,jl"":'l -I"":' ~'::\3."'r.e':'" ::I convan e-:: "a" of ;.J~:1:~ ..~~t!~" , .. "'-:,-;~ . _.'~ .•\'.:: ~~rL.:._.I'~ .~. -»: .•. i,.~~,,,:,~,-,..es-. .. do i ng c a i s 1.5 to cove r i t .atn an a.i um i ni; .... ':~~:l:{' ·,tI.:.tt\~~l,!l~~·~.. .' _. ..•• .. • )l:!.~i;:~;::'.r!:r:~~ ... c l add.i ng as de s c r i.be d 1n 1.2 but omr t t 1ng t ne a i, r .; .. í ,t;:·~../-;. ~ T•• ~;.~~ •• 0.5 '.: 7 • 5 :-lu 1 ti- ;:1ue ch it:L'l. e y i!~r. "I' [00 rnrn 101001 r , í e \~.;'- 0.7 Expanded mi ner a I ed The alu:ninium c l add i ng raay be app l e J o n s t e e i che r be fo r e o r af c e r coe chir:mel" i s erec~ed, o r at the ::la:1u:act\.:rer' s work~,. If toe aluxinium is applied ae works or on site before erec~ion, greac care shall De taken not to damage ~he al~inic~ sneets. lf a sheet becomes d ama g e d , i: sb al l b e r ezove d and r ep Lac e d v i t h a ne .•: s t , t i ag a p a t ch of a l umí n i uo over the d araag d is t p t ab Le , he ~[.~. í dd 75 rnm Exp and ed mineral the top o f che (m) . ~·:;:.t:{:·, ~, La í :~~k'u,:":'~" ' m froo ~lineral wool Exp and e d mi ne rai ·.·!·~~5f;:~""'" :.~~.~ '.t~!Wb~;;,t'· .','-(2) 1.15 Expanded mineral any inle t; o ppo s i, te 2.3 ~[ineral í diametri cally (1) 25 mrn 50 rnm 1,1001 ".5 to 2.6 to 4.0 L d í ;;i~:.;.'h,~i~~· 3.4 18 mm air gap :Iineral wc o l ~ineral =. . 6 rnrn ai r gap Aluminium (h) Each u??er .,~rake of a Iuni.n ium s ha l I la p ·.over toe lo~er straka oy a cinimuc of 25 ~ • .The vertical seams s i taí Lar l y sha l l h ave a ::' ..'mnbum lap of 25 ' • W/(m2K) í :' ., = 7.5.4 I,nen a granular material is used as an insulant te is essent~al thae a gata valve be provided f~= its r~~0~al and that a noeice be affixed n~jdcent to l!le gatc valve ~arning af the cangers o[ o?eration hy unauthorized personnel. í s arae s c o rnm n raí ,'" ne .a a í 7.5.5 lf liners are ~upported by an open structural frame, it is essentia! thac they are adequaeely insulated and ~roeected from the weacher. Suica61a ~ethods are outlined .ia 7.2 and ch s >: ;;r-'5~~1C~:'7.4 8. Doub le skin chí m.ie y, The sp a ce b e t we e n t he outer s a e l I and the Li n er of a doub Le sk i. cu imnev ;:~'\",.:.),;<. can b e filled wit:h mineral \01001, exp an de d mi:\eral', /(:.;:'-;-"/:' ..or o t o e r suitable Lns u lat o r , Un Ie s s a s ne c i a l .!·.:~':'~~~~:~:~T;>·:': he at+r e s s t í.ng s c ee l i s used f o r t:h~ 'li~eLJ :h~ ·.Y:'::>k~';::·/: temperature Tí.mí t at cn of 4.3.3.\ applies. :<,::<':{:"> TRE ..••• T~!E~nS í í :,.. It is essential that there shall be no me ca l to • '"..::,. metal contact be twee n t he liner and the o c t e r (Ií~~":'::' . shell, oth~rwise "co Ld spots'.occur on t he l~ner,' ~(~ :"':': t.hus r ed uc i-ng local a re a s to be!·.)W the a c te uew '/~..:.;.l~~~' .. point Le ve L and Íacilitating ae'idic candensation ':.u ~.:-l~.: ." • • and co r r c s i.on , t" 'i:--(-.J PROTECTIVE 8.1 ;urfaC".~.pr-eparation fo!:'Eaint tre_a.trr.";2l. Cons~deraL_on should Ge given to the surface prepa~atioi1 and protective treatrnent of both th2 exterior a ad i nt e rio r s ur f ace s o f ch mne y she l ls in arder to prolong the life anJ improve toe appearance of the chimney. lmmediately before app Ly i rig any protective t re a t me n t; to the exterior or the interior s ur f a ca of a s t ee l ch imn e y shell, the surface shall be cleaned by chipping, scraping and w re o rus h iug , o r by other me an s , to remove alI dirt, 1005e scaIe, greas~, rust or other delet-erious materials. í .·~i."'~;~·..:i~·~ ..·Z v .'" 7.3. t't.l·1.~1!;·~,~~~; :;:~ .. ",jf:' ';1"";10 .i~. ".' gap , I- .~i í ••..• f,\:~;J~~~:~>:" ,:~~t~1it+:··· :',:; ·:'1·' ., .~. ~~J{:.·;i.J~~J~:~ - '~(~~~~~]1?": .' ."';;':~'·/.'f,.""'t..-.,.•••.•.. .,...•..,·•., 9 .. _ ...~ l':'~? ', ...' ~.~-~ ;-;,; '~':~'C'li..,~~';...;..:t:;~: .', :.:f';'?8';2 ;":\,.,' '.':'!..'., ','~·8.,_.1 ,,~~' ':: 110 I;'ainti,,;; of interior 5ur':aces ..' . i~: ; 1 l chJ.:~J1e:J a dv an t a g e in app l y ng un i.neá s ae .1 í ;;;.::~:~,~~~ ~~t~:i~r., ·_~:~t~r-~.•,.~.~_e>.~ .- ,-'-=. .• • There r s gene r a l l y p r o t e c t i ve treat:::e~~: to ~~h~:~: S.;'~ I s~~f~:e ..~f _.:~. "n,l:~e~ :>I~Q" 0_ ••. _.,.,;. - '; ...••..•..•• '-. •...•...3. _. __ i •.• ..1,._. .,0.