Name: ___________________________ Sexually Transmitted and Blood Born Infections (STBBI) Assignment STBBIs come in different forms with different ways of being transmitted, different transmission rates, and different ways of being treated. Your assignment is to compare and contrast three different STBBIs chosen from the lists below and to answer the assigned questions. Choose one STBBI from each of the following columns to compare and contrast: Bacterial Infections Viral Infections Other Infections Chlamydia Herpes Pubic Lice Gonorrhea Genital Warts (HPV) Trichomonasis Vaginalis Syphilis HIV/AIDS Pelvic Inflammatory Disease LGV Hepatitis A Mycoplasma genitalium Bacterial Vaginosis Hepatitis B Scabies Chancroid Hepatitis C Mucopurulent Cervicitis Research and answer the following 5 questions. Your project can be formatted however you choose (Slides, Doc, Poster, etc.) 1) What are the major differences between how each of the STBBIs are caused (i.e. bacteria vs virus)? (Give at least 3 major differences) 2) Describe the signs and symptoms of each of the STBBIs you chose? (Give at least 5 for each) 3) How is each STBBI transmitted from person to person and how can its spread be prevented? (Provide a detailed explanation) 4) How is each STBBI treated? (Provide a detailed explanation) 5) Provide the following statistics for each: a. How many people in the world are infected with each STBBI annually? b. How many people in Quebec or Canada are infected with each STBBI annually? c. Which demographic of people are most likely to be infected with each STBBI (what age group, gender, nationality, etc.) Provide MLA referencing for all sources. STBBI Project Rubric 5 4 3 2 1 Bacteria, Virus, Parasite Student explains 3 differences fully and accurately Student explains 3 difference fully Student does not fully explain the differences Student does not answer the question. Signs and Symptoms Student lists and explains all signs and symptoms Student fully and clearly explains how the infection is transmitted and prevented Student lists and explains all treatments and cures Student only lists some of the correct signs and symptoms Student states how the infection is transmitted and prevented Student does list the correct signs and symptoms Transmission and prevention Student lists and attempts to explain the signs and symptoms Student explains how the infection is transmitted and prevented Student explains 2-3 differences with some difficulty or incompletely Student lists the signs and symptoms Treatments and cures Statistics Student fully and correctly explains statistics associated with their infection Student lists and attempts to explain the treatments and cures Student explains statistics associated with their infection Student partially explains how the infection is transmitted and prevented Student lists the treatments and cures Student partially explains statistics associated with their infection Student only lists some of the correct treatments and cures Student states statistics associated with their infection Student does not correctly state how the infection is transmitted or prevented Student does list the correct treatments or cures Student does not state statistics associated with their infection References Grade: /30 = All sources referenced in MLA formatting All sources referenced but not in the correct formatting Some sources referenced Few sources referenced No sources referenced