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HVAC System Design Assignment: Ductwork, Automation, Controls

Assignment t3 tInstructions
t3.1 t(15 tmarks)
You have been asked to do preliminary coordination of the ceiling space in a new building. The building
is a long narrow office building and has a run of 10 meeting rooms in a row. Each meeting room requires
472l/s (1000cfm) of supply air. A single supply air duct running along the corridor outside the meeting
rooms serves all 10 rooms, the branch ducts for each room splitting off from the main duct in sequence
as we move down the corridor
1. Draw ta tsimple tsingle-line tschematic tlayout tof tthe tduct tsystem tdescribed.
2. For teach tduct tsection, tindicate tthe tair tflow tand trectangular tand tround tduct tsize.
3. For tthe tend tof tthe tcorridor twhere tthe tduct tis tlargest, tdraw ta tdimensioned
tpreliminary tceiling tspace tsection tshowing tthe tcoordination tof tthe tsupply tair tduct
a) the tflat tslab tconcrete tstructure
b) the tT-bar tceiling
c) 125mm tdeep tceiling tmounted trecessed tlight tfixtures
d) a t150mm t× t300mm texhaust tduct trunning tat tright tangles tto tthe tsupply tduct
e) a t75mm t× t300mm tcable ttray trunning tparallel tto tthe tsupply tduct
a tbank tof tsix t50mm t(75mm twith tinsulation) tpipes trunning tparallel twith tthe
tsupply tduct. tProvide ta tdescription tof tthe tlogic tyou tused tin tarriving tat tyour tcoordination
Question t3.2 t(20 tmarks)
In tthis texercise, tyou twill tinvestigate tbuilding tautomation tsystems, tin tparticular tthe taspect tof
tflow tcontrol tto tdeliver toptimum tair tto tan tend tclient. tTo tundertake tthis tquestion, tuse
tinformation tin tattached tappendices.
The tfigure tabove tis tan toverview tof tan tair thandling tunit twhich tone tmight tfind tin ta tbuilding.
tA tnumber tof tcomponents tare trequired tfor tthis tsystem tto tfunction tproperly. tAir tis tbrought
tin tfrom tthe toutside tand, tin tthis texample, tmixed twith tair tbeing treturned tthrough tthe treturn
tduct twork. tThis tair tflows tto ta tsupply tfan, tand tsensors tprovide tinputs twhich tdetermine
twhether tadditional tcooling, theating tor thumidity tis trequired tbefore tbeing tsent tto tthe tarea(s)
a. Review tthe tabove tschematic tof tan tAir tHandler.
Air thandler tassists tin tregulating tthe tcirculation tof tindoor tair tand tthe ttemperature tof tthe tair tin
thome tthat thave tset ton tthermostat tor tcontrol tsystem. tAir thandler tconsists tof tan tevaporator
tcoil, tblower tmotor, tair tfilter tand tthe telectrical tand telectronic tcomponents trequired tto tdeliver
tenhanced tlevels tof tindoor tcomfort.
Coil: tThe tindoor tcoil tor tevaporator tcoil tis ta tcrucial tcomponent tof tthe trefrigeration tcycle.
When thome trequires tcool tindoor tair, tthe tcoil tis tcold tand tremoves thumidity tas tthe tindoor tair
tpasses tover tit. tThis tmakes tthe tconditioned tair tfeel tcooler tthroughout tyour thome.
Blower tMotor: tThe tblower tmoves tthe tair tto tthe tconnected tductwork tto tcirculate tit tinto
tyour tindoor tspaces. tThe tblower tmotor tmay tbe ta tsingle tspeed, tmulti-speed tor tvariable
tspeed tmodel.
Single-speed: tOperates tat tone, tfixed tspeed. tThese tmotors tare tcycled ton tand toff, tas
trequired tby ta tthermostat tor tcontrol tsystem.
Multi-speed: tHas tthe tability tto toperate tat tmultiple tspeeds, tdepending ton tthe tdemand.
tThe tmulti-speed tblower tmotor tmay toperate tat t100% tto tmeet ta thigh-demand tthermostat
tor tcontrol tsystem tsetting. tA tlow-stage tdemand twill treduce tthe tspeed tof tthe tblower
tmotor. tThis tlow tspeed tmay tmaintain treduced thumidity tlevels, tprovide tsustained tcomfort
tand tbe tmore tenergy-efficient tthan twhen tused tin ta tsingle-stage tsystem.
