QU UALITY CONTRO C OL PROC CEDURE MAGNE ETIC PAR RTICLE TESTING T G – GENE ERAL (N NON FLU UORESC CENT ME ETHOD) Tab ble of Conteents 1 SCOPE E 3 2 REFER RENCES 3 3 WITNE ESS INSPECT TION & WRITTEN PROC CEDURE RE EQUIREMEN NTS 3 4 PERSO ONNEL QUALIFICATION N 4 5 SAFET TY MEASURE ES 4 6 MAGNETIC PARTIICLE TESTIN NG MATERIA ALS 5 7 XAMINATIO ON REQUIRE EMENTS PRE‐EX 5 8 EXAMIINATION PR ROCEDURE 6 9 CLASSIIFICATION OF O INDICATION 7 10 ACCEP PTANCE CRIITERIA 7 11 RE‐EXA AMINATION N OF REPAIR R AREAS 7 12 POST EXAMINATI E ION OPERAT TION 7 13 RECOR RDS 8 A Appendix A ‐ ACCEPTAN NCE CRITER RIA 9 A Appendix B ‐ MAGNETIC C PARTICLE E EXAMINAT TION REPOR RT. 14 QC C-PRC-05 03 Magnetic Parrticle Testing Non N Fluoresce ent - General THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR FULL WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ISS Page 2 of 14 QU UALITY CONTRO C OL PROC CEDURE MAGNE ETIC PAR RTICLE TESTING T G – GENE ERAL (N NON FLU UORESC CENT ME ETHOD) 1..0 SCOPE:: This procedure esttablishes minimum requ uirements and a describees techniquees for non‐flu uorescent wet w magnettic particle (MT) exam minations on n welds and d components using electromagn e netic yokes or perman nent yokes for the deetection of discontinuiities at or near the surface s in fferromagneetic materiaals. When rrequired by the referencing Code Section, all non‐destruct n tive examinaations perfo ormed shall be done to o a written practice p and d this proceedure shall b be demonstrrated to thee satisfaction n of the Clieent Inspecttor. 2..0 REFERENCES : ASME B31.1 ASME B31.3 ASME Sec I ASME Sec VIII Div v‐1 AWS D1.1 D ASME Sec V API 6650, 12th Ed d st API 11104, 21 Ed d QC‐PR RC‐02 3..0 2016 2016 2015 2015 2015 2015 ‐ Power Piping ‐ Processs Piping ‐ Rules for f Construcction of Pow wer Boilers Pressurre Vessels ‐ Structu ural Weldingg Code ‐ Steeel ‐ Nondesstructive Exxamination d Steel Tank ks For Oil Sto orage 2013 ‐ Welded ‐ Weldin ng pipelines and related d facilities 2013 W Practice for Quaalification and Certificaation of 2016 ‐ ISSCO Written Nondesstructive Teesting Person nnel WITNE ESS INSPECT TION & WR RITTEN PRO OCEDURE REQUIREME R ENTS: The Clieent shall have the rightt, at his option, to witneess all magn netic particlee examinatio on or any paart thereoff. Be mad de the writteen procedurre shall be made m availaable to the Client C Inspeector. At leasst one copy y of the procedure shall available to t the nondeestructive teesting personnel for their referencee and use. Magnettic particle examination n shall be performed p i accordan in nce with a written w pro ocedure whiich shall ass a minimum m, contain th he requirem ments listed in i Table 1. The T written procedure shall s establiish a singlee value, or a range of vallues, for eacch requirement. When p procedure qualification n is specified, a changge of requirement in Table 1 ideentified as an essentiaal variable shall s require requalificaation of thee written pro ocedure by demonstrattion. A chan nge of a req quirement id dentified as a nonessen ntial variable does not require r requ ualification of the writtten procedu ure. All chan nges of esseential or non n‐essential variables v fro om those specified with hin the writtten practicee shall requiire revision of, or an addendum to, the written n procedure. QC C-PRC-05 03 Magnetic Parrticle Testing Non N Fluoresce ent - General THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR FULL WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ISS Page 3 of 14 QU UALITY CONTRO C OL PROC CEDURE MAGNE ETIC PAR RTICLE TESTING T G – GENE ERAL (N NON FLU UORESC CENT ME ETHOD) TABLE 1 – REQUIIREMENTS S OF A MAG GNETIC PA ARTICLE EX XAMINATIION PROCE EDURE 4..0 PERSONNEL QUAL LIFICATION N: 4.1 All NDT T personnel shall be qualified and certified c in accordancee with Comp pany’s written practice procedu ure No: QC‐‐PRC‐02 of latest editio on. This is in compliance with ASN NT Doc. SNT T‐TC‐1A or equivallent. Person nnel certified as level I in Magnettic particle testing shaall only be used u as an assistan nt to Level ‐ II. 5..0 SAFETY Y MEASURE ES: 5.1 The personnel perrforming exxamination shall s be ressponsible fo or compliance with app plicable safeety rules in n the handlin ng and usagee of magnettic particle materials m and equipmen nt. 5.2 Adequaate ventilatiion shall bee provided when w perforrming an MT M examinattion in conffined areas to preventt inhalation of harmful materials. 5.3 Wet meethod solutiions with a petroleum distillate d aree highly vollatile, relativ vely toxic, and a may cau use skin irrritation. Usee adequate ventilation v a all times and at a to avoid prolonged skin contactt. 5.4 Flammaable inspecttion materiaals such as so olutions witth a petroleu um distillatee base shall not be used d in an areaa where they y may be exp posed to opeen flame or sparks. QC C-PRC-05 03 Magnetic Parrticle Testing Non N Fluoresce ent - General THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR FULL WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ISS Page 4 of 14 QU UALITY CONTRO C OL PROC CEDURE MAGNE ETIC PAR RTICLE TESTING T G – GENE ERAL (N NON FLU UORESC CENT ME ETHOD) 6..0 MAGNE ETIC PARTIICLE TESTIN NG MATERIIALS: 6.1 Examin nation Mediu um Premixeed suspensio on of ferromagnetic particles in petro oleum distilllate in aeroso ol spray canss shall be used. Magnafl flux 7HF or Ely's E Supram mor 4 or Callington – Sheerwin’s DUBL‐CHEK BO‐‐1 or MRchem mie’s MR76 is acceptaable for use. 6.2 Contrasst Paint If the co ontrast with surface is po oor, a thin layer of white contrast paiint e.g., Magn naflux WCP‐ 2 or Ely’s W.C. W Paint 71 12 or Callinggton‐Sherwin’s DUBL‐CH HEK CP‐2, MRchemie’s M M MR72 may be b used. Thee paint shall be flat whiite, quick drrying, and sh hall be appliied only in amounts a suffficient to en nhance particle contrast. It shall bee demonstraated that indications caan be detectted through the enhanccement coatting. Thickneess measurement of this non‐magneetic surface contrast c is not required. 6.3 Cleanin ng Medium Magnafflux SKC‐S or Ely's S7 72 or Callin ngton‐Sherw win’s DUBL‐‐CHEK DR‐64 or MRch hemie’s MR R85 solventt cleaner aree acceptable as cleaningg medium. 7..0 PRE‐EX XAMINATIO ON REQUIRE EMENT: 7.1 Surfacee Temperatu ure Part surrface and th he wet particcle suspensiion temperaature shall not exceed 1350.F (57oC)) 7.2 Surfacee Conditionin ng Satisfacctory resultss are usually y obtained when w the su urfaces are in the as weelded, as rollled, as‐cast, or as‐ forgged conditio ons. Unusually rough orr non‐ unifo orm examinaation surfacces which would w interfeere with th he formation and/ or interpretatiion of indiccations shalll be propeerly conditio oned prior to examin nation. Conditioning may be in the form f of wiree brushing, sand/ s grit blasting, b or other o metho ods that willl not smearr or otherwisse mask discontinuitiess of interest.. All surffaces to be tested and any adjaceent area witthin 3 inchees (76mm) of the test area shall be cleaned d free of any y dirt, lint, flake‐type f ru ust, scale, welding w flux, weld spatteer, sand, greease, oily fillm, paint an nd coating, or other exxtraneous matter m that ccould interfeere with thee examinatiion. Chemicaals used for pre‐ cleaning must bee compatiblee with the magnetic m partticle medium m. 7.3 Part Pro otection Ensure all openinggs are pluggeed with a su uitable non‐aabrasive maaterial, whicch is readily removable, to preventt accumulattion of magn netic particles or other matter wheere it cannott be complettely or read dily removeed by washin ng and air blasting. 