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Bhagavad Gita: Gyana Ladder & Self-Realization Questions

Bhakti Sastri Unit 3 Bhagvad Gita Chapter 13 – 18
Open book questions (24 marks each + 4 marks for clean writing = 100
1. List the 20 qualities of Gyana Ladder related to 20 steps of
self-realization from BG 13.8-12 with short description for
each. Select any 3 qualities which you feel you are lacking in
your life. Give some practical examples of your life, which
proves that you are really legging behind. Explain why do you
think you need to change in respect to this quality. Explain
how do you plan to change your self. (Marks 5+1+6+6+ 6= 24)
TWENTY Qualities Of Gyana (KNOWLEDGE) Ladder (13.8
– 13.12)
‘ ahiàsä’
Accepting a
Renunciation of
sense objects
Absence of false
 Not to be anxious to have the satisfaction
of being honored by others
 Not to be anxious to be famous for one’s
religion and entering into a group not
actually following principles and wanting
to advertise as a religious mentor
 Not to put others into distress
 Unless one elevates one to spiritual
knowledge, one is practicing
 Try your best to distribute real knowledge
 Be practiced to bear insult and
dishonor from others e.g. Prahlada
 So straightforward that you can disclose
the real truth even to an enemy
 Without diplomacy
 Approach spiritual master with all
humility and offer all services
 If he bestows blessings, that will make
it easier to follow all the regulative
principles and one immediately advances
 Bathing (external) and chanting (internal)
Determined to make progress in spiritual
Reject anything unfavorable to spiritual
Not cater to unnecessary demands
Cater the demands only to keep body fit for
devotional service
How to control – Engage by a systematic
regulation especially chanting Hare
Krishna and Prasadam
Reject: “I am this body, mind etc”
Accept: I am a servant of Krishna
Perception of evils
of birth,
death, disease,
with wife,
children, etc
‘nityaà ca samacittatvam’ Even
Must regularly hear about these
topics from the proper source
Be ready to sacrifice everything for
Affection is natural
Renounce if not favorable for
spiritual advancement e.g. Arjuna is
asked to renounce family connections
service (Ananyabhakti)
‘vivikta-deçasevitvam’ Aspiring
to live in a
solitary place
‘aratir janasaàsadi’
Detachment from
general masses
Not elated or distressed at material gain
or loss
Possible by performing unbreakable
devotional service
Engage in nine processes of bhakti
Not desiring to mix with materialistic men
Living in the association of devotees
Not desiring to mix with materialistic men
Living in the association of devotees
‘adhyätma-jïäna Give up unnecessary sporting, cinema
going, social activities and such
Accepting the
wastage of time
of self-realisation
 Rejection of useless research of
philosophical topics like sex life etc.
 Research into the nature of soul by
search for the
philosophical discretion
Absolute Truth
These 3 qualities which I have been lacking in my life:
‘Amänitvam’ Humility: Not to be anxious to have the satisfaction
of being honored by others.
‘Ananya-bhakti’: Unalloyed devotional service: Engage in nine
processes of bhakti,
DevotionalService to Lord Krishna.
‘äcäryopäsanaà’ Accepting a spiritual master :
"The principle of accepting a spiritual master, as mentioned in
the seventh verse, is essential."
1. ‘Amänitvam’ Humility: Not to be anxious to have the satisfaction
of being honored by others
Hare Krishna, Earlier I lack this quality and I am more attached to
the Proudfulness, so much so that sometimes I used to abuse God. I
am so much puffed-up, so proud what to speak of other things. All
in the modern civilization out of ignorance and used to give much
importance for getting praised / honored by others. Now understood
that the whole world is going on under this misconception of life,
that "I am this body." I have realized that I am not an exception
to this malafide behavior and strongly felt to correct myself by
becoming “Dasaanu dasanu dasa”.
Uttama Purusha, the supreme authority, Supreme Personality of
Godhead, Sri Krishna is speaking that the First step in the process
of acquiring knowledge, jnānam. This humbleness and humility is
taught in the Krishna Conciousness. Without being gentle, humble,
how one can One be a man of knowledge? But at the present moment
the humility is forgotten. Everyone is proud unnecessarily.
Although he's nothing, he's proud, so much so that sometimes a
rascal says that either "I am God" or "There is no God." This is
the modern civilization. Everyone is so puffed-up, so proud, that
one claims to become God, what an arrogance ?. No. The first thing
is that one must be very humble.
