Fourier Transform functionh:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{C}h:R→CAbout\hat{h} = F\left[h\right]:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{C}h^=F[h]:R→Ca function called \displaystyle \hat{h}(t) = F\left[h\right]\left(t\right) \equiv \int_{-\infty} ^{\infty} e^{-2 \pi itx} h\left(x\right) \mathrm{d}x \quad \left(i = \sqrt{1}\right)h^(t)=F[h](t)≡∫− ∞∞And−2πitxh(x)dx(i=− 1) , and transform the above\hat{h}, F[h]h^,F[h]functionhhIt is defined as the Fourier transform of[One][2] It can be defined similarly in higher dimensions. Fourier transform\int e^{itx} h\left(x\right) \mathrm{d}x∫And−itxh(x)dxSome mathematicians define it as[3] In this case, the relationship between the derivative of the function and the Fourier transform is neat (F\left[h'\right](t)=itF\left[h\right](t)F[h'](t)=i t F[h](t)) is mainly used in partial differential equations. In physics, normal timettThe angular frequency is the Fourier domain of\omegaωuse , locationxxwave number into the Fourier domain oftotouse The above integral is an arbitrary functionhhis not well defined (e.g.h(x)=1h(x)=Oneif ). However, in most cases, the integral expression is interpreted as improper Riemann integral,h(x)e^{-\epsilon x^2}h(x)e−ϵx2After calculating the Fourier transform of\ epsilon \ to 0ϵ→0It is solved by sending the extreme. In any case, it is necessary to strictly define the Fourier transform in order to solve such a small problem. Please refer to the following. 1.1. in Schwarz space[edit] schwarz space\mathcal{S}Sis a space of functions that are infinitely differentiable and whose derivatives are rapidly decreasing. In this case, the Fourier transform as an integral expression is well defined. especially,F:\mathcal{S}\to \mathcal{S}F:S→Sis a one-toone correspondence, and allh,g\in \mathcal{S}h,g∈SAbout \displaystyle \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} h(x)\bar{g}(x) \mathrm{d}x = \int_{\infty}^{\infty} F[h](t) \overline{F[g]}(t) \mathrm{d}t∫− ∞∞h(x)gˉ (x)dx=∫− ∞∞F[h](t)F[g](t)dt satisfies Plancherel's theorem. 1.2. in L 1 space[edit] First, you need to know about the Lebesgue space. (see comments)[4] L^{1}IOneThe Fourier transform as an integral expression for a function is well defined, but the transformed function isL^{1}IOnemay not go into, in factF:L^{1} \to L^{\infty}F:IOne→I∞Only Im can know. Unlike in Schwarz space,F:L^{1} \to L^{\infty}F:IOne→I∞is not a transcription function.[5] 1.3. in L 2 space[edit] with this nature\mathcal{S}\subset L^{2}S⊂I2by the compactness ofF:\mathcal{S}\to \mathcal{S}F:S→SIsF:L^{2}\to L^{2}F:I2→I2It has a unique extension to the causal operator. because of thisF:L^{2}\to L^{2}F:I2→I2is well defined 1.4. in a controlled distribution space.[edit] \mathcal{S}'S'space is schwarz space\mathcal{S}SAs a dual space of , it has a weak-* phase.\mathcal{S}'S'The elements of is called the control distribution. control distributionh \in \mathcal{S}'h∈S'Fourier transform ofF[h] \in \mathcal{S}'F[h]∈S'is naturally defined as follows by Plancherel's theorem. This Fourier transform is very similar to the Laplace transform . right abovetttoisistry putting The derivative of a function is multiplied with a variable by Fourier transform, and the product is transferred to convolution. Therefore, the Laplace transform solution of the differential equation can be corrected with the Fourier transform solution as it is. However, what is even better than the Laplace transform is that the inverse transform is very easy. No, it's just an inverse transformation! strictly speakingF^{2} h\left(t\right) = F\left[F\left[h\right]\right]\left(t\right) = h\left(t\right)F2h(t)=F[F[h]](t)=h(−t)is established.[6]