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Marcos Burial Controversy: Analysis & Historical Context

Approval of Marcos' Burial at the Libingan ng mga Bayani
After our country's independence, it has been led by series of leaders. Ferdinand Marcos was among
the most well-known presidents and ruled for the longest period of time, although he is widely regarded
as the worst president in history due to events that happened during his term.
Allowing the late dictator's family and loyalists the authority to bury Ferdinand Marcos at the Libingan
ng mga Bayani, the Duterte government has openly disrespected and insulted the quiet oppressed
masses. From 1965 to 1986, Ferdinand Marcos served as President of the Philippines. His
accomplishments were supposed to have ushered the country into the modern world, but the citizens
and society suffered the consequences of its impact in addition to some of his implementations,
particularly the Martial Law. The controversy on whether or not to bury him at the Libingan ng mga Bayani
became a long-running issue in the Philippines, which has been cleared up in 2016 after Rodrigo Duterte
was elected as the new president of the country and announced that he would authorize it based on the
law. Several people, particularly anti-Marcos and victims of Martial Law, attempted to suppress the
decision by filing petitions against it.
Due to President Duterte's decision, a fascist himself made me see that he is a reflection of the ousted
president. Ferdinand Marcos certainly make our society more modernized in areas such as technology,
infrastructures, and other sectors, but he also caused a large amount of debt which our country has been
paying off until now. During his time, the implementation of Martial Law led to violence and suffering to
the people. Although there is no such thing as a perfect leader, I disagreed with the decision to bury him
at the Libingan ng mga Bayani due to his mistakes not only to the Filipino people but in the country as
well. Even though I, as one of the citizens of this country, forgive him, I will never let myself have the
consideration of his having heroic characteristics.
Libingan ng mga Bayani has become a no less special place for those genuine people who have brought
light and fought for freedom, and it will never be the same again. Unless, we all start to realize that we
are blinded by reality and choose to open our eyes.
History.com Editors. (2010, February). Ferdinand Marcos Inaugurated president of the Philippines. A&E
Television Networks. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/marcos-inaugurated