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Making Salts: Chemistry Worksheet for Grade 8

Grade : 8
Topic: Making Salts
Method 1:
Metal + acid salt + hydrogen
Magnesium + sulphuric acid  magnesium sulphate + hydrogen
Complete the following equations:
a) Zinc + Hydrochloric acid 
……………. + …………………
b) Aluminium + Sulphuric acid 
c) Iron + Hydrochloric acid 
Method 2:
Metal oxide + acid salt + water
Magnesium oxide + Hydrochloric acid  magnesium chloride + water
Complete the following equations:
a) Zinc oxide + Hydrochloric acid 
……………………. + …………….
b) Copper oxide + Sulphuric acid 
c) Iron oxide + Nitric acid 
Method 3:
Metal carbonate + acid
salt + water + carbon dioxide
Magnesium carbonate + hydrochloric acid
magnesium chloride + water +
carbon dioxide
Complete the following equations:
a) Copper carbonate + hydrochloric acid 
----------------- +………………+………………………..
b) Zinc carbonate + sulphuric acid 
……………. + ……………….. +……………………
Method 1: Metal + Acid
1. Measure out 10cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid using a
measuring cylinder.
2. Pour the acid into a beaker.
3. Add a small piece of magnesium ribbon to the acid in
the beaker.
4. Continue adding magnesium until there are no more
5. Filter the mixture. This removes the solid magnesium.
6. Pour the magnesium chloride solution into an
evaporating dish. Heat the solution. When half of the
water has evaporated, stop heating. Keep the
evaporating dish at room temperature.
Method 2: Metal carbonate + Acid
1. Measure out 10cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid using a
measuring cylinder.
2. Pour the acid into a beaker.
3. Add one spatula measure of copper carbonate
powder. Carbon dioxide gas forms, and the reacting
mixture bubbles.
4. Continue adding copper carbonate till no more bubbles
form. The reaction has finished.
5. Filter the mixture to remove solid copper carbonate
from the mixture.
6. Heat the copper sulphate mixture in an evaporating
dish. Place it for a few days. Blue copper sulphate
crystals can be seen.