This is the process of Vedic civilization. Vidyā-vinaya-sampanne
brāhmaṇe [Bg. 5.18]. One has to become brāhmaṇa. Brāhmaṇa means vidyāvinaya-sampanna. He must be learned and humble. That is brāhmaṇa.
Vidyā-vinaya-sampanne brāhmaṇe gavi hastini [Bg. 5.18]. That is the
first-class life. Vidya-vinaya-sampanne brāhmaṇa. Why brāhmaṇa is
honored in the society? Because brāhmaṇa means vidyā-vinayasampanne, and very humble. Vidyā-vinaya-sampanne.
Vidyā means.... Vidyā dadāti namratā. Vidyā means he must be very
gentle, namra. That is vidyā. Education does not mean unnecessarily to
become proud. Just like we hear that even a great scientist, Sir
Isaac Newton, he used to say, "What knowledge I have got? I have
simply collected a few grain's of sand from the big beach." Yes.
That is humbleness.
Kṛṣṇa says that in the process of acquiring knowledge, one must be
very humble and meek. This is the first qualification. This
is sattva-guṇa. But those who are situated in the rajo-guṇa and tamoguṇa, they cannot become humble. That is not possible. Passion and
ignorance. So one has to... Knowledge means one has come to..., one
has to come to the platform of goodness, sattva-guṇa, the
brahminical qualification. Śamo damas Tapas Soucham Ksantir ārjavaṁ
jñānaṁ vijñānam āstikyaṁ brahma-karma svabhāva-jam [Bg. 18.42].
Everything is there in the Bhagavad-gītā, the qualification
of brāhmaṇa; these are the qualification of kṣatriya; these are the
qualification of vaiśyas; these are the qualification of śūdras.
Śūdra has one qualification. What is that? Paricaryātmakaṁ śūdrakarma svabhāva-jam [Bg. 18.44]. A śūdra means he'll be satisfied if
he gets one good master, that's all. No other qualification.
Even Prahlāda Mahārāja, he was the son of Hiraṇyakaśipu. The
relationship was father and son, but because the son was a devotee,
the father was prepared to kill him. This is the system all over the
world. Jesus Christ, because he was preaching God consciousness, he
was crucified. Although Jesus Christ preached, "Thou shall not
kill," unfortunately he was preaching in such a society that he was
killed. So these things are there always. The demons, they are
always after the devotees how to harass him, how to give him
trouble. Therefore one has to learn humility; otherwise one cannot
make progress in Kṛṣṇa consciousness.
Therefore, the first beginning step of knowledge is humility. Śrī
Caitanya Mahāprabhu has taught,
tṛṇād api sunīcena taror api sahiṣṇunā;
sadā hariḥ || [Cc. Ādi 17.31]
amāninā mānadena kīrtanīyaḥ
2. ‘Ananya-bhakti’: Unalloyed devotional service:
Engage in nine
processes of bhakti
Earlier I am notoriously irreligious. Used to sarcastically
comment on God and even upto offering the peoples hair to
Lord who are already in the que to shave their heads at Lord
Balji’s temple. It is as if I am making a joke of our
Religious rituals not caring for the faith behind. I have
the concept of religious faith as ‘Quid Pro co’ process.
Now I am more into Krishna consciousness and Our Jagadguru Srila
Prabhupadas has given us the real knowledge that Krishna
consciousness movement means how to become dear to Krishna: "How
Krishna will love me." Krishna loves. Krishna says that, mayi ca
ananya-yogena bhaktir avyabhicariṇī. One has to be fixed up on
this point. There are eighteen different description of the
process of knowledge, but the central point is mayi ca. Mayi ca.
Ca means... That is the main point. Without Kṛṣṇa, if you simply
try to become elevated in knowledge, that will not stand. That
will not stand. Therefore Kṛṣṇa says mayi ca. Mayi ca ananyayogena. Ananya-yogena means without any deviation. Ananya-yogena
bhaktir avyabhicāriṇī. Without any deviation. Avyabhicāriṇī means
without any disturbance. Ananya-bhakti. In another place Kṛṣṇa
says, api cet su-durācāro bhajate mām ananya-bhāk.
api cet su-durācāro bhajate mām ananya-bhāk ;
sādhur eva sa mantavyaḥ samyag vyavasito hi saḥ || [Bg. 9.30]
The central point is bhagavad-bhakti. Harāv abhaktasya kuto mahadguṇāḥ. If one is not a devotee of the Lord, Kṛṣṇa, harāv abhaktasya
kuto mahad-guṇāḥ---he cannot possess any great qualities. That is
not possible. Harāv abhaktasya kuto mahad-guṇāḥ.