Variable-speed: tVaries tthe tfan tspeeds tto tprecisely tcontrol tthe tflow tof theated tor tcooled
tair tthroughout tyour thome tbased ton tyour tindoor tcomfort trequirements. tA tvariable tspeed
tmotor tcan thelp tcontrol tindoor thumidity tlevels tand tachieve ta tconsistent ttemperature tin
tyour thome. tAccording tto tthe tOffice tof tEnergy tEfficiency t& tRenewable tEnergy, t“variablespeed tmotor trunning tcontinuously tat ta thalf tspeed tuses tup tto t25% tof tthe tpower tto
tmove tthe tsame tamount tof tair.”
Filter: tBefore tyour tair tconditioned tor theated tair tenters tyour tductwork, tit tpasses tthrough
tan tair tfilter. tThe tfilter tis tintended tto tminimize tthe tnumber tof tparticulates tcirculated
tthroughout tyour thome, taccumulate tin tthe tduct twork, tand tland ton tthe tindoor
tcomponents tof tyour theat tpump tsystem.
In tcoordination twith tyour tHVAC tsystem’s tductwork, tthe tair thandler tsimultaneously tcreates ta
trecurring tcycle, tdelivering tair tout tto tyour tindoor tspaces tthrough tsupply tvents tand tdrawing tair
tin tthrough tthe treturn tvents. tEven tif tyour tis tproperly tsized twith tyour toutdoor theat tpump, ta
tlicensed tprofessional tHVAC tdealer tshould tensure tthat tthe tair tsupply tand tmovement tthrough
tthe tair thandler tare tbalanced. t
An tinadequate tamount tof tair tflow tin tthe tsupply tvents, treturn tvents tor tductwork tmay treduce
tthe tHVAC tsystem’s tbalance twhich tcan tpotentially tcheat tyou tout tof tyour tequipment’s tefficiency
tand tsacrifice tyour tindoor tcomfort. tThis tis tone tof tthe tmany treasons twhy tproper tinstallation tby
ta tlicensed tprofessional tHVAC tdealer tmatters tto tyour tHVAC tequipment’s tlongevity, tenergy tcosts,
tand tindoor tcomfort.
b. For tthe tabove tschematic, tselect tthe tappropriate tsymbols tfrom tAppendix tA:
tMechanicaltSymbols tto tlabel tthe tdrawing.
c. Determine twhat ttype tof tsensor teach tpoint tshould tbe.
Pressure tSensors
Pressure tsensors tmonitor tpressure tlevels twithin tspecific tzones, tand tmeasure tthe tpressure tdrop
tacross tfilters tand tother tdevices, teffectively talerting tthe tsystem twhen tmaintenance tand tfilter
treplacement tis trequired. tAccurate tpressure tmeasurement tis tvital tfor toptimal tHVAC tsystem
tperformance. tPressure tsensors tcan tmeasure textremely thigh tand tlow tpressures tin tair tand twater
tapplications toffering tprecise tmeasurement tof tpressure, tdifferential tpressure, tand tvelocity tfor
treliable tmonitoring. tApplications tinclude tVAV t(variable tair tvolume) tcontrol, tstatic tduct tpressure,
tclogged tHVAC tfilter tdetection, tHVAC ttransmitters, tand tindoor tair tquality tmonitoring tsystems.
tPressure tsensors tfrom tBelimo toffer teight tfield tselectable tpressure tranges tin tone tunit. tExcellent
tzero-point tstability tand thigh taccuracy twith tan tauto-zero tfunction tthat tmanually tcalibration titself
tevery tten tminutes.
d. Appendix tC tincludes ta tPoint tNaming tConvention t(or tlabel) tincluding tthe texpanded
tpoint tname.tWrite tdown twhich tNames tyou twould tuse.
(1) FC tcan tbe tan tindication tof t'Filter tClean'.
(2) RTU tstands tfor troof-top tunit. tAll tthe tcomponents, tincluding tthe tcoils,
tcompressor, tand tfan, tare tpackaged tinto ta tsingle tunit ton tthe troof.
