FACTS Flexible AC Transmission System (Facts) is a new integrated concept based on power electronic switching converters and dynamic controllers to enhance the system utilization and power transfer capacity as well as the stability, security, . reliability and power quality of AC system interconnections CRP - 0 1539pk INTRODUCTION Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System. FACTS as they are generally known, are new devices that improve transmission systems. FACTS is a static equipment used for the AC transmission of electrical energy. It is generally a power electronics based device. Meant to enhance controllability and increase power transfer capability. 1 CRP - 1 1539pk BENEFITS OF FACTS DEVICES Regulation of power transmission routes. flows in prescribed Reduces the need for construction of new transmission lines, capacitors and reactors. Provides greater ability to transfer power between controlled areas. These devices help to damp the power oscillations that could damage the equipment. CRP - 2 1539pk Improves the transient stability of the system. Controls real and independently. Damping of oscillations which can threaten security or limit the usable line capacity. reactive power CRP - 3 flow in the line 1539pk Better utilization of existing transmission system assets Increased transmission system reliability and availability (lower vulnerability to load changes, UPFC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM line faults) Increased quality of supply for sensitive industries (through mitigation of flicker, frequency variations) Environmental benefits 4 CRP - 4 1539pk Basic Types of FACTS Controllers CRP - 5 1539pk Basic Types of FACTS Controllers FACTS controllers are classified as Series Controllers Shunt Controllers Combined Series-Series Controllers Combined Series-Shunt Controllers CRP - 6 1539pk Basic Types of FACTS Controllers Series Controllers: It could be a variable impedance (capacitor, reactor, etc) or a power electronic based variable source of main frequency, subsynchonous and harmonic frequencies to serve the desired need. CRP - 7 1539pk Basic Types of FACTS Controllers Series Controllers: Inject a voltage in series with the line. If the voltage is in phase quadrature with the current, controller supplies or consumes reactive power. CRP - 8 1539pk Basic Types of FACTS Controllers Shunt Controllers: It could be a variable impedance (capacitor, reactor, etc) or a power electronic based variable source or combination of both. CRP - 9 1539pk Basic Types of FACTS Controllers Shunt Controllers: Inject a current in the system. If the current is in phase quadrature with the voltage, controller supplies or consumes reactive power. CRP - 10 1539pk Basic Types of FACTS Controllers Combined Series-Series Controllers: It could be a combination of separate series controllers or unified controller. CRP - 11 1539pk Basic Types of FACTS Controllers Combined Series-Series Controllers: Series controllers supply reactive power for each line and real power among lines via power link. Interline power flow controller balance real and reactive power flow in the lines. CRP - 12 1539pk Basic Types of FACTS Controllers Combined Series-Shunt Controllers: It could be a combination of separate series & shunt controllers or unified power flow controller. CRP - 13 1539pk Basic Types of FACTS Controllers Combined Series-Shunt Controllers: Inject current into the system with the shunt controller and voltage in series with the line with series controller. When the controllers are unified, exchange real power between series and shunt controllers via power link. CRP - 14 1539pk Basic Types of FACTS Controllers Choice of the controller: Series controller controls the current/power flow by controlling the driving voltage and transmission line impedance. To control current/power flow and damp oscillations, series controller is several times more powerful than shunt controller. Shunt controller injects current in the line Thus it is used for more effective voltage control & damp voltage oscillations. CRP - 15 1539pk Basic Types of FACTS Controllers Injecting the voltage in series with the line can improve the voltage profile. But shunt controller is more effective to improve the voltage profile at substation bus. Series controllers should bypass short circuit currents and handle dynamic overloads. CRP - 16 1539pk Basic Types of FACTS Controllers Controllers with gate turn off devices are based on dc to ac converters used for exchange the active/reactive power