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HRM Course Outline: Thompson Rivers University

Course Outline
Department of Management
School of Business and Economics
HRMN 2820/3820_01, Winter 2022
Human Resource Management (3,0,0)
Debbie Sell
Class Hours:
Mon/Thurs – 11:30 to 12:45
Old Main – Room 2742
Calendar Description
Students are introduced to the management of an organization’s workforce through the design and
implementation of effective human resource policies and procedures. Current Canadian issues and practices are
emphasized. The topics include the strategic role of human resources management, human resources planning,
job analysis and design, recruitment and selection, employment equity, compensation, training and
development, performance appraisal, occupational health and safety, and employee and industrial relations.
Educational Objectives/Outcomes
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
Describe the critical role of human resource management in the workplace.
Determine the human resource needs of an organization.
Conduct a job analysis and produce a job description from the job analysis.
Evaluate the procedures and practices used for recruiting and selecting suitable employees.
Summarize the different types of employee benefits and compensation systems.
Assess training requirements and design a successful orientation and training program.
Illustrate an effective employee performance appraisal system.
Discuss workplace health and safety programs and the roles of the employer and the employee in enforcing
health and safety policies and procedures.
9. Explain the responsibilities of human resource management specialists, administration, and employees in
managing the employment relationship in a unionized or a non-unionized environment.
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CMNS 1290; ORGB 2810 Note: Students cannot receive credit for both HRMN 2820 and
TMGT 1140 (C+ or higher).
Dessler, G., N, and Chhinzer N., Human Resources Management in Canada, 13th Canadian Edition,
Pearson, 2017 (or later edition).
The Role of Human Resources (saylordotorg.github.io), https://saylordotorg.github.io/text_human-resourcemanagement/s05-the-role-of-human-resources.html
Student Evaluation
Class Assignments/ Quizzes/Participation
Case Studies
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Students MUST pass the final exam to pass the course
Class Assignments, Quizzes and Participation (30%) There will be short group and individual assignments during many of the classes to provide you with an
opportunity to apply the theoretical concepts you are learning. You will be given time during the class to
complete these assignments after which they will be submitted for marks.
There will be a quiz given in some classes following the completion of sections of the course material. Quizzes
will consist of 10 – 15 multiple choice questions and are designed to help students assess their understanding of
the material in preparation for exams. If you are not in attendance during the class the quiz is given you will NOT
be permitted to re-write the quiz at a later date, without advance permission from the instructor.
Participation marks will be based on attendance and participation in class discussions. Positive class participation,
such as relating course material to relevant work/life experiences, and productively participating in class
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discussions and exercises, will increase this grade. However, negative participation, such as disrespect to
classmates, gossiping with your neighbour during class, browsing the internet or creating other distractions, will
subtract from this, to a possible minimum of zero. Since both quality and consistency of participation are criteria
in establishing participation marks, frequent absences will also detract from your participation grade.
Case Studies (20%) Case study assignments will be assigned during the semester. These will involve reading the case study,
analyzing the information provided and responding to related questions. You are permitted to discuss the case
assignments in small groups, but you must submit an individually prepared response to the case questions. No
outside material or research is usually required to complete the case assignments.
Mid Term (20%)
The mid-term exam format will be a combination of multiple-choice and short-answer questions.
Final Exam (30%)
The final exam is cumulative, covering all course content. The exam format will be a combination of multiple
choice, short-answer, and potentially a case study. The content of the Final Exam will be reviewed during the
final class.
Honour Code
SoBE’s honour code states:
"As a student of the School of Business and Economics at Thompson Rivers University, I promise to act honestly,
ethically and with integrity. I accept responsibility for my own actions. I will not cheat, plagiarize, or condone
such behaviour in others."
Academic Integrity
TRU Policy ED 5-0 Academic Integrity outlines the different types of infractions and the enforcement
mechanisms followed by the university. All students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with this policy
to avoid committing a violation.
TRU Policy ED 3-5 Grading Systems describes the grading system to be followed in all courses at TRU to help
ensure the comparability of grades across campus. Letter grades do not become official until they are
approved by the Chairperson responsible for the course and they subsequently appear on the student’s
transcript. For undergraduate courses, the letter grade system is:
Letter Grade
Grade Points
Letter Grade Definitions
Excellent. Superior performance showing comprehensive,
in-depth understanding of subject matter. Demonstrates
initiative and fluency of expression.
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Very Good. Clearly above average performance with
knowledge of principles and facts generally complete with
no serious deficiencies.
C+ C
Satisfactory. Basic understanding with knowledge of
principles and facts at least adequate to communicate
intelligently in the discipline.
Pass. Some understanding of principles and facts but with
definite deficiencies.
Minimal Pass. A passing grade indicating marginal
performance. Student not likely to succeed in subsequent
courses in the subject.
Unsatisfactory. Fail. Knowledge of principles and facts is
Did not complete the course, less than 50% of course work
completed or mandatory course component(s) not
completed. No official withdrawal.
TRU Policy ED 3-5 Student Attendance states that students may be:
Removed from a course if they miss the first two classes without prior arrangements that are acceptable to
the instructor.
Refused admission to a course by the instructor for lateness, class misconduct, or failure to complete
required work.
Removed from a course by the instructor for deficient attendance without cause with the permission of the
instructor’s Chairperson or Dean.
Lateness and Attendance
There will be zero tolerance for lateness. If you are late more than three times, you will be asked to leave the
course permanently. In the professional world, you would most likely be terminated.
Attendance will be taken for each class. Class participation grades will be adjusted accordingly. Please notify me
by e-mail (dsell@tru.ca) if you are going to be absent from class (include your full name, student number, course
and section). Unless otherwise stated, a student will be expected to attend a minimum of 90% of class or lab
time allocated to each course. In the case of deficient attendance without cause, a student may, on
recommendation of the instructor and with the sanction of the instructor’s Dean or Chairperson, be withdrawn
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from a course. TRU’s withdrawal policy (ED 3-0) will apply. Meaning, if you miss more than three classes, you
will be dropped from the course.
Assignment Late Policy
It is understandable that students have other responsibilities, priorities and time commitments outside of this
class. However, managing time effectively and meeting deadlines is a reality you will have to face in the
workforce, and thus it is an emphasis for this course. All written assignments are due by the time and the date
noted. Assignments received after the due date will lose an automatic 10% off the total mark per day (24 hour
Absence from Exams
Exemption or deferral of a midterm exam or final examination is not permitted except for a medical or personal
emergency. Please notify me by e-mail (dsell@tru.ca) prior to the exam (Include your full name, student number,
course and section). Appropriate documentation must be submitted. Acceptable documentation would be in the
form of a doctor’s note, court summons or funeral documentation. Failure to follow this procedure will result in a
mark of zero. The final examination must be written within exam period for that term (unless other
arrangements are made in advance). Do not make travel arrangements during the final exam period.
Student Engagement
Students are expected and encouraged to be active participants in the classroom. Please refrain from private
conversations, text messaging, surfing the Internet, etc., during lectures and/or when other students are
presenting. Students who choose to be disrespectful will be given a verbal warning. If the disrespectful
behaviour continues, the student(s) will be asked to leave for the remainder of the class. *Marks will also be
taken off your overall participation mark.
Use of Technology: Laptops and Smart Phones
Students are encouraged to bring their laptops, tablets, and smart phones to class. Having access to Moodle,
searching information, and/or taking notes during class– will enhance your learning experience. Please turn off
your telephone ringer during class.
Please remember, texting and surfing the Internet will not be tolerated.
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