(3) The texhaust tair t(EA), toutside tair t(OA), tand treturn tair t(RA) tducts tall toperate
ttogether. tAn tautomatic tcontrol tsystem toperates tthe tdamper tmotors tto
tmaintain tthe tproper tmix tof tair. tThe tOA tand tthe tEA tdampers topen ttogether
tand tclose ttogether tto tbalance tthe tair tentering tand tleaving tthe tbuilding.
e. Propose ta tsequence tof toperation tfor tthe tsystem tin tthe tabove tdiagram tusing teach
tPoint’s tID tto texplain thow tthe tdesired tsupply ttemperature tmight tbe tachieved. tThe
tsensor twiring twould, tthrough tproper tdesign, tbe tcompletely twired tto tone tfield
tmicrocontroller tpanel. tThe tinstaller twill
implement tyour tsequence tof toperation tin tthe tcontroller’s tcode tto tcarry tout tthe
tHVAC tsystems taccount tfor tan testimated t39% tof tthe tenergy tcurrently tused tin
tcommercial tbuildings tin tthe tUnited tStates. tTherefore, tmost tbusiness tor tgovernment
tagency thave tthe tpotential tto trealize tsignificant tsavings tby timproving ttheir tcontrol tof
tHVAC toperations tand timproving tthe tefficiency tof tthe tsystem tthey tuse. tThere tare
tbasically ttwo tapproaches tto tconditioning ta troom tor tbuilding. tThe tfirst tmethod tis tusing
ta tradiant tsystem, tthe tsecond tis tusing ta tforced tair tsystem. tRadiant tSystems tusually
tinvolve trunning thot tor tCHW tthrough tpipes tthat tloop taround tthe tstructure tand tradiate
tinto tthe tconditioned tspace tvia ta tfloor tsurface tor tradiator tpipe. tForced tair tsystems tuse
ta tfan tto tpush tair tthrough ta tduct tsystem twhere tit tis tconditioned tby ta tcoil ton ta
tfurnace tor tair thandler tbefore tbeing treturned tto tthe tspace. tAnd twhile tthere tare ta
twide tvariety tof tHVAC tsystems tin tuse tin ttoday’s treal testate, tno tsystem tis tright tfor
tevery tapplication. tIn torder tto tservice tthe tspecific tneeds, tthere tare ta tnumber tof
tdifferent ttypes tof tHVAC tsystems tavailable t(e.g., tsingle tzone/multiple tzone, tconstant
tvolume/variable tair tvolume). tThe tmost tcommon tclassification tof tHVAC tsystems tis tby
tthe tcarrying tmediums tused tto theat tor tcool ta tbuilding. tThe ttwo tmain ttransfer
tmediums tfor tthis tpurpose tare tair tand twater, twhich ttake tthem tto temitters. tOn tsmaller
tprojects, telectricity tis toften tused tfor theating talthough tsome tsystems tnow tuse ta
tcombination tof ttransfer tmedia. tHVAC tsystems trange tin tcomplexity tfrom tstand-alone
tunits tthat tserve tindividual trooms tor tzones tto tlarge tcentrally tcontrolled tsystems tserving
tmultiple tzones tin ta tbuilding tor tcomplex.
Question t3.3 t(20 tmarks)
The tfollowing texercise twill texplore taspects tof tpersonal tenvironmental tcontrols. tTo tundertake
tthistquestion, tuse tinformation tin tthe tattached tappendices.
The tfigure tabove tshows ta tview tof ta trelatively tenergy-efficient tworkstation tconfiguration. tIn tthis texample, teach
tclient thas tcontrol tof ttheir tspace tincluding tsetting tof ttheir tdesired ttemperature tand tlighting tlevels.
Known tas tPersonal tEnvironmental tControls, tthis tsystem tintegrates ta tnumber tof tcontrol tfunctions, tincluding
tthe tability tto tregulate tsupply tair tflow tand tlight toutput tlevel tfrom tthe tPersonal tLuminaire.
Proper tcalculation tmust tbe tdone tto tdetermine tthe tflow trate trequired tfor teach tstation, tas tthere tare
tminimum trequirements tfor thuman toccupation. tRequired tflow trate tas tper tASHRAE tis tfrom ta tminimum tof t16
tlitres tper tsecond tto ta tmaximum tof t60 tlitres tper tsecond, tin torder tto tmeet tcooling trequirements tfor ta
ttypical t2.43 tmetre tby t3.04 tmetre tcubicle.