with ac lines. This requires energy storage device. CRP - 17 1539pk CONTROL OF REACTIVE POWER AND VOLTAGE Copyright © P. Kundur This material should not be used without the author's consent 1539pk Reactive Power and Voltage Control Control objectives contributing to efficient and reliable operation of power system: Voltage at terminals of all equipment are within acceptable limits both utility and customer equipment designed to operate at certain voltage rating prolonged operation outside allowable range could cause them damage System stability is satisfactory voltage levels and reactive power control have significant impact on stability The reactive power flow is minimized so as to reduce I 2R and I 2X losses to a minimum ensures transmission system operates efficiently CRP - 19 1539pk Production and Absorption of Reactive Power (Q) Synchronous Generators can generate or absorb Q depending on excitation capability limited by field current, armature current, limits automatic voltage regulator continuously adjusts excitation to control armature voltage primary source of voltage support! Overhead lines at loads below natural or surge impedance load (SIL), produce Q at loads above SIL, absorb Q Underground cables have high SIL due to high capacitance always loaded below SIL, and hence generate Q cont'd CRP - 20 1539pk Production and Absorption of Q (cont'd) Transformers absorb Q due to shunt magnetizing reactance and series leakage inductance Loads a typical "load bus" is composed of a large number of devices composite characteristics are normally such that a load bus absorbs Q industrial loads usually have shunt capacitors to improve power factor As power flow conditions vary, reactive power requirements of transmission network vary Since Q cannot be transmitted over long distances, voltage control has to be effected using special devices dispersed throughout the system CRP - 21 1539pk Methods of Voltage Control Control of voltage levels is accomplished by controlling the production, absorption, and flow of reactive power at all levels in the system Generating units provide the basic means of voltage control Additional means are usually required to control voltage throughout the system: sources or sinks of reactive power, such as shunt capacitors, shunt reactors, synchronous condensers, and static var compensators (SVCs) line reactance compensators, such as series capacitors regulating transformers, such as tap-changing transformers and boosters cont'd CRP - 22 1539pk Methods of Voltage Control (cont'd) Shunt capacitors and reactors, and series capacitors provide passive compensation are either permanently connected to the transmission and distribution system, or switched contribute to voltage control by modifying the network characteristics Synchronous condensers and SVCs provide active compensation; the reactive power absorbed/ supplied by them are automatically adjusted so as to maintain voltages of the buses to which they are connected together with the generating units, they establish voltages at specific points in the system CRP - 23 1539pk Objectives of Reactive Power Compensation To control voltage and/or improve maximum power transfer capability Achieved by modifying effective line L parameters: Z C C characteristic impedance, The voltage profile is determined by ZC CRP - 24 1539pk Shunt Reactors Used to compensate the undesirable voltage effects associated with line capacitance limit voltage rise on open circuit or light load Shunt compensation with reactors: increases effective ZC reduces the effective natural load , i.e., voltage at which flat voltage profile is achieved They are connected either: directly to the lines at the ends, or to transformer tertiary windings; conveniently switched as var requirements vary Line reactors assist in limiting switching surges In very long lines, at least some reactors are required to be connected to lines CRP - 25 1539pk CRP - 26 1539pk CRP - 27 1539pk Shunt Capacitors Used in transmission systems to compensate for I 2X losses Connected either directly to H.V. bus or to tertiary winding of transformers Normally distributed throughout the system so as to minimize losses and voltage drops Usually switched: a convenient means of controlling voltage Shunt capacitor compensation of transmission lines in effect decreases ZC Advantages: low cost and flexibility of installation and operating Disadvantages: Q output is proportional to square of the voltage; hence Q output reduced at low voltages Shunt capacitors are used extensively