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Introduction to Operating Systems

Edward M Kioko
Objectives of the Chapter
Define the term Operating system
Explain the functions of an operating system in a computer
Describe the common types operating systems
Understand the process and routines involved in computer
Explain the different modes of data processing
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC
Definition of Operating System
A set of programs that manage the resources of
the computer as well as acting as an interface
between the user and the computer hardware.
A set of integration programs (routine) that are
used to manage as well as control the operation
of the hardware components of a computer
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC
Functions of operating system
Input output management
Maintains a controlled input processing and output
Some memory is usually allocated for input data
only i.e. some locations hold data received from
particular input devices.
Other memory areas are allocated for output
These locations hold data temporary before its final
transmission to specific output devices.
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC
Functions of operating system
Input output management
Processor management
• OS usually allocates processor time
to the task executing in the main
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC
Functions of operating system
Input output management
Processor management
Memory management
• The OS controls the usage of the memory space to
ensure that it is optimized.
• The OS will always take some memory space.
• The remain is usually taken up by the operating
• In a multiprogramming environment, the OS
usually maintain a dynamic table that stores data
about allocated and free main memory space.
• We call this table memory map.
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC
Functions of operating system
Input output management
Processor management
Memory management
Backing storage management
• The OS uses device drivers to control the
operation of storage devices.
• Each device should have a device installed
• When a device is required to perform a
function, the OS is responsible for calling the
appropriate device driver that will take control
and coordinate the function of the device
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC
Functions of operating system
Input output management
Processor management
Memory management
Backing storage management
Interrupt handling
• An event that alters the normal sequence of how
the processor executes its instruction’s that
instead of fetching the next instruction
• When an interrupt, OS will save the state of the
interrupt process then transfer control to the
most appropriate program.
MAT 324 -Introduction Operating Systems|MUIC 2022
Functions of operating system
Input output management
Processor management
Memory management
Backing storage management
Interrupt handling
Error correction
• The O.S should be able to handle errors that occur
as part of normal operating activity and not
programming errors.
• Example data lost during transfer because of an
interrupt to a routine should be available to recover
the data by setting up the read process again
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC 2022
Functions of operating system
Input output management
Processor management
Memory management
Backing storage management
Interrupt handling
Error correction
Device allocation
• Several jobs may request the same output media.
• If more than one output devices are available for that
media, then some programs will be allocated one
device and other programs the other device.
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC 2022
Functions of operating system
Input output management
Processor management
Memory management
Backing storage management
Interrupt handling
Error correction
Device allocation
File security and management
•Keeping track of files descriptions
amendments to system files
and locations.
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC 2022
Functions of operating system
Input output management
Some transfers mainly handled between
the main storage direct access storage
Processor management
• Loading system software into main
Memory management
memory as required e.g. compiler
• Swapping applications programs or part
Backing storage management of the program between the main store
and main memory
• Bringing into main store and linking
Interrupt handling
together the applications or system
subroutines to be used in conjunction
Error correction
Device allocation
File security and management
Loading programs and subroutines
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC 2022
Functions of operating system
Input output management
Processor management
Memory management
Backing storage management
Interrupt handling
Error correction
Device allocation
File security and management
Log off events and operator communication
Loading programs and subroutines
Job scheduling
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC 2022
Creation Time
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC
It is an instance of a program under execution while a
program is whole batch of instructions.
A program may be subdivided into a number of processes
for execution.
New:-Process is being created outside the processor queue
Ready:-The process is waiting to be assigned the processor.
Running:-States whether instructions are being executed
Waiting:-The process waiting for some event to occur
Terminated:-The process finishes execution
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC 2022
Processes states
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC 2022
Modes of processing
Batch processing
Multiprogramming and multitasking
real time processing
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC
Batch Processing (1)
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC 2022
Multiprocessing (2)
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC 2022
Multiprogramming (3)
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC 2022
Multithreading (4)
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC 2022
Real time (5)
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC 2022
Distributed Data Processing (DDP) (5)
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC
Steps of booting
CPU initialization.
BIOS attempts to access the first sector of the HDD(MBR)
which is a 512-byte sector is located in the first sector on the
The BIOS confirms there are a bootstrap loader/ boot loader
in the boot sector then loads it into memory (RAM).
BIOs hands over its work to the boot loader, which in turn
begins loading the operating system into memory.
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC
Steps of booting (cont’d)
Boot loader turns control of the PC over to the operating
system. Then, the OS is ready for user interaction.
OS loads device drivers
This is the final stage in the boot process, after which the
user can access the system’s applications to perform tasks.
MAT 324 -IntroductionOperating Systems|MUIC