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A Knight's Tale Movie Worksheet

A Knight’s Tale
1. Describe the clothing of the people in the movie. How is each of them dressed? Does it look comfortable?
a. Peasants
b. Nobility
c. Knights
2. What is the plan hatched by William, Roland and Wat to earn a livelihood.?
3. What is the problem with William becoming a knight, what could happen to him if he were caught?
4. What "noble" name does William create for himself so that he can joust?
5. What events do you see in the movie that would be seen at a competition or tournament for knights?
6. Who is Geoffrey Chaucer? What role does he play for William’s crew?
7. The rules for jousting:
a. 1 point =_____________________________________________________________________
b. 2 points=_____________________________________________________________________
c. 3points=_____________________________________________________________________
8. Why doesn't William write his own letter to Jocelyn?
9. William has a flashback on the barge traveling back to England of when he was first placed in service to Sir Ector. For
how long was his commitment and why would his father send him away?
10. Why does William purposely lose jousting events? Who asks him to do this and for what reason?
11. William jousts Sir Thomas Colville in Rouen, but instead of defeating him after Colville is injured, William honors his
request to keep his honor intact.
A. What does this show about William?
B. How does this pay off for William later when the true identity of Colville is revealed?
12. What has become of his father John? What job does he have?
13. When Count Adhemar finds out that William is a commoner, what does he do?
14. What finally happens to William at the end of the movie?
15. List 15 things from the movie that you see that connect to the Middle Ages
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