in distribution systems for power factor correction and feeder voltage control CRP - 28 1539pk CRP - 29 1539pk CRP - 30 1539pk CRP - 31 1539pk Series Capacitors Connected in series with the line Used to reduce effective inductive reactance of line increases maximum power reduces I 2X loss Series capacitive compensation in effect reduces characteristic impedance ZC Reactive power produced increases with increasing power transfer Self regulating ! Typical applications improve power transfer capablity voltage regulation CRP - 32 1539pk Advantages of Series Compensation 1. Increase in transmission capacity The power transfer capacity of a line is given by P E.V sin X where, E is sending end voltage V is receiving end voltage X is reactance of line δ is phase angle between E and V CRP - 33 1539pk Power transfer without and with compensation: P1 E.V sin XL P2 E.V sin (X L XC ) P2 XL 1 1 P1 ( X L X C ) (1 X C / X L ) 1 K where K is degree of compensation. The economic degree of compensation lies in the range of 40-70% (K < 1, i.e. 0.4-0.7) CRP - 34 1539pk 2. Improvement of System Stability For same amount of power transfer and same value of E and V, the δ in the case of series compensated line is less than that of uncompensated line. P E.V sin 1 XL E.V P sin 2 (X L XC ) sin 2 ( X L X C ) sin 1 XL • A lower δ means better system stability • Series compensation offers most economic solution for system stability as compared to other methods (reducing generator, transformer reactance, bundled conductors, increase no. of parallel circuits CRP - 35 1539pk 3. Less installation Time The installation time of the series capacitor is smaller (2 years approx.) as compared to installation time of the parallel circuit line (5 years approx.) This reduces the risk factor. Hence used to hit the current thermal limit. The life of x-mission line and capacitor is generally 20-25 years. CRP - 36 1539pk Disadvantages 1. Increase in fault current 2. Mal operation of distance relayif the degree of compensation and location is not proper. 3. High recovery voltage of linesacross the circuit breaker contacts and is harmful. CRP - 37 1539pk Some key consideration in the application of series capacitor 1). Voltage rise due to reactive current 2). Bypassing and reinsertion CRP - 38 1539pk CRP - 39 1539pk 3. Location of series capacitor Factors influencing choice of location of capacitor bank COST ACCESSIBILITY FAULT LEVEL VOLTAGE PROFILE EFFECTIVENESS IN IMPROVING POWER TRANSFER CAPABILITY Following are the usual location: Midpoint of the line Line terminals 1/3 or 1/4 of a line CRP - 40 1539pk Synchronous Condenser A synchronous machine running without a prime mover or a mechanical load Depending on field excitation, it can either absorb or generate vars With a voltage regulator, it can automatically adjust vars to maintain constant voltage Started as an induction motor and then synchronized Normally connected to tertiary windings of transformers Unlike a SVC, a synchronous condenser has an internal voltage Speed of response not as fast as that of an SVC CRP - 41 1539pk Basic Types Of FACTS Compensation CRP - 42 1539pk Static VAR Compensators (SVC) Shunt connected static var generators and/or absorbers whose outputs are varied so as to control specific power system quantities The term static is used to denote that there are no moving or rotating components Basic types of SVCs: TCR, FC-TCR, MSC-TCR, TSC-TCR, TSR A static var system (SVS) is an aggregation of SVCs and mechanically switched capacitors or reactors whose outputs are coordinated When operating at its capacitive limit, an SVC behaves like a simple capacitor CRP - 43 1539pk CRP - 44 1539pk Characteristic of realistic SVS: CRP - 45 1539pk CRP - 46 1539pk CRP - 47 1539pk Composite SVS –POWER SYSTEM CHARACTERISTIC CRP - 48 1539pk CRP - 49 1539pk Thyristor controlled reactor (TCR) CRP - 50 1539pk Thyristor controlled reactor (TCR) is controllable susceptance (B) CRP - 51 1539pk CRP - 52 1539pk HARMONICS CRP - 53 1539pk Advantages of TCR The main advantages of the TCR are flexibility of control and ease in up rating. Different control strategies can be easily implemented. The voltage reference and current slope can be controlled in a simple manner. A TCR SVC can have its rating extended by the addition of more TCR banks, as long as the coupling transformer rating is not exceeded. 54 The TCR responds rapidly, typically in duration of one-anda-half to three cycles. CRP - 54 1539pk Disadvantages of TCR The TCRs do not possess high overload capability because the air-core design of their reactors. 