- ·.,,{\~,Cwithstand t oe cor rc s i ve , ab r a s ve ar.d t he rna l '~~Y~F>effects o f t he flue g as e s an d thus prolong r:'.': ,<""., , Li f f t h e ch imne . }~:,~,,::. 1. e. o y, the bond in contiguous are as. Minor a~eas dac~~~ ~ny be reetified by the applic~tion < .• t ab i c a l um.i n i ura paint a f t e r c l e an in g , of of a i i he-t ':)t' r ay e d ,.:"··i·:-:i"'.';~ys ~e .uf u~itGr:~ sna~i[:g 0~ C~X~t;re. Th,. r n s ap~)~a!":l~~CC; s f ::;l:: p í 8.4.2 Sp~cifications. ,:,;~::;~~.". 8~2. 2 Lined c.'limne:; sbal Ls , '..r.1eni ~is t;'.oug:-.r :;.>,:,.:·,desirable to use a p rot e c t i v e t re a ttae n t ori .' ·':·'.'·:."interior s t e e l s ur f ace of a 1 i n ed ch an=;", sue" ". treattnent shall cons i s c o: c::e appli.:a:ion o f ::::~~ '.. coat of a s c c ab l e p r ia n g p a n t f o l l c:...• ed by t·.·,) #:~.,:.:.:;coats of a finishing p aí n ; c r p a nt s , applied i :: "1t~::.accordance w i t h the ins t r cc t io as o f taa . ·.:~l;::<.Clanufaccurer of t he particular p a n t s •• ALI surface prepôrations anda1uminium spraying shall be in accordance the requirements of BS 2569: í í í í (a) for applies; temperatures up co 100°C, Part 1 (o) ror ap?lies. t ernp e r a t u r e s ab ova 100°C, Pare 2 with '1 í í ~~i(1(;'" ':i'~"~~~ 8.2.3 ,~,:i." ';,surface ,. s:~ Mult_-L.!.ue " • -r~c' :1- 1 - . c!urrney s:~e41s •• i nc e r a o r 5 r t ur shell f a t i+f e g i.ve n one co'ar o f a s u i t ab l e in acco r d ance ,••i t h ~he Lns t ruc t i c ns of ':/:.:i':,'chimney shall .~;.. ' ·p~int. applied .y .'of the manu f a c t ur e r , che c o uc a L o rcu l l ue Ee Y~',0\ a s u r a ce sh a l l , Ho' •• e ve r , ' ••. '.~ BS 2569 defines metal coatings. the requirernents for It is essential tr.ae the blast-cleaned surface i5 sufficiencly rough and clea~ to provide adequa te key for' the p d l iura ti The amplitude of t he b Las t+ c Le ane d p r o f i Le is no t stated in BS 25hY but the surfaces produced by this method have an ar.l?litude oE 0.1 0.05 mm and this is satisfactory, s r ay e a umi n c o a ng . (' Compressed air for nozzle blast cleaning' shall be effectively iree from oil and moisture. The pressure during the b l as t ng p r o c e s s s ha l I be not less than 400 kPa at the nozzle.· í ··~/':(·,S.3 l'ainting of exterior surfaces }:Q}iS.3.1 Exposed steel shells. Irzne d i a t e Ly after .:,';'J).',+thesurfacepreoaration ouz l i ne d in 8. lhas been ,:~t4rdcompleted. t ~xteriorsurfaca be g a ,'\":i)·.coat of a s u i t ab Le p r í.mi.n g p a in t fo l l o:...•ed by o ne coat of f i n i sh iag p a n t ap p l í.e d in ac cc rdan ce with V:'::,:.the reco=ndacions of the n:a~uÍacturers of the :\':: particular paints.A final co a c of p a i n t; s~ll be ~:~;"~applied a f t e r erection. he sh ':;:>~~> a Ll í t ti should ;:J3Íd to t '~1'~portion of the exterior surface, e.g. from a distance of 1 to 2 ch mney d i ame t.e r s dcvn from the i,: ·to.P. where o n Ly those p ro t e c t ve treatments sh ou l d .,; be applied which are best able to withstand tne corrosive action OÍ tne ecerging flue gases. Spe c í a l at e n on b <:.... e h e uppe r í í S.3.2 Shell with extern~l cladding. external clad~ing shall com?!y with ·~·::·.where the cLadd ng or insulation is ,1Ú;;';,i·works. in wh i ch case the final coa t be omi t ted. í !tJ;(~ Shells with 8.3.1 except fitted ato t h e of paint may ·;~;j,~8~3.~ Multi-flue ..:..:,\. , .,'. '::if.~':.s-.4' Metal y;o.o ",. :') ~ spr ap . r e a n s c r í.be Cxi .. í For shell temperatures exceedi~g 2üC Cc the a l.urni.ni um co a t í.ng s h a l I no rma LLy ue app Li e d by the eleccric arc processo The flame spr2ying process nay be used if the chimney is not Co be , j t to temperatures i 550°C and/or t ne rma l shock* • sub e c e d e xce e d ng The spray shall b~ sealed with a suitable s í.Li con e+b a s ed h ig h t e mpe r a t ur e p a n t , applied í a f Lco d as c o a t , ( 8;4.4.3 lha nominal thicknes5 of the coacing shall comp Ly w i t h t he r e qu i r emen t s of AI 7 (0.18 mra , 0.007 in) of c l ause 5, BS 2563: Part I: 1964. nj r ay e a Lum .~ .~ n ,. í í ed of a steel ch i.mn ey cb e r i c cor ro s on by r.e tal co a t ng , :-::~tal for t h s ne t a l s have t s f í í frt í h o ur a ce s , ) '\:':The 'i~itial metal spray t r e a t raent; sh a l L be "'-, applied und e r controlled co nd i tions before' :,.;;.:erection and c ar e s ha l I be t ak en to avo id d amage :;:'i:~:-during t r an so o r t a t i on and e r ecc i on , ~;~\~/ •. ~ . ',' ". . . :.J"·.'