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Immunity, Body Defenses

Department of Biology
Welcome to Bio 3UU3
Animal Physiology – Regulatory Systems
March 2022
Dr. Manar Angrini
Immunity & Body Defenses
Edward Jenner (1796)
Objectives & Outlines
§ Explore lymphatic system
§ Define immunity
§ Classify immunity
§ Study types of the body defenses
§ Compare between T cells & B cells
§ Discuss resistance of the body to infection
Lymphatic system
§ Organ system in vertebrates that
is part of the circulatory and
immune systems
§ it consists of a complex network
of vessels, tissues, and organs.
§ The lymphatic system helps
maintain fluid balance in the
body by drainage excess fluid
and particulate matter from
tissues and depositing them in
the bloodstream.
§It also helps defend the body against infection by supplying
disease-fighting cells called lymphocytes.
Lymphatic organs
§ Primary lymphoid organs = the
sites of B and T cell maturation,
§ Secondary lymphoid organs = in
which further differentiation of
lymphocytes occurs.
§ Primary lymphoid organs
§ thymus, bone marrow,
§ fetal liver
§ in birds, the bursa of Fabricius.
§ In humans the thymus and bone
marrow are the key players in
immune function.
Central and peripheral lymphoid organs
ØBone marrow
ØLymph nodes
Lymphatic organs
§ All lymphocytes derive from stem cells in the bone
§ Stem cells destined to become B lymphocytes remain in
the bone marrow as they mature,
§ while T cells migrate to the thymus to undergo further
§ Mature B and T lymphocytes exit the primary lymphoid
organs and are transported via the bloodstream to the
secondary lymphoid organs, where they become activated
by contact with foreign materials, such as particulate
matter and infectious agents, called antigens.
§ Initially immuno-incompetent
§ Mature (become immuno-competent) in either:
Øthe bone marrow (B-cells or B-lymphocytes)
Øor the thymus (T-cells or
§ Each lymphocyte possesses surface antibodies for a
single pathogen (genetically determined)
surface antibodies
The lymphoid
progenitor cells
mature into the Bcells, T-cells, and
innate lymphoid cells
(ILCs), which include
the natural killer cells
(NK cells).
Hematopoietic stem cells are (precursors) immature
cells that develop ☞ into all types of blood cells.
Myeloid progenitor cells are descendants of stem cells
that further differentiate ☞ into specialized cell types
§ Natural killer cells recognize general signals of
immune stress such as inflammation.
§ B and T cells recognize foreign antigens via
hypervariable B cell and T cell receptors (BCRs and
§ B cells recognize free, unprocessed antigens.
§ T cells recognize antigens within a complex of cell
surface proteins on the surface of antigenpresenting cells.
Lymphoid progenitor
T- cells
B- cells
Mature in Mature in
thymus bone marrow
Effector Tantibodycells
plasma cells
T Cells & their receptors
§ T cell receptors (TCRs)
are made up of two
polypeptide chains (α
&β) - compose one
antigen binding cite
§ The T cell receptor
structure is maintained
by a disulfide bond
linking the two chains
T Cells & their receptors
There are many types of T cells, each has a specialized
§ Cytotoxic T cells = Killer T cells-- target cancer, virally
infected, or damaged cells.
§ Roles of killer cells:
ØSecretes hole-forming proteins,
called perforins, that punch round
holes in the membrane causing
fluid to rapidly flow into the cell
ØAlso can release cytotoxic
substance directly into attacked cell
Guyton and Hall, 12th edition
T Cells & their receptors
§ Helper T cells= ¾ of total T-cells
§ They help B cells by releasing cytokines.
ØAIDS patients, inactivated or destroyed T helper cells which
leaves the body unprotected against infectious disease
Roles of helper cells:
Ø Stimulate growth and proliferation of cytotoxic and
suppressor T-cells
Ø Stimulate growth and differentiation of B-cells to form
plasma cells and antibodies
Ø Activate macrophages
Ø Feedback loop stimulating helper t-cells themselves
T Cells & their receptors
§ Memory T cells have an extended lifetime and help to
recognize antigens to which they were previously
§ Suppressor T cells block the actions of some other types
of lymphocytes, to keep the immune system from
becoming over-active.
§ B cell receptors (BCR) are
made up of four peptides –
two light chains and two heavy
chains –comprise two antigenbinding regions
immunoglobulin (Ig).
§ Heavy chains can be IgG, IgA,
IgM, IgD, or IgE isotypes.