55 CRP - 55 1539pk Thyristor Switched Capacitors (TSC) Switching of capacitors excites transients. Thyristor firing controls are designed to minimize the switching transients. Capacitance changed in discrete steps. The susceptance is adjusted by controlling the no. of parallel capacitors. The capacitors serve as filters for harmonics when only the reactor is switched. Advantage: Dynamic stability is better Disadvantages: more no. of TSCs, more cost CRP - 56 1539pk SWITCH OPERATION OF TSC CRP - 57 1539pk Basic TSC (a) and associated waveforms (b) Operating V-I area of single TSC CRP - 58 1539pk CRP - 59 1539pk TCR-FC The TCR-FC system provides continuously controllable lagging to leading VArs through thyristor control of reactor current. Leading VArs are supplied by two or more fixed capacitor banks. The TCR is generally rated larger than the total of fixed capacitance so that net lagging VArs can also be supplied. The variation of current through the reactor is obtained by phase angle control of back to back pair of thyristors connected in series with the reactor. CRP - 60 1539pk FIXED-CAPACITOR THYRISTOR CONTROLLED REACTOR (FC–TCR) The TCR provides continuously controllable reactive power only in the lagging power-factor range. To extend the dynamic controllable range to the leading power-factor domain, a fixed-capacitor bank is connected in shunt with the TCR. The TCR MVA is rated larger than 61 the fixed capacitor to compensate the capacitive MVA. CRP - 61 1539pk FIXED-CAPACITOR THYRISTOR CONTROLLED REACTOR (FC–TCR) The fixed-capacitor banks, usually connected in a star configuration. Each capacitor contains a small tuning inductor that is connected in series and tunes the branch to act as a filter for a specific harmonic order. One capacitor group is tuned to the 5th harmonic and another to the 7th, whereas yet another is designed to act as a high-pass filter. At fundamental frequency, the tuning reactors 62 slightly reduce the net MVA rating of the fixed capacitors. CRP - 62 1539pk Basic TCR-FC and its VAr demand vs VAr output characteristics CRP - 63 1539pk Characteristics of FC-TCR 64 CRP - 64 1539pk Drawbacks of FC-TCR A drawback of the FC–TCR SVC is the circulation of large currents in the FC–TCR loop needed for cancellation of capacitive vars. This results in high steady-state losses, even when the SVC is not exchanging any reactive power with the power system. these losses can be minimized by switching the fixed capacitors through mechanical breakers, ensuring that the capacitors are inserted in the compensator circuit only 65 when leading VARs are needed. CRP - 65 1539pk Mechanically Switched Capacitors (MSC) In this scheme MSC’s are also used with TCR’s. Uses conventional mechanical or SF6 switches instead of thyristors to switch the capacitors. More economical when there are a large no. of capacitors to be switched than using TSCs. The speed of switching is however longer and this may affect transient stability. • This method is suitable for steady load conditions, where the reactive power requirements are predictable CRP - 66 1539pk Thyristor Switched Capacitor / Thyristor controlled Reactor (TSC / TCR) A combination of TSC and TCR is, in the majority of cases, the optimum solution. With this combination, continuous variable reactive power is obtained throughout the complete control range as well as full control of both the inductive and the capacitive parts of the compensator. This is a very advantageous feature permitting optimum performance during large disturbances in the power system. CRP - 67 1539pk Operating V-I area of the TSC-TCR type VAr generator with two thyristor-switched capacitor banks CRP - 68 1539pk TSC-TCR Basic TSC-TCR type static var generator and its VAr demand vs VAr output characteristic. CRP - 69 1539pk CRP - 70 1539pk CRP - 71 1539pk Figure 11.52 A typical static var system (b) Voltage-reactive power characteristic (a) Voltage-current characteristic Figure 11.53 SVS steady-state characteristics CRP - 72 1539pk CRP - 73 1539pk CRP - 74 1539pk CRP - 75 1539pk Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) STATCOM or Static Synchronous Compensator is a power electronic device using force commutated devices like IGBT, GTO etc. to control the reactive power flow through a power network and thereby increasing the stability of power network. STATCOM is a shunt device i.e. it is connected in shunt with the line. A Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) is also known