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Social Science Exam: Branches of Government & Law

1.) What is the largerst part of the country’s bureacracy? Why?
The Constitution grants the President authority to appoint his Cabinet. These
departments form a large portion of the country's bureaucracy. The executive branch
carries out and enforces laws.and the largest part of the country’s bureacracy is the
Executive branch because is all under the President's command, he is the one in charge
of the final decisions
2.)The judicial is an independent body or system of courts that interprets, defends, and
applies, the law in the name of state.question: when can judiciary make law
Judges, through the rules of precedent, merely discover and declare the existing law and
never make 'new' law. A judge makes a decision, 'not according to his own private
judgment, but according to the known laws and customs of the land; not delegated to
pronounce a new law, but to maintain and expound the old one'.
3.) The president’s power is to enforce the law, and has responsibility for the governance
of a state. Question: What is the certain types of law which the president can issue?
The President can issue executive orders, which direct executive officers or clarify and
further existing laws. The President also has the power to extend pardons and
clemencies for federal crimes, and the President can issue some laws because he has
Power of control over the executive branch
4.) The legistative branch has the only power to make and umake laws. Howerver, it says
in the constituion that there is no complete delegation of law making power to the
congress? Why?
Because all legislative power in the government is vested in Congress, meaning that it is
the only part of the government that can make new laws or change existing laws.
Executive Branch agencies issue regulations with the full force of law, but these are only
under the authority of laws enacted by Congress
5.) The three (3) Independent co-equal branches of the government are the
executive,the legislative, and the judiciary. Question : how these three branches maintain
of their equality? Why?
Because all these three brances have checks and balances.and they must be equal to
ensure a separation of powers and to ensure the government is effective and citizens'
rights are protected, each branch has its own powers and responsibilities, including
working with the other branches