. Reg i ons of d amaga where the co at ng h as been '!>(j::removed ove r a n ar e a , tha rnax iraumw i d th o f vh i ch -"~:::':exceeds 6 shall be r eb I as t e d and r e sp r aye d , ,,·~,:\cai.-e bei.ng t as e n to avo í.d d amagi ng ar loosening .,~<, o •• í =. :;li~1i:~;;M~~L, . of For she1l temperatures up to 200°C the a Lum i n i.um spray shall be ap p l e d by Lhe electric arc ar f1ame spraying processo s na ;;k;·;.'S.4.1 General. The exterior ?k';;:',may',be protected from at nos ·;,-;:.,.:::heapp Lí c a c i on c i a s p r ay e: \,/')Aluminium s che prefe~red '·:f.;app1ication. (Certain other Fo:,,,; disadvantages ·.... e n us for h and sealing Sealing coats. The p d i i urn coating shall De ~ealeJ. for temperacur~s not exceeding 150°C, certair. crga:'lic base sealers ar pair.ts are suitablc. Special high tem?erature resistant paints shall bc sclected for use at t erap e r az u r e s e xc e e d ng ISO °C. e.g. r c s i.n -mo d i f i e d silicone base paints. Silicone base paints shall be used accordirlg to the ~a~:.!factu~er's i:1structions. cl1imney frar.:e:,'Ork. \oihe~e' á r~~~.!';i;.ft'a.~ewor:;.. ~orr.ls t he supp o r't i n ; s t ruc r ur e o f ' a ",1j:'multi-flue ch i the t t me t; de .::., ~.3.1.shall be applied.· , mney 8.4.4 f.1ethods of application coatings í.ven .->.! {:,:' sprayed = to í ;",,0' St.:rface p t e pe r atii on an .r;!::,':';S.2.4 Chlmney siie LLs: wi: th :::0:;01 i tl'li c linings. ,''i;\;;\interior s t e a I surface of a cb zney wh i ch is be gi ven a nonoli ch í,c l i.n i ng ne e d s no further -::·:;.';,;;;·pr.:;)tective t tmen t , The f ;~:;i\::be c1ean and dry i=ediatel:J oe f or e the :,:\3~:application of the lining. re 8.4.3 -~ Application o E sea!.':'ng coats. Sealing coats shall be applied to cl~an, dry surfaces. Any oi l , g r e a s e o r o t h e r c on t arai n ant s s h a Ll be r ernoved by thoroughly was~ing with t~inners until no visible traces of contuminaclon exist and the surface shall be aLlowed to dry for ac least 15 rni~ be~o=e ap~t~'ing t~e ~aating& S2al~~g coa~s sr.a l L b e ap p Li.ed ue av i l y enough to produce a wet appearance and shall be applied in accordance with the ma:'lufacturer's instructions. The treatment shall be appllcd at the treatment contractor's works as soon as is practicable afcer spraying. ".;./t. ' r , ,'''~~' y ': ...•. ':~ \S: p r oducud by ga s t urb ne e:<hau~t.s , .:~~ í '.:!81~:~2~~';;··~ •.~~;,_ -..-..... ....•... 10 ~.... .,;.~"'. ..... ....~,.."_~~·_V"'-· __ "".':I''''''~'''-'~'''''';.-.. ··•·.-...•-.-.--~.-·~.;·r.r-"r,~A..~....•.. ':'",...~~~ •••I:.~,,"'~.t'".'õ-":l1",..~~ ..••~~~~-,. ~.,~- <":~ 'i .~! .•i. B$ 4076 !9 78.,~ §.i t~ :''t, ~~ DIX Ln I: s p selected -=-: IO)j· l~~S?E A.! ri. e c í t e CG!::::0:"~~;' '...;. :.!t •.:·3D -:I·!...~I~;:::, :~,S_-:Z' s r ecozraend e d ch at a11 chL-neys d 'inspection e r e c t i on , by a t compe should e n t p rs e be abou: on th anc he a t r fir t r.e s steel chimneys should be e xaraine d p r e f er ao Ly annua Ll y., and the t h ckne s s of tne shell de t e rtaí ned by e i t h e r 'ultrasonic thickness testing o-:-.by drill cescing. í flanges s~ould be inlpected to qe~ if a bu i Ld+up o : rus t b e cve en t he ra, as t he o i: rus t b c ar; c:... t in tension. The rivec heads 00 tue inter~or of r ve re d ch icne ys sho u ld be e xani ned to as ce r t a n :tha:: tney are secura a,d have not eroded te a 'dangerJus degr~e. u r e u í lc.-up ove r l o ad e b í o l d s í .A.S For li~ed ~:d i~sulated chi~eys it ~s adv i s ab le to c ar ry out ao e xaziína t i on as ab ove a~ t h re e+y e a r Ly Ln t e rv a l s subsequent:: to t h e f rs t eXa8i~ation. ~ined chi=neys should also be Lns pe c ced internall:; by cLo s e e xamí.n a t i c a f rom a bosu~'s chair, or siwilar means of support, tO as ce r t a in t h at the ~i:ü~g s still in s e rvi ce ab l e con c c i on an d fulfi Ll n g its t ask , snd fi=ti~iS, ~here Present, should be e):anined for securi:y and tension and, if ~ne ce s sa ry , be cLe an e d an d gr e as e d, OSCILU,TlO;';S . B.I Ch i rnne y s a re s ub j e c t; to oscillation o ue to \;ind ac t ion , This 2?P2:1cii.x e xp la in s \.:hy alter~ative procedures are suggested ior making an app rcp ri a t;e Lnc re a se in the de s gn Wi,Ld Lo ac rig and tO indica:e when strengthening or the incorporation of devic2s for suppressing Vo~ Kar!:lzi:t yp e o s c i ll ac i c ns is adv sab Le , í í ch imney s o f ws hcv vo e she dd r.g nat\Jral frequ~ncy, forcula f, is: for determining th2 5üü(JD b D,) Substituting .B.I.3 The effect v critical :~ -'fi H .