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Neuro Diseases Study Guide: MS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's

Neuro Diseases
Intro & Quick Overview
brain & spinal cord
M.S. - Multiple Sclerosis
Huntington disease
peripheral nervous system
M.G. - Myasthenia Gravis
G.B. - Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Highlighted are the Most Tested
• NO drugs or interventions will CURE these conditions
• We can only treat to prevent progression
M.S. - Multiple Sclerosis
(autoimmune disease - body attacks itself)
Memory Trick:
• MS - Myelin Sheath destruction
• MS - Muscle Spasm & Stiffness
• MS - Mellow out & Stay cool (no sun)
• Balance exercise & rest
• AVOID 4 Ss = Trigger Flare Ups
• S - Stress (exercise, surgery, injury) Don’t over exercise
• S - Sickness or Sepsis - Stay healthy & free from
• S - Smoking - use smoking cessation
• S - Sun & Extreme heat (hot tub, bath, sauna)
• IVIG - acts as bait - the body attacks this substance
instead of the nerves.
• Cyclosporine - immunosuppressive
think “CycloSPARIN”- spares the body from attacking
M.G. - Myasthenia Gravis
(autoimmune disease - body attacks itself)
Memory Trick:
• MG - MYasthenia Gravis
• MG - DRY-asthenia Gravity
Dry body & Weak muscles - like Loads of Gravity
weighing down the body.
AVOID the 4 S’s = Trigger Flare Ups (see above)
Myasthenic crisis: respiratory arrest!
Airway protection (safety with swallowing)
• Intubation set up - BEDSIDE
• BEFORE meals:
Give pyridostigmine (anticholinesterase drug) NCLEX TIP
• Encourage semi-solid foods
Promote Independence
All Neuro Disease Patients
Never do All ADLs
Gait training
1st - Teach Gait training
Then offer Cane, then Walker,
last wheelchair
Parkinson’s Disease
Patho: Low dopamine - HIGH acetylcholine
3 Key Signs for NCLEX
1. Shuffling gait & Decreased arm swinging NCLEX TIP
2. Pill rolling - looks like rolling a pill between fingers
3. Tremors at rest - lots of jittery movements
Memory Trick: You can’t jump ROPE if you got low DOP improved movement with more dopamine.
• LevoDOPA & CarbiDOPA
Leaves more DOPAmine in the body & Carbidopa helps
conserve MORE dopamine
• AVOID protein - can block absorption
Memory Trick: LEAVE the protein with LEVOdopa
Huntington Disease
Key Point
• Passed on by Genetics
• Only requires 1 parent!
• Recommend Genetic counseling
Memory Trick HuntingTON - One parent needed to pass
on the disease
A.L.S. (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
• Dysphagia - Difficulty swallowing
• Dysphasia - Difficulty speaking
• Priority finding - Increased respiratory secretions
Neostigmine: given to treat the dry.
Think Stigmine adds Secretions.
Patho: Brain damage resulting in Dementia “daMage to
the brain”
Signs & symptoms: VERY forgetful & loss of reality
Key Point
• Safety: NO rugs, LOCK everything
• Location: Lock doors leading outside!
• Communication: Distract & REDIRECT from reality
REdirect any Dementia clients who get easily frustrated
G.B. - Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Patho: clients get RAPID ascending paralysis from the legs up
eventually reaching the respiratory system which ultimately
kills the patient!
Memory Trick: Ground up barees - paralysis from the legs up
Respiratory failure (early signs)
• Inability to cough NCLEX TIP
• Inability to lift the head or eyebrows NCLEX TIP