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BerTea Shawarma Market Survey: MBA Questionnaire

Bonifacio St., Davao City
Master in Business Administration
Survey Questionnaire
“Viability and Marketability of BerTea Shawarma”
Dear Respondents,
Good day! I am conducting a survey to determine the marketability of fast foods particularly
Shawarma Pita in Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur. This survey may take only 3-5 minutes to complete. Rest
assured, your answers will be held with utmost confidentiality.
Your cooperation is highly appreciated in filling out this survey questionnaire which is
necessary for the preparation of our business plan.
PART I. Demographic Profile
Instructions: Please check the box that corresponds to the answer that best applies to you.
Address of Residence/Workplace: ________________________________________
Monthly Income:
Php10,000 and below
Php10,001 to Php20,000
Php20,001 to Php30,000
Php30,001 to Php40,000
Over Php40,000
18 years old and below
19-30 years old
31-40 years old
41-50 years old
Over 50 years old
PART II. Demand and Preferences
Instructions: For each question, please check the space which corresponds to your answer. There
are no right or wrong answers to these questions.
1. Do you consume fast food?
______Yes _____No
2. If yes, what particular fast food do you often consume? You may check all that apply.
______Shawarma Pita
______If others, please specify _____________
3. Where do you usually buy from?
______within our town
______in malls or out of town
4. How often do you consume fast food on a weekly basis?
______1-2 times
______3-4 times
______5-6 times
______7 times or more
5. How much are you willing to pay per order of a regular Shawarma Pita?
______Php55 to Php65
______Php66 to Php75
______Php76 to Php85
______Php86 to Php95
______Above Php95
6. Are you satisfied of the Shawarma Pita and other fast foods that you have tasted?
______No – If not, why? ______________________________________
7. If our local fast-food store will offer new variety of products such as Shawarma Burger and
Shawarma Fries, would you be willing to purchase and try it out?
(State reason: _______________________)
8. What is the likelihood of buying from them and dining in-store?
______Very likely
______Not likely
9. What is the likelihood of buying from them through ordering online (social media/text/call)?
______Very likely
______Not likely
10. What affects your buying preference for Shawarma Pita, burger, fries, etc.? You can choose
only three.
______Product Quality
______Location and Accessibility
______Service Quality
______Free Delivery
______Discounts and Promos
______Others, please specify: _____________________________________
Please write your comments and suggestions to make the product of this business more viable
and marketable.