7.4 Lightingg The maagnetic partiicle examinaation shall be b done und der adequate lighting. The T minimum m permissib ble light inttensity at th he examination surface shall be 100 0 fc (1000 lu ux). The ligh ht source, teechnique useed, is required to be demo and thee light level verification v onstrated on ne time, docu umented, an nd maintain ned on file. QC C-PRC-05 03 Magnetic Parrticle Testing Non N Fluoresce ent - General THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR FULL WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ISS Page 5 of 14 QU UALITY CONTRO C OL PROC CEDURE MAGNE ETIC PAR RTICLE TESTING T G – GENE ERAL (N NON FLU UORESC CENT ME ETHOD) 8..0 EXAMINATION PR ROCEDURE:: 8.1 Applicaation of Maggnetic Particle Examinattion Medium m: Magnettic Particle Examination E n Medium Aerosoll shall be shaken s welll before each use to ensure e disp persion of magnetic m paarticles in the t distillatte. Continu uous metho od of examiination shalll be used. During maggnetizing th he part un nder test, the t magnettic particle suspension shall be ap pplied to pre‐cleaned surface to be b tested by b spraying in controlled passes at a a distancee of 20‐30cm m 8.2 Contrasst Paint If contrrast with thee surface off material iss poor, a thin layer of contrast pain nt (also refeer to Para 6.2) shall bee applied on n the pre cleaned surfacce to be testeed by spray ying in contrrolled passes at a distan nce of 20‐ 3 30 cm to givee an opaquee, uniform co oating. The con ntrast paintt shall be alllowed to drry for a periiod of not leess than 15 seconds, beefore applyiing magnettic particle suspension. s The aerrosol shall be shaken weell before eaach use to en nsure disperrsion of pain nt in solution. 8.3 Magnettization Equ uipment Magnettization shalll be perform med using 110V 1 or 220 0 V AC electtromagneticc contour yo oke that hass a minimu um lifting po ower of 10 lbs. l (4.5 kg)) at the maxximum pole spacing at which w it will be used. The T yoke sh hall be energgized after itt is properly y positioned d and de‐eneergized before removal. Prior to o start and again upon n completio on of examination, thee lifting pow wer of the yoke shall be verified d by the lifting of a minimum 10 lb (4.5 kg) weeight at the maximum pole p spacingg at which itt is being u used. Any tim me the yoke fails to lift th he required d weight, thee areas exam mined since the t last satissfactory cheeck shall bee re‐examineed with a yo oke that meeets this requ uirement. The yok ke shall be calibrated c in n accordancee with ASME E Section V, Article 7 8.4 Magnettization Currrent The contour yoke leg spacin ng shall nott be less th han 3 inchees or greateer than 8 iinches. Unleess otherw wise specified d, the current control on o the yoke shall be sett at maximu um, if such an a adjustmeent exists. 