To tcalculate tair tflow trate tthrough tthe tduct twork ta tnumber tof tfactors tare trequired:
1. Pipe tdiameter= t4×flow trate tπ×velocity
2. Velocity= t4×flow trate tπ× t(pipe tdiameter) t2
3. Flow trate= t1 t4 t×π× t(pipe tdiameter) t2 t×velocity
4. Flow trate=Cross tsectional tarea tof tduct×velocity tof tair tin tduct
a. Using tthe tformulas tlisted tabove, tcalculate tthe tvelocity tof tair tin ta tpipe, t10.16cm tin tdiameter tthat tis
tdelivering tthe tminimum tflow trate tpermitted tby tASHRAE.
b. Using tthe tformulas tlisted tabove, tcalculate tthe tvelocity tof tair tin ta tpipe, t10.16cm tin tdiameter tthat tis
tdelivering tthe tmaximum tflow trate tpermitted tby tASHRAE.
c. Redo tthe tvelocity tcalculations tof tparts ta tand tb tfor ta tpipe tthat tis t15.24cm tin tdiameter.
d. Personal tEnvironmental tSystems tutilize tmotion tsensors tand ta tthermostat tto tdetermine twhen tair tis
trequired tin tthe tspace. tThe tsystem tshuts toff tflow tafter t10 tminutes tof tno tactivity/occupancy. tGiven
ta tstandard twork tday tof teight thours twith tan thour tlunch tbreak tand ttwo tfifteen tminutes tbreaks,
thow tmany tminutes twould tthere tbe tpossible tflow tthrough tthe tsystem?
e. In tquestion td tabove, tyou twere tasked tto tcalculate thow tlong tthe tair tflow tin tthe tsystem twould tbe
tactive tin ta tday. tNow tfactor tin tthe tfollowing tto taddress ttemperature treadings tand tflow
trequirements. tThe toccupant tdesires tthe ttemperature tin tthe tspace tto tbe ta tconstant t22°C. tWhen
tthe tair tflow tis tat t30 tlitres tper tsecond, tthis tis tmaintained. tThe toutside tair ttemperature ttoday tis
t10°C tand tthe tair ttemperature tthrough tthe tsystem tis t24°C. tHow toften twill tthe tsystem tneed tto
tchange tthe tair tin tthe t2.43 tmetre twide tby t3.04 tmetre tlong tand t2.43 tmetre thigh tcubicle tto tmeet
tthe tdesired ttemperature?
Air tflow tin tcubic tfeet tper tminute t(CFM) tis ta tuseful tquantity tto tdetermine twhen texamining tair tquality tissues.
tCalculate tair tflow tin ta tduct tby tmeasuring tthe tair tflow tvelocity tin tfeet tper tminute t(FPM) tand tmultiplying tby
tthe tduct tcross tsectional tarea tin tsquare tfeet t(ft2).
Determine tthe tFlow tVelocity
First, tmeasure tthe tvelocity tpressure tin tthe tduct. tUse ta tdifferential tpressure tsensor tin tcombination twith ta
tpitot ttube tassembly.
tTotal tPressure
t(inner ttube)
tStatic tPressure t(outer ttube)
Air tDensities tat tDifferent tElevations:
Density t(lb/ft3)
Determine tCross tSectional tArea
For tround tducts, tcalculate tarea tusing tthe tformula
Area t= tπ t* tr2, twhere tr tis tthe tduct tradius t(in tfeet) tand tπ t= t3.14.
The tsensor’s toutput twill tbe tthe tvelocity tpressure t(the tdifference tbetween ttotal tpressure tand tstatic tpressure tin tthe tduct).
To tcalculate tflow tvelocity, tuse tthe tfollowing tequation:
V t= tC t* t(2 t* tpw t* tgc)tρ
V t= tFlow tvelocity t(FPM)
pw t = tvelocity tpressure t(in. tH20)
ρ t= tdensity
m tof tair t(lb t /ft ) t(see ttable tfor testimates)tg t = tgravitational tconstant t= t32.174 tlb t*ft/lb ts
c tm tf
C t= tunit tconversion tfactor t(to tfeet tand tfrom tin. tH20) t= t136.8
tduct theight
tducttwidth t
For trectangular tducts, tcalculate tarea tusing tthe tformulatArea t(ft2) t= tduct theight t(ft) t* tduct twidth t(ft)
Determine tAir tFlow
Once tthe tflow tvelocity tand tcross tsectional tarea tare tknown, tair tflow tis teasily tcalculated tby tmultiplying tthese tvalues.
