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Dr's Choice Nurse Staffing Business Plan

Presented to the Department of Health Care Administration
California State University, Long Beach
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Science in Health Care Administration
Committee Members:
Grace L. Reynolds, D.P.A (Chair)
Cindy Gotz, D.HSc.
Tony Sinay, Ph.D.
College Designee:
Tony Sinay, Ph.D.
By Robert R. Gomez
B.A., B.S, 2014, California State University, Dominguez Hills
August 2017
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Robert R. Gomez
August 2017
With the era of the baby boomers getting to an age where health care issues will be at an
all-time high, the shortage of nurses is a problem many health care organizations are already
facing. There is a huge opportunity for many nurses to get hired given the state of California
requires facilities to maintain a nurse-to-patient ratio. These ratios vary depending on the severity
level of the patient’s illness or condition the unit admits.
The goal of the company is to be able to help hospitals, convalescent home, retirement
centers and other skilled nursing facilities meet their patient satisfaction expectations by
providing the nurses needed to maintain quality of care. Nurses that will be provided are
Licensed Vocational Nurses, Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners.
The company will have a unique approach to market itself out of Long Beach to be
accessible to both Los Angeles and Orange County population and facilities. This business plan
will go over four different chapters of the Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency in topics such as
Marketing, Feasibility, Laws and Regulations and Financial Statements.
ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………………………….. ii
LIST OF TABLES …….………………………………………………………………………... iv
LIST OF FIGURES ……………………………………………………………..………………. v
1. MARKETING PLAN AND ANALYSIS …………………………………………...….. 1
2. FEASIBILITY AND SWOT ANALYSIS ……..……...……………………………….. 11
3. LEGAL AND REGULATORY ISSUES …………..………………………………….. 19
4. FINANCIAL ASSUMPTIONS ………………………………………………………... 27
APPENDIX: FINANCIAL DATA ……..……………………………………………………… 34
REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………………… 42
1. Nursing Contract Opportunities With Facilities In Target Area......……………………... 8
2. Registered Nurse Salary Averages ………………...…………………………………… 14
3. Registered Nurse Target Area Salaries …………………..…………………………...…15
4. Nurse Practitioner Salary Averages ……………………………………………………. 15
5. Nurse Practitioner Target Area Salaries ….……………………………………………. 15
6. Licensed Vocational Nurse Salary Averages …………………………….…………….. 16
7. Licensed Vocational Nurse Target Area Salaries …………………………….……...… 16
8. SWOT Analysis ……………………………………………………………………...… 18
9. Start-Up Cost …………………...……………………………………………………… 29
10. Annual Expenses …………………………………………………………………….…. 31
11. Monthly Expenses …………………………………………………………………….... 32
12. Assumption of Revenue ………………………………………………………………... 33
Life expectancy ……. ...……………………………………………………………….... 5
2. National supply and demand projections for FTE registered nurses 2000 to 2020 .......… 6
3. Target area ……….……………………………………………………………………… 7
4. Organizational chart ………….....………………………………………………...……. 25
The marketing plan will cover aspects of how Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will
promote and advertise its services to nurses and nursing facilities. There are many social media
avenues that the Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will utilize to help expand its branding.
Competitors and target areas will be identified. It is projected that by the year 2020, there will be
a shortage of nurses in the United States; the number that is being projected at 1 million
(Feigenbaum, 2017). Some geographical areas have been impacted by this shortage since 2010.
It is important that facilities in California are meeting the nurse-to-patient ratio as California is
the only state that mandates this type of ratio (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2017). The
ratios depend on the type of care and department the nurse is in as they have different ranges of
focus to choose from. That is why Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency is a lucrative business that is
getting into a great field that has a great potential for growth as it relates to providing nurses to
different nursing facilities. The goal of the company is to be able to help hospitals, convalescent
homes, retirement centers and other skilled nursing facilities meet their patient satisfaction
expectations by providing the nurses needed to maintain quality of care.
Company Analysis
Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will look to hire Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses
and Licensed Vocational Nurses to provide their services to hospitals and skilled nursing
facilities. The nurses provided to the facility will meet the description and expertise that the
facility requires. Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency’s objective is to help nursing facilities be able to
maintain their operations at their optimal level. Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will be providing
nurses to different types of nursing facilities, mainly hospitals for general or specialty positions
they need to fill.
Competitor Analysis
Competitors in the area vary from the average temporary help agency to those that are strictly
health care agencies. It is important to know where competitors are to be able to establish
benchmarks for the agency. It is still important to recognize competitors for benchmarking
purposes of the company. Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will have more opportunities that
nurses will be able to choose from and it will be tailored towards their preferences. Here is a list
of a few competitors Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency would be going up against:
1. MGA Health Care: Has several geographical offices throughout California and in
Arizona. They provide services for nurses, technicians, specialist, administration and
executives to health care organizations (MGA Health Care, 2013).
2. Medipro Medical Staffing LLC: Has several hospitals that they work with, providing
Certified Nurse Assistants, Licensed Vocational Nurses and Registered Nurses (Medipro
Medical Staffing LLC, n.d.).
3. L.A Nursing Services, LLC: Contracts Certified Nurse Assistants, Registered Nurses,
License Vocational Nurses, Respiratory Therapists, Physical Therapists, Medical Social
Workers and X-Ray Technicians for hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, home health
providers, clinics, schools and private duty staff in the Los Angeles area (L.A Nursing
Services LLC, 2017).
