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FactoryTalk Historian SE High Availability User Guide

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Historian SE
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Version: 9.00.05
Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
About this Manual....................................................................................................1
HA for Advanced Users .................................................................................................................3
Chapter 2:
HA Client/Server Background ................................................................................5
Preferred Upgrade Path.............................................................................................5
Connection Preferences ............................................................................................5
Configuration of Collectives in Client Applications ....................................................6
Member Server Priority Settings................................................................................7
Availability ..................................................................................................................8
Server Selection Algorithm ........................................................................................9
Failover ......................................................................................................................9
Chapter 3:
Levels of HA Implementation ...............................................................................11
Level 1 Implementation............................................................................................11
Level 2 Implementation............................................................................................12
Level 3 Implementation............................................................................................13
Application Behavior with HA .....................................................................................................17
Chapter 4:
DataSheet Control .................................................................................................19
Connection Preferences ..........................................................................................19
Initial Connection .....................................................................................................19
Transition to a New Collective Member...................................................................19
Non-Standard HA Behavior .....................................................................................20
Chapter 5:
Interface Configuration Utility ..............................................................................21
Initial Connection .....................................................................................................21
Transition to a New Collective Member...................................................................22
Connecting to an HA PI Server ...............................................................................23
Chapter 6:
MDB Builder ...........................................................................................................25
Connection Preferences ..........................................................................................25
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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Chapter 7:
OSI OPC Server......................................................................................................27
Connection Preferences ..........................................................................................27
Initial Connection .....................................................................................................27
Transition to a New Collective Member...................................................................28
Chapter 8:
PI ActiveView .........................................................................................................31
Chapter 9:
PI Advanced Computing Engine (ACE) ...............................................................33
Connection Preferences ..........................................................................................33
Initial Connection .....................................................................................................33
Transition to a New Collective Member...................................................................34
Configuring Redundant Scheduler Service .............................................................34
Chapter 10:
PI Analysis Framework .........................................................................................37
Connection Preferences ..........................................................................................37
Chapter 11:
PI Autopoint Synchronization (PI APS) ...............................................................39
Initial Connection .....................................................................................................39
Transition to a New Collective Member...................................................................40
Upgrading an Existing PI Server to HA ...................................................................42
Chapter 12:
PI BatchView ..........................................................................................................43
Initial Connection .....................................................................................................43
Transition to a New Collective Member...................................................................44
Chapter 13:
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink............................................................................47
Connection Preferences ..........................................................................................47
Transition to a New Collective Member...................................................................47
Chapter 14:
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook....................................................................49
Connection Preferences ..........................................................................................49
Initial Connection .....................................................................................................50
Transition to a New Collective Member...................................................................50
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook Displays..........................................................51
Chapter 15:
PI OLEDB ................................................................................................................55
Connection Preferences ..........................................................................................55
Initial Connection .....................................................................................................55
Transition to a New Collective Member...................................................................56
Page iv
Chapter 16:
PI Server Applications...........................................................................................59
Initial Connection .....................................................................................................59
Transition to a New Collective Member...................................................................59
Configuration Data...................................................................................................59
Chapter 17:
PI SQC.....................................................................................................................61
Ad hoc SQC Charts .................................................................................................61
Server side SQC Alarms..........................................................................................61
Chapter 18:
RtBaseline Services Administration....................................................................63
Connection Preferences ..........................................................................................63
Version Information..................................................................................................63
Collectives as PI Data Sources ...............................................................................64
Secondary Server ....................................................................................................64
Chapter 19:
RtWebParts ............................................................................................................67
Connection Preferences ..........................................................................................67
Initial Connection .....................................................................................................67
Transition to a New Collective Member...................................................................68
RtWebParts Advanced Configuration......................................................................70
Appendix A:
Technical Support and Resources ......................................................................73
Before You Call or Write for Help ............................................................................73
Index ..............................................................................................................................................75
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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Chapter 1: About this Manual
This guide provides advanced-level information about application behavior in a High
Availability (HA) PI System. Serving as a companion to the High Availability User Guide, it
is geared toward users and administrators who write data to the PI Server, configure their
applications' connection settings, and administer the PI System.
Chapter 2 gives high-level detail about how HA is configured and explains the importance of
connection preferences.
Chapter 3 provides detail about the three levels of HA PI System Implementation and gives
an overview of how Rockwell Automation applications behave at each of these levels.
Subsequent chapters offer a product-by-product description of HA-related behavior exhibited
within Rockwell Automation applications. Use these remaining chapters as a reference
guide to finding out more specific information on how HA affects the applications you use.
For an introduction to Rockwell Automation's implementation of HA, see the High
Availability User Guide.
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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Part I
HA for Advanced Users
The chapters in the following section provide both information on how Rockwell Automation
applications connect to an HA PI System, and an overview of how applications behave at
each level of HA implementation:
‰ HA Client/Server Background
‰ Levels of HA Implementation
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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Chapter 2: HA Client/Server Background
Preferred Upgrade Path
In order to retain compatibility with existing displays and spreadsheets, we recommend you
follow these guidelines when upgrading a server to an HA version. Following these
recommendations also allows clients operating without an upgraded PI SDK to continue
running without problems.
‰ Make the existing server the primary
‰ Keep the machine name of the existing server the same
‰ Adopt the existing ServerID as the collective ID
The existing, non replicated PI Server becomes an HA primary server and maintains the same
Note: If the preferred upgrade path is not followed, information about servers persisted
in displays, spreadsheets, module aliases, .ini files, and so on may no longer be
valid or may now point to a secondary server that may not be able to perform all
the needs of a particular client application.
Connection Preferences
An HA PI System is comprised of two types of member servers with different capabilities—a
primary and a secondary. Secondary members have restrictions that make them unsuitable
for certain types of operations. Applications that interact with a collective are subject to these
limitations and should behave in a consistent, useful manner. The HA PI SDK gives
applications control over the member selection when connecting to a collective. This control
is provided in the form of a connection preference that can be one of the following values:
‰ RequirePrimary—Only the primary member server is acceptable. If it is unavailable,
return an error when trying to connect.
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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HA Client/Server Background
‰ PreferPrimary—If the primary member server is available, connect to it. If not, any
secondary member server is acceptable.
‰ Any—Any member server is fine. Use the locally configured priority to choose the
member for connection.
Configuration of Collectives in Client Applications
Once an HA-aware PI SDK is installed applications have use of a PI Connection Manager
dialog box that is HA-aware. The configuration information for a collective is more extensive
than for a single server, but the process is simple because every member of a collective can
provide details of the collective structure. By simply opening a connection to an existing
server that has become a member of a collective (either through the connection manager or
through any PI SDK application), the PI SDK learns of the new configuration and updates the
local Known Servers Table to reflect it. If the server is new to the client workstation, it is
added with the PI Connection Manager dialog box. To configure the Known Servers Table
with settings for all members of the collective, specify a default user name and a path to any
one of the member servers, and allow the dialog box to validate the server.
PI Connection Manager
As demonstrated in this screen capture, the PI Connection Manager displays collectives
differently than non-replicated PI Servers. A collective is denoted with an icon showing
multiple PI Servers. Non replicated PI Servers are denoted with an icon showing a single PI
Page 6
Member Server Priority Settings
You can select a collective and examine attributes of the member servers to determine which
member server is being addressed when connected. The dialog also offers a menu item that
allows you to force a failover (Server > Force Failover). You may want to select this
option if the current connection is responding poorly, or you anticipate an outage. Details of
the PI Connection Manager interface are available in the online help available from the help
menu in the dialog box.
Member Server Priority Settings
Within a collective made up of a primary and multiple secondary servers, priorities are
assigned to each member server of the collective. These are initially set when you add a
server or the collective is initially detected during a connection. You can modify the priority
for member servers on each workstation in the Collective Member Information dialog box
in the PI Connection Manager (Server > Member Information).
The highest priority member is given a priority of 1 and the other servers are given
incremental values (2,3,4,...). The values of this property are set when the server is first added
or when the SDK first detects that it has become a collective. You can then modify these
values to establish your preferred connection order. If two servers share the same priority
setting, the servers are selected in alphabetical order. A priority value of -1 indicates
connections to that member are not allowed.
Setting the server priority in the PI Connection Manager
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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HA Client/Server Background
If the current application's connection preference allows, these priorities are consulted to
choose the member server for the connection when a connection is attempted (either initially
or during failover). Applications that support a connection preference of Any—such as
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook and RtWebParts—always consider priorities when
connecting. Applications that use a connection preference of PreferPrimary consult these
priorities when failing from the primary server or when failing between secondary servers
(when the primary is unavailable and the current secondary connection is lost).
By carefully choosing the member server priorities among a user community, a certain
amount of static load balancing is automatically implemented.
Secondary Server Limitations
‰ Writing configuration data is not supported. This limitation includes:
PI Point attributes
Digital State Sets
User and Group information
Module Database modules, PI Aliases, PI Properties, and values
‰ Reading and writing batch data is not supported by default
‰ Writing time-series data using the PI SDK is not supported by default. This limitation
refers to time-series data written with the PI SDK.