Air tflow t(CFM) t= tflow tvelocity t* tcross tsectional tarea
First, tcalculate tthe tflow tvelocity:
V t= tC t* t(2 t* tpw t* tgc) tρ
(2 t* t0.7 tin. tH2O t* t32.174 tlbmft/lbfs2)
0.0719 tlbmft3
V t= t3424 tFPM
Second, tcalculate tthe tcross tsectional tarea tof tthe tduct: tA t= tπ t* tr2
A t= tπ t* t(1.5 tft)2 tA t= t7 tft2
Third, tmultiply tthe ttwo tvalues:
Air tflow t(CFM) t= tflow tvelocity t* tcross tsectional tarea tAir tflow t= t3424 tFPM t* t7 tft2
Air tflow t= t23,968 tCFM
Question t4 t(20 tmarks)
This tquestion tinvestigates tan tintegrated tbuilding tcontrol tsystem tproject. tYou thave tbeen tasked
tto treview tan texisting t30 t× t50 tmetre t4 tstorey tbuilding twhich tyour tclient, tAthabasca
tUniversity, twould tlike tto tre- tpurpose tto thouse tfaculty tmembers’ toffices. tThe tconcrete tblock
tbuilding twas toriginally tbuilt tin t1987, thas thigh t12-foot tceilings tand trows tof t2 t× t2 tmetre
twindows, t2 tmetres tapart ton tthe tsouth tand tnorth tside, twith texit tstairs ton teach tend. tThe
tmain tentrance tto tthe tbuilding tis tat tground tlevel tin tthe tcentre tof tthe tbuilding twith ta t10 t×
t10 tmetre tatrium, tand tabuts ta t50 t× t60 tmetre ttreed tconcourse ton tthe tsouth tside tthat tis
tused tby tthe tstudent tpopulation ton tnice tdays. tThe tclient thas talso trequested tthat tthe
texterior tof tthe tbuilding tnot tbe tchanged tdramatically, tbut treports tthat ta tnumber tof
tcomplaints tin tthe tpast thave tidentified tair tquality tas ta tmajor tconcern. tDue tto tthe tconcourse,
ta tstreet ton tthe twest tside, tand tconcrete twalkways, tthere tis tno tway tto tadd tventilation tat
tground tlevel. tThe tuniversity twould tlike tto timplement tLEED® ton tthis tproject tin torder tto
tpromote tthe teffort tof tthe tcampus tin tthe tarea tof tconservation.
a. Describe tthe tprocess tto tverify tthe tpotential tfor tthis twork tto tbe tconsidered.
In tthe tplanning tof tfacilities, tit tis timportant tto trecognize tthe tclose trelationship tbetween tdesign
tand tconstruction. tThese tprocesses tcan tbest tbe tviewed tas tan tintegrated tsystem. tBroadly
tspeaking, tdesign tis ta tprocess tof tcreating tthe tdescription tof ta tnew tfacility, tusually trepresented
tby tdetailed tplans tand tspecifications; tconstruction tplanning tis ta tprocess tof tidentifying tactivities
tand tresources trequired tto tmake tthe tdesign ta tphysical treality. tHence, tconstruction tis tthe
timplementation tof ta tdesign tenvisioned tby tarchitects tand tengineers. tIn tboth tdesign tand
tconstruction, tnumerous toperational ttasks tmust tbe tperformed twith ta tvariety tof tprecedence tand
tother trelationships tamong tthe tdifferent ttasks.
Several tcharacteristics tare tunique tto tthe tplanning tof tconstructed tfacilities tand tshould tbe
tkept tin tmind teven tat tthe tvery tearly tstage tof tthe tproject tlife tcycle. tThese tinclude tthe
Nearly tevery tfacility tis tcustom tdesigned tand tconstructed, tand toften trequires ta tlong ttime
tto tcomplete.
Both tthe tdesign tand tconstruction tof ta tfacility tmust tsatisfy tthe tconditions tpeculiar tto ta
tspecific tsite.
Because teach tproject tis tsite tspecific, tits texecution tis tinfluenced tby tnatural, tsocial tand
tother tlocational tconditions tsuch tas tweather, tlabor tsupply, tlocal tbuilding tcodes, tetc.
Since tthe tservice tlife tof ta tfacility tis tlong, tthe tanticipation tof tfuture trequirements tis
tinherently tdifficult.
Because tof ttechnological tcomplexity tand tmarket tdemands, tchanges tof tdesign tplans tduring
tconstruction tare tnot tuncommon.