We have seen practically. Just like Rāvaṇa = Rāvaṇa was a great
personality, a great devotee of Lord Śiva also, and materially his
kingdom was very much advanced. It is said that Lanka was made of
gold. Actually there were many palaces. And he was a very big Vedic
scholar also. But one thing---that he was against Rāma. And for this
disqualification he is still described as asura, rākṣasa. So harāv
abhaktasya kuto mahad-guṇāḥ mano-rathenāsato dhāvato bahiḥ. If one is
not devotee of the Lord, he will simply concoct on the mental
platform. So that will not make.
Yes. This is the central point. Yasyāsti bhaktir bhagavaty akiñcanāḥ
sarvair guṇair tatra samāsate surāḥ [SB 5.18.12]. All the qualities
of the demigods, sura... Sura and asura. Sura means demigods or gods,
and asura means demons. So if one becomes devotee of Kṛṣṇa... Yasyāsti
bhaktir bhagavaty akiñcanāḥ. Akiñcana, pridelessness. Akiñcana. Kṛṣṇa's
by akiñcana, one who thinks himself as very humble, meek. That is
also said in the Bible, that one has to become meek and humble; then
he can understand. And that is also Kṛṣṇa demanding, that "First
surrender. Become humble and meek." This is the verdict of all
Vedic śāstras.
"So if one does not approach or is not able to approach the
transcendental service of the Lord, then the other nineteen items
are of no particular value. But if one takes to devotional service
in full Kṛṣṇa consciousness, the other nineteen items automatically
develop within him."
3. ‘äcäryopäsanaà’
Accepting a spiritual master :
"The principle of accepting a spiritual master, as mentioned in the
seventh verse, is essential."
Earlier I am more busy in activities such as unnecessary sporting (
playing chess & Bridge at club and tournaments ), cinema going,
social activities and such wastage of time. Now understood that the
whole world is going on under this misconception of being busy and
no-time for Spiritual advancement. I am more a victim of the
fervor and one among them unconsciously.
Fortunately I am introduced to Krishna Conciousness through one of
my Friend & Padh-Pradarshak Guru Sri Dinesh Prabhu. Then I am into
Prabhu-Padhashraya and subsequently Diksha due to mercy of Hg Asray
Gauranga Das Prabhu.
This knowledge has to be acquired. Ācāryopāsanam, here it is said.
You have to worship ācārya. Ācāryavān puruṣo veda. One who has
accepted... Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura has also said, āśraya loiyā bhaje
kṛṣṇa tāre nāhi tyaje āra saba more akaraṇa. Āśraya. You have to take
shelter. Evaṁ paramparā prāptam imaṁ rājarṣayo viduḥ [Bg. 4.2]. And
Arjuna also said, śiṣyas te 'haṁ śādhi māṁ prapannam [Bg. 2.7]. Śiṣyas
te... Ācārya, ācāryopāsanam. Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna, two friends. There was
no need of accepting Kṛṣṇa as Arjuna's spiritual master. Still, he
is accepting officially. Śiṣyas te 'haṁ śādhi māṁ prapannam: "I am
accepting You as my spiritual master. Please teach me."
So this is essential. Ācāryopāsanam. Tad-vijñānārthaṁ sa gurum
evābhigacchet [MU 1.2.12]. This is Vedic instruction. If you at all
interested in the understanding of spiritual subject matter, then
you must approach a bona fide spiritual master. Tad vijñānārthaṁ sa
gurum evābhigacchet. Abhigacchet means "must". It is not that if you
like, you can go; if you do not like, you do not. No. You
must. Abhigacchet.
brahma-niṣṭam [MU
1.2.12]. Tasmād guruṁ prapadyeta jijṇāsuḥ śreya uttamam [SB 11.3.21].