~~ .J,:. ) ..~ ;~ ;; li. ''',i ~ >, ....• ,>~ :tl, ,':~ " .~ this: 'i[~ .'\o,,~ w I 2500 S D (3D b t I ~:* - D ) t j mls 2 W' h g í vhe r e : h B.I.4 Later~loscillation due to resonance effects 107ithin the critic~l wind speed range at the natural period of a cylindrical structure may be gr e a t ano ugh , when its e ff e c t isadded ve c t o r i a l Ly to t ne dcvn wind de r le c t ion , to cause s t re s se s higher th~n those calculated for the gust velocities in the code as static loading wi~h the force factor in the scandard. The calcul~tion o f t he f ac co r C v l l p rcv de a gu í.de tu C:1E: eout~ol likely to be requ~red. The simplified given in this appendix have bee;"l í s .;~ t n e he i g ht; of Dt is the diameter Db is the 11' W ch ímney .. ...., (I n tn) I<{~ at tO? (in m) d i arnet e r at :'~':. '., b o t t orn (in m) s t n e mas s p e r metre he i gh t at t op lining or encasing, if any (~n kg) í i8 the rnass per metreheight s structural shel1 excluding ,0 í n c lud ing ae top of lining (ín kg~ :.('J ~:~ :1 í f s t h e natural its foundations í f requen cy of the ch ínne y on (in Hz ) .\~ .~~;1 .~;{ ;~~ 11 , ;:;.':i'~'i' '~:\:I ,,), 1: fi" 1 \/ r , 2 ti 'j of an extensive jYste~ af Ladd e rs , f r amewo rk , et c , at t ached to a c'lirr.:ley,· may cause a ch arige o: t lov wh i.ch Ln c r e a s: s c he a l on g v ad dyn amí c f o r ca as v,, ell a5 s t at ~L l o a d , ,This s :~=!n~ard' does íl.v:\~ co ve r such -eff.êc::,,;. - ~:;i a, í f :':, !l SDtf ~ B.J.I An ~~proxirnatc í - -' .~\'J . x í v cri~ica1 í í he B.3 Ac co rd in g to t he o ry and experienee, sevar e Von Karman type 05cillation is not likely if the calculateJ velocity, known as 'the critical Strou!1'.ll vc lo c i t y! , is g re at e r than the max izum design v~locity. The following two fornulae are intended to determi~e the likelihood of dangeroui Von Karsan type oscillations. The Strouhal c r t i c a l ve lo c i t y for a circular ch imn e y may b e c a lc u la t e d f rorn the f o rraul a : c i r cu la r s t r cng ly a c ro s s vi nd than alo~g wi~d. "It is chereEore reaso~a~)le to co n t i n ue t he p r e s e n ; p r ac t c e vh ch i mpl i e s ch at; a Lonz w ind os c Ll Lat L'J:1 \/i11 not c aus e s t res se s at e r t:-lan t ho se c a l cu l a t e d for t ae gu,;t ,velocicies n C? 3, (:1:i?Cer V, Part 2: ;;72 as 'stat::ic loading 107ith the force coefficient proposed in this standard. í e í ·A.6 G~y ~i~e I c nas b e en -L)u:-,.d t h a t . cr o s s s e c t ion o sc l le t e more n B.2.2 In the present s t a te o f knowledge t may Q~ accepted that, even in the worst cases, a ehicr.ej can be made safe by applying guys or strakes ar any time after construction, if experie:-lce shc~s t he m to be t e qu i re d , and p ro v i d e d t h a t; t he chi=,ey ia mada strong anaugo in the first place to withstand che additional loae! from guys or strakes applied later. Alternativas are therefore provided in 4.1 (:1.) o f th i s s t anda rd , í 'B. I .2 re í í í Le í í í J wind the regular vortex shedding may be interfered wiLh by fluctuation of t he Willâ, 50 that the b u i Ld+up o f a:nplitude is :10:: concinuous as in a "índ tunnel, and it nay be wore e f f e c t i ve l y r e s i s t e d b y na s s zad s r i f f ne s s , 1-:"1 i: r. are. if t vi as t ct r t i s ho u ld be a l lowe d ror in p ra c ci c e , b u t i c is c le a r that 10\<1 (j,..L'1'.;>Í:1g, ,:"." ma s s and La r ge f le x i b i.Lit y , t!ust in c rc a sc t h e p ro b ab i Li.uy an d arnoun t of :;h-= :;, os.::illation of chim:l~ys. In many cases the j behaviour cannot be predicted with certainty. It ~ is po s s í.bl.e to c a I cu la t e f r ora nf o rraat í.on available;d t h a t some ch mn eys are likely to oscillate excessively, and others not. ln some cases the o s c i Ll at i on '.