Collective member servers are in constant communication to synchronize configuration
changes and status information. When the PI SDK establishes an initial connection with a
collective member it retrieves status information for the entire collective. While connected,
the member server alerts each client connection of any changes in status of the member
servers. Knowing the status of each member server allows the PI SDK to avoid trying to
connect to servers that are marked unavailable except as a last resort.
For example, in a collective consisting of one primary and three secondary members, the
application initially establishes a connection with the primary. During the connection it learns
that two of the secondary servers with local priority settings of 1 and 2 are down. When the
primary goes down, the PI SDK attempts a failover to the third secondary member server first
even though the priority would suggest one of the other secondary members because it is
aware that those servers are unavailable. If this attempt fails, the PI SDK still attempts to
connect to each member in case its status information is out of date.
Page 8
Server Selection Algorithm
Server Selection Algorithm
The following rules are effective with the initial release of HA (PR1). As the platform
evolves and servers supply more information (CPU usage, connection count, and so on), the
PI System will provide more efficient resource allocation through dynamic load balancing.
The connection preference (page 5) governs the connection logic. A setting of
RequirePrimary explicitly sets the server to the single primary. A PreferPrimary setting
also returns the primary server unless the primary is unavailable. In that case the condition is
equivalent to a connection preference of Any and the following selection rules apply.
The member server with the smallest priority setting (page 7) (number 1 is first, 2 is second)
is chosen unless the collective has indicated it is unavailable. A connection attempt is made to
the chosen server. If it succeeds the process ends. If it fails, the next available member
server with the next smallest priority is chosen. If all available servers have been tried
without success, the servers marked unavailable are considered and tried in order of priority.
The one exception is if you have marked a member with a priority of -1, which indicates that
connections to that member should not be made. This process continues until a connection to
every member of the collective has been attempted. If no connection is established an error
is returned. The next PI SDK call that requires server access begins the process again,
starting with the connection preference.
When an application using the HA PI SDK connected to a collective loses its connection (for
example, network failure, software failure, hardware failure), you initiate a member switch in
the PI Connection Manager, or the server is shutdown, the PI SDK automatically attempts a
reconnection to another member. In a typical case, the application is attached to the primary
and upon losing its connection it tries a connection to each secondary member server of the
collective that is available until a new connection is achieved or all are tried. With the
primary down, the secondary member servers are tried in order of their configured priority
and availability.
During the failover process, when a server connection is lost, a Disconnect event is fired
and when reconnected, an Open event is fired.
Note that because replication is not instantaneous and because data delivery is fanned from
input sources and data streams between the initial connection and the new connection, after a
failover the data may not be perfectly synchronized.
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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Chapter 3: Levels of HA Implementation
The following levels of HA PI System implementation are referred to throughout this guide.
‰ Level 1: HA PI Server, pre-HA PI SDK, pre-HA release client application
‰ Level 2: HA PI Server, HA PI SDK, pre-HA release client application
‰ Level 3: HA PI Server, HA PI SDK, HA-aware client application
HA PI Server
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
HA Client
Note: If you upgrade to an HA PI SDK or client application without upgrading to an HA
Server, you do not receive any High Availability benefits and your applications
behave as they did prior to your upgrade.
Level 1 Implementation
In this configuration, a server is upgraded to an HA version, but you have not installed an HA
version of the client application.
Initial Connection
Applications using the PI SDK are configured to talk to single servers. When the installation
has followed the preferred upgrade path, these applications connect to the primary member
server of the collective.
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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Levels of HA Implementation
Transition to a New Collective Member
At Level 1 there is no notion of a collective or failover. If the server is not available initially
or goes down while the client is connected, you see the same errors as with a non-replicated
PI Server.
Note: If the preferred upgrade path is not followed, information about servers persisted
in displays, spreadsheets, module aliases, .ini files, and so on may no longer be
valid or may now point to a secondary server that may not be able to perform all
the needs of a particular client application.
Level 2 Implementation
At Level 2, the PI Server and PI SDK are upgraded to an HA version, but you are not running
an HA version of your client application. This situation occurs when you have installed at
least one HA client application (resulting in the HA PI SDK installation), but are running a
pre-HA version of another application.
Initial Connection
The HA PI SDK provides a default connection preference of PreferPrimary. Pre-HA
applications, being unaware of the ability to control their connection, pick up this default and
always attempt to connect to the primary server. When the primary is available, these
applications are not subject to restrictions on the primary. When the primary is unavailable
these applications connect to a secondary and face the restrictions of that server. Because
the application is not HA-aware it may attempt operations that are not supported on the
secondary that fail and return error messages. An HA-aware client eliminates the possibility
for user error by disabling these operations, thus making it apparent that they are not
Transition to a New Collective Member
Even though the application is not HA-aware, failover capabilities are still provided by the
HA PI SDK. There are several cases when an application may make a transition to a new
collective member:
‰ It is automatically connected to a different collective member when a connection is lost
(for example, network failure, software failure, hardware failure)
‰ You attempt to perform a function not supported on the secondary server (automatic
Page 12
Level 3 Implementation
‰ You initiate a member switch with the PI Connections Manager dialog
In a typical Level 2 transition, an application is attached to the primary when it loses its
connection. The application tries a connection to each secondary member server of the
collective that is available until a new connection is achieved or all are tried. With the
primary down, the secondary member servers are tried in order of their configured priority
and availability (see Server Selection Algorithm (page 9)).
The second possible case for transition arises when you are connected to a secondary server
and attempt an operation not supported on that server. Examples include attempting to write
time-series data to the PI SDK or using the PI BatchView add-in in FactoryTalk Historian
ProcessBook while connected to a secondary. In this scenario, applications reconnect to the
primary unless the primary is unavailable, in which case they fail and return error messages.
The transition consists of two parts, an initial disconnection and a subsequent reconnection.
During the period when an application is disconnected the application behaves as it did prior
to HA when a connection was lost; however, after a brief period the connection is restored to
another member. The length of this period is dependent on how the connection was lost. An
orderly server shutdown results in a short transition period as the application is aware it needs
a new connection before the server actually completes the shutdown process. In the case of an
unanticipated connection loss, a call to the server fails after a timeout period and the PI SDK
checks that the server is unreachable before attempting a new connection. See the High
Availability and PI Server Replication Manual for further details.
A loss of a server connection during the failover process triggers a Disconnect event.
Once reconnected, the PI SDK initiates an Open event. Pre-HA applications that define
behavior for these events or detect disconnection and reconnection through other means
continue to exhibit this behavior during the failover process. For example, a ProcessBook
trend draws an X at the current time when disconnected. Upon reconnection it draws another
X at the corresponding time, and then continues plotting incoming events.
Level 3 Implementation
In this configuration your PI Server and PI SDK are upgraded to HA versions, and you are
running a client application that is HA-aware. This is the preferred mode of operation. As
an organization incorporates HA PI into their system it will likely progress through Level 1
and 2 until all clients achieve Level 3 behavior.
Initial Connection
HA-aware applications set their own connection preference as appropriate for their task. The
types of applications that use a particular preference and their behavior are described below.
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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Levels of HA Implementation
Require Primary
An application that is used exclusively to write configuration data that is not supported on
secondary servers uses a connection preference of RequirePrimary. With this setting errors
return upon initial connection if the primary is unavailable and failover is disabled. This
configuration does not make the application highly available because it prevents the
application from working when it attempts to fail over to a secondary server.
Prefer Primary
Applications that have some features restricted on secondary servers (for example, allow
modification of configuration data, write values using the PI SDK, or work with batch data),
but that also can be used to view this data or work with other replicated data, typically use a
connection preference of PreferPrimary. With this preference, as long as the primary is
available, the application remains fully functional.
If for some reason the primary is unavailable, the application connects to a secondary
member server and can only perform functions supported on that server. HA-aware client
applications disable user interface features that are not supported with the current connection.
Applications that do not need the functions that are restricted on secondary servers can use
the most flexible connection preference, Any. As described in the section on Server
Selection Algorithm (page 9), with this setting the PI SDK chooses the server based on
priorities that you set for your workstation. This allows an organization to spread the load
on the collective across the available servers through configuration. When this preference is
set, the application is saying it does not care which server it connects to because all servers
provide the needed functionality. Fortunately, the Rockwell Automation applications that
make use of this preference are among the most widely used products—FactoryTalk
Historian ProcessBook and RtWebParts.
Transition to a New Collective Member
The transition behavior in Level 3 is similar to Level 2. The only differences are in the
selection of the new connection target and application specific behavior to smooth the
transition experience.
As explained in the section Server Selection Algorithm (page 9), the choice of the target
server for the new connection is dependent on the application's stated connection preference.
At Level 3, applications are HA-aware and provide a specific connection preference, thus
influencing the choice of the next target.
Page 14
Level 3 Implementation
HA-aware applications can determine that they are connected to a collective, and when a
Disconnect event is initiated they can indicate that a transition is in progress. This is
optional behavior and may not be present in all applications.