as a Static Synchronous Condenser (STATCON). It is a member of the Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) family of devices. The terms Synchronous in STATCOM mean that it can either absorb or generate reactive power in synchronization with the demand to stabilize the voltage of the power network. CRP - 76 1539pk Working Principle of STATCOM: To understand the working principle of STATCOM, we will first have a look at the reactive power transfer equation. Let us consider two sources V1 and V2 are connected through an impedance Z = Ra + jX as shown in figure below. In the above reactive power flow equation, angle δ is the angle between V1 and V2. Thus if we maintain angle δ = 0 then Reactive power flow will become Q = (V2/X)[V1-V2] CRP - 77 1539pk P = V1V2Sinδ / X =0 To summarize, we can say that if the angle between V1 and V2 is zero, the flow of active power becomes zero and the flow of reactive power depends on (V1 – V2). Thus for flow of reactive power there are two possibilities. 1) If the magnitude of V1 is more than V2, then reactive power will flow from source V1 to V2. 2) If the magnitude of V2 is more than V1, reactive power will flow from source V2 to V1. CRP - 78 1539pk Design of STATCOM: STATCOM has the following components: 1) A Voltage Source Converter, VSC The voltage-source converter is used to convert the DC input voltage to an AC output voltage. Two of the common VSC types are as below. 2) a) Square-wave Inverters using Gate Turn-Off Thyristors: In this type of VSC, output AC voltage is controlled by changing the DC capacitor input voltage, as the fundamental component of the converter output voltage is proportional to the DC voltage. b) PWM Inverters using Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT): It uses Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique to create a sinusoidal waveform from a DC voltage source with a typical chopping frequency of a few kHz. In contrast to the GTObased type, the IGBT-based VSC utilizes a fixed DC voltage and varies its output AC voltage by changing the modulation index of the PWM modulator. DC Capacitor DC Capacitor is used to supply constant DC voltage to the voltage source converter, VSC. CRP - 79 1539pk 3) Inductive Reactance A Transformer is connected between the output of VSC and Power System. Transformer basically acts as a coupling medium. In addition, Tranformer neutralize harmonics contained in the square waves produced by VSC. 4) Harmonic Filter Harmonic Filter attenuates the harmonics and other high frequency components due to the VSC. CRP - 80 1539pk Source V1 represents the output voltage of the STATCOM. In case of reactive power demand increases in the power system, STATCOM increases its output voltage V1 while maintain the phase difference between V1 and V2 to zero (it shall be noted here that there will always exists small phase angle between V1 and V2 to cater for the leakage impedance drop in the interconnecting Transformer ). As V1 > V2, reactive power will flow from STATCOM to the power system. Thus STATCOM, supplies reactive power and acts as reactive power generator. if the voltage of power system increase due to load throw off, STATCOM will reduce its output voltage V1 and therefore will absorb reactive power to stabilize the voltage to normal value. The above mode of operation of STATCOM is called Voltage Regulation Mode. CRP - 81 1539pk As we know every equipment has got their own limitations, so STATCOM must also have some limitation of supplying or absorbing reactive power. Yes, there exists a limitation and this limitation is imposed by the current carrying capacity of force commutated devices like IGBT, GTO etc. Therefore, if the operation of STATCOM reaches their limitation, it does not further increases or decreases its output voltage V1 rather it supplies or absorbs fixed reactive power equal to its limiting value at a fixed voltage and current and acts like constant current source. This mode of operation of STATCOM is called VAR Control Mode. Thus form the above discussion, the operation of STATCOM can be classified into two modes: 1) Voltage Regulation Mode 2) VAR Control Mode CRP - 82 1539pk CRP - 83 1539pk V-I CHARACTERISTICS OF STATCOM The STATCOM can supply both the capacitive and the inductive compensation and is able to independently control its output current over the rated maximum capacitive or inductive range irrespective of the amount of ac-system voltage. It is capable of yielding the full output of capacitive generation almost independently