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SQL Essential Training Flashcards

3/16/22, 1:07 PM
Computer Science
SQL Essential Training Flashcards | Quizlet
SQL Essential Training
Terms in this set (31)
What is the purpose of a
Foreign keys refer to the primary key in another
foreign key?
table to link the two tables together.
Which clauses allow you to get
SELECT; The select statement retrieves data from
rows and columns from a table
the database by easily selecting the rows and
in the database?
columns from a table.
You must execute the select statement after the
Which statement is true about
inserting data to a table?
insert into statement to see the result with the
added row; You must execute the select statement
after you execute the insert into statement to see
the new result.
What is the best way to return
SELECT COUNT (*) FROM student; This code
the number of rows in the
correctly provides the number of rows in a table.
student table?
Which statement is true about
selecting columns in SQL?
Column names must be separated by commas.
Syntax error if column names are not separated by
Which code returns the
SELECT midtermexam, finalexam, gpa FROM Grade;
columns midtermexam,
This code correctly returns the columns
finalexam, and gpa from the
midtermexam, finalexam, and gpa from the grade
grade table?
Which SQL statement allows
SELECT;The SELECT statement is used to retrieve
you to retrieve data from a SQL
data from a SQL database.
What is the purpose of a
foreign key?
Foreign keys refer to the primary key in another
table to link the two tables together;Foreign keys
define the relationship between two tables.
3/16/22, 1:07 PM
SQL Essential Training Flashcards | Quizlet
Which code returns the first 10
students who have a 4.0 GPA
Name LIMIT 10; This code correctly selects the first
from the Grade table ordered
10 students who have 4.0 GPAs from the Grade
table ordered alphabetically.
Remove existing rows from a table with the DELETE
Which statement is true about
FROM statement. The DELETE FROM statement
removing rows from a table?
removes rows from a table and once a row has been
deleted it cannot be recovered.
What is the correct code to
DELETE FROM student WHERE id=3; This code
remove row 3 from the student
successfully removes row 3 from the student table.
Which code is the correct way
UPDATE student SET GPA=3.5 WHERE id=7; This
to update the GPA for the
code correctly updates the student information in
student in row 7 from the
row 7.
student table?
The SELECT statement is used
all queries
for _____.
Foreign keys refer to rows or records in other tables.
What does foreign keys refer
What is a PRIMARY KEY?
In the statement SELECT *
the unique key for a table when exposed as a
clause. It modifies the verb `SELECT`.
FROM Customers WHERE Age
> 50;, what is the formal name
for FROM Customers?
An SQL statement is terminated
a semicolon
with _____.
What is the proper syntax for
SELECT FirstName AS "First Name";
aliasing a field?
3/16/22, 1:07 PM
The _____ statement is used to
SQL Essential Training Flashcards | Quizlet
add a row to a table.
In the statement COUNT(),
to consider all rows. The asterisk is often used as a
what does the mean?
wild card.
You can use the COUNT(*)
function to count all the rows in
a table.
How do you specify the
by name or column heading; You can just use a
columns to be selected?
comma delimited list.
You can query columns in any
That is correct
What is an example of a query
SELECT * FROM Fruits WHERE Name = 'Apple';
to get only data containing the
word "Apple"?
The _____ clause is used with
SELECT to filter rows.
What is the function of an AS
to name a column. An AS clause creates an alias
identifier for a column.
The _____ statement is used to
remove rows from a table.
If you use UPDATE and SET
The entire table is updated. Without a restriction, the
without a WHERE clause, what
statement applies to the whole table.
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The WHERE clause is used with
UPDATE to determine which
rows are updated.
3/16/22, 1:07 PM
SQL Essential Training Flashcards | Quizlet
INSERT INTO customer (name, city, state) VALUES
('Jimi Hendrix', 'Renton', 'WA'); You do not need to
Which statement would
specify a value for every column.
generate the fifth record in the
following table?
How can a row of data be
INSERT INTO Animals (Name, Age, Type) VALUES
inserted into a table named
('Fido', 10 'Dog');