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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Part II
Application Behavior with HA
The following chapters provide details on how Rockwell Automation client products and
application servers are affected when used within an HA environment:
‰ DataSheet Control
‰ Interface Configuration Utility
‰ MDB Builder
‰ OSI OPC Server
‰ PI ActiveView
‰ PI Advanced Computing Engine
‰ PI Autopoint Synchronization
‰ PI BatchView
‰ FactoryTalk Historian DataLink
‰ FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook
‰ PI Server Applications
‰ RtBaseline Services (Administration Pages)
‰ RtWebParts
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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Chapter 4: DataSheet Control
Connection Preferences
The DataSheet control always connects with the RequirePrimary connection preference.
Initial Connection
When the DataSheet Control initially connects to a PI Server, it attempts to share a PI SDK
connection that already exists. If a connection does not exist, it creates its own.
When in ProcessBook, it uses the ProcessBook connection. If there is an existing connection
to a secondary server, the PI SDK attempts to connect to the primary server. If connection to
the primary fails (because it has faulted) the following error appears in the DataSheet control:
[-16030] Batch database access disabled on secondary server of
Transition to a New Collective Member
Because the DataSheet Control columns are generated from the Batch Database, a transition
away from the primary server in the collective results in an error returned from the server. If
batches are enabled on secondary servers, an error is not returned. See the section on
Non-Standard HA Behavior (page 20) for a description of this behavior.
When the DataSheet control is in Run mode (as opposed to Build mode) and the primary
server is lost, no new batches update in the grid. If a Refresh is initiated from the right click
menu, the following error appears in the DataSheet space:
[-16030] Batch database access disabled on secondary server of
The same error occurs when moving from Build mode to Run mode.
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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DataSheet Control
Non-Standard HA Behavior
If you enable batches and PI SDK writes on a secondary server and your primary is
unavailable, the DataSheet Control will write data to the secondary server it is connected to.
When the primary server is available again, the connection will switch to the primary server
and the data that was written to the secondary will not display in the grid. Data written when
connected to a secondary server is not replicated to the primary or any other secondary
Moreover, if you enable the batch database on a secondary server and you lose connection to
your primary server, you will see no indication from the DataSheet Control that the data is
being written to a secondary server.
The default settings for a PIServer prohibits batch and PI SDK writes on secondary servers.
With these default settings the DataSheet Control can only write data to the primary server
which also contains the Batch context information. This keeps all manually entered
information together with the context information. This configuration is recommended to
ensure the integrity of your data; however, it does not receive any benefit from an upgrade to
an HA PI System.
Note: For the PR1 release we highly recommend that you do put batch data on a
secondary server. See the High Availability and PI Server Replication guide for
more details.
Page 20
Chapter 5: Interface Configuration Utility
The Interface Connection Utility (ICU) uses the PI SDK to communicate with the PI System
to manage settings stored in the Module Database, PI Point attributes, and Digital State Sets.
Note: It is strongly recommended that only an HA version of the ICU be used when
connecting to an HA PI Server.
Initial Connection
If there are any existing interfaces configured with the ICU before the upgrade, the
information is already stored in the current PI Server Module Database. After an upgrade to
an HA PI Server the information is the same on primary and secondary PI Servers.
At Level 3, the ICU has been modified to use the PI SDK Connection Manager dialog to
define which non-replicated servers and collectives for which it manages PI Interfaces. The
ICU requests a primary server when connecting, but allows read-only access to secondary
At Level 2, ICU behavior depends on the collective name. If the collective name is the same
as the primary PI Server name, the ICU displays all existing interfaces. If the collective name
is different then the primary PI Server name, the ICU can connect to a collective, but does not
show any existing interfaces.
However if a new interface is registered with ICU after upgrading a PI Server to an HA
version, and you use the same name for the collective that was given to the non replicated PI
Server (this can be different then the primary server name), the ICU correctly displays this
newly added interface.
At Level 1, the ICU works with individual servers. This is the same as pre-HA behavior.
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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Interface Configuration Utility
Transition to a New Collective Member
At Level 3, when a failover occurs from the primary to a secondary server, the ICU
writeable/read-only status changes to read-only, and the settings are displayed in
read-only mode. When a failover occurs from a secondary server to the primary server, the
ICU writeable/read-only status changes to writeable, and the settings are
displayed as editable, allowing changes to be saved. During a failover, any unsaved changes
made to the currently loaded interface remain listed in the ICU so that they can be saved to
the primary server when it becomes available again. Unsaved changes are not stored if the
ICU is closed before the primary server becomes available again or if you select and load a
different PI Interface.
At Level 2, PI ICU connects to a collective, but all interface information is only stored on the
primary PI Server. The module database on a secondary PI Server is not replicated back to
the primary. If the primary PI Server is disconnected and only the secondary PI Server is
available, then you are not able to add a new interface. The Configure New Interface dialog
box does not display any error messages. You can close this dialog box with the Close
button, but this action does not add the interface.
At Level 1, PI ICU connects to individual servers, not the collective. You can only create a
new interface on the primary server. Separate batch files are created (modified) on the client
machine and modules are created (modified) on the Module Database of each server. The
Module Database is only replicated from the primary to the secondary.
Page 22
Connecting to an HA PI Server
At Level 3, the PI SDK PI Connection Manager dialog is available on the ICU menu bar for
configuring SDK connections. The ICU allows you to select the servers and collectives on
which it will load PI Interfaces. This can be done by selecting the Loading tab of the
Options dialog box (Tools > Options). The list of servers on this dialog is HA-aware, and is
populated by the server list in the PI SDK Known Servers Table.
Options dialog box in HA ICU
At Level 2, the Connections dialog box displays only the collective name, but you may not
always be able to connect to the collective because the ICU connection dialog uses PI API,
and not the HA-aware PI SDK. You can only make the connection if the collective name is
the same as your primary PI Server. If it differs, then the connection fails. However the PI
API-based Connections dialog in ICU does not allow you to add a new collective.
If you want to add a collective, we recommend you use the PI SDK PI Connection Manager
dialog box. This dialog allows you to add a collective into the Known Servers Table, for
example AboutPI SDK utility. As soon as the collective is added to the Known Servers Table,
the ICU displays it in the Loading tab of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options) where
you can select it.
At Level 1, the Connections dialog box displays individual server names, and not the
collective name. You are able to connect to each server and perform ICU tasks.
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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Chapter 6: MDB Builder
There is no PR1 version of Module Database Builder (MDB), therefore there is no Level 3
HA implementation.
At Level 2, module writing(edit/delete/create) is restricted while you are connected to a
secondary PI Server. If you fail over to a secondary member, you are still able to read from
the MDB, however, you may receive an error message when you try to write data to the PI
System. If the primary is available when you attempt to write on a secondary the PI SDK
attempts to automatically reconnect you to the primary. If the primary is not available, your
write operation will generate an error and fail.
If you are connected to a primary, all MDB functionality works normally.
Connection Preferences
In PR1, MDB Builder connects to an HA PI Server with a PreferPrimary connection
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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Chapter 7: OSI OPC Server
OSI OPC Server is deployed with two executables. Both of the executables support OPC
Data Access (DA) and Historical Data Access (HDA) functionalities. However, when
discovering installed OPC Servers, you see one of them as an OPC DA Server and the other
as OPC HDA Server. It is important to have OPC clients connected to appropriate OPC
servers. Although DA and HDA functionalities are different, the OPC Server uses similar
ways to communicate with a PI Server. These functionalities are supported by using
appropriate PI SDK and PI API methods.
Since PI API currently does not support HA implementation, some DA and HDA
functionalities of the OPC Server are not available during transition to a new member of a
Connection Preferences
By default, OSI OPC Server uses a connection preference of Any when opening connections.
However, it is important that the name of the collective be the same as the name of the
primary PI Server. This affects the OPC Server's supported functionalities.
Initial Connection
When OSI OPC Server is initially launched, it does not attempt to connect to the default PI
Server. It gets the list of known PI Servers from the PI SDK's Known Servers Table. An
initial connection occurs in the following cases:
‰ When an OPC client tries to browse OPC Server's address space by selecting a specific PI
Server in the browse operation
‰ When an OPC client requests to create a browser with specified filter attributes
‰ When an OPC client attempts to make a read or write call, or subscribe for advise
Depending on how the collective is set up, the behavior of the OPC Server can be different
during the initial connection. It is important to distinguish between when the collective
name is the same as the primary, and the collective name is not the same as the primary.
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OSI OPC Server
During initial connection, if a collective name is the same as the primary name, you will not
see any difference in behavior when the OPC Server is connected to a member of the
However, if a collective name is different from the primary and the primary is down, some
functions do not work when you connect to another member of the collective. It this case, the
advises in DA Server only get an initial update and stop updating from then on. All point
edits or deletes do not work. After the primary comes back up again point edits and deletes
start working. However, the advises that were started while the primary server was down do
not resume. The OPC clients should redo the advise operation.