8.5 Directio on of Magneetization Two seeparate exam minations shall s be carrried out on n each areaa. The yokee shall be placed p so th hat magnettic field during one exaamination is approximaately perpen ndicular to the t field durring the other. For wellds, the yok ke shall be placed p acrosss the weld at an angle 30‐45 degrrees from th he long axis of the welld. QC C-PRC-05 03 Magnetic Parrticle Testing Non N Fluoresce ent - General THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR FULL WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ISS Page 6 of 14 QU UALITY CONTRO C OL PROC CEDURE MAGNE ETIC PAR RTICLE TESTING T G – GENE ERAL (N NON FLU UORESC CENT ME ETHOD) 8.6 Magnettization Tech hnique The yo oke pole shall be placeed on the examination n surface, the t magnetic field app plied, and the t examin nation mediu um liberally y applied to the test surrface. If an indication i iss observed, the area sh hall be clean ned and rettested. Duriing the retest, the yokee legs shall be b placed peerpendicular to the majjor dimenssion of the indication. i A indicatio All ons shall bee interpreted d as to theiir cause and d evaluated in accordaance with th he approprriate acceptaance criteria. Broad arreas of partticle accumu ulation, whiich might m mask indicaations from discontinuities, are prrohibited, and a such areas shall bee cleaned and examin ned. Sufficien nt overlap shall s be mad de (during leg l positioning) to assu ure 100% co overage of the t area req quiring exam mination. 9..0 CLASSIIFICATION OF O INDICAT TIONS: 9.1 Non‐rellevant Indiccations Non‐rellevant indiccations are those true indications that cannot be associaated with discontinuiti d es, e.g., loccalized surfface imperffections, scrratches or machining m marks, etc. Any indication with h a maximu um dimensiion of 1/16 6 in. (1.5mm m) or less is considerred to be non‐relevant n t. Any largger indicatiion which iss believed to t be non‐reelevant shalll be re‐exaamined to determine whether w or not n actual d defects are present. p 9.2 Relevan nt Indication ns Relevan nt indication ns are thosee which resu ult from discontinuitiess and are a result of flu ux leakage and magnettic medium accumulatio on. Linear indications i a those in are n which the length is mo ore than thrree times th he width. Rounded indiications are those in wh hich the lenggth is three times t the width w or less.. 10 0.0 ACCEPT TANCE CRIT TERIA: 10 0.1 The ind dication of a discontinuity may be larger l than the actual discontinuity d y that causees it, howev ver, the sizee of the indiccation and not n the size of o the discon ntinuity is th he basis for acceptance or rejection n. 10 0.2 Acceptaance criteriaa for examin nations perfo ormed are given g in App pendix A. 11 1.0 RE‐EXA AMINATION N OF REPAIR AREAS: After reepairs have been made, the repaireed area shalll be blendeed into the surrounding s g surface so as to avoid d sharp notcches, crevicees, or corners and re‐exxamined by the magnettic particle m method and by all otheer approved methods off examinatio on that weree originally required r forr the affecteed area, exceept that, wh hen the dep pth of repairr is less than n the radioggraphic senssitivity requ uired, re‐rad diography may m be omittted. Selectiion of an alteernate meth hod of NDE sshall be app proved by th he Client Insp pector. 12 2.0 POST E EXAMINATIION OPERATION: 12 2.1 Demagn netization When rresidual maggnetism in the t part cou uld interferee with subseequent proccessing or usage, u the paart shall bee demagnetized anytim me after com mpletion of the t examinaation. Resid dual magnetism shall not n QC C-PRC-05 03 Magnetic Parrticle Testing Non N Fluoresce ent - General THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR FULL WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ISS Page 7 of 14 QU UALITY CONTRO C OL PROC CEDURE MAGNE ETIC PAR RTICLE TESTING T G – GENE ERAL (N NON FLU UORESC CENT ME ETHOD) exceed +/‐ 2 gausss. The pressence or ab bsence of residual maggnetism shaall be demo onstrated and verified d using a calibrated Gau uss meter, Magnetic M Fielld Meter, or a Hall Effect Probe Gau uss meter. 