ANALYZING ARGUMENTS Tools of Persuasion ® THE LANGUAGE ARTS MAGAZINE 1/27/22 Harnoor Sethi Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Mrs. Martinez B2 L.Arts P1 Ethos, Pathos, Logos Directions: Use the graphic organizer below to take notes on an author’s use of ethos, pathos, and logos. (See Scope’s “Ethos, Pathos, Logos: What to Know” to learn more about these three appeals.) Schools should start later because teens need more sleep, and Write one sentence that states the author’s argument: _____________________________________ it_____________________________________________________________________________ can affect every aspect of their lives. Ethos The author is trustworthy because he compares and contrasts different times to our current times. For example, "Last year, things were different. Many teens were able to sleep in because remote classes started lat er, didn’t require a commute, or g ave students flexibility in their sc hedules. But now that in-person school has resumed, teens across America are once again battling t heir alarms, and a debate has reignited: Should school start late r?" Does the author create an emotional connection between readers and the topic? If so, how? Pathos In the introduction, the author uses a reallife example to connect the reader to the text. "Your phone shrieks. Confused and grogg y, you open your eyes. Surely it isn’t time to get up already? You tap snooze and sink back into dreamland— until your dad knocks on the door. “Wake up!” he calls. “The bus will be here in 10 minutes!” You groan. Five more minutes. Please, ple ase, pleeaasseeeee! If this sounds familiar, you aren’t alone. B efore the pandemic, nearly 70 percent of t eens weren’t getting enough sleep." Does the author come off as trustworthy and believable? Why or why not? Does the author try to convince you with reason and logic? With evidence such as facts and figures? Give examples. Logos The author uses lots of evidence and logic to show various points throughout the story. For example, "Later dismissal times could also cut in to afterschool jobs and create scheduling confl icts forfamilies. In Cherry Creek, some families say they have less time in the evening for homework anddinner. Transportation is another obstacle. Late r start times could require some district s to invest inadditional buses and drive rs, which can be costly. And many pare nts might not be able to drive theirkids to school before work." PAGE 1 OF 2 ANALYZING ARGUMENTS Tools of Persuasion ® THE LANGUAGE ARTS MAGAZINE Directions: Answer the questions below. Use the notes you took on page 1 to help you. 1. Which appeals did the author use? If the author used more than one appeal, did he or she use them equally? Explain. The author used ethical appeals, logical appeals, and emotional appeals to convince the reader. The author did not use the appeals equally. For example, at the beginning of the passage, the author uses _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ an emotional appeal. "Your phone shrieks. Confused and groggy, you open your eyes. Surely it isn’t time to get up already? You tap snooze and sink back into dreamland—until your dad knocks on the ___________________________________________________________________________________ door.“Wake up!” he calls. “The bus will be here in 10 minutes!”You groan. Five more minutes. Please, please, pleeaasseeeee! If this sounds familiar, you aren’t alone. Before the pandemic, nearly 70 percent of teens weren’t getting enough sleep." The author uses a logical appeal at various points in the story. "In Cherry Creek, some families say they have less time in the evening for homework and _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ dinner." The author barely uses any other appeals. This is because logical appeals present facts, and facts are the strongest way to back up a point. Key: • Restate-Blue • Answer-Green • Cite-Orange • Explain-Red 2. Which part of the author’s argument did you find most persuasive? Why? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I found that when the author used facts and evidence, it was more convincing. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is because when logic is used, the facts are the only truth and the reader must agree with them. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Which part of the author’s argument did you find least persuasive? Why? I found that the transportation aspect of the article was the least convincing. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is because most children have their own transportation system. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Place a star on the line below to indicate how persuasive you found the author’s argument overall. not very persuasive |--------------------------------------------------| very persuasive _ Sum up your reasoning in one or two sentences. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Personally, I feel that the author used strong evidence and logic to back up most of his/her points. However, some aspects including emotions and trustworthiness were lacking. This affected the ___________________________________________________________________________________ overall performance which explains why I put my star near the center. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ©2019 BY SCHOLASTIC INC. PERMISSION GRANTED TO TEACHERS AND SUBSCRIBERS TO PROJECT OR MAKE COPIES OF THIS PAGE TO DISTRIBUTE TO STUDENTS. PAGE 2 OF 2