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20DCO04 CCL Case Study

Name : Khan Mohd Absar Mohd Faseehuddin
Roll No : 20DCO04
Batch : 02
Class : TE_CO
Subject : CCL_LAB
Exp_No : 05
Title : Case study on Fog Computing
What is Fog Computing ?
Fog computing is a decentralized computing infrastructure in which data, compute, storage and
applications are located somewhere between the data source and the cloud. Like edge computing, fog
computing brings the advantages and power of the cloud closer to where data is created and acted
upon. Many people use the terms fog computing and edge computing interchangeably because both
involve bringing intelligence and processing closer to where the data is created. This is often done to
improve efficiency, though it might also be done for security and compliance reasons.
The fog metaphor comes from the meteorological term for a cloud close to the ground, just as fog
concentrates on the edge of the network. The term is often associated with Cisco; the company's
product line manager, Ginny Nichols, is believed to have coined the term. Cisco Fog Computing is a
registered name; fog computing is open to the community at large.
How Fog computing infrastructure/architecture is set up?
Fog architecture involves using services of end devices (switches, routers, multiplexers, etc) for
computational, storage and processing purposes. Fog computing architecture consists of physical as well
as logical elements of the network, software, and hardware to form a complete network of a large
number of interconnecting devices. Fog node distribution (physical as well as geographical, along with
the topology and protocols used form key architectural features of a fog architecture. Fog architecture
involves the distribution of functions at different layers, the types and the number of protocols used, and
the constraints imposed at various layers.
Hierarchical Fog Computing Architecture
The hierarchical fog architecture comprises of following three layers:
1>Terminal Layer
The terminal layer is the basic layer in fog architecture, this layer includes devices like mobile phones,
sensors, smart vehicles, readers, smartcards, etc.
The devices which can sense and capture data are present in this layer. Devices are distributed across a
number of locations separated far apart from each other.
The layer mostly deals with data sensing and capturing. Devices from different platforms and different
architectures are mainly found in this layer.
The devices have the property of working in a heterogeneous environment, with other devices from
separate technologies and separate modes of communication.
2> Fog Layer .
Fog layer includes devices like routers, gateways, access points, base stations, specific fog
servers, etc., called as Fog nodes.
Fog nodes are located at the edge of a network. An edge can be a hop distance from the end
device. The Fog nodes are situated in-between end devices and cloud data centers.
Fog nodes can be static, e.g., located in a bus terminal or coffee shop, or they can be moving, e.g.,
fitted inside in a moving vehicle.
Fog nodes ensure services to the end devices. Fog nodes can compute, transfer and store the data
Fog nodes and cloud data center connections are enabled by the IP core networks, providing
interaction and cooperation with the cloud for enhancing processing and storage capabilities.
3> Cloud Layer
This layer consists of devices that can provide large storage and machines (servers) with high
This layer performs computation analysis and stores data permanently, for back-up and permanent
access to the users.
This layer has high storage and powerful computing capabilities.
Enormous data centers with high computing abilities form a cloud layer. The data centers provide all the
basic characteristics of cloud computing to the users. The data centers are both scalable and provide
compute resources on-demand basis.
The cloud layer lies at the extreme end of the overall fog architecture. It acts as a back-up as well as
provides permanent storage for data in a fog architecture. Usually, data that isn’t required at the user
proximity is stored in a cloud layer.
Layered Fog Computing Architecture.
Working Principle of Fog Computing .
Fog computing works by utilizing local devices termed fog nodes and edge devices. Raw data is captured
by IoT beacons. This data is sent to a fog node close to the data source. This data is analyzed locally,
filtered, and then sent to the cloud for long-term storage if necessary. Edge devices can be several
different types of device, including:
Embedded servers
In reality, any device with computing, storage, and network connectivity can act as a fog node. When
data is collected by IoT devices and edge computing resources, it is sent to the local node instead of the
cloud. Utilizing fog nodes closer to the data source has the advantage of faster data processing when
compared to sending requests back to data centers for analysis and action. In a large, distributed
network, fog nodes would be placed in several key areas so that crucial information can be accessed and
analyzed locally.
The potential benefits of a decentralized computing structure are plentiful. However, a good
example to illustrate the importance of rapid data analysis is alarm status. Many security systems
rely on IoT technology to detect break-ins, theft, etc., and notify the authorities. If the alarm
warning triggered by the IoT security system needs to be sent all the way to the data center to be
analyzed and acted on, it could act too late, rendering the entire IoT security system more or less
Time-sensitive data like alarms, fault warnings, and device status greatly benefits from the speed
of edge computing. This data needs to be analyzed and acted upon quickly in order to prevent
major damage or loss. The cloud is great for decentralized access to resources and data, but cloud
computing struggles to keep up with the speed and efficiency demanded by the influx of
information provided by IoT technology.
Application that uses Fog Computing.
Here is Fog Computing Applications Across Various Industries:
Fog Computing in Agriculture and Farming
Fog Computing and the Healthcare Industry
Fog Computing and Smart Cities
Fog Computing in Education
Fog Computing and Entertainment
Fog Computing aims to reduce processing burden of cloud computing. Fog computing is
bringing data processing, networking, storage and analytics closer to devices and
applications that are working at the network’s edge. that’s why Fog Computing today’s
trending technology mostly for IoT Devices.