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With reference to at least one case evaluate the extent to which the principles of justice were upheld.
STEP 1: What is the question asking you to do? Underline the key words; identify key ideas or concepts which link to the question.
Key Words:
One Case
(Or More)
of Justice
Instructional Words:
This means to say whether it was done to a great degree or to a small degree. You make a judgement about how well/how fully something was done. In this case, how completely/fully/well were the principles of justice upheld. Were they upheld or undermined or somewhere in
Ways in which Justice was Upheld
Ways in which Justice was Undermined
Summarise here:
Using the ideas above, overall were the principles more upheld or more undermined? Where the elements that undermined or the elements that upheld the principles of justice were more significant in this case/cases. You may say SOME principles were more
undermined while others were more upheld. Or you can consider whether the case changed over time:
This will become your thesis.
From the ‘ways’ listed in your table above, select the MOST important to backing up your final evaluation. Make sure you have some (at least 1) from each column:
STEP 2: Identify some context information which might need to be (eg. key terms, definitions, ideas, concepts and principles or
information describing the situation) – provide a list of possible ideas below: Include the Principals of Justice as well as the
Details of Case (do not give a detailed explanation rather focus on responding to the question.):
STEP 3: Draft a thesis statement in response to the question. Was justice more upheld or more undermined? Did both
happen to some degree? This should encompass your main argument/response to the question. Use the words from the
question. Brainstorm the reasons for believing your thesis.
The context and thesis you have identified above forms the ingredients for your introduction. It should start off with your context/background before presenting your thesis at the end of your introduction.
You should be aiming for about 200 words for your introduction.
Start with an explanation of the principles of Justice and why they are important:
Explain the details of the case but only focus on the elements that are important in terms of upholding or undermining the principles of justice:
Add your thesis statement. This is your answer to the question. Use the words from the question:
Finally add a sentence that signposts the key points that you are going to make in your essay. These are the reasons that someone should believe your thesis (the ‘ways’ from the previous page):
An essay is a way to organise your ideas and present an argument. To do this, you must follow clear body paragraph structure. Your paragraphs should be structured as follows:
Topic sentence; a clear statement identifying the focus of your paragraph and how this topic PROVES your thesis.
Point, explanation evidence; this process will need to be repeated 2-3 times depending on how many key points you need to make in the paragraph. This should also include any relevant definitions of political and legal terminology or concepts. For each key piece of
evidence, you need to make sure you explain how this backs up your thesis.
Concluding sentence and evaluation; link the argument made in your paragraph back to your central thesis.
Topic Sentence (a statement of the ways in which this case/cases undermined the principles of justice and ensure
this to your thesis statement):
you relate this to your thesis statement):
Key Points & Evidence (take the ‘way/s’ identified
on the first page):
Explanation as to how this upheld the principles of
Concluding Sentence & Evaluation:
Paragraph 2: Undermining Principles
Topic Sentence (a statement of the ways in which this case/cases upheld the principles of justice and ensure you relate
Paragraph 3: Evaluation of
whether the principles were MORE
undermined or more upheld
Paragraph 1: Upholding Principles
STEP 4: draft your topic sentences and identify key points and evidence for each paragraph.
Key Points & Explanation (take the ‘way/s’
identified on the first page):
Explanation as to how this undermined the
principles of justice:
Concluding Sentence & Evaluation:
TS (whether the elements that undermined or the elements that upheld the principles of justice were more significant in this case/cases.):
Key Points & Evidence (to support the evaluation that you have just made. Use evidence
Explanation about how/why in the end the principles were more upheld or more undermined:
of how the case/s ended and how it may have influenced future cases):
Concluding Sentence & Evaluation (a statement about how WELL this case/cases upheld the principles of justice and use this to back up your thesis statement):
You should be aiming for around 300 words per body paragraph.
Start with a statement of the ways in which this case/cases upheld the principles of
justice and ensure you relate this to your thesis statement:
Start with a statement of the ways in which this case/cases undermined the principles
of justice and ensure you relate this to your thesis statement:
Provide Evidence/Examples of this and explain how this relates to the principles
of justice and how it shows it has been upheld (REPEAT AS NEEDED):
Provide Evidence/Examples of this and explain how this relates to the principles
of justice and how it shows it has been undermined (REPEAT AS NEEDED):
Provide Evidence/Examples to support the evaluation that you have just made.
Use evidence of how the case/s ended and how it may have influenced future
End with an evaluation pf how well this case/cases upheld the principles of justice and
use this to back up your thesis statement:
Construct a statement about whether the elements that undermined or the elements
that upheld the principles of justice were more significant in this case/cases. You may
say SOME principles were more undermined while others were more upheld. Or you
can consider whether the case changed over time:
End with an evaluation pf how well this case/cases undermined the principles of justice
and use this to back up your thesis statement:
End with a strong statement about how WELL (you can say it did a good or bad job) this
case/cases upheld the principles of justice and use this to back up your thesis
Restate your thesis
Show how you have proven your thesis statement by linking together your arguments and the key pieces of evidence you have analysed.
Emphasise which of these points are the most important/significant.
Further consideration: Provide further scope for research or potential areas for research.
You should be aiming for about 150 words for your conclusion.