12 2.2 Surfacee Cleaning Followiing magnetiic particle examination e n, the part being b exam mined shall be b cleaned to remove all magnettic particless. Any meth hod, which removes r reesidual magnetic particcles withoutt harming the t part, is considered acceptable. 13 3.0 R E C O R D S: 13 3.1 Non‐rejjectable indications shaall be record ded as speciffied by the referencing r C Code Section n. Rejectaable indications shall bee recorded. As a minim mum, the typ pe of indicattions (linearr or rounded), locattion and exttent (length or diameterr or aligned)) shall be recorded. 13 3.2 The ressult of magn netic particlle examinattions with th he followingg informatio on shall be signed by the t quallified Level II I NDE perso onnel (Referr to Appendix B). 13.2.1 Proceduree identificattion and reviision 13.2.2 Magnetic particle equ uipment and d type of currrent 13.2.3 orescent, weet or dry) Magnetic particles (viisible or fluo 13.2.4 Examinatiion personn nel identity and a qualificaation level 13.2.5 Map or reecord of indiications per 13.1 13.2.6 Material and a thicknesss 13.2.7 Lighting equipment e 13.2.8 Date of exxaminations were performed 3.3 Wherevver necessarry provide sketches, s chaart of markeed up drawiing to show coverage an nd orientation 13 for clarity and/or to t permit du uplication off the examin nation. 13 3.4 All repo orts shall peermit positiv ve correlatio on with the project p and the materiaal or part beiing examineed. QC C-PRC-05 03 Magnetic Parrticle Testing Non N Fluoresce ent - General THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR FULL WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ISS Page 8 of 14 QU UALITY CONTRO C OL PROC CEDURE MAGNE ETIC PAR RTICLE TESTING T G – GENE ERAL (N NON FLU UORESC CENT ME ETHOD) 1.0 ASM ME B31.3 : A APPENDIX XA QC C-PRC-05 03 Magnetic Parrticle Testing Non N Fluoresce ent - General THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR FULL WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ISS Page 9 of 14 QU UALITY CONTRO C OL PROC CEDURE MAGNE ETIC PAR RTICLE TESTING T G – GENE ERAL (N NON FLU UORESC CENT ME ETHOD) QC C-PRC-05 03 Magnetic Parrticle Testing Non N Fluoresce ent - General THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR FULL WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ISS Page 10 of 14 QU UALITY CONTRO C OL PROC CEDURE MAGNE ETIC PAR RTICLE TESTING T G – GENE ERAL (N NON FLU UORESC CENT ME ETHOD) 2.0 ASME E Sec VIII Div D – 1 and d API 650 : d shall be frree of: All surrfaces to bee examined 2.1 Relevaant linear in ndications;; 2.2 Relevaant roundeed indicatio ons greaterr than 3/166 inch (5.00 mm); 2.3 Four o or more rellevant rou unded indiccations in a line separated by 1/16 inch.(1.5 mm) or less, ed dge to edgee. 3.0 ASME E Sec - I. d shall be frree of: All surrfaces to bee examined 3.1 Relevaant linear in ndication; 3.2 Relevaant rounded indicatio ons greaterr than 3/166 inch (5.0 mm); m 3.3 Four o or more rou unded ind dications in n - line separated 1/116 inch. (1..5 mm) or less, edge to edge. 4..0 ASME E B31.1 : 4.1 ose major dimensio ons are g greater tha an 161 inch h. (2.0 mm m) shall be Indicattions who consid dered relevant. The fo ollowing reelevant ind dications arre unaccep ptable: Any crracks or lin near indicaations; 4.2 Round ded indicattions with dimension n greater th han 4.3 Four o or more rou unded ind dications in n a line sep parated by 161 inch. (2 2.0 mm) or less edge to edge; Ten orr more rou unded ind dications in n any 6 in nch2(3870 mm m 2) of surface witth the majjor dimen nsion of thiis area nott to exceed d 6 inches (150mm) with the area a taken in the mo ost unfavo orable locaation relativ ve to the in ndications being evalluated. 