4. Premier Nursing Services: Provides services throughout the State of California in cities
such as San Diego, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Sacramento in all
types of nursing facilities. Focused on Registered Nurses only (Premier Nursing Services
INC, 2017).
5. Nursefinders: National organization with offices in New York, New Mexico, Georgia,
Maryland, California, Massachusetts, Texas, Colorado, Illinois, Hawaii, Tennessee,
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Arizona, Oregon, North Carolina, Montana,
and Iowa. They range from nurses, technologists, therapists and health care support
professionals (Nursefinders, 2014).
6. Supplemental Health Care: Provides nurses, therapists, physicians, physician assistants
and health information professionals on a national level with offices in many states such
as: Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, South Carolina, Illinois, Ohio, Texas,
Michigan, Colorado, California, Kansas, Florida, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Oregon,
Arizona, North Carolina, Virginia, Washington and Montana (Supplemental Health Care,
7. MedStaff Inc.: Works with travel nurses and provides their services throughout the
nation. Hot job locations where they provide staffing are in North Carolina, California,
Florida and Vermont (MedStaff, 2017).
8. First Class Nurses Inc.: Staffing nurse agency is located in Southern California and hires
Registered Nurses, Licensed Vocational Nurses and Certified Nurse Assistants (First
Class Nurses Inc, n.d.).
Market Definition, Potential and Demand
To begin with, the business will begin with opening up accounts in all free social media
account platforms available. For example, it will create accounts in Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, LinkedIn and Wixsite. Facebook and Instagram will be linked together post the same
information and to promote and advertise job opportunities for people to consider. Twitter is a
great way to reach out to potential nurses and nursing facilities. Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency
will be able to follow health care facilities and see what changes they are going through and
possible new facilities which would lead to job opportunities. For example, if nursing facilities
post they will be going to a job fair, it benefits the agency if we are there to connect with them in
person and build a personal relationship to create future job ventures. When it comes to the more
professional social media, this is where LinkedIn is more useful. LinkedIn is used by many who
seek job opportunities and it provides employers the ability and features to post job openings for
many to see. A resume is typically a page long and by providing a LinkedIn presence, it lets us
identify potential nurses we can direct to nursing facilities that match their experience. Health
care facilities also provide a general overview as to their organizations’ history as well as job
opportunities and locations. Wixsite would be utilized to create an online avenue for people to be
able to search jobs. We would have a bank of job opportunities that are open and give more
detailed information about the organization’s history, objectives, job application submission,
mission statement of the company, and provide information to contact us by email, phone or
office visit. Wixsite also gives us an opportunity to show our clients and customers a deeper
understanding and knowledge of what we have to offer them and how we match nursing facility
needs and nurses’ experience together.
This will also give many health care facilities the ability to search and find Gomez Nurse
Staffing Agency easily. The reason it is important to go on all accounts of social media is
because not everyone has an account for each social media avenue mentioned above, but most
people have an account for at least one. It is important to be able to reach as many health care
professionals as possible and to be able to match them up to the job they are seeking as well as to
reach health care employers that can utilize Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency to staff their
facilities. All avenues of social media will advertise that we are looking for nurses who need a
temporary and temporary to hire. Temporary positions are those that will require the nurse to
work for an agreed amount of time at the facility. Temporary to hire jobs are positions that will
hire the nurse after the agreed amount of time has been completed.
The shortage of nurses in the health care industry was projected decades ago and is
becoming more of a reality. When we look at the population of the baby boomers, it makes up
20% of the American population. To be a part of this baby boomer generation, people must have
been born between the years of 1946 to 1964 (History, 2010). That would mean those that were
born in 1946 are 71 years old. The U.S. life expectancy in 2014 was 78.94 years. When looking
at the decade the baby boomers era began, the life expectancy at that time was 62.9 years old.
Figure 1 represents the U.S. life expectancy compared with Japan and the United Kingdom for
the last 50 years.
FIGURE 1. Life expectancy. (Google, 2014).
By this estimate, millions of Americans have surpassed their life expectancy but due to
increasing health care advancements, the elderly are living longer lives which has caused this
shift in life expectancy and it continues to go up gradually as years go by (Google, 2014).
When looking at the projected number of nurses needed to meet the demand of health
care by 2020 it is said to be short by 1 million nurses (Maher, 2008). As you can see in the chart
below, there has been a shortage of nurses over the years, but the gap is expected to
exponentially grow:
FIGURE 2. National supply and demand projections for FTE registered nurses 2000 to
2020. (Maher, 2008).
Another focus point for the marketing team will be promoting social events and health
care related activities such as cancer and diabetes walks. By promoting events and attending, it
shows the community that we are serious about these issues and have an opportunity to meet
other health care organizations that are there for a good cause. By networking at these events, it
can provide Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency with an opportunity to build partnerships with new
facilities to provide more job opportunities for nurses.
Another tactic Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will use is recruiting from nursing schools
and this is very important for placement for many nurses just finishing school. It is a good way to
address this issue in the shortage, because facilities will need to meet their patient-to-nurse ratio
standard required by the laws in California, which is defined by the severity level of patients’
illness at the unit.
