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Gender, Age, and Health Lecture Notes

Gender, Age, and Health
Chapter 10 Notes
Gender Roles and Identity
Between ____________
Margaret ____________studied expectations across three cultures and found differences.
Differences are seen as proof that gender is social, not ____________.
Gender Identity & Socialization
Babies are given different ____________.
Expected ____________, interests, and strengths are different for young boys and girls.
Expectations are ____________early.
Gender Roles and Social Inequality
In most societies, ____________is the primary factor used to determine a person’s social standing.
Sociologists ask why this is.
One widely held view is that gender inequality is related to human ____________.
Over time ____________, a system in which men are dominant over women, arose.
Conflict perspective suggests that male control of ____________and ____________spheres have reinforced
their dominant position.
The idea of ____________________________ is sometimes given as a reason for inequality.
____________is the belief that one sex is by nature superior to the other.
Sexism becomes a ________________________.
Gender Inequality in the United States
The Women’s Movement
Officially begun in ________
Since 1979, more women than men in __________
Demanded ____________, the right to vote
Used civil ____________
Women focus on ____________ and humanities,
while men focus on engineering and the
Resurfaced in ____________
____________—The level of women’s income
relative to that of men
____________—The invisible barrier that prevents
women from gaining upper-level positions
____________—The work a working mother does
in the home
Women make up ____ percent of voting-age
people, but only between ____ and ____ percent
of elected offices
Some women have been appointed to high office
In ____________societies, rank rose with age.
In ____________societies, middle-aged have the greatest social power.
____________is the belief that one age category is by nature superior to another age category.
The ____________of elderly is unproductive, cranky, and physically or mentally ____________, but in reality
most people over 65 are self-sufficient, active members of society.
Media uses youth to sell products and focuses on ____________aspects of aging.
The Aging World
Today there are about ______ million people aged 60 and older worldwide. ____________ has the oldest population in
the world, while ____________has the youngest. Median ages are increasing across the globe.
Aging in the United States
The “_____________________” is the phenomenon of an increasing percentage of Americans being 65 or older.
Advances in ____________ result in longer lives.
The ____________ generation, the largest age group in the United States, is reaching the age of 65 and older.
The Politics of Aging
As the number of ____________ citizens increases, their image has changed to one of a powerful voting bloc.
________, National Council of Senior Citizens, the National Council on Aging, and the Gray Panthers are groups
that bring attention to the needs of the aging.
AARP is the largest _______________ group in the United States.
Challenges to Government
One major concern is the Social Security system.
As baby boomers retire, the ____________—the number of workers for each person receiving
The number of people receiving benefits is ____________, and they are receiving benefits for a longer
period of time, due to longer life expectancies.
____________ (health insurance for elderly) and ____________ (health insurance for low-income) are the sole
source of insurance for about one-fourth of elderly Americans.
Age Inequality in the United States
Although the elderly are in general better off than other groups, certain segments of the elderly, such as
________________ and ____________, have a higher rate of poverty than the general population.
Americans with Disabilities
The term ____________ covers a variety of conditions, including physical disabilities; chronic health impairments;
mental retardation; mental illness; and visual, hearing, or speech impairments.
Prejudice and Discrimination
One stereotype is that people with disabilities cannot
do ____________ work.
Many cannot find jobs and those that do earn less.
Government policies aim to fix this problem.
The _________
The ____________ with ____________ Act (ADA) of
1990 has perhaps brought the most sweeping changes.
The ADA makes ____________ against people with
disabilities illegal.
Health Care in the United States
Health care is a ____________for Americans, who worry about the cost of, the quality of, and access to health care.
Cost of Health Care
The United States spends more on ____________ than any other country.
Cost of health care has ____________ quickly.
Advances in medical care and increased cost of drugs account for most of the ____________.
____________ of Health Care
____________care plans provide members with health-care services in exchange for a monthly or annual
The plan limits costs by requiring members to use certain doctors and to have certain ____________.
Although managed care plans have reduced the cost of care, many Americans feel that managed care has
____________the quality of care.
A “patients’ ____________” has been introduced in Congress several times, but has never been passed.
Access to Health Care
Studies show a ____________ of doctors.
Most doctors are concentrated in wealthy ____________ and ____________ areas.
In poor inner-city and rural areas, there are fewer doctors but more people in need of care.
Underserved areas usually have a _________ number of people with chronic diseases and many elderly people.
There are more ____________ than general ____________.
Health-Care Issues Today
Health Insurance
_____ percent of medical costs are covered by
The kinds of procedures and treatments covered
____________ among private and public insurance
Alternative ____________
Alternative medicine uses unconventional
methods such as ____________,
____________, or ____________remedies.
Alternative methods have little ____________.
Some argue for a ____________ planned national
health system.
____________and Health
Poor people are _________ likely to receive inadequate
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
attacks the ____________system.
People who live in poverty have a ____________ rate of
health issues.
No cure has been found, but new drugs seem
to ____________ the disease.