In tan tintegrated tsystem, tthe tplanning tfor tboth tdesign tand tconstruction tcan tproceed talmost
tsimultaneously, texamining tvarious talternatives twhich tare tdesirable tfrom tboth tviewpoints tand
tthus teliminating tthe tnecessity tof textensive trevisions tunder tthe tguise tof tvalue tengineering.
tFurthermore, tthe treview tof tdesigns twith tregard tto ttheir tconstructibility tcan tbe tcarried tout tas
tthe tproject tprogresses tfrom tplanning tto tdesign. tFor texample, tif tthe tsequence tof tassembly tof ta
tstructure tand tthe tcritical tloadings ton tthe tpartially tassembled tstructure tduring tconstruction tare
tcarefully tconsidered tas ta tpart tof tthe toverall tstructural tdesign, tthe timpacts tof tthe tdesign ton
tconstruction tfalsework tand ton tassembly tdetails tcan tbe tanticipated. tHowever, tif tthe tdesign
tprofessionals tare texpected tto tassume tsuch tresponsibilities, tthey tmust tbe trewarded tfor tsharing
tthe trisks tas twell tas tfor tundertaking tthese tadditional ttasks. tSimilarly, twhen tconstruction
tcontractors tare texpected tto ttake tover tthe tresponsibilities tof tengineers, tsuch tas tdevising ta tvery
telaborate tscheme tto terect tan tunconventional tstructure, tthey ttoo tmust tbe trewarded taccordingly.
tAs tlong tas tthe towner tdoes tnot tassume tthe tresponsibility tfor tresolving tthis trisk-reward
tdilemma, tthe tconcept tof ta ttruly tintegrated tsystem tfor tdesign tand tconstruction tcannot tbe
It tis tinteresting tto tnote tthat tEuropean towners tare tgenerally tmore topen tto tnew ttechnologies
tand tto tshare trisks twith tdesigners tand tcontractors. tIn tparticular, tthey tare tmore twilling tto
taccept tresponsibilities tfor tthe tunforeseen tsubsurface tconditions tin tgeotechnical tengineering.
tConsequently, tthe tdesigners tand tcontractors tare talso tmore twilling tto tintroduce tnew ttechniques
tin torder tto treduce tthe ttime tand tcost tof tconstruction. tIn tEuropean tpractice, towners ttypically
tpresent tcontractors twith ta tconceptual tdesign, tand tcontractors tprepare tdetailed tdesigns, twhich
tare tchecked tby tthe towner's tengineers. tThose tdetailed tdesigns tmay tbe talternate tdesigns, tand
tspecialty tcontractors tmay talso tprepare tdetailed talternate tdesigns.
b. What tparts tof tthe tproject, tif tany, twould tbe tthe tbest tcandidates tto timplement tLEED®?
LEED tcredit tcategories taddress ttopics tsuch tas treduction tin tenergy tuse, tconnection twith tpublic
ttransportation tand tthe tembodied tenergy tassociated twith tmaterials tand twater tuse.
Building toperations tenergy tuse tand tsource: tCredits tin tthe tEnergy tand tAtmosphere
tcategory tnot tonly tdirectly treduce tenergy tuse, tbut tthey talso taddress tsystems tthat trely
ton tcarbon-based tenergy tsources tand taward tthe tuse tof tlow-carbon tenergy tsources. tLEED
talso ttargets tthe treduction tof tpotent tGHGs tassociated twith trefrigerants.
Renewables tselection: tCredits tin tthe tEnergy tand tAtmosphere tcategory trecognize tthe
tdiverse tcontract tmechanisms tproject tteams tuse tto tprocure trenewable tenergy toff-site tand
tarticulate ta thierarchy tfor trenewable tenergy tgeneration tand tprocurement tthat trewards
tselections tthat tare thigh tvalue. tEstablishing tLEED tcriteria taddressing tthe tage tof ta
trenewable tenergy–generating tasset thelps tto tguide tproject tteam tdecision-making tand
tdirect tinvestments ttoward tincreasing tthe tsupply tof trenewable tenergy ton tthe tgrid t(versus
tusing texisting trenewable tenergy tcapacity twhere tpossible).
Transportation tenergy tuse: tCredits tin tthe tLocation tand tTransportation tcategory tenable
tnew tbuildings tto timprove tland tuse tpatterns tand tposition toccupants tto ttake tadvantage
tof tpublic ttransportation, twhich tcontributes tto ta treduction tof tGHG temissions tfrom tsinglepassenger tvehicles.