Transition to a New Collective Member
When an active connection within a collective of PI Servers makes a transition to a new
member, OPC Server loses connection to a collective for a short time. The response from
the OPC Server can be delayed while the transition is completed and a connection channel is
After OPC Server is connected to a secondary, some functionalities of the OPC Server stop
working. Since OPC Server is designed to use both PI SDK and PI API to communicate
with PI Server, all OPC functions supported with PI API calls are lost. Following a server
transition, some OPC functionality is preserved, however the PI API connection to PI Server
is lost. The following table summarizes the supported and unsupported DA and HDA
functions after a transition when a collective name is the same as the primary PI Server or
when a collective name is different from the primary PI Server:
Page 28
Collective is the
same as
Collective is the
same as
Collective is not the
same as primary
Collective is not the
same as primary
Connected to
Connected to
Connected to
Connected to
DA Read
DA Write
DA Advise
DA Browse
HDA Read
HDA Write
HDA Advise
HDA Delete
HDA Browse
Transition to a New Collective Member
Collective is the
same as
Collective is the
same as
Collective is not the
same as primary
Collective is not the
same as primary
Planned Shutdown
The preferred way of setting up a collective is to have the same name for both the collective
and primary PI Server. When this is true, a planned shutdown of the primary PI Server
impacts the OPC Clients (DA and HDA) that are subscribed for advise. Tag edits and
deletes also do not work on a secondary. See the table above for more details.
OPC clients receive a notification that the PI Server has become unreachable and no further
updates are sent. The remaining functionalities are restored once the OPC Server establishes
connection to another member of the collective.
When the primary PI Server returns, the OPC Server starts sending updates for OPC clients
that signed up for advise, and the functionalities previously lost become available again.
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Chapter 8: PI ActiveView
HA behavior in PI ActiveView resembles that for FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook. See
the chapter on FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook (page 49) for details.
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Chapter 9: PI Advanced Computing Engine (ACE)
PI Advanced Computing Engine (ACE) consists of three components:
‰ Wizard
‰ Manager
‰ Scheduler
Each ACE component can actually connect to multiple PI Servers. An ACE component
always connects to the ACE Data Server. The ACE Data Server is the PI Server where the
ACE configuration is stored. It may also connect to other PI Servers where time-series data
are retrieved or results are stored.
Connection Preferences
At Level 3, when connecting to the ACE Data Server, the Wizard and Scheduler have
connection preferences of RequirePrimary, since they are only useful when they are
connected to the primary server and able to modify the Module Database.
The Manager has a connection preference of PreferPrimary.
When connecting to other PI Servers, the connection preference for all three components is
Initial Connection
ACE connects to a collective member as follows.
ACE Data Server
Other PI Servers
Level 3
RequirePrimary for Wizard and Scheduler.
PreferPrimary for Manager
Level 2
Level 1
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PI Advanced Computing Engine (ACE)
ACE Wizard and Scheduler are only useful when connected to the primary server where they
are able to modify the Module Database, therefore at Level 3 HA implementation they are
restricted to operate only on the primary.
ACE Manager is fully functional when connected to a primary server, and useful for
performing read operations when connected to a secondary. By default, ACE Manager uses
the connection preference PreferPrimary.
Transition to a New Collective Member
The behavior for both planned shutdown and unexpected loss of connection is identical and is
summarized in the following table.
ACE Data Server
Other PI Servers
Level 3
No transition for Wizard and
Scheduler. Automatic transition for
Automatic transition
Level 2
Automatic transition
Automatic transition
Level 1
No transition
No transition
At Level 3, ACE Wizard and Scheduler must connect to the primary server, therefore there is
no failover capability.
At Level 2, following a transition to a secondary, ACE Wizard displays an error message
indicating that the application does not have write access to the ACE Data Server, and you
are not able to proceed. ACE Scheduler continues receiving the changes to ACE calculations
in the Module Database. However, it would not be able to update the Module Database with
correct statuses in some cases.
For example, suppose you stop a calculation. The ACE Scheduler receives this change and
stops the calculation. But the calculation status is still Stopping since the ACE Scheduler
won't be able to update the calculation status to Off. This scenario assumes that the ACE
Manager can connect to the primary while the ACE Scheduler is unable to connect to it, and
it may present a rare case.
At Level 3 and 2, following a transition to a secondary, ACE Manager becomes read-only
and you are not able to modify any ACE configuration or stop or start a calculation. See the
High Availability User Guide for more detail.
Configuring Redundant Scheduler Service
It is possible to configure redundant ACE Scheduler services at all three levels of HA
implementation. In each case, you can start the Scheduler service on two machines executing
Page 34
Configuring Redundant Scheduler Service
the calculations configured on the same ACE Data Server. Only one of the services would
execute the calculations while the other one is in standby mode. When the ACE Scheduler
executing the calculations is stopped gracefully, the other ACE Scheduler automatically starts
the calculations.
At Level 3, if the ACE Scheduler running calculations is stopped due to an unexpected loss of
connectivity, the second ACE Scheduler automatically begins calculating.
At Level 2 and 1, if the ACE Scheduler running calculations is stopped due to an unexpected
loss of connectivity, the second ACE Scheduler does not start calculating.
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Chapter 10: PI Analysis Framework
Connection Preferences
By default the PI Analysis Framework Server(PI AF Server) uses a connection preference of
PreferPrimary when connecting to its associated PI Server. This setting is appropriate for
most uses. The preference setting can be modified in the PIAFServer.exe.config file
located in the <PIPC>\PIAF directory. The PIServerRole key, illustrated below,
controls how PI AF Server connects.
<add key="PISystemName" value="localhost" />
<add key="PIUserName" value="" />
<add key="PIUserPassword" value="" />
<add key="PIServerRole" value="PreferPrimary" />
The PI Analysis Framework client uses the connection preferences of the hosting application.
If no connection is open it uses the default connection preference of PreferPrimary.
Since the AFModeler resides within the ProcessBook application, and ProcessBook defaults
to a preference of Any, the connection preferences of ProcessBook should typically be
overridden to use either RequirePrimary or PreferPrimary. See the chapter on FactoryTalk
Historian ProcessBook (page 49) for how to specify its connection preferences.
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Chapter 11: PI Autopoint Synchronization (PI
At Level 3, PI Autopoint Synchronization (PI APS) can connect to a collective and perform
all APS tasks correctly. If only a secondary server is available, the APS configuration Utility
displays settings for this interface in Read-only mode. You can review existing settings, but
cannot add, delete, or modify an interface, and cannot perform synchronization. These
options are disabled in read-only mode. At Level 3, PI APS always connects to a collective
with the connection preference of PreferPrimary.
At Level 2, PI APS can connect to a collective. If you are connected to a collective, you are
able to register a new interface. All interface information is stored on a primary PI Server and
replicated to secondaries (If it is connected. If not, it is replicated after connection is
At Level 1, the PI APS configuration utility connects to individual servers, not the collective.
You are only able to register a new interface on the primary. Modules are created (modified)
on the module database of the primary server and can be replicated to the secondaries in your
If you select Create points automatically, Edit points automatically, or Delete points, points
are created, modified, and deleted on the primary PI Server. Modifications to the point
database on the primary PI Server are replicated on the secondary PI Server.
When synchronizing with the secondary PI Server, if you select the options to create, edit, or
delete points automatically on the PI Server, the SyncEngine generates the following fatal
Failed to create point on server [-10420]
However, the corresponding piconfig or excel files are created for point deletes, edits, and
available points.
Initial Connection
At Level 3, you can use the built-in PI SDK connection dialog to add or connect to a
collective. If the primary server is available you can perform all APS tasks. If only a
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PI Autopoint Synchronization (PI APS)
secondary server is available the APS Configuration Utility displays settings for this interface
in Read-only mode.
At Level 2, the Connection dialog displays only the collective name, but you are not always
able to connect to a collective because the PI APS connection dialog uses the PI API, not the
PI SDK. The connection can only be established if the collective name is the same as the
primary PI Server name. If the names are different, the connection fails.
We recommend that you use the PI SDK-based PI Connection Manager dialog to add
collectives into the Known Servers Table, for example AboutPI SDK utility. As soon as the
collective is added to the Known Servers Table, it appears in the Loading tab of the Options
dialog box (Tools > Options). You can register the new interface as usual, but modules can
only be created on the primary PI Server module database. The information will be replicated
on secondary PI Servers.
At Level 1, the Connection dialog displays individual server names, not the collective name.
You can connect to each server, but you can perform APS tasks ( register new, modify, delete
interface) only on the primary PI Server. If you try to delete, create, or modify an existing
interface on a secondary server you will see different dialog boxes with PI SDK errors
because the PI SDK cannot create, modify, or delete modules on a secondary server. You can
do synchronization on a secondary server, but points are not created on the PI Server, only
point files are created.
Transition to a New Collective Member
At Level 3, the PI APS connects to a collective with a connection preference of
PreferPrimary. If the primary is not available, the APS works in read-only mode. When
connection to the primary is restored, the APS returns back to normal read-write mode. If the
APS Configuration Utility does not detect that the primary is available again you can select
Connect to Primary from the Interface menu, as illustrated below.
