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Daily Writing Prompts: A Long Way Gone Worksheet

Daily Writing Prompts
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Please write your responses in blue or green ink and in COMPLETE sentences.
Each entry needs to be at least 5 sentences long.
Refer to bottom of assignment for additional information.
Directions: First read the assigned chapters for the book A Long Way Gone. Then write
reflective essays for each writing response listed below. Each chapter’s writing responses are
due at the conclusion of each chapter. Writing responses may be a minimum of one paragraph
(5 sentences). However to earn full credit, I will be using the following RUBRIC:
Entry 1:
Choose 1 out of the 6 questions below: assigned 10/5 Journal #1
1. Why does the author use the word “touched” when referring to the war, as opposed
to using such words as “affected” or “involved”?
2. What benefits were there for the militant rebels to attack mining villages first? What
type of impact did these attacks have on Sierra Leone’s natural resources?
3. What psychological impacts can be attributed to a person not being able to
differentiate between “Dreams and Reality”? Why might a human brain choose to blur
the two together?
~Chapter 2~
1. What would make you scared?
~Chapter 3~ (Choose one.)
1. Why did the rebels spare the Catholic Bishop? What does this action tell about the
mentality of the rebel soldiers?
2. What are some possible motives for the rebels giving up their chase for Junior,
Talloi, Ishmael, Gibrilla, Okaloko and Khalilou?
Entry 2:
Complete one. Choose 1 out of the 3 questions below.
~Chapter 4~
1. Why do you think the young boy from page 28 refused to “drop the bag and hurry”?
~Chapter 5~ Completed Tues.
1. What psychological effects were created when the rebels shot their rifles near the
old man’s head? Is psychological warfare just as effective as physical warfare?
2. Describe a time in your life when you found yourself in a “separate line” from a
family member or friend. Think about the separate lines that Ishmael and his brother
Junior were placed in. What thoughts would you be having if you were in the position
of Ishmael? What about if you were Junior?
Entry #:Completed 10/12 Journal #2
Choose one of the following questions below.
~Chapter 6~
1. “This was one of the consequences of the civil war. People stopped trusting each
other, and every stranger became an enemy”. Ishmael Beah wrote this quote in
chapter 6 of his autobiography A Long Way Gone. Describe the possible effects that
this mentality can hold on a civilization.
2. Explain the way Ishmael felt towards his neighbors who felt that Ishmael and his
brother “…aren’t going to have any good complete training”.
~Chapter 7 ~
1. Why is silence scary? Elaborate on Ishmael’s thoughts that he was “frustrated with
living in fear”.
2. Personal Connection: Describe a time in your life when you didn’t know where you
were going? Or couldn’t remember where you had come from?
Entry #3 Completed 10/15 Journal #3
Choose one of the following questions below.
~Chapter 8~
1. Explain the quote “If you are alive, there is hope for a better day and something
good to happen. If there is nothing good left in the destiny of a person, he or she will
die”. Thinking about this moment in Ishmael’s life from chapter eight.
~ Chapter 9~
1. Make an analogy: Compare the strength of the waves to the “waves” in Ishmael’s
2. Think about the fisherman who walked into the fishing hut and found Ishmael and
his six friends there with the skin on the bottom of their feet hanging off. Why does he
help them? Describe a time when someone helped you when you really needed it.
Entry #4- Complete 10/25
Choose one of the following below to respond to in your writers’ journal completed
~Chapter 10~
1. Explain the quote “Even though I am still alive, I feel like each time I accept death,
part of me dies”.
2. Describe in detail at least 3 acts of kindness presented in chapter 10.
~Chapter 11~
1. Why do you think Ishmael refused the “jug of water” from Ngor Gasemu?
2. Make an Inference: How do you think Gasemu was feeling as he sat near “a
mango tree” on page 96? Why didn’t he react to Ishmael in anger or hostility?
3. What do you think is more sad, the fact that the rebels “boasted about what they
had done that day”, or the fact that the actions were committed by youths? Explain
your position in detail.
Entry #5 Completed 10/29
~Chapter 12~
1. Why do you think Lieutenant Jabati was fascinated with Julius Caesar?
2. Ishmael states that “They have lost everything that makes them human” (p. 108).
What does he mean by this statement? What implications are there now that he has
spoken these words aloud.
~Chapter 13~
1. Make a justification: Is there validity to the statement (in context), “It is better to
carry more ammunition than food and water.”
2. What does Josiah’s last words say about the type of soldiers fighting and dying in
this war?
Entry #6- Choose one of the following below to respond to in your writers’ journal completed
~Chapter 14~ (Choose one.)
1. Explore the ramifications of exposing children to violent images such as “Rambo” or
2. Describe any transitions you believe Ishmael has gone through since he was first
separated from his brother in Mattru jong:
3. Would the Ishmael of Chapters 13 & 14 be recognizable to the Ishmael of chapters
1,3&4? Investigate how Ishmael has evolved as a man.
For each of the remaining chapters of this book, create your own writing prompt and then
complete it yourself .
~Chapter 15~
1. Create your own writing prompt and response.( Use the above as examples.)
2. Describe two events that take place that reveal something about Ishmael.
Explain what they reveal.
~Chapter 16~
1. Create your own writing response and respond.
Last writing response:
In no fewer than 5 sentences, explain what you thought of the book. Did you like it? Why or
why not? Was it too difficult or too easy to read? Did you learn anything? How realistic was the
story? What suggestions can you give me on how to make the book better?
Directions: First read the assigned chapters for the book A Long Way Gone. Then write
reflective essays for each writing response listed below. Each chapter’s writing responses are
due at the conclusion of each chapter. Writing responses may be a minimum of one paragraph
(5 sentences). However to earn full credit, the instructor will be using the following RUBRIC:
F (0 – 59%)
Length of response is less than 2 sentences
Writing is unclear
Spelling is inaccurate
Vocabulary is not used accordingly
Writing reflects no knowledge of chapter text reading
D (60 – 69%)
Length of response is at least 2 sentences
Writing is unclear and not fluent
Spelling is inaccurate
Vocabulary is used poorly
Writing reflects minimum knowledge of text reading
C (70 – 79%)
Length of response is at least 3 sentences
Writing is on topic
Spelling is more accurate – does not distract from understanding
Vocabulary is used accordingly
Writing reflects basic knowledge of text reading
B (80 – 89%)
Length of response is at least 4 sentences
Writing is clear, concise, and on topic
Spelling is mostly accurate
Vocabulary is used accordingly
Writing reflects independent thought
A (90 – 100%)
Length of response is at least 5 sentences
Writing is fluent, clear, concise, and on topic
Spelling is accurate
Vocabulary is used accordingly and with purpose
Writing reflects deep understanding of text reading and independent thought
Response is turned in on time