Customer Analysis
Our customers will consist of health care facilities, matching their personnel needs with
the employees we would be providing. There are other competitors that are in the area and are
thriving due to the health care facilities located in the area. Due to the population in the Los
Angeles, South Bay Cities, Long Beach and Orange County, there are a large number of
potential patients that will need services from these nursing facilities. This map in Figure 3
shows the areas that we have potential of being able to reach and service.
FIGURE 3. Target area. (Google Maps, 2017).
Populations for regions in the area are: Los Angeles: 3,971,883; Long Beach: 474,140;
Orange County: 3,147,655; and South Bay Cities: 763,166. The total population for the area is
8,356,844 (Daily Breeze, 2015; U.S. Census Bureau, 2016). Los Angeles, Ventura, and Orange
counties had a 14% nurse gap, which is equivalent to 10,115, considering only Registered
Nurses. By 2025 that number will be over 15,000; followed by 20,000 by year 2030 (Spetz,
2006). The location of the office is due to marketing reasons as well. The office location is in
Long Beach because it can be seen as the midpoint between Los Angeles and Orange counties,
meaning the range of potential employees and employers expands exponentially. Table 1 lists the
target areas where the Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will negotiate with health care facilities for
nursing opportunities. Given the demand of nurses is always great, Gomez Nurse Staffing
Agency could supply the nursing facilities with qualified nurses for their services.
TABLE 1. Nursing Contract Opportunities With Facilities In Target Area
Skilled Nursing Facilities
Kaiser, Molina, St. Josephs, Little Company of Mary,
Torrance Memorial, Harbor UCLA, St. Judes, St
Francis, Long Beach Community, Dignity, Health
Care Partners and Kindred are all facilities that uses
many different type of health care professionals but
when it relates to Nurses, they will have needs from
Licensed Vocational Nurses, Registered Nurses to
Nurse Practitioners with specialties in many different
age groups. Many Registered Nurses are getting their
Bachelors and Master’s Degrees for career
advancements and competitive advantageous.
Sunnyside Nursing Center, Vermont Care, Heritage,
Del Amo, Sunnyside Retirement Center, Carson
Senior Assisted Living, and Welbrook Senior Living
require more standard nurse that are Certified Nurse
Assistants, Licensed Vocational Nurses and
Registered Nurses. Nurse Practitioners are not really
utilized in these facilities. Nurses with Licenses and
certifications up to date are able to maintain a good
standing here.
Source: Google Maps (2017).
Marketing Objective and Goals
The organization’s mission is to establish relationships with nursing facilities and provide
them with nurses to help those companies thrive. It is a burden when you have to start paying
overtime wages to nurses who are earning a high wage and to over work the staff can have a
negative effect on the nurses’ long-term quality life. There is research from the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services that found a direct correlation between overtime and extended
work shifts related to worker illnesses, injuries and overall health (Olympic Staffing Services,
2012). Many businesses view overtime as a short-term solution. This is why providing a nurse to
these locations would be beneficial for organizations that are not trying to go through a long
hiring process and overwork their employees. This also provides an opportunity for the company
to evaluate the nurse before deciding to employ the nurse full-time. The goal of the company is
to provide an opportunity to nurses for possible full-time employment if the workplace offers
that opportunity after the contract has been completed.
Marketing staff will create health care-related topic articles to post for others to see and
gain knowledge that ties back to nurses. Topics could range from educational advancement
opportunities to vaccinations and events the company will attend to support and promote the
agency. Good publicity and a good reputation is always good. There can be online posts utilizing
Indeed.com to attract other companies to find Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency. The company
would start in Long Beach and attract clients in the area. A short-term goal would be to open up
another company office in San Francisco as it has a good base of nurses and a population worth
investing time into. A long-term goal would be to eventually get into other regions in California,
where nurses are needed. This would provide nurses an attractive offer to travel or relocate to
provide nursing services in the facilities that are short-staffed.
Marketing Strategy
Marketing tactics this agency will apply are to stay very active through the online social
media avenues to establish itself as a reputable and well known company. Marketing will build a
relationship with nearby facilities who are offering possible job openings for nurses. Marketing
will eventually be essential in doing all the research for future locations that are lucrative to open
an office, gathering data that pertains to the elderly population and heavily populated cities.
Marketing will prepare all flyers, advertisements, networking events and maintain the social
media accounts.
This chapter will focus on detailing prices, distribution, communication, management
structure and strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis for Gomez Nurse Staffing
Pricing Management
The health care industry has a very profitable outcome as nursing facilities are willing to
pay to match staffing regulations. The willingness to pay the agency for nursing services to
operate efficiently and provide quality care to the patients is very important in the health care
industry. Pricing will depend on the contract language and will either take a percentage of the
employee’s salary or charge the nursing facility a competitive price for Gomez Nurse Staffing
Agency services. When it comes to the percentage of the hourly income for the temporary
positions, it depends on the contract language that will vary per facility. Percentages will vary
within a 12-50%. Pricing will follow the current industry averages mentioned in Tables 2, 4 and
6. Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will stay competitive with other agencies to be able to have a
profit margin that will go into opening up different offices in different regions, considering that
supplemental nurse staffing is a $3.6 billion per year market (Aiken, Shang, Xue, & Sloane,
Distribution Management
The tactics to get in contact with nursing facilities will be through directories that the
company will pay for to reach out to nursing facility directors. Getting in contact with Nursing
Directors would be the main target. Social media will be a way to be able to follow any events
facilities will be attending which in turn will give the Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency an
opportunity to get in contact with an employer. Going out to organization meetings that are
health care related will also increase the networking opportunities for other facilities to hear
about our services. Human Resources will also outreach to nursing schools in the area to help
graduating nurses get a job right after nursing school.
