Week 004 Exposure and Vulnerability Why will the exposed elements suffer damage and loss? Illustration source: Disaster Risk Reduction Resource Manual, DepEd www.deped.gov.ph/sites/.../Disaster%20Risk%20Reduction%20Resource% 20Manual.... Vulnerability explains why given a level of exposure to the hazard, some people or sectors in the community or society are more at risk or less at risk. Illustration source: Disaster Risk Reduction Resource Manual, DepEd www.deped.gov.ph/sites/.../Disaster%20Risk%20Reduction%20Resource% 20Manual.... How can vulnerability be measured? Technical • Indicators for vulnerability like socio-economic data can be used to measure the vulnerability component of disaster risk. ation Systems (GIS) methodologies. Community-based • Vulnerability and capacity assessment using participatory tools • Looking at causes and root causes of vulnerability to for risk reduction solutions in the short-, medium-, and long-term Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment • Why will people and other elements at risk suffer damage and loss with the hazard event? • Categories and Factors for Vulnerability Capacity Assessment adapted from Anderson and Woodrow’s Capacity and Vulnerability Assessment • Use of participatory tools so that ordinary people and those who are most vulnerable like the poor, women, children , people with disabilities can participate Some participatory risk assessment tools Source: Center for Disaster Preparedness