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Constellation Names & Greek Myths Worksheet

Let’s go on a Webquest discovery about the origin of the names of constellations and starry objects :) Connect
these new facts to Science and Social Studies lessons too!
Do you know the names of any of the constellations in the night sky?
Check out some amazing connections between the gods and
1) Constellation Lyra-named after Orpheus and his lyre
Every April there is a big event in the
heavens above--The Lyrid Meteor
Lyra is a constellation name​ that derives from the myth
Orpheus and Eurydice.
Check​ this chart ​and add 2 to the list. Look for the ones that relate to
Greek Mythology.
Which 3 words describe the lyre music that you hear in the video?
Choose juicy, bullseye words :)
of ​
A lyre is a musical instrument. In Greek mythology, it was
made by Hermes
Apollo who then
from a tortoiseshell. It was given to
gave it to his son, Orpheus. Orpheus played such beautiful
music that
even rocks and streams could be charmed by his music.
Listen to ​Lyre songs here.
Find out more about the myth of Orpheus and
What was the most dramatic part of the story? (Complete sentences
only--Indicate the cause and effect structure using fabulous
transitional words and phrases)
Watch the video
According to the myth, once Orpheus died, the muses put the
lyre among the stars with the approval of Zeus, their father.
Our constellations, the formation of stars in the night sky, are
named after many Greek gods and goddesses.
Investigate here​ ​and find out the horoscope sign
associated with your birthday. Label your drawing or image.
Copy and paste an image of the constellation associated with your
birthday, or draw it here. Don’t forget to label the image!