-/i11be l imi t e d to sare amp l i t ude s ii toere 1S a margin of strengch. t he r e is s ._~~ B.L.! In a natural A.4 ~ngle s s t r-rc t ur es í A.3 At t he s ame t ze , any de co r at ve or o t h e r s ur f a ce f í.n i sb 00 t h e exterior of the ch i raneys raay b e e xami.ried , The i n te rn a I surface of l a rge di ame t e r s t e e l ch imne ys may also be Lns p e ct e d , prefEra~ly by close exa3ination-from a b05un's chair or si=Qlar ttea~5 of sup?ort. e te í í r app Iy no': e oi: ch i en ey B.2 'c"ler ,ul ar fl uc t ua t i ng s i d e force due to ''';:\d t is known o'; ~~~Kar::@an vortelS._~he4.s!i..llL. 'w'hió :~.ay bp »duce d in 'a smooth a i r f low , will p ro duc e sr' .6 o s c í.Ll at ion at a ve Io c t y which gives _~sonance with the natuial frequency of the s t r uc t u re , Th i s effect i s resisted by h gh d=;;i:"\g an d raay b e p re ve n t e d by ho:::lical st,!.§l~ or c t n e r devices attached to a circular chi~ney. rf the tendency LS strong, ~t is not efiectively withstood by increese of strength alone. one yeer after í -3.r'.. ':0 t yp unc s ua l '. .j~or~ >,)(15, f o rra ot: cut Line , ~O=: zo a:-;~/ no t ~~o·.'.::ced '~re~t 0:1. no rma I ly r i g i d f o und a t i.ons , A.2 t:n.i.nsulated and unlined p as s'..cab l o for the 'i;! .;';'. :~.!r!; ij78 4075 .... :.' ... .~ " \ .;~~~;:r,:;,.:NC"::. li h cne ch ítaney a s a short cone at the t o p , u: are ali t c b e t ake n f·n the "-:j'."'.,.""'. ....•• ,......• ..;. ..• '" r::.-}.p l..!_ .:l •• 4:.1: ..•.. :.,.;:· .cy l 'di n r.-C3._',:).::ap_ .. t: ~~' O_l •... W 0 .. 2, - _.. _ C" '~~-'''~.:::'''' "is 50 3\_;;~á :':;a: ~:> i5;:--~,::.:e·::, t·:::..~:!. DI- + :i ~n. .;.~ .. ~:~or-if 'a C0~e oi icclu~ed a~gle grea:er~than JG~ .... '''ior.;:spar: of t h e s t ruc t ur e , e xc ep t at t he to p , Ú:;:;'~">the ab ove f o rtaul a ior f =ay be inaccurate anc .b;'~:i';r.>shouldb e s ub s t i t u t e d b;: t he co r e detailed .{~(;~;:~>calculaticn given n :3.3.3. ,}l' . ,t~~:::·Dt. W and C •• í \,:,~ ~rB.3.2 V c t e t ity " as defined in CP 3, Chapter ~: Pare 2, Vs = V.S1-S:-S , s e v e r e os c Lla t i on is ~!}p~io~~v'~l a n d l 'furcher calculation is resui:ed. r í í c a I x ce e d s he de s Lgn ve l o c :10 í ~ ; :;"/' \,\ .~/t:!/OA./AL V cr it li í c a I í s Le ::1an tr.ê s s de s í gn í í . 'l"',::~,~'C - O 6 + K /{:~~<~:~~,;::: -Ó, ' 1 - +~: "':;;?'\'<~ ir; .the I · J Dt ~i ~ " • b ff b e s ugg c s t e d : s t ud y o f t no a l e ay s e e e c t f >, d.~:J.~et:i!r;;;.'-.:! ive , Nv ~lciat .~~ l:t'-;s si.;:~l.e c an th", l ayo ..~ by <;, _..:ia1iscs :esti~g ~ay ~. nece- .ary • and wiri~ tunnel te is k nown th at 10" ciamp in g ::\0 s t i f f ne s s wil1 increase the magni:ude ~~ .~~illat{on either a l o ng o r a c ro s s wi nd i-l .,;.>onseto fluctuating ••ind. This ty~2 Qi osc~lla::Lon will noe be r e d uc e d b y t he a d d i t i o.: o!' s c ab i l i z e r s , B.3.5 xc a o n dre Ll5t:O, a e nt r e o r B.3.7 The value, oE K in table 4 are based on a logarithmicdarnping value af 0 03 for alI we1ded chimneys; 0.05 for welded chimneys with flanged and bolted joinls; and 0.07 for alI bolted or riveted ch i mney s , Where t h e lining of the ch i mne y is like1y to increase the daoping, the vaIue af K may be reducec! by 0.5. If che 10g damping is kncvn orcan be estimated ',.;i::h g r e a t e r accur acy , a value of K interpolated fro~ the table may be used. c a l cu Laz ed í í the í í ·j7!~~{~i·is :·c:!:~··,):·'· ".~_'. f r om t e _ and the o t aer var a • a.s·:gl.ven t Ic~u1a g a "~:::~:'~"':C. that: is Le s s than l , Von Kartran t yp e ;·.>:/iciscillations az e unlikely. If C s be tveen 1 and ·;~;>:;·-.·I.-Sthe co Ll e c t e d information i.nd ca c e s th at t h e ,,~<r>chi=ey lvill no t b e ove rs t r e s s ed , if in design, .,':.:;;',:: the ve Lo ci t y used i s incre a s a d by mu l, t p lying i t {',f;:;>by the f ac t c r C whe n c a l.cu l a c ing t he ..,i.ndp r e s su r e >·~}··according to C? 3. Hcwe ve r , li: C is be twe e n 1.3 (·;,fl::..•.'-.,,-Iand 1.5 exces s ve os·cillat:'cn c anno t be excluded ,~;""'and p r ov i s on for coe f t t i.ng o f stabilizers or soee o t he r c-ean s of ccn t r ol Li n g cs c i l.la t i on s ho u ld be made , For v a Lue s oi C ab c ve 1.5 t he fitting o f :(f.