Registered Nurses, License Vocational Nurses and Nurse Practitioners will be highly
needed to meet the demand for nurses in health care. The services that will be delivered will aim
at employers that hire and are in need of nurses. The nursing facilities that the Gomez Nurse
Staffing Agency will target are:
1. Hospitals
2. Skilled Nursing Facilities
3. Assisted Living
4. Rehabilitation
5. Hospice
6. Home Health Aid
7. Independent Living (Bernal, 2017; A Place for Mom, 2015).
Communication Management
The Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will look for facilities that typically use nursing
agency to target them as primary or preferred locations where nurses are constantly needed.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) research indicated recently that 44% of
hospital nurses believed that there were not enough staff to handle the workload (Aiken et al.,
Tactics such as visiting and calling staffing directors of hospitals will be vital to gaining
their trust and determining their demand for nurses. It is important to obtain directories of
nursing facilities in targeted area. This will help identify potential client contacts. There are also
trade organizations such as American Hospital Association that sell directories of their members.
Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will reach out to these facilities to see if they are in need of
nursing services.
Networking events and health care issue events will be targeted to be able to advertise the
Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency as a way to attract attention to the brand, clients who are in need
of nurses and potential nurses who are looking for a job. It is important to know that many
hospitals hold events that require them to have volunteers and by partnering up with these
facilities, it is giving us an opportunity to reach out to the community.
Management and Control
Control of the Agency will be led by the chief executive officer, chief operation officer
and chief financial officer. The chief executive officer will oversee the company’s activities and
work closely with human resources. The chief financial officer will work closely with the
accounting and billing aspects of the agency. The chief operation officer will handle the
contracts, marketing and events the agency will attend. All three officers will make sure that
communication amongst all departments are running efficiently and as needed to achieve
objectives and goals.
Giving exams to nurses as they come in to apply for positions will help break down
communication barriers. There are certain facilities who give an exam first before employing
nurses to be sure they have the knowledge and experience to be able to work for them. These
exams could be administered by the Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency to have immediate results to
give to these nursing facilities that are in search of qualified nurses. Nurses would sign a contract
with us and we would be paying the nurses out of the contract signed with the nursing facility.
The nurses are to report to both the Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency and to the facility they are
working at so that we can all work in conjunction.
The primary supervisor when at work will be the nursing facility but any details outside
of work as it relates to requesting days off, vacation, and their pay check would go through the
Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency. The nursing facility would then be notified through the Gomez
Nurse Staffing Agency but the nurses would still need to adhere by the rules and regulations
given by the facility. Nursing facilities would provide nursing training packages to the nurses so
that they are aware of the rules and regulations to abide by.
All facilities that deal with staffing a nurse will be contacted to see how their staffing
levels are and if our services could help them in any way possible. Depending on the facility the
nurses are working at, hourly wages are in a range that gives us an average of what to expect
from each nurse.
There is a total of over 180,000 registered nurses employed between the Long Angeles,
Glendale, Long Beach and Santa Ana, Anaheim and Irvine communities (Nurse Salary Guide,
2017). Table 2 gives a breakdown of the income that registered nurses earn on a state and
national level. Table 3 gives a breakdown of hourly, weekly, monthly and annual pay in the
target areas.
TABLE 2. Registered Nurse Salary Averages
Source: Nurse Salary Guide (2017).
TABLE 3. Registered Nurse Target Area Salaries
Source: Nurse Salary Guide (2017).
There is a total of over 6,000 nurse practitioners employed between the Long Angeles,
Glendale, Long Beach and Santa Ana, Anaheim and Irvine communities (Nurse Salary Guide,
2017). Table 4 gives a breakdown of the income that nurse practitioners earn on a state and
national level. Table 5 gives a breakdown of hourly, weekly, monthly and annual pay in the
target areas.
TABLE 4. Nurse Practitioner Salary Averages
Source: Nurse Salary Guide (2017).
TABLE 5. Nurse Practitioner Target Area Salaries
Source: Nurse Salary Guide (2017).
There is a total of over 51,000 licensed vocational nurses employed between the Long
Angeles, Glendale, Long Beach and Santa Ana, Anaheim and Irvine communities (Nurse Salary
Guide, 2017). Table 6 gives a breakdown of the income that licensed vocational nurses earn on a
state and national level. Table 7 gives a breakdown of hourly, weekly, monthly and annual pay in
the target areas.
TABLE 6. Licensed Vocational Nurse Salary Averages
Source: Nurse Salary Guide (2017).
TABLE 7. Licensed Vocational Nurse Target Area Salaries
Source: Nurse Salary Guide (2017).
SWOT Analysis
The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the Gomez Nurse Staffing
Agency will be summarized and then assessed in Table 8. The analysis will point out details that
will be vital to thrive in the market.
One of the strengths of the Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will be to utilize effective
communication tactics to build relationships with the community and nursing facilities. The
office location is vital as it relates to target area. Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will create
strong relationships with many community based organizations and nursing facilities.
