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Automata Theory & Computability Activity

Automata Theory and Computability Activity - 5
1hk17cs166@hkbk.edu.in (not shared) Switch account
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Umme Kulsum
Write down applications of Automata theory *
Application of Finite Automata.
(1) Software for designing and checking the behaviour of digital circut.
(2) Lexical analyzer of a tipical compiler.
(3) Software for scanning large bodies of text example web pages, pattern matching.
(4) Software for verifying systems of all type that have a finite no of states. eg. stock market
transaction, Communication network protocol.
(5) Computer Graphics, moteling of a grammar, Game Theory, Theoretical biology (LSystems as a model of organism Growth
Applications of Regular Expressions *
Applications of Regular Expressions:
(1) Regular Expressions in Unix There are various Unix notations used for regular
i. The symbol. Stands for single character.
ii. The sequence [1.2.3-10] means 1+2+3+10
iii. The range of characters can be specified using square brackets.
Ex: [a-z]
iv.1 or more occurrences
0 or more occurrences
(2) Lexical Analysis: Compiler uses this program of lexical analyzer in the process of
The task of lexical analyzer is to scan the input program and separate out the tokens.
Ex: Identifier is a category of token in the source language and it can be identified by R E.. as
(letter) (letter+digit)*
(3) Finding patterns in text: R.E. are useful notations used for finding the patterns from
given text.
Ex: The strings ending with digits is a pattern in the given text which can be recognized by
the following r.e.
[a=z A-Z]+[0-9]+
Write the usage and applications of different types of Grammars *
Applications of different types of Grammars
(1) Application of Context Free Grammar C.F.G
► CFG parsing for high speed network applications.
► Data processing.
► Natural language processing.
► Human activities recognition.
► Neural networks.
¤ Multi functional Radar construction.
► Software engineering requirements documentation.
(2) Applications of regulars grammar
Regular grammars are used in several applications, including the following
► Searching text for patterns
► Lexical analysis (during program compilation)
Write the applications of Turing Machines *
Turing machines found applications in algorithmic information theory and complexity
studies, software testing, high performance computing, machine learning, software
engineering, computer networks and evolutionary computations.
(1) Algorithmic information theory (AIT) is a branch of theoretical computer science that
concerns itself with the relationship between computation and information of computably
generated objects (as opposed to stochastically generated), such as strings or any other
data structure.
(2) The study of complex and chaotic systems and how order, pattern, and structure can
arise from them. the theory that processes having a large number of seemingly independent
agents can spontaneously order themselves into a coherent system is aides by turing
(3) Software testing is the process of evaluating and verifying that a software product or
application does what it is supposed to do. The benefits of testing include preventing bugs,
reducing development costs and improving performance.
(4) High Performance Computing most generally refers to the practice of aggregating
computing power in a way that delivers much higher performance than one could get out of
a typical desktop computer or workstation in order to solve large problems in science,
engineering, or business.
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