~~Xst:àbilizers o r o t ae r me ans o f preventing ·.;;:~~;/.6scilla1:ion s hou i d b e unde r t aken du r ing cons t ruc t on , The v aLue s o i C g i ve n abo ve app l y ,·;·i;;;;:·. to ch irnneys -.Jithin ext ens i ve t ovn ar industrial 1:f',:~··areas. Lf C ha s a "alue ab o ve 1.3, a design for . :~';"::the co nd i t i on ·.át~ s t ab i Li ze rs adde d shall be mad e with the de s i gn ••ind force, •. Jichout increase by y::.,.:- the .f act or C. but í.niacco rdence '.;i th 4.1 (d ) (!) an d ab l 4 svebo 6 ab ov e , I::: h í Ls _: _ s rve s va Lue o r í í í í :v..· <:::;,' The frequency ·,~ívi!~i~;,~5~,~:).::-· .... __ '. u; con s t '•.1.~ '. 1 " [ .L ~i:<z including the 1ioing grélvitational ( - acceleration .. :j.', :-1. .} s t rc s s e s ir: t:!('~ low~r p a r t o f v. l a r g e {;~c.:nel.:r~:-.. ;.: 3:t'.)ul\.1 Dê: avo d e d the vertical c h izin ey 9f í by providing suf~icient cücu:ilferential stiffness around the chimn~y at the top_ Chimneys having a gross plate thickness of less than 1/300 of the diarneter, if no t e Lf i ci.errtLy stiifened by a Lin i ng or enc as i ng , s ho u lc ha ve s t f f en i ng r ng s ad d ed at t hs top (ao d 101"'1"do'... -n if ~'1a he i g h t i s more t h an 20 tines tbe d i ame r c r ) , T~ê d i s t an c c apa r t or t h e s c i t t e n i ng ~i.n6:i 6~';Olil(! o e :':...Jt ::o;:e C~.u:l 1500 times ehe thickness of the shell and should be substantial enough to give a total circumferential bending stiffness at Ieast equivaIent to that of a uniform shell o f tb ickne s s 1/200 of the dia:neter • 3.0 t 2.5 "~'.all r í.vet e d .I - Chimneys wh i ch have a h i gh diameter/thickness ratio may be subject to wind-generated ovalling oscillations due t o a c i rcumf e ren t i a l Ly varying and fluctuating ?reS5ure. Besides causing circumferential b~nding str~s3es :his can increase f.~..;n6ed and :::~~;':'bolted joints " B,4 3.5 ,·:t:~··~~ ''':0;Bolted r i.ve e d o r e .•..:,.;;.~ !( :::!)::""A.l~ ..,elded . ,>~~~~~·'.Welded ;~k~-~-'" . wich' I. vl(x) of a sectian (in kg) g i.s the rate af (í n m/s') W~L::';:' 01' K FOR DlU:.REN~ OF CONSTRUCTION ~:,t··.: -.---------- (:;) lLTi x ii the deflection of the sarne section due tothe force equal to gravity acting on its mass no rma lly at the rnas s c en t re , \.·:tichthe base fixed and che top free (in m) _~ ._ . ruc t i.on f = W is the mass or covering í ·;;,l:,;. : of ... ·,;.··-·Type .~ .',.;here ,>'.. . ,'0N·,·'TABLE ·;i;;.;r'.·:TYPES " . 3.3.8 Instead of thc appro~i~ate formula for. frequency given 3bov~a more accurate formula m~y be substitueed as follows. The natural frequency, first mode, for a chimney of varying diameter or thickness can be calculated by ~i"iding the chimney into a number af sections. í í .~~>: i. 0 d ef Le c t i c n at t he t op o f :':BXi,_thechic:1ey :0= unit d í.s t r b ut.e d Lo ad ng of :,;-,;,·Z,i>,:t kN/m%. Th s deflectico s h a Ll, be calculated on f;'f?t"de!li~n t h ck ae s s alone ·.;i~hê),;t including the ;<Z;~!(:~~~ .."'corrc3 ion a l t ovance , .;F/ :l;:;;c:J:,,;':'~a:·::l/: ~i~:i~~ uE s:~~il~~~rs i5 u;~3ily hemay e >;,:':'.>velocity, t.o e t e ndea cy to o s c l l ar e :;:ay be ·::::!/:';.'.=estir::ated b:J a ma n Ly et::;:>i=ica1 fo:-:::u1a: ~~(.~\~0' -: IIOD; l'-- tha:~ 8.3.6 IE d~vice.; to i~~=e:!~.eda~?ing ar reduce wi~d it t i t he p t ho l da speciaIist who rccon~ends [hem should give info~atio:1 as lO the naxic~ orag and li~e1ihood of any dynamic increase for the purpose of designo In any case the strength should not be less than proposeci in this stanoerd • • " B.3.3 c Lc s e r _." í lf of chi:nneys or ocher :a11 5 ructures Io:hichmay oscillate excessively, part cularly if they " í í .B.3.4 For ca i nm e ys expo se d t o ·.;ind f rora the s e a , ~- bJ' ri. Lak e , n ::a\: coun t ry o r :.~ilc o n expo s e d rounded summits, the vaiue oi C calcuiated from the formula at which Von Ka~=a~ oscillation may _.' océur,will be 0.1 tO 0.2 l oi... e r , The fo rraula wi11 ." not·necessarily app1y to pairs, files and groups í t,ft':\ ~l& o' 12 Ó: -, .,~~.__:~-;;~;~it!iÃ~0:;~;;_~·. __~~~ __ _. __.._~ . .__ ~_ _. ._. :~',_~'-'~;~~':~xS{.~"t"im~~ff',,~fl' ... -"':·~"'··~ ·-.~!~~~~~t;~~t~· o •• _ _. __ .'0_. • •• .......•...~~~"'l""'~t'f~;:~.-: _ • • • .• .• ... !7'.•r•. ol~.'~~:'*''E'}l~~.;"\oe~;;~~,~><?' .•.. ~i"? • '-"-'.,. ' •.• ,~;;-. :~ •.••;..•••• .....,;.,; •••••••....•. ~-".".:~.,.;.;, •. ~~-_ .• _-".,,j., ,. ~_,-""':' •..