Page 40
Transition to a New Collective Member
Connect to Primary menu item in PI APS
At Level 2, APS connects to a collective. If connection to the primary PI Server is lost the PI
APS is still able to connect to the collective and it will display any existing interfaces, but
you are not able to register any new interface, nor delete or modify an existing one. Various
error messages appear indicating that the Module Database cannot be modified on a
secondary PI Server. For example:
Error message in PI APS
Moreover, point synchronization between the DCS and PI Server fails because SyncEngine
cannot write information in Module DataBAse about current sync status.
Error message in PI APS
When the primary PI Server is available again, you can perfom all APS task as usual.
However the APS configuration utility does not show the current collective status. Use the PI
SDK PI Connection Manager dialog to check if the primary server is available.
At Level 1, the PI APS working with individual servers, not collective.
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PI Autopoint Synchronization (PI APS)
Upgrading an Existing PI Server to HA
If there are any existing interfaces registered with PI APS before the upgrade, the information
is already stored in the current PI Server Module Database. After an upgrade to an HA PI
Server, the information will be the same on both primary and secondary PI Servers.
Page 42
Chapter 12: PI BatchView
Initial Connection
BatchView has several components: a symbol in ProcessBook called the BatchGroup, an
add-in to Excel, a stand-alone application called QuickSearch, and ActiveX controls and dlls
to use for programming.
BatchGroup Symbol in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook
When this symbol is loaded it attempts to retrieve batch data. If the collective member that
you are connected to does not support batch data access, the PI SDK automatically attempts
to switch the connection to a collective member that does support batch data access. This
will likely change ProcessBook's connection so that it connects to the primary collective
member. If many of your displays use BatchGroup symbols, we recommend setting
ProcessBook's connection preference to PreferPrimary for those collectives from which you
retrieve batch data.
When the parent application (ProcessBook) has a connection to a collective member that does
not support batch data access, the connection may take longer due to the automatic
reconnection to a collective member supporting batch data access.
Excel Add-in
When a query for batch data is executed (for example, when you create a new BatchView
formula array, you open a spreadsheet with an existing formula array, or you refresh an
existing formula array) a connection is made with the default preference, PreferPrimary. If
the collective member connected to does not support batch data access, the PI SDK
automatically attempts to switch the connection to a collective member that does support
batch data access. This changes Excel's connection to the primary collective member.
Excel maintains a single connection to each PI Server or collective regardless of how many
PI add-ins are running. All add-ins get the same connection.
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PI BatchView
When the parent application (Microsoft Excel) has a connection to a collective member that
does not support batch data access, the connection may take longer due to the automatic
reconnection to a collective member supporting batch data access.
When you click the Search button, QuickSearch connects to the collective with a connection
preference of PreferPrimary. If you connect to a collective member that does not support
batch data access, the PI SDK automatically attempts to switch the connection to a collective
member that does support batch data access. If you cannot connect to a collective member
that supports batch data access, you see the following error:
One or more searches could not be completed ([servername])
Once a collective member that supports batch data access comes online, click the Search
button again to reconnect and retrieve your batch results.
Programmatic Access to PI BatchView ActiveX Controls
When you program against BatchView ActiveX controls, the pibatchsearch.dll
requires a connection to a PI Server in order to search. This connection either happens
automatically or the parent application establishes the connection. If the dll connects
automatically, it connects with the PreferPrimary connection preference. If in either
connection case the collective member connected does not support batch data access, the PI
SDK automatically attempts to switch the connection to a collective member that does
support batch data access.
Transition to a New Collective Member
In general, batch data access is only supported on the primary collective member.
That means there is not any batch data access on secondary collective members and a
transition to a secondary collective member is not desirable for viewing batch data. The PI
SDK assists in maintaining connection to a collective member supporting batch data access.
If the connection to the collective transitions to a collective member that does not support
batch data access, the next attempt to retrieve batch data causes the PI SDK to automatically
attempt to switch the connection to a collective member that does support batch data access.
Note: For the PR1 release we highly recommend that you do put batch data on a
secondary server. See the High Availability and PI Server Replication guide for
more details.
Page 44
Transition to a New Collective Member
BatchGroup Symbol in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook
If a collective member supporting batch data access is not available, the status dialog reports
the following error:
Reading batch data on this collective member is not permitted
Moreover, no data—batch, tag or otherwise—are shown in any of the symbols of the batch
group. Attempts are made at regular intervals to transition to a collective member that has
batch data access. Once successfully reconnected, the batch symbol is reverted and the
correct batch data is retrieved. Run-time changes made to the batch group are not kept.
Behavior is somewhat different if the data is designed such that the batch data is on one
collective and the tag data in a batch trend is on another collective. If the batch data
collective switches to a collective member not supporting batch data access then you see the
behavior in the above paragraph. But if the trend data collective switches members, you
continue to see your batch data and the batch trend data behaves the same as the ProcessBook
If an anchored batch in the batch group cannot be restored because the connection is to a
collective member that does not support batch data access, that batch is not shown. This also
happens in the Batches Not Found dialog box, which sometimes appears when you open a
display that has an anchored batch that cannot be found on the server. These anchored
batches are not deleted from the display and they are shown once ProcessBook connects to a
collective member supporting batch data access.
Excel Add-in
If a collective member supporting batch data access is not available, you get the following
One or more searches could not be completed ([servername])
If a collective member supporting batch data access is not available, you get the following
One or more searches could not be completed ([servername])
Programmatic access to PI BatchView ActiveX controls
There are two cases here: one where the parent application maintains the connection and one
where the code relies on the pibatchsearch.dll to connect.
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PI BatchView
When the parent maintains the connection to the collective (this includes the cases where you
write VBA code in ProcessBook and Microsoft Excel), the parent application determines the
When you allow the pibatchsearch.dll to automatically connect, if a collective
member supporting batch data access is not available, the dll returns the error:
One or more searches could not be completed ([servername])
Page 46
Chapter 13: FactoryTalk Historian DataLink
Connection Preferences
By default, DataLink uses the PreferPrimary connection setting.
Transition to a New Collective Member
At Level 3 and Level 2, for all DataLink write calls (for example, piputval macros) to the
collective, the PI SDK first attempts to connect to the primary. If the primary is not
available, then DataLink connects to a secondary. However, DataLink only writes to the
secondary if the Replication_EnableSDKWriteValues parameter is set to 1 in the
pitimeout table on the PI Server.
If this value is not set to 1, or if a secondary is not available, then the server issues an error.
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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Chapter 14: FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook
Connection Preferences
By default ProcessBook uses a connection preference of Any when opening connections.
This setting is appropriate for most basic uses, and allows client configuration to support load
balancing. When using more advanced features of ProcessBook, such as custom displays
with VBA, and add-ins (SQC, BatchView, AF Modeler) this setting frequently results in a
connection to a secondary server and may present problems.
Configuration Settings
On workstations where ProcessBook is used to write data or access data that is not available
on secondary members of a collective, a configuration setting has been provided that
modifies the default connection preference.
By editing the procbook.ini file you can configure the preference for a particular
collective. Entries of the form <collective name>=<preference> in the [DATA
MANAGER] section of the procbook.ini file control how ProcessBook establishes a
connection to a server in a particular collective. The value represented above by
<collective name> represents the name listed for the collective in the PI Connection
Manager. The value represented above by <preference> must be one of the following
‰ PreferPrimary—the primary server in the collective is preferred but not required
‰ RequirePrimary—the primary server is required
‰ Any—any server in the collective is acceptable
Note: For PI ActiveView, connection preferences are configured in acview.ini.
In general, if the advanced feature requires a primary server to operate correctly, specifying
PreferPrimary connects you to the primary member whenever it is available. When the
primary is unavailable, a secondary server is used and all features of ProcessBook that don't
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook
require the primary server continue to function. If the use of ProcessBook on a workstation
requires access to the primary, then specifying RequirePrimary forces the application to only
connect to a primary member and fail when such a connection cannot be completed.
See Connection Preference (page 5) and Server Selection Algorithm (page 9) for more
Settings Files
The settings file used to configure ProcessBook defaults, procbook.ini, is created for
individual users when they make a change to the Preferences dialog box in:
C:\Program Files\Rockwell Software\FactoryTalk
If an .ini file has not been created for the user or if possible entries are not present, the
general machine copy stored in the \PIPC\Dat\ folder is used.
Initial Connection
When ProcessBook is first opened, it attempts to connect to the default PI Server.
Subsequently, connections to PI Servers are only attempted when a display requests data
from them or you explicitly connect using the PI Connection Manager.
Whether the collective in question is the default or just one of the sources configured to
provide data for a symbol on a display, the first attempt to connect to a collective during a
ProcessBook session may result in a connection to a secondary PI Server if the connection
preference is configured to be Any or PreferPrimary.
If the connection preference is configured to be RequirePrimary and the primary is
unavailable, ProcessBook does not connect to the collective and any symbols requesting data
from that source report NO DATA, as they previously would have when a non-replicated PI
Server is not available.
