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Cell Structure & Theory: Biology Module 1 Presentation

11 Biology
Module 1: Cells as the Basis of
Module 1.1.
Cell Theory
Up until 400 years ago,
microscopic organisms were
not able to be examined.
There were magnifying
glasses, however they were
only able to study
macroscopic life.
Two Dutch lens makers, Hans
and Zacharias Janssen, are
credited with making the first
compound microscope in
1590, which used two
adjustable lenses to magnify
an object.
However it wasn’t until 1665
that Robert Hooke first
recorded observations of
living tissue using a
compound microscope.
publication was
studies of minute
bodies made by a
magnifying class.
It was the first time
the word cell was
used to describe
the units making
up the tissue of
In 1676, Dutch scientist Anton van
Leeuwenhoek developed a
simple microscope with a single
powerful x300 lens.
He is credited with discovering
bacteria through observations in
a drop of water.
Fun Fact
In 1677, Leeuwenhoek linked a “stinking mouth”
to the “animals living in the scum on the teeth
He also compared the semen of a man with
gonorrhoea with that of his own, to which he
was careful to point out that the material was
“residue after conjugal coitus” and not the
product of “sinfully defiling myself”.
Sure it was …
In 1831, the Scottish botanist Robert Brown made several
observations on plant cells from a variety of backgrounds.
He noticed that they all seemed to contain a dark region near
the centre, which he identified as the nucleus.
In the decades following Brown’s observations, the collaborated
work of biologists Schwann and Schleiden, with later contributed
observations by Virchow and Flemming led to the development
of cell theory.
Cell theory had three main points:
The cell is the unit of structure of all living things
The cell exists as a distinct entity and as a building block for
the construction of organisms
All cells come from pre-existing cells
A scientific theory is a
broad explanation
accepted by scientists and
based on repeatable
observations, tests and
Theories are also
changeable as new
information is collected.
The observations made with microscopes by Hooke and up to
the mid 19th century were repeatable.
It took Schwann and Schleiden to explain the structure with their
initial theory of living things using these observations and Virchow
and Flemming to improve the theory when further observations
were made on the reproduction of cells.
It was the first time
a common basic
structure had
been suggested
for all living things.
Greater detail into cell function
and structure was achieved from
the late1920s with the
development of the scanning
electron microscope, with showed
a whole new level of detail.
The Evolution of the Cell
The first proto-life forms would have been
replicating molecules of genetic information, such
as DNA or more likely the related RNA (details of
these molecules in Module 5: Heredity).
Some of this material was able to settle itself in an oily lipid bubble to
protect itself from the external environment. This was the first cell
membrane, and with it, prokaryotic cells were formed.
(Details on the cell membrane later in this Module)
Prokaryotes were successful as their free floating genetic material
allowed for easy asexual binary fission as a reproductive
Many also developed a microscopic whip-like appendage
enabling them to swim, a flagellum.
From here prokaryotic cells diversified into two main domains; bacteria and
archaea, each with a huge diversity of species.
Bacteria and archaea were classified as the same group until the late
1970s, when the differences were discovered.
The differences are mainly chemical make up, such as the proteins
embedded within their membrane and cell wall structure, and the
behaviour of their RNA polymerase and enzymes (more on this later in the
It was also discovered that archaea are more closely related to eukaryotes
(including us) than they are to bacteria.
Fun Fact
ALH 84001 is a 1.93 kg meteorite found in Antarctica in 1984 which is
thought to be from Mars. It is famous because in 1996 a group of
scientists claim to have found evidence of Martian prokaryotic fossils
on it.
It is inconclusive one way or the other, but still rather interesting.
The next major step in cell evolution would have been the formation of
a nuclear membrane around the genetic material of the prokaryote.
It’s not completely known how this happened, but most likely from
infolding of the cellular membrane which helped protect the
This was the first eukaryotic cell, however further evolution became
even more interesting.
The nucleus is not the only organelle to contain genetic material. The
evolution of the mitochondria and chloroplasts in the timeline of
eukaryotes did not come from the organelle developing inside the cell,
but rather a hijacking of bacteria and an eventual mutual relationship.
The bacteria benefit from the protection of the larger cell and the
eukaryote benefits from the products of the bacteria (energy/glucose
The eukaryotic domain
diversified into four main groups:
Those that harboured
chloroplast became the first
The immobile fungus, with
cells that include a cell wall
but no chloroplasts
The multicellular
heterotrophic animals
Those unicellular eukaryotic
cells that fit in none of the
above, protists.
(note that “protist” is not a true
taxonomic term, more of “other
misc”. Also there are unicellular
fungi and plants that are not
considered protists)
This step gave rise to the major kingdoms of eukaryotes and is an
important step in the evolution of all life on Earth.
It is also important to our relationship with the other domains; we might be
closer related to archaea, but we host bacteria within our very cells.
Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes
The membrane bound organelles are mainly what distinguishes
eukaryotic cells from prokaryotic cells.
Eukaryotes are also on average larger with a more complex interior,
often part of a multicellular organism (except protists) and reproduces
via mitosis rather than binary fission.
And now for the list of organelles…
Contains chromosomal DNA
Has its own double membrane
Considered the control centre of a cell
Located within the nucleus
Produced ribosomal RNA
Important in protein synthesis
Stores water and soluble nutrients in
Primarily found in plant cells
Has its own membrane and DNA
Contains the chemical chlorophyll
Responsible for photosynthesis
Only found in plant cells
Has its own membrane and DNA
Responsible for respiration
Is considered the “powerhouse” of the
Cell Wall:
Found in plant cells, fungi cells and
unicellular organisms
Gives structure to the cell
Surrounds the cell and some other organelles
Selectively permeable
Allows substances into and out of the cell
Cen be seen with electron microscope only
Golgi Apparatus:
Have large surface area to volume ratio
Receive, sort, store and secrete proteins
Cen be seen with electron microscope only
Smallest major organelle
Found everywhere in the cell
Location of protein synthesis
Cen be seen with electron microscope only
Endoplasmic Reticulum:
A system of membranes within the cell
Transports nutrients and wastes into and out
of every part of the cell
Cen be seen with electron microscope only
Small membrane-bound sacks that
contain enzymes.
These enzymes break down fats,
proteins and other unwanted
materials inside the cell
Cen be seen with electron
microscope only
Aqueous body of the cell.
Contains all organelles
Key Terms
electron microscope
prokaryotic cells
eukaryotic cell
Robert Hooke
compound microscope
Robert Brown
Cell Wall
Schwann and Schleiden
Golgi Apparatus
cell theory
scientific theory
Endoplasmic Reticulum
The End