It is not a fashion to accept one guru. If you are actually
interested śreya uttamam, the highest perfection of life---tasmād
guruṁ prapadyeta---then you have to accept a guru. This is
called ācāryopāsanam. Even Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
He accepted Sāndīpani Muni as teacher, master. Caitanya Mahāprabhu,
He is also incarnation of Kṛṣṇa, but He accepted Īśvara Purī as
His guru. They do not require guru, but just to keep pace with the
official program, even God personally, He accepted spiritual
master. So this is essential. Ācāryopāsanam.
Then Through Srila Prabhupadas Books & teachings I came to know
what it is called ignorance. Therefore sastra says, “yasyatmabuddhih kunape tri-dhatuke” [SB 10.84.13]: "Anyone who has got this
conception that I am this body, this bag of bones and blood and
flesh," “sa eva go-kharah” [SB 10.84.13], "he is no more than the
cows and the asses." That means animal. So whole world at the
present moment is going on under this animalistic concept of life,
animal civilization.
2. With reference to Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 14, verses and
purports, discuss in your own words, ways you are personally
influenced by the modes of passion and ignorance. Practical
ways you can develop the mode of goodness. ( 24 marks)
List at least 5 characteristics of mode of passion which you
are influenced and explain in your own words with practical
examples from your life (5+5= 10Marks)
List at least 3 characteristics of mode of ignorance which you
are influenced and explain in your own words with practical
examples from your life (3 + 3 = 6)
Practical ways you can come to mode of goodness with respect
to above 8 characteristics. (8 marks)
a. 5 characteristics of mode of passion which I am influenced
Attachment to fruitive activities : I have started a business of
Auto-LPG, after resigning from my salaried job. I have never
stopped limiting the business, but went on expanding. This has
made me not only mentally unhappy, but my profession and
occupation are also very troublesome. I have devised so many
plans and schemes to acquire barely enough money to maintain the
Business status quo.
Binding by the ropes of desire and attachment: I am a voracious
Novel reader and my habit has made be start to buy books where ever
I go. This has become chronic problem for me, causing huge
collection of books. It lead me to ultimate lethargy and
proudness. Thus I could not take up Bhakti with determination.
Intense, unlimited desires and longings : When I have failed the
Auto-LPG business, instead of stoping the activity during my bad
period, I went on aggressively into an ‘Ugra Karma’ of 25 MW Solar
power Plants construction. It became a life’s passion for me to
go ahead at any cost. This unlimited desire and longing has made
me (afterwards) depressed with utmost mental agony. I couldn’t
give up the fruits of it– Because I inherantly wanted to fulfill
unlimited desires.
Great attachment : I used to play Chess and cards, there are
instances when I used to play non-stop for days i.e., Day and
night. My friends circle is also aligned accordingly. Thus I have
become very attached
Fruitive activities: When I planed to construct a residential house, I
have tried my best to have a palatial house, as if I would be able to
reside in that house eternally. And I have developed a great hankering
for sense gratification. There is no end to sense gratification. I
always want to remain with my family and in that house and to continue
the process of sense gratification. Ultimately more and more family
riddles with no mental peace at all. One in the mode of passion is never
satisfied with the position he has already acquired; he hankers to
increase his position. All these symptoms should be understood as
characteristic of the mode of passion.
b. 3 characteristics of mode of ignorance which you are
influenced and explain in your own words with practical
examples from your life:
Madness : When I have failed the Auto-LPG business, and
subsequent 25 MW Solar power Plants construction Project
also failed, I have become more and more a mad-person. I
have stopped working by a regulative principle; Started to act
whimsically for no purpose. I have suffered a total Delusion/
Indolence (Laziness): Even though I have the capacity to work, I
have literally made no endeavor at all.This has totally thrown
me into darkness
Sleep: I started whiling away time and sleeping all the time,
watching TV, movies etc. Although consciousness is going on, life is
When there is no illumination, knowledge is absent. These are the
symptoms of one in the mode of ignorance. If one develops the mode of
ignorance, after his death he is degraded to the animal form of life. From
there one has to again elevate himself, by evolutionary process, to come
again to the human form of life.