•.••. ,~...,..:...~'r.J''''''''_ ~' ',. ! APPE~DlX I~ FOR T:lI l:SE OF S:Al:;LESSAc;r) OTHER .~ . \\.~(. J:,,~~;~:~i At.:,.";,, ,'~T:~EL S ~=.~ In v., J Sr a i a l e s s a..c a l l c y 3::e215 .: 'J~;:" .:.::.ally .u s e d i;t t:12 f ab r i c a t i cn o i ~ ,~l ch~ ··.::cys wh e n toe g i s e s are ai an e xt r e ce l v '66!'23" :e na t ur e ar are ac a t e mp e r a t u r e hi;he~' ~ha:: ' , "c. ; igh nickel and c h rom i urn content a l l oy s , The·se',.::~'.':;i'.t·," "~;:; very resistant to ac i d a t t ack b u t; are ";':'-:",~,',: co ns i d e r ab Ly more co s t l y than s t a i nl e s s s ce e L•.':" ..~";:;;.;·, C.2 The use of the ~~rrect gr~~~ of srainles~ s~eel ca •• i nc r e as e ch e ~if", - - ....~ c h i r-ne y o v e t' and ab ov t he l f e e xp e c t a r... ~' v~ ~ilc s t e e l , Al t hough ir is difiicult to predict ~he i~cre~5~ in life, in 'genaral, stainle5s steal ai the ~orr2C: grade í should at chimney. leasc double the eX?2c:ed 1i~e of a C,3 From experie::ce ir has bee~ fou~d that of the stainless steels in the 18/8 grJ~e, thc one ~hich has tha DOst resistance tO corrJ io~ caused by fl ue g a s e 5, i 5 3 165 I 6, as 5;:> e c i:' e à n BS I 449 : . Pare 2: 1975. rl--; a l cc s t c e nc c a gr-ãG2 is 316512. í í í C.4 It should be noteà that stainLess stee1 i5 norma1ly supplied in ics oi11 ftnish condition which is a :natt líght grey colour and 1S not s upp Li.e d i n a pc Li sh e d "m i r rc r ' f n i s n , If a mirror finish is required, the cost of po1i5hing is high. ':« "' :4~~~ r-a xí.mum ico r r o s í.on a t t a ck can'' be anticipated~',:/~:1'r'~~~: , .... . I' ..,':,).'"':.1,,.,ln .•.t-, t ne top se c t i.on o; a c.u.mney or 1.:1e1:. . .,: .'::'~"I-!\:.'~,>t:~"i:.: C RECO~'.E:;DAT10:-;S í t.S Because of the no rma Ll y on1y high cose i t is of scainless us e d in po s c ons í í cases of vcr c .,·):,:s'i.de:-ac.ion s ho y L;:; 'cc r r o s iv> gi',n~:l t t.il...: :'' ; o . e ci e. .' s e e l , tha í r r e s s c ance í ac d at cack ;'y .' .. ,. ..~! .,, .1 .~ . ..;.- o_o _ '\~_ ••• : ' ••• :'.~,< . ,~ .~'., I·.·.· J1"' • ....•.... .' .. - .. l', ••• 1.,- f' ./ r . -~':;..;;~ ...;.. ':,r:.~.r·' " i( /-. '-:-,:".; í ,-.i, . .' ~h~.;.\;">;:~:~".;,~.:· C.7 It has b ee n f cund f rcm. axpe:ience thar;thelow::~:!, co ppe r alloy steels have a coris i.d e r ab Ly greater::.::.:,.'~;'~';. resistance to atmospheric co r ro s í.on t h an mild ';'.~"c.f~·;:· t but i to r e su l t ng f r orn the condans a c i on o f flue gases is' .. a o ou t; t he s ame as t h a t of zai.Ld s cee l , . .".,,~:.:. ~. '•.,q.': i:".: ( .8 For chimneys t ha c '.rill be su b j e c r; to aI:lbierit :'.'.'~~(.i ir t erap e r a t u r e be l cv -10°C for 10["6 pariods.,it ..:,~:~: ; s r e c onme nded that lc..•. t emp e r a t ur e a l l oy steels ~; ~"":'; .:.,, us e d , The p r op e ré i,,~. of these s t e e Ls C\U1 be ~.;;~:'~'-::'_. .:;scertainedfl'om·'th(! steel manuf ac t u r e r •. " .. . ,"'"7 ... ". ~," l.9 For anticipated me tal t empe r at ur e s above ..'./. '"80°C in unlined ch i ranay s it is necessary to U5,e 2n alloy steel. The sceel manufacturer's advice· sh ou l d be s o ugh t r c g a r d i ng service t cmpe r at uraj consideration should aLso be given to the . a l Lowab Le s t r e s s a t s e rv i ce t empe r a r.ure , '-""'..""':'):"(':)';i"'.: ·~,r/: .. ':,'f;:.:. ... J •• ~ F, ,, I" I ~';'':'. ..... ».. ,~:r us .i .!, '.' attack·/;~~;~t]~~\~3·~, se'lere steel, whe r e f" (~?: '~;... '.• -'''~·~··,'';''f':'''i·:·'''''-',. >.~ .: -. •.••• .' ·~,.I.~;~;"" •.••• :"': •• '''o:-'''J.ft.-;;. _ ••.••.••~• .,~ •.•:.••.•.,!.., ,.-~~_•._.~.....~•.".."'!--.., - ...•....• """f~....... :.--:.•..•.••.~.~:'" .....•...••..•... _ ...•••....•.•...... - .•.~.•... ..0 .. _ .....,..;l-l::':': .: .. . .•~ ,J:.:. !.t.!~,~~·- , . .•....•• , ...., ..- ES 4076 ; ·,i '~~"h ~ 1978 11 " :;r.,' •• ...'.... Effect ive r;!':lght he . .~~:.!;~; . '. '.'?~ ;i~r ...•.•... ',< " .'.:.t-t ;': Ih,:% a '1 Self-supporting chimney - •..•..'.... • ," .; . !.:\<:' .. .!; .•,,ç',. -c . •••••• .:-::' -1' ~t· : .. .;~;. '~' :~..'.:' (J • ~"" t, C ross - sect ia n considered ",{: ., ". 0'/77/// / ..•; ,," ~ '~i:' ,,'...\0 • - ", . For stresses he= /; . ~:.' ·~/r'··· C,. " Supported chimney, fixed base .' For.stressesin.AB B~ he== 0,85 I '. ':.' .