Transition to a New Collective Member
When a collective server has been opened either with the connection preference
PreferPrimary or Any and the current connection to the server is lost, ProcessBook attempts
to connect to another member of the collective. In some cases, the reconnection attempt
occurs on a subsequent call to the server. This is similar to the automatic reconnection
available in earlier versions of ProcessBook, but instead of calls failing until the single server
comes back online, another member in a collective responds to the call, resulting in higher
Page 50
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook Displays
Failover respects the connection preference set during the Open/Login call or set in the .ini
file entry for that collective. If the collective is configured in procbook.ini to use
PreferPrimary, but is connected to a secondary that becomes unavailable, ProcessBook first
attempts to connect to the primary PI Server. If unsuccessful, ProcessBook attempts to
connect to a secondary server.
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook Displays
Recommended Connection Preference Setting
Most ProcessBook displays do not write data to the PI Server and therefore work equally well
against primary and secondary member servers. A setting of Any is sufficient and supports
load balancing.
A setting of PreferPrimary also works well but does not allow the workstation to participate
in load balancing when running ProcessBook.
If you use RequirePrimary, and the primary is unavailable, the application behaves as it did
in prior versions when the server is unreachable. When this occurs during the opening of a
display, the error returned by the connection attempt is displayed in the Status Report dialog
box for each tag on the server. Typically, the message reads:
The requested server in not currently available. Primary.
Dynamic symbols on the display are presented in the same manner as any other symbol
attached to a disconnected server, though there is no recovery unless the primary server
comes back online.
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FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook
Status Report Dialog
If this occurs after the display is already open, ProcessBook detects the loss of connection, as
described previously, and tries to reconnect to the server. This call fails, generates the same
error as in the previous case (The requested server in not currently
available, Primary), and updates the Status Report dialog.
The ability to interact with ProcessBook displays using Visual Basic code allows
customization of display behavior. However the code within a display is not restricted to
manipulating the ProcessBook object model; it provides an entry point into just about any
kind of processing desired. The connection preference and member server capabilities
become important at the point where this custom code interacts with an HA PI system.
If the VBA code is PI API-based it does not gain any HA-related benefits because the PI API
has no notion of collectives.
For ProcessBook displays in ActiveView, any embedded VBA script is subject to all of the
limitations of secondary servers.
Recommended Connection Preference Setting
Any—If you use ProcessBook displays with VBA code that primarily work with the
ProcessBook object model, or make calls unrelated to the PI System, the default setting of
Any is appropriate. If the VBA code is PI SDK-based and only reading information from a PI
Server, then you do not need to make any changes.
PreferPrimary—Some custom displays may have VBA code that interacts with the PI
System in a manner not supported on secondary servers, such as writing real-time data,
changing configuration information, or creating batches. If such custom VBA code is not
critical to the function of the display, then it is advisable to set the connection preference to
PreferPrimary. With this setting, the display connects to the primary server when possible,
and in the event of a failover, the display remains connected. However, in the event of
failover, the custom VBA code that interacts with a PI secondary in an unsupported fashion is
not functional. Therefore, it is advisable that administrators test their displays with
secondary servers to determine if the limited functionality after a failover to secondary is
RequirePrimary—If you use ProcessBook on a workstation almost exclusively to run
custom displays that perform functions not supported on a secondary (for example a lab data
entry screen), then we advise you set the connection preference to RequirePrimary as the
application is basically inoperative without this connection.
Page 52
Behavior at Different Levels
‰ Level 3:
VBA programmers can use the new HA PI SDK features to provide an enhanced user
experience. When connected to a secondary and features are not available, User
Interface controls can be disabled or the code can switch to a different member to
complete actions. In order to take advantage of HA features it is necessary that the VBA
programmer alter their code if their applications write data, change configuration data, or
create batches. It is the responsibility of the custom display developer to deliver HA
versions of their displays if their code is affected and the changes add value to the
‰ Level 2:
When connected to a secondary server, calls will return an error if they write data, change
configuration data, or create batches. Error handling in a display's VBA is specific to
that piece of code. The PI SDK returns different errors for these new failures, so typically
only the code's generic error handling is activated in this circumstance. See the High
Availability and PI Server Replication manual for more details.
‰ Level 1:
If the recommended upgrade path is followed to convert a PI Server to HA, your old
displays point to what has become the primary server. ProcessBook behaves as it did
before HA.
High Availability Advanced User Guide
Page 53
Chapter 15: PI OLEDB
Connection Preferences
At Level 3 and 2, PI OLEDB connects to a collective with the connection type
Note: In PI OLEDB a connection preference is referred to as connection type.
Before accessing data through PI OLEDB you need to provide information necessary to
establish a connection to the PI Server. In OLEDB, this information is typically persisted as a
string referred to as a connection string. It consists of a series of keyword-value pairs
separated by semicolons. The equal sign (=) connects each keyword and its value.
Example: Keyword1 = Value1; Keyword2 = Value2
The number of available keywords is extended by "Connection Type."
Example: Connection Type=RequirePrimary
Note: The location of the connection string varies by application. See your database
application's user manual for more details.
Initial Connection
If the connection preference is set to RequirePrimary then PI OLEDB either directly connects
to the primary PI Server of a collective or returns an error after the connection timeout. It
does not fail over to a secondary PI Server.
If the connection preference is set to PreferPrimary or Any, the connection may be made to a
secondary PI Server. In this case there is a difference for DML and DDL type queries:
High Availability Advanced User Guide
Page 55
‰ PreferPrimary—Statements that are not supported on a secondary return error
messages. The error messages are basically pass-through PI SDK error messages.
‰ Any—The provider starts in read-only mode. All tables and views are read-only and
attempts to call DDL statements (create database, drop table, etc.) return Not
supported messages.
Transition to a New Collective Member
If your PI System makes an unexpected transition to a new collective member, there is no
guarantee that your SQL statements will successfully execute. The OLEDB consumer
application therefore needs to implement its own proper error handling and retry attempts.
If there is no SQL statement in progress during a server transition, you do not receive an error
upon transition.
If your connection preference is set to PreferPrimary, following a server transition
unsupported DML and DDL statements fail and you receive errors generated by the PI SDK.
Improve User Experience
Application developers can inform users about limitations in several ways:
‰ Connection type Any exposes PI OLEDB tables as read-only. Third party OLE DB
consumers (typically table oriented tools) automatically disable write functionality if
tables are read-only. This functionality is ideal for scenarios where your users are not
allowed to update data or write to the PI System. This is an especially important
safeguard when users have the ability to directly type and execute any SQL statement.
‰ The HA-aware version of PI OLEDB exposes a picollective table in the
pisystem catalog. The table offers information about collectives and the current
connected collective member. This information can be used to trigger a modification of
the front end interface, for example to gray out dialog options or disable write
Page 56
PI OLEDB Tester dialog box
In a future PI OLEDB release we will support an additional connection preference:
connection type = collective name
This allows you to connect to a specific collective member, for example for administration
purposes. Write operations are enabled but depend on server side support.
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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Chapter 16: PI Server Applications
The server applications consists of
‰ PIPE Scheduler
‰ PIPE Recalculator
‰ PI Alarm and RtSQC
‰ PI Totalizer
‰ PI Batch
Since the server applications are always installed as part of the HA PI Server, only Level 3 is
Initial Connection
Each server application connects to the PI Server where the server application is installed.
For example, if the server application is installed on the primary server, it connects to the
primary server; if the server application is installed on a secondary server, it connects to the
secondary server.
Transition to a New Collective Member
Server applications can not switch to another collective server member.
Configuration Data
Configuration data can only be changed on the primary server. Each server application
running on a server generates its own results. Thus, it is very likely that the results for the
same configuration data would differ on each collective member. Some of the reasons are:
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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PI Server Applications
‰ Time-series data may not arrive at each collective member at the exact same time.
‰ Configuration changes made on the primary server may not propagate to secondary
members instantaneously.
‰ The same calculation may be executed at different times because the latency associated
with the hardware and software differs for each collective member.
‰ Restarting server applications affects the exception reporting results while the server
restart may insert the Shutdown event affecting compression results.
Page 60
Chapter 17: PI SQC
The SQC symbol is used to create SQC charts in ProcessBook displays.
There are two types of SQC symbol configuration - client-side/ad hoc, and server side.
Ad hoc SQC Charts
Data for these charts are typically evaluated on the client and an ad hoc chart is drawn based
on the results of the evaluation.
Recommended Connection Preference Setting
Ad hoc alarms require no special consideration. The default setting of Any works well and
supports load balancing.
Server side SQC Alarms
If SQC Alarms are properly configured and your data is fanned from interface nodes, then
you will not see any difference in your alarms when you make a transition to a secondary PI
However, there are two scenarios where the use of SQC Alarms requires special
‰ Alarm Creation
‰ Manual Entry of Source Point
SQC Alarm Creation
Creating SQC Alarms currently involves a specific sequence of operations:
High Availability Advanced User Guide
Page 61
1. Creation of the PI points that hold the control limits and execution state of the SQC
2. Setting the initial value of the limits and execution state
3. Creation of the SQC Alarm itself
The SQC Alarm Manager plug-in for Rockwell Automation's System Management Tools
performs the sequence of operations for the user via a wizard-like user interface.