c. Practical ways you can come to mode of goodness with respect to
above 8 characteristics:
i. Chant Hare Krishna Maha-mantra, the Best yajna to satisfy
Vishnu in the Age of kali – “Sankirtan-yajna” – which is
easy and sublime
a. Introduced by Lord Caitanya (Ref. SB 11.5.32: “Krishnavarnam tvisa Krishnam…”)
b. Ref Bg. 9.14: “satatam kirtayanto mam …” – Mahatmas
constantly glorify the Lord
ii. Always do Prasadam offering to Krishna. Chief purpose of all
yajnas – Ultimate satisfaction of Yajna-pati “Vishnu” (3.11)
– Ref. Bg. 5.29 “bhoktaram yajïa-tapasäà sarva-lokamaheçvaram…”
When we offer always “the water we drink and the types of
food we eat” as Prasadam to Lord Krishna, we are benefited
as below:
a. Gradual purification to help ultimate liberation –
this happens in the following steps:
1. When eatables are sanctified by yajna
i.Existence is Purified
ii. Finer tissues in memory are sanctified
iii. Thus one can think of path of
liberation iv. All these combined lead to
Krishna Consciousness, the great necessity
of present day society
iii. Nitya Sravanam of Krishna Katha none else Ref. CC:
“ekale éçvara kåñëa, ära saba bhåtya:Only Krishna is the
Supreme master and
i. all others are servants”
iv. Always associate with Devotees i.e., Sadhu-sangha
Strictly follow Lord Krishna’s the ultimate instruction as
the path to real happiness – “sarva-dharmän parityajya mäm
ekaà çaraëaà vraja…
 Give up all other engagements and fully surrender unto
vi. Adhere to Attitude of a pure devotee
a. Knows that everything comes from Supreme Lord
b. Does not ask for material benefit
c. Ref. CC: To worship the Supreme Lord and at the same
time desiring material enjoyment is contradictory
vii. Live a life of a perfect devotee who is “Krishna centered” –
as below:
o His only desire is to associate with Supreme Personality of
Godhead 24 hours a day.
o He always worships with ‘exclusive’ devotion
 Unable to live without Krishna even for a moment
o Such Krishna conscious activities are “All-auspicious” and
“Full of spiritual potencies”
viii. Krishna conscious movement – A sublime process of simply
chanting Hare Krishna and going back to Godhead – devotional
service can take one to Krishna’s planet.
ix. Ref. SB 2.3.10: “akamah sarva kamo vä mokña-käma udära-dhéù
tévreëa bhakti-yogena...” Therefore in any condition one
should only approach Vasudeva
Those who are actually serious about human life should take to the mode
of goodness and in good association transcend the modes and become
situated in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. This is the aim of human life. Otherwise,
there is no guarantee that the human being will again attain to the human
 Aim
of human life
Take to mode of goodness
Take to good association
Gradually transcend all the three modes and situate
yourself in Krishna consciousness
BG 14.14:
According to this verse, The word amalān is significant;
it means free from the modes of passion and ignorance. There are
impurities in the material world, but the mode of goodness is the purest
form of existence in the material world. There are different kinds of
planets for different kinds of living entities. Those who die in the mode
of goodness are elevated to the planets where great sages and great
devotees live.
Jnana stresses discrimination. Discrimination
ultimately leads one to appreciate that he is not the
body, that Krishna is Supreme, and that he should
take shelter of Krishna to become free. Thus jnana is a path that
culminates in Bhakti.
Lord Kåshna explains to Uddhava in the Eleventh Canto,
affect how we are influenced by the modes of nature: agama, which
çastras we hear; apaù, the water we drink and the types of food we
eat; praja, our association; deça,
where we live;
time of the day; karma, our activities; janma, our conditioning
from birth; dhyana, our thoughts; mantras, what we chant; and
saàskaras, the varnaçrama ceremonies we undergo, which begin with
impreg- nation and end with burial.
3. Present an overview of the banyan tree analogy explaining its
relationship to the conditioning of the modes of material
nature, with reference to BG 15.1-7.
a. Drawing 6 marks
Attached Please See Banyan tree analogy - Annexture I
b. Writing each item and their respective alternative
meaning 6 marks
The material world: A perverted relflection of the
spiritual world
Kamya Karma is the cause – Original tree of
spiritual world is reflected on “Desire” /
analogous to “Water” – “Desire” is the cause of
things being situated in this reflected material
o The real root of this material existence grows upward
 This means that it begins from the total
material substance, from the topmost planet
of the universe, Brahmaloka
o The secondary roots are in the human planetary
systems (Bhuloka) and grow downward and spread in
all directions
 They are bound to the fruitive actions of human
 Subsidiary roots are attachments and
aversions, which are by products of
different varieties of suffering and sense
 Tendencies towards piety and impiety
are considered to develop from these
secondary roots
Branches – Upper and lower planets
Leaves – Vedic Hymns
Twigs – Sense objects
Tips of branches – Senses
Fruits – Dharma, Artha, Kaama, Moksha
Nourishment – The three modes of material nature
The living entities involvement in this tree
 Hops from one branch to another trying to taste the
 Can’t see how far the tree extends or where it ends
 Although living entities are the eternal fragmental
parts of Krishna, they are struggling with the
senses (BG 15.7)
c. Explain how this tree is binding the soul. (4 marks)
 The living entities involvement in this tree is binding
the soul.