A potential weakness of Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will be that relationships will be
needed to create a contract with nursing facilities, meaning trust and confidence needs to be
gained to sign the contract. Competitors may be already established at target area facilities that
would hinder the progress of contract negotiations. Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency may have to
start off with a loan for start-up costs.
One of the Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency’s many opportunities is addressing the
shortage of nurses that is projected to continue. California laws require facilities to follow a
certain nurse-to-patient ratio pending the severity level the unit is treating. There is plenty of
space for expansion throughout the state past Los Angeles and Orange counties. Baby Boomers
are in high demand for health care due to aging and health issues meaning nurses will be needed
for their care. Networking events and social events will be a great help in building relationships
with organizations.
One of the threats to Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency is its lack of branding in the
community. Lack of income could jeopardize the company’s progress to expand into different
regions. If relationships and communications are not going well, it will make it difficult to create
business ventures.
TABLE 8. SWOT Analysis
Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will create strong
relationships with many community based organizations
and nursing facilities.
Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will have exams required
by each facility based on knowledge and experience,
relating to the position they are applying for.
Location of office will help expand the brand name of
Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency to many nursing
facilities as its central location will be in Long Beach.
Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency is a brand new company
so its branding has not been well established in the
communities and with nursing facilities.
Relationships with nursing facilities will take time to
Competitors may already have an established
relationship with facilities, making it harder to get into
these locations.
Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency may have to start off
with a Loan for start-up cost.
There is a huge shortage for nurses and the need for
nurses will continue to increase over the next decade.
California laws state that a ratio of nurse to patient must
be maintained meaning the facility has to meet that
requirement and hire new nurses.
There is room for expansion into different regions in the
A large population of older individuals reside in the area
of Los Angeles County and Orange County.
Baby Boomers are in high demand for health care due to
aging and health issues meaning nurses will be needed
for their care.
Networking events and social events will be a great help
in building relationships with organizations.
Threats are immediate nursing staffing agencies.
Failure to establish relationships and communications
with nursing facilities.
Lack of income could put Gomez Nurse Staffing
Agency in jeopardy if payments are not being made to
loan or office lease.
Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency is subject to numerous of federal, state and local laws it
must abide by. The agency will run as a small business to start up and have an attorney to check
all contract language and make sure Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency is operating legitimately and
in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Patient Focus
There are a few major federal laws that are patient focused that are applicable to the
nurses being provided through Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency to nursing facilities. One law is
the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and its applicability to protected health
information in many states is to be carefully administered by the agency. Although the Gomez
Nurse Staffing Agency will not be dealing with patients directly, it is important for the nurses to
understand the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, as it will affect them when
they are working at the various nursing facilities. The main things that pertain to the nurses with
the nursing facility are the Privacy Rule and security of health information. The Privacy Rules
basically established a national standard to protect health information while the Security Rule,
known as Protected Health Information (PHI), established a national set of security standards for
any PHI that is being held by an organization or transferred electronically (U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, 2013).
Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, nurses will deal with
handling patient information that is very sensitive and highly private for patients. The nurses will
deal with blood pressure, pre-diagnosed diseases, chronic illnesses, medications and many other
medical factors that are protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
law. Nurses will be trained that they have to be aware of the privacy rule as it relates to the
nursing facility patients they will be providing care for.
The Security Rule will play a factor when it comes to the nurses sending information to
other health care providers who are in need of referral information or asking for health care
information for medical decision-making or payment purposes. Information must be given only
to those who are authorized by the patient and those directly involved in the health care plan of
the patient. When transferring information, the nurses have to be aware that they are sending the
information to the right location and not share it with those who are restricted from having
patient information.
This leads up to the next federal law nurses will have to abide by, which is the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act, nicknamed Obamacare. Enacted in 2010, it has rules that
Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency must abide by as well. Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will be
able to operate without providing health care to its nurses, but once the agency has 50 or more
employees, it will have to offer health care benefits to all nurses (Akken Cloud, 2017). The
commonality this federal law has with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is
that it requires many health care entities to share health information, to prevent duplicating
health services provided to patients. Health care organizations are becoming more integrated
with one another and have to share information to better help the patient’s care plan and
treatment. Medical decisions are done more effectively having all the information together in one
place and accessible to all providers.
Employees will be covered by the insurance of the Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency. It will
contain two sections:
1. Workers’ Compensation
2. Employers Liability
This means that a policy will be in place in case a nurse is injured or gets an illness that
isn’t covered by state statutory benefits (Insurance Information Institute, 2017). Workers receive
benefits regardless of who was at fault in the incident. Injured workers wages are covered for a
certain percentage and for certain amount of time.
Human Resources and Employee Laws
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is a federal agency that controls and
implements civil rights laws against workplace discrimination. That means that Gomez Nurse
Staffing Agency will not discriminate against any employee or job applicant based on race,
color, religion, nationality, sex, age and physical or mental disability (Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, 2017).
