Ch. 8 Study Guide – Government

Social Studies - Ch. 8 Study Guide – Government
*By voting, citizens give government leaders the authority to make
decisions and take action for them.
*The three branches of the national government are the executive, legislative
and judicial branches.
*A governor is the leader of a state’s executive branch of government.
*The governor of a state suggests laws that he or she thinks would be good
for the state.
*Government services include firefighters putting out fires, police making
sure laws are obeyed, and school boards making decisions for schools.
*In a mayor-council government, the voters choose the leaders (the leaders
are the mayor and the city council).
*The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was built to help people remember those
who fought in the Vietnam War.
*A patriotic song is called an anthem.
*Congress includes the Senate and the House of Representatives.
*Senators work in the part of Congress called the Senate.
*The head of the executive branch of the USA is called the President.
*The President of the United States suggests laws and works with leaders of
other nations.
*The head of the executive branch in Canada is called the Prime Minister.
*A constitutional monarchy has both a king and queen as well as a
government elected by the people.
*Be familiar with how to read a road map! (p. 278-279 in book)
*The best way to solve an argument or problem with someone you are angry
with is to walk away and calm down first.
*People can promise to be loyal to the USA by saying the Pledge of