 Hops from one branch to another trying to taste the
 Can’t see how far the tree extends or where it ends
 When we are entangled in material expansion one
cannot see how far the tree extends and where is the
 Attachment for sense enjoyment and lording over material
nature is very strong
 Although living entities are the eternal fragmental
parts of Krishna, they are struggling with the
senses (BG 15.7)
d. Explain the process by which one can cut the bondage from
verse and purport of 15 3-6 (8 marks)
The Best process by which one can cut the bondage:
Finding out the cause – Father’s father’s father’s… to
Brahmaloka to Garbodaksayi Vishnu to Krishna
 Krishna is the end of research work
 How to search out that origin? – From association
of persons in knowledge of Supreme Personality of
 Find one in knowledge (BG 15.4)
o Hear properly from him,
o About the relationship between the Lord and the
living entity
 Surrender to the Lord (BG 15.5)
o Through the spiritual master
No false prestige(or pride) that he is lord of material
o Conditioned soul is puffed up – Thinks himself to
be the Lord (always expecting some honor), this
makes it difficult for him to surrender
o Solution – Cultivate knowledge to know that I am
not the Lord but Supreme Personality of Godhead
is the Lord
o Freedom from pride begins the process of surrender
No in illusion – Pride is due to illusion
o Illusion means one comes and goes from this
world but still thinks to be the Lord and the
o Thus makes things complicated and is always in
The entire world is under this false impression
of “created divisions of false proprietorship”
(land, earth etc)
Gives up false association
o Possible when one is free from false proprietorship
o “False associations” are caused by familial, social,
national affection
Free from dualities– One should develop spiritual knowledge
 Cultivate knowledge of what is actually his own and what
is not
 It leads to freedom from conceptions of duality
 Attain the eternal abode (BG 15.6)
4. Identify examples of demoniac nature from current local and
global issues. Give reference to 16.4-18, verses and purports
in your response.
a. List the characteristics of demoniac nature with four
i. Inherent qualities ( like lust, anger etc) ( 4
(BG 16.4):
 Pride – Demoniac want to make a show of religion and
advancement in spiritual science, but do not follow
the principles
 Arrogance – Proud in possessing some education or
wealth and thus arrogant
 Conceit – Desire to be worshipped by others
(Demand respect, but do not command respect)
 Anger – Over trifles they become angry
 Harshness – Speak harshly
 Ignorance
o Not knowing what to do and what not to do
o Do all whimsically according to their own desire
o Do not recognize any authority
ii. Action (what do they do) (4 marks)
(BG 16.7):
 Don’t know what is to be done and not to be done / Do
not follow sastras
o Acts whimsically and not according to set
of scriptural rules and regulations set-up
for a civilized society
 Either do not know scriptural rules and
 Even if knows, have no inclination to
 Lack of faith
 in Vedas – No faith in Vedic
 in Sages – Do not accept any
instructions or experiences of
great sages – this causes
‘miserable social condition’ of
demoniac people
o Aryans – They are the most advanced civilized
people and they adopt the Vedic injunctions as
it is
Unclean – he neither likes nor follow these rules
o External cleanliness – Brushing, shaving, bathing
o Internal cleanliness – Chanting the Hare Krishna
Improper behavior
o Manu-samhita is the guide for human behavior
(Especially Hindus follow it)
o Improper behavior with others – Anger, harshness
o Manu-samhita explains the laws of
inheritance and other legalities also –
examples of proper social behavior.