Materials-embodied tenergy tuse: tMaterials tand tResources tcredits taddress ta tbuilding's
tembodied tcarbon tby ttargeting tthe tenergy tuse tand tprocesses trequired tin tthe textraction,
tproduction, ttransportation, tmanufacturing, tdistribution tand tdisposal tof tmaterials tand
tproducts tused tthroughout tthe tentire tlife tcycle tof ta tbuilding.
Water-embodied tenergy tuse tand tsource: tWater tEfficiency tcredits taddress tthe tsignificant
tuse tof tenergy trelated tto tthe ttreatment, tprocessing tand tdistribution tof twater tby
trequiring ta treduction tof twater tused. tEfficiencies tthat treduce tthe tuse tof tpotable twater,
tand treplacing tit twhen tpossible twith tnonpotable twater tsources, twill tindirectly treduce
tenergy tuse tand thelp tmitigate tGHG temissions.
Green tinfrastructure tand tsiting: tSustainable tSites tcredits tfocus ton tthe tnon-energy-related
tdrivers tof tclimate tchange, tincluding tland tuse tchanges, theat tisland teffect tand tpollution
tthrough tsolutions tsuch tas tgreen tinfrastructure tand tpurposeful tdecisions ton tbuilding
tlocation tand tsiting.
c. LEED® tallocates tpoints tto trate tvarious tproject tcomponents. tWhich tcomponent(s) tis
tmost tlikely ttotreturn tthe thighest trating? tExplain tyour tanswer.
tLEED thas tfive tbasic tareas twhere ta tbuilding towner tcan tget tpoints ttoward tLEED tCertification,
tthey tare: tSustainable tSite, tWater tEfficiency, tEnergy t& tAtmosphere, tMaterials t& tResources, tand
tIndoor tEnvironmental tQuality. tLet's ttake ta tlook tat ta tselection tof tthe tcomponents tof teach tof
tthese tfive tcategories.
Sustainable tSite t(SS)
 Do tnot tdevelop ton tthe tfollowing t(1 tpoint): tprime tfarmland; twithin t100 tfeet tof tany
twetlands; tor tland tidentified tas thabitat tfor tthreatened tor tendangered tspecies
 Create ta tdevelopment ton ta tpreviously tdeveloped tsite tand tin ta tcommunity twith
tminimum tdensity tof t60,000 tsq tft tper tacre t(1 tpoint).
Water tEfficiency t(WE)
 Use thigh-efficiency tirrigation ttechnology tOR tuse tcaptured train tor trecycled tsite twater tto
treduce tpotable twater tconsumption tfor tirrigation tby t50% tover tconventional tmeans t(1
Energy t& tAtmosphere t(EA)
 Reduce tdesign tenergy tcase tcompared tto tthe tenergy tcost tbudget tindicated tby
tASHRAE/IESNA t90.1-2004, tusing tthe tBuilding tPerformance trating tmethod:
 10.5% t= t1 tpoint
 14.0% t= t2 tpoints
 17.5% t= t3 tpoints
 21.0% t= t4 tpoints tetc.
 Use tthe ton-site trenewable tenergy tsystems tto toffset tbuilding tenergy tcost. tCalculate
tproject tperformance tby texpressing tthe tenergy tproduced tby tthe trenewable tsystems tas
ta tpercentage tof tthe tbuilding tannual tenergy tcost:
 2.5% trenewable t= t1 tpoint
 7.5% trenewable t= t2 tpoints
 12.5% trenewable t= t3 tpoints
Materials t& tResources t(MR)
 Use tmaterials twith trecycled tcontent tsuch tthat tthe tsum tof tthe tpost-consumer trecycled
tcontent tplus tone-half tof tthe tpost tindustrial tcontent tconstitutes tat tleast t10% tof tthe
tvalue tof tthe tmaterials tof tthe tproject t(1point).
 10% tmanufactured tAND tharvested tor textracted twithin t500 tmiles tof tthe tproject tsite t(1
Indoor tEnvironmental tQuality t(EQ)
 Provide tlighting tcontrols tfor t90% tof tthe tbuilding toccupants tand tlighting tsystem
tcontrollability tfor tall tmulti-occupant tspaces t(1 tpoint).
 Provide tindividual tcomfort tcontrols tfor t50% tof tFTE tand tprovide tcomfort tsystem tcontrols
tfor tall tshared tmulti-occupant tspaces t(1 tpoint).