In PR1, the configuration databases are replicated—including the PI Point database. Changes
to the point database made on the primary member of a collective are replicated to each of the
secondary nodes, therefore allowing for the replication of SQC Alarms. In this context, steps
1 and 3 work very well.
Step 2 is easily accomplished on a primary member of a collective. On a secondary member
of a collective the ability to write time-series data using the PI SDK is disabled by default.
This means that it may not be possible to write the initial values of control limits and
execution state of an SQC Alarm before the SQC Alarm is created on a secondary member of
a collective (via replication). It is entirely possible that a new SQC Alarm on a secondary
member of a collective could be placed in the Error state.
If you know that an SQC Alarm is in the Error state, the best way to get it back into
operation is to:
‰ check the PI Message Log,
‰ rectify the cause of the 'Error' state (for example, use the piconfig utility to write the
initial values to the control limit and execution state points),
‰ and finally stop and restart the PI Alarm subsystem on the server
SQC Alarms that Require Manual Entry
If an SQC Alarm uses a source point that is manually entered, then the manual entry
application must write to all members of a collective. If data is written to some members and
not to others, the history of the SQC Alarm will differ on each server. If one or more
members of a collective are offline when data is written to the online members, the SQC
Alarm's history will be different once the offline servers are back online.
Page 62
Chapter 18: RtBaseline Services Administration
Connection Preferences
The chief aim of the RtBaseline Services (RtBLS) Administration pages is to configure Data
Sources and Datasets. This configuration data is stored in a specified PI Server's Module
Database (MDB).
At Level 3 and Level 2 implementation, the MDB for a PI Server collective can serve as the
configuration store for RtBLS. In this case use a connection type of PreferPrimary for the
RtBLS Administration pages. The primary server in a collective is preferred, because any
changes to RtBLS configuration must be written to the MDB, and only the MDB of the
primary server in a collective allows writes (the MDBs for the secondary servers in a
collective are read-only). However, if the primary server in a collective is unavailable, it is
still useful to connect to a secondary server so that you can review the RtBLS configuration,
but not change it.
At Level 1, RtBLS Administration is unchanged.
Version Information
The RtBLS Version Information page includes the display of information about the PI Server
or collective that holds the configuration information for both RtBaseline Services and
When configuration information is being stored in a PI Server collective, the information
displayed consists of the collective identity and its status, separated by a hyphen. The identity
information includes the name of the actively-connected collective member, enclosed in
single quotes, followed by the name of the collective enclosed in parentheses. The status
information consists of the role of the actively-connected collective member within the
collective (primary or secondary), followed by a comma, followed by the connection status
(connected or disconnected).
For example, if a PI Server collective named MyCollective is storing the configuration
information, and RtBLS is currently connected to a secondary server within a collective
named Member2, an item on the Version Information page displays as follows:
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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RtBaseline Services Administration
Configuration PI Server: 'Member2' (MyCollective) - Secondary,
When all members of a collective are unavailable, the identity of the last actively-connected
collective member is retained, but its role within the collective is no longer displayed, and the
connection status is Disconnected, as in the following example:
Configuration PI Server: 'LastConnectedMember' (MyCollective) Disconnected
Collectives as PI Data Sources
The RtBLS PI Data Sources administration page reflects the Known Servers Table for the
computer that hosts RtBLS. Collectives appear on this page as entries in the list of
Configured PI Servers, and are distinguished from individual PI Servers by an asterisk ("*").
Example of PI Server Collectives Appearing in Configured PI Servers List
Adding a server name to the Configured PI Servers list on this page edits the Known
Servers Table. To add a PI Server collective to the list, provide the name of any server in the
collective, and click the Save button. The collective appears in the list using the name of the
collective rather than the name of the member server used when adding the collective.
Secondary Server
Assuming that RtBLS configuration data is being stored in the Module Database of a PI
Server collective, configuration changes can not be saved if the primary server in that
Page 64
Secondary Server
collective is not available. The following RtBLS administration pages display a warning
message if the primary server in the collective is not available:
‰ Relational Data Sources
‰ Web Service Data Sources
‰ PI Calculation Datasets
‰ Relational Datasets
‰ Web Service Datasets
‰ TagList Configuration
User interface elements that attempt to write configuration changes, such as the Save button,
are not disabled because there is no automatic means to re-enable them should the primary
server become available again. Even when the warning message is not displayed, it is
possible that the primary server has become unavailable since the page was first displayed,
and that an attempt to save changes will fail. Any failed attempt to save configuration
changes results in an error dialog with an appropriate message. The changes that you
attempted to save are preserved in the page, but not written to the configuration store.
Example of Warning Message When Primary PI Server is Unavailable
Any time that one of these administration pages is displayed or refreshed, the availability of
the primary server is reflected by the presence or absence of the warning message. Many
actions can cause a page to be displayed or refreshed, such as the first attempt to view a page,
an attempt to save configuration changes, or clicking the refresh button in the browser. If the
primary server becomes available again, a warning message does not appear when the page is
refreshed, and attempts to save configuration changes should succeed.
High Availability Advanced User Guide
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RtBaseline Services Administration
Page 66
Chapter 19: RtWebParts
Connection Preferences
When RtBaseline Services(RtBLS) establishes a connection to a PI Server collective to
retrieve data for display in RtWebParts, it uses a connection type of Any. This same
connection type is used for connections for event pipes to receive updates to data. However,
since all connections that support RtWebParts are made through a single instance of RtBLS,
they all use the same member server priority data in the Known Servers Table for the
computer that hosts RtBLS, and therefore all connect to the same server by default.
Initial Connection
At Level 3 and Level 2 implementation, when RtBLS receives its first request from
RtWebParts for data from a PI Server collective, it attempts to connect to the collective
member given highest priority in its Known Servers Table using the Any connection
preference. Should this result in a connection to a secondary server in the collective there
may be resulting limitations for web parts as described later in this chapter.
Typically, the primary server in the collective has the highest member server priority in the
Known Servers Table on the computer that hosts RtBLS, which results in a connection to the
primary server every time, as long as the primary server is available.
At Level 1, there is no change in RtWebParts behavior.
Annotation and Value Attribute Data
At Level 3 and Level 2, when connected to a secondary server, annotation and value attribute
data is unlikely to be available. Such data is not replicated from primary to secondary, and by
default the PI SDK returns an error when attempts are made to write directly to a secondary
collective member.
The PI SDK is the most common mechanism for writing annotation and value attribute data,
however using it to write to a secondary server will likely result in an error. Therefore,
High Availability Advanced User Guide
Page 67
indicators that normally appear in web parts (such as RtTrend and RtXYPlot) to denote that
annotations are available, or that a value is questionable or substituted, are unlikely to appear.
No error is encountered; the data is simply unlikely to be present on a secondary collective
However, it is possible to configure the PI SDK to allow annotation and value attribute data
to be written to secondary collective members. In this rare case, such data can then be
retrieved from secondary collective members. Also, some interfaces that write time-series
data to the PI Servers in a collective may also write value attribute data. Since these interfaces
do not use the PI SDK to write to PI Servers, and since they write to all servers in the
collective, this limited value attribute data is also available from all servers in the collective.
When you initially connect to a secondary server, PDIs shown in RtActiveView that have
embedded VBA scripts are subject to the following limitations of secondary servers:
‰ Annotation and value attribute data may not be available; no error is returned, the data
simply is not present.
‰ Attempts to write time-series data via the PI SDK may experience errors.
‰ Attempts to read or write batch data experience errors.
‰ Errors occur as a result of attempts to write any of the following types of configuration
data via the PI SDK:
PI Point Attributes
User or Group Information
Digital State Sets
Any Module Database Data
Transition to a New Collective Member
At Level 3 and Level 2, when your RtBLS connection makes a transition from one collective
member to another, you may notice some differences in behavior.
Connection Timeout
If the transition from one collective member to another takes longer than the configured
Connection Timeout for the collective, you see the same behavior as in pre-HA releases when
a PI Server becomes unavailable and then comes back online.
Page 68
Transition to a New Collective Member
Updating with Secondary Data
When your RtBLS connection makes a transition from one collective member to another, you
may notice a momentary increase in CPU utilization on client computers. This is due to the
need to fully refresh displays with data from the server to which the connection has made a
transition. In addition, the refreshed data may not exactly match what was previously seen,
particularly when recent data is being displayed.
Since all servers in a collective process new data individually, it is unlikely that all servers
return the same time-series data for the same request at the same time, particularly for recent
data. Any such differences become evident when a server fails and time-series displays are
refreshed using data from a different server in the collective.
Annotations and Value Attribute Data
As previously mentioned, annotation and value attribute data is not replicated from primary
to secondary PI Servers. The most likely way for this data to be written is via the PI SDK,
and by default, the PI SDK returns an error when an attempt is made to write directly to a
secondary collective member. Though this PI SDK error can be avoided, it is most likely that
annotation and value attribute data will not be available from secondary collective members.
RtTrend, for example, can show this data in its display, by displaying an icon indicating that a
value has been annotated. On failover to a secondary, since it is unlikely for this data to be
present, the icon disappears when the RtTrend is refreshed with data from the new server.