The Fair Labor Standards Act is another federal law that the Gomez Nurse Staffing
Agency will have to abide as well as state laws that overlap with this Act. The Fair Labor
Standards Act creates a basic wage standard that all states have to follow. It will be increasingly
important to know the different state laws in regards to established minimum wage, overtime
pay, recordkeeping, and child labor standards (Department of Labor, 2016). Local government
may also be a factor because local ordinances may require minimum wages that are higher than
either the state minimum wage or the federal minimum wage and it is very important to be aware
of these difference before they become an issue. For example, although minimum wage at the
federal is $7.25, California’s minimum wage is currently at $10.50 and is set to be at $15 by
2023 with a steady increase each year. California’s Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation
after lawmakers and labor leaders announced the agreement on wage increases (Siders, 2016).
California has also enforced a different law as it related to overtime pay. Overtime is paid when
the employee has worked over 8 hours in a day or has over 40 hours in their work week.
Employers pay the employee who is paid for one and a half times more than their usual pay for
the first 4 hours over 8. If the employee works over 12 hours in one day, then double overtime is
implemented as their pay rate.
The Family and Medical Leave Act is a federal law that mandates employers to provide
employees with job protection and unpaid leave for qualified medical and family reasons. Gomez
Nurse Staffing Agency will follow the Family and Medical Leave Act as it relates to family
leave under pregnancy, death in the family and other qualified reasons (Department of Labor,
2017). Additionally, California has a new Paid Sick Leave Act that the Gomez Nurse Staffing
Agency will follow.
Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will utilize the employer identification number as a tax
identifier number. It is a nine-digit code that the agency will use for taxes, banking, and many
other purposes.
If employee is directly hired by the nursing facility then the nurses will abide by the
employers rules and regulations. Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will receive a one-time fee for
providing the facility with a nurse or other compensation based on the contract language. It is
important to stick to the contract and not alter it, unless agreed upon by employer and the Gomez
Nurse Staffing Agency.
Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will conduct background checks on all employee being
hired as it is important to check that the nurses we are providing have no criminal background
and the proper licensing required to operate as a nurse. Nurses are required to have a certain
amount of hours accumulated to stay updated with their licensure practices. Any nurse found not
meeting their requirement will be advised of their lack of hours to complete before being put in
the workforce. Nurses’ licensure will be checked to be sure that they are not giving false
information and check with their respective boards to verify their information. Each nursing
certification and license has a different governing body that manages each nursing division.
Human Resources will be tasked to stay up to date with any changes that the board decides for
nurses to maintain their status as nurses. Each nurse who is registered with Gomez Nurse
Staffing Agency will be required to maintain logs of continuing education units that they
complete each calendar year, as required to maintain their nursing license; they will be required
to submit these logs to Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency for verification each year.
Health care facilities will also be checked that they have the correct certification to be
able to operate the facility properly. Skilled nursing facilities must have a nursing home
administrator to be able to operate and understand the different laws and regulations they have to
abide by as they are different than a hospital. All health care facilities are licensed, regulated,
inspected and or certified by a number of public and private agencies at the state and federal
levels. This also includes the California Department of Public Health and Licensing and
Certification Program and the United States Department Health and Human Services Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services. Each of these entities focus on different aspects of a nursing
facilities such as payments that meet federal requirement, certification of nurses, acceptance of
Medicaid and Medicare and many more functionalities (California Department of Public Health,
The Immigration Reform and Control Act was passed in 1986 and the objective of this
Act is to amend, revise and reform or reassess the status of illegal workers. A person cannot be
discriminated in hiring, firing, recruitment or referral based on the citizenship of an individual
(Mees, n.d). The Immigration Reform and Control Act mandates employers to verify
employment eligibility of all new hires. Federal law prevents employers from rejecting valid
documentation and cannot insist on additional documentation from what is requested from them.
If the documentation appears to be legitimate, then the employer has to accept it. One example of
proof to work in the United States can be a social security card.
The Fair Employment and Housing Act is a California law that enforces civil right laws.
This California law protects individuals from being discriminated by employers on the basis of
race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, creed, age (over 40), disability, mental and
physical, sex, gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or related medical
conditions), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, medical condition, genetic
information, marital status, military and veteran status (California Department of Fair
Employment and Housing, 2017).
Organizational Incorporation and Legal Framework
Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will be a for profit corporation. A corporation is a legal
entity that is separate and distinct from its owners. C Corporations are able to utilize most of the
rights and responsibilities than a person can have, meaning it can enter into contracts, loans, sue
and be sued, hire employees, own assets and pay taxes (National Nurses Business Association,
2017). The Internal Revenue Service requires the business expenses be separate from personal.
The company will purchase computers, software, printers, and other equipment and supplies the
company will need to utilize to conduct business and communicate with nursing facilities. By
being a corporation, Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will be able to get most tax deductions and
liability protection. The owner of the agency will not be liable for debts incurred by the
corporation, meaning their personal assets are not in danger.
The management structure of Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will have a chief executive
officer, which will oversee the whole company. The chief financial officer and chief operation
officer will report to the chief executive officer. The chief operation officer will be in charge of
contract negotiations with nursing facilities and making sure we have a presence at events, such
as networking, social and health fairs, etc. The chief financial officer will focus on the
accounting aspects of the agency as it pertains to billing the nursing facilities. Human resources
will utilize a software to maintain the database of nurses we have available to work for nursing
facilities. They will be in charge of making sure the nurses’ timecards are being submitted and
paid on time. Marketing will focus on advertising the business and all social media avenues of
the agency. The organization’s structure will be as follows:
Chief Executive
Chief Financial
Chief Operation
Health Fairs
Time Cards
Social Media
FIGURE 4. Organizational chart.