4.4 3 16 inch h. (5.0 mm)). QC C-PRC-05 03 Magnetic Parrticle Testing Non N Fluoresce ent - General THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR FULL WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ISS Page 11 of 14 QU UALITY CONTRO C OL PROC CEDURE MAGNE ETIC PAR RTICLE TESTING T G – GENE ERAL (N NON FLU UORESC CENT ME ETHOD) 5..0 AWS D1.1 : QC C-PRC-05 03 Magnetic Parrticle Testing Non N Fluoresce ent - General THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR FULL WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ISS Page 12 of 14 QU UALITY CONTRO C OL PROC CEDURE MAGNE ETIC PAR RTICLE TESTING T G – GENE ERAL (N NON FLU UORESC CENT ME ETHOD) 6..0 As Perr API 1104 4: Any indication n with a maximum m dimensio on of l/166 in. (1.6 mm) or less shall be classiified as non n relevant.. 6.1 Lineaar indicatio ons are evaaluated as crater craccks or star cracks c and d exceed 5/32in. 5 (4 mm m) in lengtth. 6.2 Lineaar indicatio ons are evaaluated as cracks otheer than cra ater cracks or star craacks. 6.3 Lineaar indicatio ons are ev valuated as a IF and exceed e 1 in. i (25 mm m) in total length in n a contin nuous 12 in. i (300 mm m) length of o weld or 88% of the weld w lengtth. 6.4 Roun nded indica ations shalll be evaluated as sho own in bellow For ev valuation Purposes, P th he maxim mum dimeension of a rounded indication n shall be co onsidered it’s size. 6.4.1 Indiv vidual or scattered s p porosity (P P) shall be b considerred a defeect should d any of th he follow wing conditions existt: ze of an in ndividual pore p exceed ds l/2 in. 13 1 mm). a. The siz b. The siize of an in ndividual pore p exceed ds 25% of the t thinnerr of the speecified walll th hickness joined. c. The diistribution of scattereed porosity y exceeds the t concentration perrmitted by Fiigures 19 or o 20. (API 1104) n any passs except th he finish pass p shall comply c wiith 6.4.2 Clustter porositty (CP) thaat occurs in the crriteria of CP th hat occurs in the finish pass shall be conssidered a d defect shou uld any o of the follow wing cond ditions exisst. a. The diiameter of the clusterr exceeds l/2 in. (13 mm). m b. The ag ggregate leength of CP P in any co ontinuous1 12 in. (300m mm) length h of weld ex xceeds 1/22 in. (13 mm m). QC C-PRC-05 03 Magnetic Parrticle Testing Non N Fluoresce ent - General THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR FULL WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ISS Page 13 of 14 QU UALITY CONTRO C OL PROC CEDURE MAGNE ETIC PAR RTICLE TESTING T G – GENE ERAL (N NON FLU UORESC CENT ME ETHOD) A APPENDIX XB MA AGNETIC C PART TICLE TESTING T G REPO ORT Exa amination D Date Clie ent Pro oject Job b Location Pro ocedure No. Acc ceptance Critteria Weld Type Welder ID Drg g./ISO Numb ber Matterial Diameter/Leng gth Thic ckness Surrface Condittion Hea at Treatmen nt Tes st Temperatture Job No. N Report No. Rev. 0 Befo ore ☐ Afterr ☐ N.A ☐ Technique Equip pment Magn netizing Method Method of Exam mination Curre ent Type/Am mpere Lightt Meter Lightt Intensity Pre-ccleaning Me ethod Magn netic Field Indicator De-m magnetizatio on Cleaner/Remo over Back groun nd Detecting g Media Typ pe : Type : Type : Batch No. Batch No. Batch No o. REC CORDING G AND EVALUAT E TION ISS SCO Technician NDT T MPT Leve el – II Contractorr Client Signature Signature Signatu ure QC C-PRC-05 03 Magnetic Parrticle Testing Non N Fluoresce ent - General THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR FULL WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ISS Page 14 of 14