of the system voltage (constant-current output at lower voltages). This capability is particularly useful for situations in which the STATCOM is needed to support the system voltage during and after faults where voltage collapse would otherwise be a limiting factor. CRP - 84 1539pk Figure illustrates that the STATCOM has an increased transient rating in both the capacitive- and the Inductive-operating regions. In practice, the semiconductor switches of the converter are not lossless, so the energy stored in the dc capacitor is eventually used to meet the internal losses of the converter, and the dc capacitor voltage diminishes. However, when the STATCOM is used for reactivepower generation, the converter itself can keep the capacitor charged to the required voltage level. This task is accomplished by making the output voltages of the converter lag behind the ac-system voltages by a small angle (usually in the 0.18–0.28 range). In this way, the converter absorbs a small amount of real power from the ac system to meet its internal losses and keep the capacitor voltage at the desired level. CRP - 85 1539pk CRP - 86 1539pk CRP - 87 1539pk CRP - 88 1539pk COMPARISON BETWEEN STATCOM AND SVC The main difference between a STATCOM and an SVC is the way they operate: a STATCOM works as a controllable voltage source while an SVC works as a dynamically controllable reactance connected in parallel. Compared with an SVC, a STATCOM offers the possibility of feeding the grid with the maximum available reactive current even at low voltage levels, this is possible because in every equilibrium condition the injected reactive power varies linearly with the voltage at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC). In contrast, for an SVC there is a quadratic dependence of the reactive power on the voltage at the PCC which means that to inject the same reactive power it is necessary to install an SVC with a nominal capacity higher than that of a STATCOM. CRP - 89 1539pk With regard to the maximum transient capacitive current it is observed that in an SVC the capacitive current is limited by the size of the capacitor and by the magnitude of the AC voltage. In the case of a STATCOM the maximum capacitive current that can be injected is limited by the maximum current capacity of the semiconductors used and is independent of the voltage level at the PCC. Another feature of a STATCOM is that the DClink capacitor serves as storage for active power. Therefore in certain situations, depending on the capacitor size, it is possible to regulate the interchange of active power with the grid also. STATCOM devices are capable of much faster dynamic reaction (1/4-1 cycle) than an SVC. In a STATCOM the speed of response is limited by the commutation frequency of the IGBT’s (normally 1 kHz). CRP - 90 1539pk CRP - 91 1539pk Comparison of STATCOM and SVC Characteristics (a) V-I characteristics: (b) P- δ characteristic with mid-point compensation: Source: N.G. Hingorani and L. Gyugi, "Understanding FACTS", IEEE Press, 1999 CRP - 92 1539pk Comparative Summary of Alternative Forms of Compensation Switched shunt capacitor compensation generally provides the most economical reactive power source for voltage control ideally suited for compensation transmission lines if reduction of ZC, rather than reduction of line length θ is the primary consideration however, heavy use of shunt capacitor compensation could result in poor voltage regulation and may have an adverse effect on system stability Series capacitor is self-regulating, i.e., its reactive power output increases with line loading ideally suited for applications where reduction of line length (θ) is the primary consideration improves voltage regulation and system stability A combination of series and shunt capacitors may provide the ideal form of compensation in some cases CRP - 93 1539pk Comparative Summary (cont'd) A static var compensator (SVC) is ideally suited for applications requiring direct and rapid control of voltage has advantage over series capacitors where compensation is required to prevent voltage sag at a bus involving multiple lines; total cost may be less than that for series compensation of each of the lines When an SVC is used to permit a high power transfer over a long distance, the possibility of instability when the SVC is pushed to its reactive limit must be recognized when operating at its capacitive limit, the SVC becomes a simple capacitor An SVC has limited overload capability and has higher losses than series capacitor