Miscellaneous Laws and Regulations
The Business License Division in Long Beach is responsible for licensing and permits for
all businesses in the City of Long Beach. Section 3.80.210 of the Long Beach Municipal Code
requires all businesses operating in Long Beach to pay a business license tax.
The following chapter will provide financial details assumptions for the Gomez Nurse
Staffing Agency. Topics being covered will range from monthly and annual expenses and
assumptions of expenses and revenue.
Assumptions for Expenses
Expenses will be very minimal as far as equipment is concerned. There are a few pieces
of office equipment that will be needed such as computers, desk, pens, chairs, furniture, and
Internet. Technological software will be needed for accounting, marketing and human resources
Emergency kit and storage room will be needed for unpredictable/disastrous events that
could happen. The office should have a restroom for employees and the office space will be
rented/leased. The location to be rented/leased will not need any upgrades or renovations and
staff will keep office clean so we will not have any janitorial expenses.
There will be expenses for marketing purposes for social and networking events when the
employees goes out to the community. They will support other events and health fairs that will
promote and advertise for Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency. Material and equipment such as
portable chairs, tables, tent/canopy, banner, table cloth and giveaways for participants and
Expenses will also include employees’ compensation packages. Gomez Nurse Staffing
Agency will pay for insurance and for the proper licensure to do business in the city of Long
Beach. The following sections will break down expenses by start-up, annual and monthly
followed by how Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency plans on generating revenue.
Start-Up Cost
The City of Long Beach requires a license to conduct business in the city, so the Gomez
Nurse Staffing Agency will complete the process to be able to operate out of Long Beach. The
rental location will require a three month deposit for the first year. The total amount for the
deposit will be 8,000 dollars. Office Equipment will then be gathered and the equipment needed
will be computers, furniture, desk, chairs, telephones, printers and finally some interior office
setup. Computers desk and chairs will be utilized by staff and nurses for work purposes.
Telephones will be needed for nurses and nursing facilities to contact our office. Furniture will
be in the office in the lobby so the nurses and nursing facilities staff can have a place to wait
comfortably. There will be ten desk for the Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency, such as the chief
executive officer, chief financial officer, chief operation officer, accounting, human resources
and marketing. Pens will be bought for promotion, advertising and gift purposes inside and out
of the office. Chairs will be bought for staff and possible employees and partnership facility
representatives. There will be printers that will be in the office so that anyone can get copies of
documentation that we can share with them with regards to their employment status and contract
negotiations. A software called Paychex will be bought for human resources to utilize to
efficiently manage nurses. Interior office setup will be to fix any maintenance problems the
location may have and as well set up offices for each department. Privacy is needed for dealing
with employment and contracts so rooms need to be secure and not out in the open for others to
hear conversations related to contract negotiations. Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will also need
to buy material to be able to have a presence and be represented at events focused on marketing
services. Banners, tent/canopy, chairs, tables, literature stands, flyers, stands, and other
promotional material will be necessary to provide to the participants at the event that the Gomez
Nurse Staffing Agency will attend. When it comes to the quantity of equipment that will be
needed, there will be 10 computers, 2 couches, 10 desks, 5,000 pens, 30 chairs, 10 telephones, 2
banners, 2 canopies, 4 portable chairs, 2 portable tables and 2 tablecloths with the Gomez Nurse
Staffing Agency brand customized on all possible material. Miscellaneous will include
equipment and material that are required small in cost and unexpected material that may have not
been mentioned.
TABLE 9. Start-Up Cost
City of Long Beach Licensure
Contingency Fund
Computer x 10
Furniture x2
Desk x 10
Pens x 5000
Chairs x 30
Telephone x 10
Printer x 4
Interior Office Setup
Banner x2
Tent/Canopy x2
Portable Chair/Table/Table Cloth
x 4/2/2
Annual Expenses
The Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will have annual expenses including the salaries of
employees, rent, utilities, website maintenance, insurance, marketing, office supplies, event
material, and miscellaneous. Payroll will consist of the amount to be paid to the nurses which
will be dictated in the contract language. Each nurse will have a deduction of 30% from what the
hospital will pay, meaning that the Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will be taking 30% of the
nurse’s hourly wage. The annual rate for rent at the Long Beach office will be set at $32,000 in
total. Utilities which will include trash, electricity, water, phone and Internet will be at $2,400.
Website maintenance is separate from the marketing because it is to renew the websites annual
fee. That will not be deducted from the marketing positions; rather it will go on their budget.
Marketing will require two people to manage to separate the advertising and promotion of the
company, but will start off with one for the first two years. Marketing will be collaborating
together with the chief operation officer in the event planning and coordination. Office supplies
will be a continuous order of paper, ink, pens, staples, computer accessories and other material
that will be necessary to run the office. Accounting services will require one accountant and they
will deal with all the finances with the chief financial officer overviewing their work.