~- ~ ~." (J ..... Ia I I, A L-_, ç , . , , 5 , ,) , . , " , :..'~ ): For stresses h:::./; sf.7 C 1 Supported ch imney, pinned base in BC .. , 1,' e ,;.\ ~ !' ..': For A~Llt st r e s s e s in AB he= (J .. '. .: ':' .~' ...... .."'J.,. " \ ;: .):; C"~: .'." . o'.: '-.: Figure I.Effectivc". helgilt of ch irn ne y s he il '. .<,- .~. ./ " i···./:· "'r ,,' ;. .. ' ••• -~, " " . • .< ' ..... ;. ."" . ~.'~ '\.' ";:i::::';~ ~ l" v . ""~:;.~'.o"'" "::""~,:.",~~.".,~II.,,,.,,,,,,,.:;";""'" ,..•.~.".,,....;<..•.;,._ .••. ~ .. '"-i._·_: '_._._.. ~I·•.•.•• :.... •.• -'·_~ .._·J.. ",. _,...;."..••""•..••_._ •••.~",.. ••.•,•.. .•.,' ..-:~~ ~'~'~~;".'" ~';':;""-'";"':''''''~~~~~'';'':'''''''---~' í ~ I l~ I! , l: ~ I 1 ij,. ~ ~ ~ ~. 1.:4.·· ~ ~ ~ STA.'\DARDS PUBLICAI1WS BS 4 B5. 31)5 -,. , :-.:' -"" J >' ~:. y.;' ;t~ . BS 449 BS 462 BS 463 ,,~ :'64 BS 325 ;,S 11.:'9 ~,) ~ :;~ " BS 1470 .;; ~ }";' 'r~; BS s~ ..'. 1485 TIS 2569 ;. F ::':; "'(1;' ;'~ ~'. BS 2600 . ES 4190 ~. ,. i oS 4207 BS 4211 BS 4360 BS 4395 ~~ ~'; ? ', 3ectio~s ~~r~ r~??~s ~cr shi~s (ite2~ in~ ~~:~~=a: r St~:'::1~5;:; an a r 1 5 uc = í n d a -a nd a rc l uc s n s ng um = nd . . '.'~""'1 .\:.~'''' '1 . The us~ o f hígh strength. f:-i~tio:t bolts i.n s t ruccur a'l s t ee .wo r z , ~êt.r:.c·;~.:.;}··,-,.· ! s e r ie s . Pare 1 Ce n e r a L grade ', I..:-:.<Ç"$~~~;;. I Hc c+r o Ll e d s t r uc t u r a l s t e e l sei:tioris'·:f'~::~~~~\· i Approval t e s t i ng of we l.d ng procedur. Pare 1 F~sion. we Id í.ng of steel .• I Approval t e s t i ng of ve l de r s WOrklng.;}~,'!.§~"l.~7V II approved '.Ie Ld i ng procedure s . ·.;';:·.{;:'f\f':( ". P art 1 F·us i on we ld' i ng o fI'" stee ' ,",.,1·,,,,..· ,;:r<"~~.f&~~'" • • ,. ~ '''J'J,)':..'.. Metal-are Ld of and car~o.~",:S~;'·· mang ane s e steels ' "", . ·~v.:'~f1''I~~·}~'1 t F~rrule s e c u r e d eye t e rmi na t i.on s fo.r~:.;~!f.Jji!: v i r~ e ropes ' . ',,~~.;f.';""~. ., "'''':'·~iJ.-,1rl;,!:~"~ '1 Protective c o a t i ng o i i r on and steel'.1J''T:f'~r~:; , .~~,sy~~~ : s c ruc t ur e s ~6aLnst corrOSl.on. "\,t-~;n:~?J~;i'::: j Code of b as i c- da t a for the des gn of}t'c::i,·.r:"'. bui l d i ng s . . -.:~:~~-;!f.:,::. -Chapter V. Loading ·j~· Part 1 De a d and imposed l o ad s :. ':.,;;:.';':,~;> P a r t 2 to; i n d 10 ad s . The s t r uc t u r a L use of coric r e t e ... ,~~t"S-:.:,;,:ti: Part 1 r.,.•• s g n , materials an d . .,.. . workmanshlp . Structural r e commend e t o ns for,"" Lo adbe ar ing wa Ll s ".,,\~I.~~~?~;n:~~~:,~ .• " ".VI'.~':'~:r-~<d.1'::; St ruc t ur a I use of rel.nforced. con.cret:.e:,~;'/:-;<~y" in buildings ',~&,~~;}r The p ro t e c t on of s t ru c t ur e s againstSlit;~~.?fzf· i~ips~;;}r\ 5S 4604' p c rp o s e 3 The use oi structural seeel ir ~uil~:ng Bull do;; g r i p s Sockecs for ~ire ~opes Thicbles for wire rcpe5 ~ild s:e~l shackles Steel ~lat~) sheet 2~~ ~::rLp t 2 :j t i ti steel Fl3t~, s~eet and strip l-irough: l i ura .i i i alloys for general engineerir.3 purposes place, she~t and scr:? Galvanized ~ire cecti~g Sprayed =~tal coaeings Pare 1 Pr o t e c t i cn o f i r cn a ad s t e e l 'by al~ini~ and zinc ag~í.r.st ac~ospheric corrosion Part 2 Proteccion of iron and ~teel against corrosion sne oxidation at elevaeed eemperaeures Methads for the radiogiaphic examination of fusion ~elded bute joints in steel t up to including 50 thick .. Access hooks ror chi~nays and other high struccures in sceel " ISO macric b13ckhe~agan bolts, screws ~nd nuts ~onolichic linings ror seeel chimneys and flues St.e e L Ladé e r s for p e rmane n t ac ce s s ~eldable structural s~~els li i gh s c re n g ch f r ic t icn grip b o l t s arid associated n~ts and ~a5hers ior structural 2ngineerir.g Part 1 General grade Pa BS 3678 sceel sc~el c~:.al ~X?a~~i~ .. ,.' REFERRED TO Struct~ral Galva~~ze~ Pa ~< i ', ,;A:~~~)~l;; tIS 4848 ~870 ss ;:,~;:f~~:t~i I BS 4871 35 51J5 ;iS we Lng c ar • 3 ·_~:i~:;';:.. ·::~:i~~~-t.~~~ C' 110 í CP 111 CP 1.14 CP 326 í í Lí.gh t n ng j:,'<" í " ,:o~.. o~ i t I,..•· ~.: I. ~; .' ~:: e l-'(&J ~~ ~~' •. r .' . ~ ~' $J '~":.~L\~.~·' ~~ g:' o;'..- , ~. >:i lir, ~ i,:" ,.:.0 ~' '/ r i '. .,: c, :i~: '~":" .. :":. .' t," . '~ ,t ~, k .'V_ .Foundations CP 2004 ~ j. f. r í :<;f. . on .' " f' f~ o I 5281 ;.:; 5493 CP r:. ; ~sí~ij .. í ,";"" ",,--:I'~",.:"~ " !. ~t t·, ...· . " ~ o-o; ~ I