compensation STATCOM overcomes some of the limitations of an SVC CRP - 94 1539pk Tap-Changing Transformers Transformer with tap-changing facilities constitute an important means of controlling voltages throughout the power system Control of a single transformer will cause changes in voltages at its terminals in turn this influences reactive power flow resulting effect on the voltages at other buses will depend on network configuration and load/generation distribution Coordinated control of the tap changers of all transformers interconnecting the subsystems required to achieve overall desired effect During high system load conditions, network voltages are kept at highest practical level to minimize reactive power requirements increase effectiveness of shunt capacitors and line charging cont'd CRP - 95 1539pk Tap-Changing Transformers (cont'd) The highest allowable operating voltage of the transmission network is governed by requirement that insulation levels of equipment not be exceeded need to take into consideration possible switching operations and outage conditions During light load conditions, it is usually required to lower network voltages reduce line charging avoid underexcited operation of generators Transformers with under-load tap-changers (ULTC) are used to take care of daily, hourly, and minuteby-minute variations in system conditions Off-load tap-changing transformers used to take care of long-term variations due to system expansion, load growth, or seasonal changes CRP - 96 1539pk Modelling of Transformer ULTC Control Systems Functional block diagram of ULTC control system shown in Fig. 11.79 and block diagram suitable for system studies Line drop compensator regulates voltage at a remote point along the line or feeder Measuring element consists of adjustable dead band relay with hysteresis. The output of the measuring element is Vm; which takes a value of 0, 1, or -1, depending on input Verr Time delay element prevents unnecessary tap changes Figure 11.79 Functional block diagram of control system for automatic changing of transformer taps CRP - 97 1539pk Figure 11.80 ULTC control system model CRP - 98 1539pk Distribution System Voltage Regulation Substation bus regulation substation transformer equipped with ULTC facilities to control secondary voltage alternatively, substation may have a separate voltage regulator Feeder regulation feeder regulators control the voltage of each feeder older units are the induction type - provide accurate and continuous control; however, they are costly and have been superseded by step type regulator step voltage regulator (SVR) is basically an autotransformer with taps or steps in the series winding; however, it is purely a voltage control device and not used for voltage transformation cont'd CRP - 99 1539pk Figure 11.75 Schematic of an induction regulator Figure 11.76 Schematic of a step voltage regulator Figure 11.77 SVR control mechanism CRP - 100 1539pk Distribution System Voltage Regulation (cont'd) Application of voltage regulators and capacitors for control of voltage profile along a feeder is illustrated in Fig. 11.78 curve 1 shows voltage with distributed loads along the line, without any regulation the addition of voltage regulator R1, capacitor C and voltage regulator R2, brings the voltage profile along the entire feeder (from the first consumer to the last) to within max and min limits Figure 11.78 Voltage profile of a feeder with a station regulation (R1), supplementary regulator (R2) and a shunt capacitor bank (C) CRP - 101 1539pk Implementation of Overall Reactive Power Control Effect of reactive power control is felt mostly locally: equipment for supplying Q at appropriate points throughout the system necessary Coordination of the overall scheme a complex task: approach is still largely based on operator experience and off-line load flow studies implementation of automated schemes with optimum dispatch is feasible and practical methods are being pursued EDF and ENEL have used secondary and tertiary voltage control schemes to provide coordinated voltage control in HV networks CIGRE TF 38.02.23 set up to assess the potential and provide guidelines CRP - 102 1539pk Appendix to Section on Control of Reactive Power and Voltage 1. Copy of Section 11.2.9 from the book “Power System Stability and Control” - Provides information on Modeling of Reactive Compensating Devices CRP - 103 1539pk CRP - 104 1539pk CRP - 105 1539pk CRP - 106 1539pk CRP - 107 1539pk CRP - 108 1539pk CRP - 109 1539pk CRP - 110 1539pk