Accounting will deal with all the billing and collecting from the nursing facilities. The chief
financial officer will oversee that the whole company is going in the right direction with reports
from the chief operation officer. The chief financial officer will report to the chief executive
officer on all the finances being collected and look for other possible ways to utilize finances and
assist with negotiations with nursing facilities with the chief operation officer. The chief
financial officer will not be hired until the second year to help with the expansion of the
organization. The chief executive officer will have final say in contract negotiation with the
lawyer approving them and making sure that the contract language is proper and ethical. Events
material will be an annual cost when it comes to the participants and volunteers for prizes and
giveaways. Materials can range from bags, water cups, lip balms, pens, echo dot, gift cards and
other miscellaneous expenses. The chief operation officer will also look into the planning and
coordination of events to attend to help promote and advertise agency in multiple cities.
Conferences and volunteer opportunities will be at the top of the list to create partnerships with
nursing facilities. The chief operation officer will use directories from associations to contact
facilities on their staffing to be able to create work relationships with them for possible future
staffing necessities. This is a great way to be able to network with these facilities and at the same
time be able to have a bigger impact in the community. Human resources will have a vital
position in implementing the software that the facility will be using as it relates to all
departments. They will see which options are feasible and it will be a two-person job by year 3.
Human resources will focus on the recruitment and retention of nurses, making sure that time
cards are being submitted on time, searching for nurses, attend social and networking events,
talent acquisition, creating workers compensations packages and keep track of who is referring
nurses. Human resources will also be attending many nurse school fairs to promote and attract
nurses to work through us to facilitate them into a desired work place that would be rather harder
trying to apply there directly.
TABLE 10. Annual Expenses
Utilities, electricity, etc.
Website maintenance
Liability insurance
Office supplies
Accountant Services
Chief Operation Officer
Chief Executive Officer
Event Material
Human Resources
Total Expenses
Year 1
Monthly Expenses
The monthly rent for the office space in Long Beach will be $2,666.67 a month. Other
monthly expenses that the Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will incur will be from office supplies
such as paper, printer ink, business cards and brochures. Electricity, phone/Internet and water all
fall under utilities necessary to operate efficiently.
TABLE 11. Monthly Expenses
Maintenance and Repairs
Marketing Budget
Additional Monthly Expenses
Assumptions for Revenue
By looking at the averages given in the Chapter 3, it is determined that the average
amount contributed by the nurses practitioner’s will be $13.16 an hour, registered nurse’s $12.55
an hour and licensed vocational nurse’s will be $7.13 an hour. These amounts will be revenue for
the Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency and the agency will be able to generate additional profit on
top of the contract language.
The objective of Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency for the first 6 months is to attract nurses,
have at least five contracts with different nursing facilities, and slowly begin to hire the
necessary staff. Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency will look to have 10 Nurse Practitioners, 10
Registered Nurses and 10 Licensed Vocational Nurses. These numbers below is what the
projected numbers would be if they worked full time for a whole year for the facility.
Given the startup process would not require much staff in the beginning, they would start
with only those positions that are necessary to operate. This means that expenses would be much
lower to still generate a profit. The agency is feasible given that the break-even point is at
$41,262.31 a month. The expected gross income for year one is $377,536.00 and the expenses is
expected to be at $376,000.00. Services will continue to expand in the next 2 years generating
more profits for the Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency.
TABLE 12. Assumption of Revenue
Gross Income
Nurse Practitioners
Registered Nurses
Licensed Vocational Nurses
Total Gross Income
Year 1
Balance Sheet
As At
Accounts Receivable
Deposits and Prepaid Expenses
Line of Credit
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities
Long-term debt - current portion
Income Tax Payable
Statement of Income and Retained Earnings
For The Year Ended
Opening Inventory
Closing Inventory
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment
Gain on sale of investment
(DEFICIT) - Beginning of Year
Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency
Statement of Cash Flow
For the Year Ended
Net income for the year
Adjustment for:
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment
Gain on disposal of investment
Cash derived from operations
Decrease (increase) in working capital items
Accounts receivable
Deposits and prepaid expenses
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Long-term debt - current portion
Income tax payable
Cash flows from operating activities
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment
Proceeds from disposal of investment
Cash flows from investing activities
Advances from (repayments to) shareholder
Acquisition of (repayment of) long-term debt
Gomez Nurse Staffing Agency
Business Name
Current Fiscal Year
Contributed Capital
Startup Costs
Tennant Improvements
Office Equipment
Permits (Licensure)
Grand Opening Promotion
Cash On Hand Contingency Funds
Social/Networking Events
Yearly Expenses
Year 1
Total Employee Compensation
Year 2
Year 3
Monthly Expenses
Maintenance and Repairs
Marketing Budget
Additional Monthly Expenses
Financing Needed
Capital to be raised
Term Loan Interest Rate
Length of Term Loan
6.50% per year
3 in years
Average COGS
Initial Monthly Sales Estimate
Monthly Sales Growth
Effective Annual Tax Rate
Summary Financial Data
Start Up Costs
Average Monthly Gross Revenue
Maximum Monthly Debt Payment
Monthly Break Even Sales
Average Monthly Pre-Tax Income
Venture Capitalist Valuation
Discount Cash Flow Valuation
Monthly Costs
Monthly Rent
Monthly Utility Costs
Monthly Maintenance and
Repair Costs
Monthly Insurance Costs
Average Monthly Wages and
Monthly Marketing Budget
Additional Monthly Expenses
Monthly Debt Servicing Cost
Breakdown of Monthly Cost
Net Income
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
36 Month Financial Projections
2018 Financial Projections
2019 Financial Projections
2020 Financial Projections
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