Question t5 t(25 tmarks)
You thave tbeen tasked tto tprepare ta tconcept tdesign treport tfor ta tnew t1000m2 tlibrary
tlocated tin tVictoria, tBC, tby tthe tsenior tdesign tarchitect tin tyour toffice. tThe tbuilding’s towner
thas ta tdesire tfor tthe
building tto tbe tat tthe tforefront tof tsustainable tbuilding tdesign. tThe tbuilding tsite tis trural tand
tcurrently topentand tunobstructed.
a. Write ta tconcept tdesign treport tof t750 twords
. tyour tapproach tto tthe tsiting, tmassing tand torientation tof tthe tbuilding
New tplanning tprinciples tare trequired tto tmeet tthe tchanging tneeds tof tthe tusers tof tthe
tlibrary tof tthe tfuture. tThe tdigital trevolution thas tchanged tthe tappearance tof ttoday’s tlibraries
tentirely. tThe tmajority tof ttoday’s tinformation tresources tare tof ta tnon-physical tnature tand
taccessing tinformation tis tmore tvaried tand tcomplex. tThe ttraditional trole tas tasset tkeeper tis tone
tof tmany ttasks ttoday. tThe tlibrary tshould toffer ttheir tvisitors:
t• taccess tto tinformation t
• tguidance t(information tskills) t
• tpossibility tfor tcommunication
t• tworking tenvironment
t• tinspiring tatmosphere t
The tdesign tis tbased ton tthe tfollowing tmain tprinciples: t
• tAccess tto tthe tlibrary tand tits tmedias tshould tbe tobvious tand teasy tfor teverybody. t
• tThere tshould tbe tmultifarious tspace tfor tformal tand tinformal tcommunication tbetween tcustomers
tand tstaff. t• tThe tinterior tshould toffer tan tattractive tand tcomfortable tenvironment tfor tboth
tcustomers tand tstaff. t
t• tThe tlibrary tbuilding tshould tadequately trepresent tits tinstitutional tphilosophy tand taims.
t• tIts tbuilding tdesign, tstructure tand tappliances tshould tgive tconsideration tto tsustainability
sustainable tstrategies trecommended tand twhy
system, ttechnology, tand tmaterial tconsiderations
Sustainable tClimate:
Climate tconditions tcomprise ttemperature, thumidity, tairflow tand tthermal tradiation. tIn ta tlibrary
tclimate tconditions tare ta tcompromise tbetween tthe tideal tconditions tfor tbooks tand tpeople
tworking. tPrinted tmaterial tslowly tdeteriorates twhen tthe ttemperatures tvary, thumidity tis ttoo thigh
tand tthere tis ttoo tmuch tdirect tsun. tThis tis twhy tthe tbook tstack tis tideally tsituated tunderground,
twhere ttemperature tconditions tare tconsistent. tWorking tareas thave tsimilar tthermal trequirements
tto toffices. tDifferent tsurveys tshow tthat tpeople tare tmore tcomfortable tin tbuildings twith
tmechanical tventilation, twhere tthey tare table tto tregulate theating tor topen twindows tand ttherefore
tfeel tthat tthey thave tmore tcontrol tover ttheir tenvironment. tThe theating tand tventilation tsystem
tshould tbe tregulated tcentrally tfor tthe tbook tstore tand tthe tstudy tareas, twhereas tin tstudy trooms
tor toffices ttemperature tand tfresh tair tcould tbe tadjustable tindividually. tGuidelines tcan tbe tfound
te.g. tin tthe tDIN-Fachbericht t13 t(DIN, t1998). t
Sustainable tAcoustics:
Many tusers tfind ta thigh tlevel tof tnoise tdisturbing, tespecially tin tacademic tlibraries. tWhen
toffering tareas tfor tcommunication tit tis talso tessential tthat tthere tis tenough tspace twhere tthe
tuser tcan tstudy tindividually tin ta tquiet tenvironment. tTwo tfactors tinfluence tthe tacoustics: tthe
tgeometric tshape tof tthe tspace tand tthe tsurfaces. tWhen tusing tan topen tplan tlayout tsound
tabsorbing tsurfaces tare tcrucial tto treduce tnoise. tAcoustic tengineers tcan tdesign ta tconcept tthat
tsuits tthe tdifferent tactivities tin tthe tbuilding. t
Provide t2–4 tsimple tsketches tto tillustrate tkey tideas tof tyour tconcept.