Module Database
Changes to a PI Server collective's Module Database (MDB) are always made to the primary
PI Server in the collective, and then propagated to the other members. Since there is a delay
between the time in which the changes are written to the primary, and when they are
propagated to the other members, it is possible that MDB data retrieved from one PI Server in
a collective may not exactly match that retrieved from another PI Server in the same
collective. Consequently, when an RtBaseline Services connection makes a transition from
one collective member to another, any RtWebParts that display data from the MDB may be
refreshed with slightly different data.
The frequency with which MDB changes are propagated from the primary server in a
collective to the secondary servers in that collective is configurable. To avoid unexpected
behavior in RtWebParts, we recommend propagating MDB changes as they occur.
High Availability Advanced User Guide
Page 69
The RtTreeView web part displays Modules in the MDB. If all MDB changes have not been
propagated to all servers in a collective, making a transition from one server to another could
result in a change in the modules displayed in RtTreeView. However, since it does not
automatically update itself, such changes would only become evident if the web page were
explicitly refreshed.
Data Sources and Datasets
The Data Sources and Datasets configured in RtBaseline Services are stored in a Module
Database. If this store resides in the MDB of a collective, there may be consequences
apparent in RtWebParts.
For example, if a Dataset is added (stored in the MDB), and a web part is modified to display
that Dataset, when you make a transition to a different server in the collective to which the
new Dataset information in the MDB has not been propagated, the web part is unable to
display the Dataset data and reports an error indicating that the Dataset is not available.
RtWebParts is equally susceptible to Data Source configuration information that has not been
propagated throughout the collective prior to making a transition from one collective member
to another. Consequently, we recommend propagating MDB changes from the primary server
in a collective to the secondary servers in that collective as frequently as possible, preferably
as they occur.
PI OLEDB Relational Dataset
Any web part that displays data from the MDB that is retrieved via a relational Dataset based
on the PI OLEDB provider is susceptible to the latency in propagation of MDB changes from
the primary server to the secondary servers. In short, after making a transition from one
server to another, such a web part may not display the same data.
RtWebParts Advanced Configuration
At Level 3 and Level 2, the web pages for performing advanced configuration of RtWebParts
(RtWP) are also affected by PI Server Collectives when used as the advanced configuration
data store. These advanced configuration pages use a connection type of PreferPrimary when
connecting to a collective. The primary server in a collective is preferred, because any
changes to web part configurations must be written to the Module Database (MDB), and only
the MDB of the primary server in a collective allows writes. However, if the primary server
in a collective is unavailable, it is still useful to connect to a secondary server, so that you can
review (but not change) the configuration.
Page 70
RtWebParts Advanced Configuration
Secondary Server
Assuming that RtWP advanced configuration data is being stored in the Module Database of
a PI Server collective, configuration changes cannot be saved if the primary server in that
collective is not available.
At Level 3, the following RtWP advanced configuration pages show a warning message if the
primary server in the collective is not available:
‰ RtTable Configuration
‰ RtTrend Configuration
‰ RtMessenger Configuration
These pages display the following warning message, in red font and at the top of the page, if
the primary server in the collective is not available at the time the page is displayed:
At this time, the Primary PI Server for the Configuration Database is
not available. Therefore, any attempt to modify the configuration may
After a page is displayed, should the primary server become available, there is no mechanism
to automatically remove the warning message.
User interface elements that would attempt to write configuration changes, such as the Save
button, are not disabled, because there is no automatic means to re-enable them should the
primary server become available again. Even when the warning message is not displayed, it is
possible that the primary server has become unavailable since the page was first displayed,
and that an attempt to save changes will fail. Any failed attempt to save configuration
changes results in an error dialog with an appropriate message. The changes that you
attempted to save are preserved in the page, but not written to the configuration store.
Any time that one of these administration pages is displayed or refreshed, the availability of
the primary server is reflected by the presence or absence of the warning message. Many
actions can cause a page to be displayed or refreshed, such as the first attempt to view a page,
an attempt to save configuration changes, or clicking the refresh button in the browser. If the
primary server becomes available again, the warning message does not appear when the page
is refreshed, and attempts to save configuration changes should succeed. At Level 2 you are
susceptible to the same problems, but no warning message is displayed.
High Availability Advanced User Guide
Page 71
Appendix A: Technical Support and Resources
Contact Rockwell Automation Technical Support at the following:
Customer Support Telephone — 1-440-646-3434
Online Support — http://support.rockwellautomation.com
Knowledge Center
The Knowledge Center provides a searchable library of documentation and technical data, as
well as a special collection of resources for system managers. For these options, click
Knowledge Center in the Technical Support Web site.
‰ The Search feature allows you to search Support Solutions, Bulletins, Support Pages,
Known Issues, Enhancements, and Documentation (including user manuals, release
notes, and white papers).
‰ System Manager Resources include tools and instructions that help you manage: archive
sizing, backup scripts, daily health checks, daylight savings time configuration, PI Server
security, PI system sizing and configuration, PI trusts for interface nodes, and more.
Before You Call or Write for Help
When you contact Rockwell Automation Technical Support, please provide:
‰ Product name, version, and/or build numbers
‰ Computer platform (CPU type, operating system, and version number)
‰ The time that the difficulty started
‰ The message log(s) at that time
High Availability Advanced User Guide
Page 73
Find the Version and Build Numbers
To find version and build numbers for each PI System subsystem (which vary depending on
installed upgrades, updates or patches) use either of the following methods:
‰ If you have PI System Management Tools (PI SMT) installed, choose Start > Programs
> PI System > PI System Management Tools. In PI SMT, select the server name, then
under System Management Plug-Ins, open Operation > PI Version. The PI Version
tree lists all versions.
‰ If you do not have PI SMT installed, open a command prompt, change to the pi\adm
directory, and enter piversion -v. To see individual version numbers for each
subsystem, change to the pi\bin directory and type the subsystem name followed by
the option -v (for example, piarchss.exe –v).
View Computer Platform Information
To view platform specifications:
‰ In Windows, right-click My Computer and choose Properties. For more detailed
information, choose Start > Run, and enter msinfo32.exe
‰ In UNIX, use the command, uname -a
Page 74
any • 14
availability • 8
client collective configuration • 6
connection preferences • 5, 14
DataLink • 47
DataSheet Control • 19
OSI OPC Server • 27
PI ACE • 33
PI Advanced Computing Engine (ACE) • 33
PI AnalysisFramework • 37
ProcessBook • 49
RtBaselineServices • 63
RtWebParts • 67
DataSheet Control • 19
connection preferences • 19
initial connection • 19
non-standard HA behavior • 20
transition to a new collective member • 19
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink • 47
connection preferences • 47
transition to a new collective member • 47
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook • 49
BatchGroup symbol • 43, 45
configuration settings • 49
connection preferences • 49
High Availability Advanced User Guide
displays • 51
initial connection • 50
transition to a new collective member • 50
VBA • 52
failover • 9
HA client/server background • 5
initial connection • 11, 12, 13
DataSheet Control • 19
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook • 50
Interface Configuration Utility (ICU) • 21
Level 1 • 11
Level 2 • 12
Level 3 • 13
OSI OPC Server • 27
PI Advanced Computing Engine (ACE) • 33
PI Autopoint Synchronization (APS) • 39
PI BatchView • 43
PI Server Applications • 59
RtWebParts • 67
Interface Connection Utility • 23
initial connection • 21
transition to a new collective member • 22
levels of HA implementation • 11
MDB Builder • 25
connection preferences • 25
Page 75
member server priority settings • 7
initial connection • 67
module database • 69
transition to a new collective member • 68
OSI OPC Server • 27
connection preferences • 27
initial connection • 27
transition to a new collective member • 28
overview of product behavior • 1
secondary server limitations • 8
server selection algorithm • 9
PI ActiveView • 31, 68
PI Advanced Computing Engine • 33
connection preferences • 33
intial connection • 33
transition to a new collective member • 34
PI Analysis Framework • 37
connection preferences • 37
PI Autopoint Synchronization (APS) • 39
initial connection • 39
transition to a new collective member • 40
PI BatchView • 20, 43
Excel Add-in • 43, 45
initial connection • 43
QuickSearch • 44, 45
transition to a new collective member • 44
PI OLEDB • 55, 70
connection preferences • 55
initial connection • 55
recommendations • 56
transition to a new collective member • 56
PI Server Applications • 59
PI SQC • 61
prefer primary • 14
preferred upgrade path • 5
RtBaseline Services • 63
collectives as PI data sources • 64
connection preferences • 63
secondary server • 65
RtWebParts • 67
advanced configuration • 70
annotations • 67
connection preferences • 67
Page 76
transition to a new collective member • 12, 14
DataSheet Control • 19
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink • 47
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook • 50
Interface Control Utility (ICU) • 22
Level 1 • 12
Level 2 • 12
Level 3 • 14
OPC Server • 28
PI Advanced Computing Engine (ACE) • 34
PI Autopoint Synchronization (PI APS) • 40
PI BatchView • 44
PI Server Applications • 59
RtWebParts • 68
VBA • 52
behavior at different levels • 53