Natural Language Processing Definition-NLP Natural language processing is a subfield of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions between computers and human language, in particular how to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data Ex: Amazon Customer Reviews Applications of NLP 01 CHAT BOX 03 KEYWORD SEARCHING MACHINE 05 TRANSLATION 02 SPEECH RECOGNITION 04 SPELL CHECK INFORMATION 06 EXTRACTION PROCESS OF NLP 1.TOKENISATION 2.STEMMING 3.LEMMATIZATION 4.NAMED ENITY RECOGNITION 5.CHUNKING PROCESS OF NLP 1.TOKENISATION -It is a great product -Awesome shoes, Bata is the best -Superb quality, must buy PROCESS OF NLP 2.STEMMING -It is a great product. - GOOD -Awesome shoes, Bata is the best - GOOD -Superb quality, must buy - EXCELLENT PROCESS OF NLP 3.LEMMATIZATION - GOOD - GOOD - EXCELLENT GOOD PROCESS OF NLP 4.NAMED ENTITY RECGONITION -It is a great product -Awesome shoes, Bata is the best -Superb quality, must buy 5.CHUNKING PROCESS OF NLP -It is a great product -Awesome shoes, Bata is the best -Superb quality, must buy