 Women should not be give freedom
 Women are protected in all ages, not as
slaves but as children
 Result of modern woman liberation – Moral
condition of women is not very good and
marriage is practically an imagination
o Concoct philosophies for their own purposes
iii. Mind (what do they think or plan ) ( 4 marks)
Demonaic philosophy (BG 16.8)
 World is unreal with no God in control
 No cause other than lust and thus this world is
produced of sex desire
Demoniac attitude and engagements (BG 16.9 & 16.11 –
 Attitude
o The demoniac are lost to themselves (illusioned)
and have no intelligence
o Sense gratification is the “prime necessity of
human civilization”
 Engagements
o Engaged in unbeneficial, horrible works meant to
destroy the world
o Secure money by illegal means for sensegratification
Demoniac mentality (BG 16.10 & 16.13 – 16.15)
 They take shelter of insatiable lust
 They are absorbed in the conceit of pride and false
 Always sworn to unclean work and attracted by
 “I am the controller and the enjoyer”
 “I am perfect and powerful”
 “My enemies are defeated and I am happy”
 “I am the Lord of everything that I survey”
Result of demonaic work (BG 16.16)
 Perplexed by various anxieties
 Network of illusions
 Too strong attachment to sense enjoyment
 Falldown to hell
iv. Word (What do they speak or tell to their
subordinates) (4 marks)
Demoniac preachings (BG 16.17 – 16.18)
 They are envious of God, saintly persons and scriptures
 They proudly perform sacrifices in name only, without
following any rules or regulations
 Preach that whatever path one creates is one’s own path
– there is no standard path
 Others concoct their own God
 Some preach that God is dead
 Others say: “You are all yourselves God”
b. Give four examples from Prabhupada’s writings addressing
current local or global issues which representing
demoniac nature. (4 marks)
 (BG 16.16)Manufacture one’s own process of yajna e.g.
Ravana building Staircase or modern scientist trying
to go to higher planets by mechanical arrangements.
Similarly, in the present age such demoniac men are
striving to reach the higher planetary systems by
mechanical arrangements. These are examples of
bewilderment. The result is that, without their
knowledge, they are gliding toward hell. Here the
Sanskrit word moha-jäla is very significant. Jäla
means "net"; like fish caught in a net, they have no
way to come out.
 (BG 16.7)Manu-samhita is the guide for human behavior
(Especially Hindus follow it)
But modern education has artificially devised a
puffed—up concept of womanly life, and therefore
marriage is practically now an imagination in human
society. Nor is the moral condition of woman very good
 (BG 16.08)They conclude that as a child is simply the
result of sexual intercourse between man and woman,
this world is born without any soul. For them it is
only a combination of matter that has produced the
living entities, and there is no question of the
existence of the soul. As many living creatures come
out from perspiration and from a dead body without any
cause, the whole living world has come out of the
material combinations of the cosmic manifestation.
Therefore material nature is the cause of this
manifestation, and there is no other cause.
 (BG 16.09)They try to enjoy this material world to the
utmost limit and therefore always engage in inventing
something for sense gratification. Such materialistic
inventions are considered to be advancement of human
civilization, but the result is that people grow more
and more violent and more and more cruel, cruel to
animals and cruel to other human beings. They have no
idea how to behave toward one another. Animal killing
is very prominent amongst demoniac people. Such people
are considered the enemies of the world because
ultimately they will invent or create something which
will bring destruction to all. Indirectly, this verse
anticipates the invention of nuclear weapons, of which
the whole world is today very proud. At any moment war
may take place, and these atomic weapons may create
c. Give four examples from your own realization with respect
to current local or global issues which representing
demoniac nature. (4 marks)
 Covid-19 Virus pandemic is Currently Global issue caused
solely due to demonic mentality of Humans. Nations in the
name of defence stared developing Biological warfare
tools, which some times is grow beyond their control and
causing unimaginable dire consequences for the man-Kind.
These is definitely demonic acts.
 Modern scientist trying to develop genetically modified
Food by their research and mechanical arrangements. This
is a grave demonic mentality and they don’t know what
they are doing in the name of the science and of very
grave consequences.
 In Sri Lanka almost 500,000 people are massacred by their
state Army in the name of ethnic violence and to keep the
law & order. Actually it is demonic mentality of
abominable nature and entire world has detested this
cruel act.
 Gokul Chat Bombing and all other similar bombings in the
name of Religious Terrorism have killed hundreds and
thousands of innocent people. Entire World irrespective
of religious faiths have condemned such brutal killings
of Terrorism. However, demonic people are always hatch
such in-human acts and preach teach the younger
generation to get involved in such Demonic acts.
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