§ B cells can be activated in two
Ø T cell-dependent activation
Ø T cell-independent activation.
B Cells & their receptors
During T cell-dependent activation: B cells absorb the antigen and
then present pieces of the antigen on their surface, and helper T cells
can then recognize those antigens and activate the B cells.
For T cell-independent activation to take place, the B cell must both
encounter an antigen and receive a “danger signal,”
§ Activated B cells can then B Cells & their receptors
either become effector B
cells or memory B cells.
§ Effector B cells, also called
plasma cells→ produce
§ Antibodies work as alarms
to target invading agents
for destruction by other
immune agents like
§ Memory B cells, like memory T cells, help the immune
system respond more quickly to future invasions by the
same agent.
T Cells vs B Cells
B Cells
T Cells
Bone marrow
Often called
B lymphocytes
T lymphocytes
Outside lymph node
Inside lymph node
Surface antibodies
They connect to the surface of
invading bacteria and virus
They connect only to the virus
antigen on the outside
Life Span
Only one active type
Two types: Helper and Killer
Body Defenses
Nonspecific defenses Specific defenses
! First Line of Defense
• Physical and chemical
barriers (Skin, mucous
membranes)• Nonspecific & Local
! Second Line of Defense
• Phagocytes and natural
• Inflammation
• Nonspecific & Local
! Third Line of Defense
• Immune response
T and B cells
•Specific & Systemic
•Has memory
§ It is the ability to resist damage from foreign substances such
as microorganisms and harmful chemicals.
§ The immune system has evolved to protect the host from a
universe of pathogenic microbes that are themselves
constantly evolving.
§ The immune system helps the host eliminate toxic or
allergenic substances that enter through mucosal surfaces.
§ A central to the immune system’s ability to:
Ø to distinguish self from non-self.
Øto detect and eliminate pathogenic microbes.
First line of defense
§ Physical & chemical barriers, Include:
ØSkin (physical = keratin) & (Chemical = acidity and
sebum (oily secretion of the sebaceous glands) have
bacteriostatic effect)
ØMucous membranes (sweat, tears, stomach acid,
saliva, urine flow, vaginal secretions, urine flow)
First line of defense
• Mucous membrane secretions
Øgastric secretions contain HCl and proteolytic enzymes
Øacidic vaginal secretions are bacteriostatic
Ømucus traps microorganisms
• Exocrine secretions
ØSaliva, tears, and perspiration contain lysozyme
(bacteriostatic enzyme)
Second line of defense
§ May take days to respond
to a primary invasion
§ Includes:
1. Antimicrobial substances
2. Natural killer cells
3. Phagocytes
4. Inflammation
5. Fever
2nd Line – Phagocytes
• Macrophages
Copyright ã Jones and Bartlett Publishing, Alcamo 6th ed. 2003
• Lysosomes: contain lysozyme + low pH
2nd Line – Natural Killer (NK) Cells
§ NK cells always looking for foreign cells
• Looks for MHC proteins
(major histocompatibility complex)
§ If MHC proteins NOT present NK cells release deadly
cocktail of enzymes and chemicals
(“set on fire”)
non-specific response triggered when tissues are
injured (or infected)
Purposes of Inflammation
§ prevent spread of the noxious (toxic and harmful)
agent (infection)
§ eliminate cell debris and noxious agent
§ prepare the tissue for repair
Chemicals of Inflammation
• Many chemicals such as:
• Histamine: released by basophils and mast cells
• promotes vasodilation, increased capillary
permeability of the capillaries to WBC and protein
• Kinins - plasma protein kininogen is activated by
enzymes from lysosomes (e.g., in neutrophils) →
kinin- induce pain
• Lymphokines - released by lymphocytes- enhance
inflammation, and immune response
Stages of Inflammation
1. cell injury
2. vascular response
3. cellular response
1- Cell Injury
§ Common Causes:
Ømechanical trauma
Øthermal trauma (heat or cold)
Øhypoxia (deficiency of oxygen)
2- Vascular response
Characterized by:
vasodilation ® ­ blood flow
Hyperemia & Erythemia
­ capillary permeability
exudation of fluid (pus or clear fluid)
& albumin out of the wound into
interstitial space
Edema (swelling)
3- Cellular response
§ diapedesis of leukocytes (passage of leukocytes
through the intact walls of the capillaries)
§ chemotaxins attract them to the site of cell injury
§ phagocytes (neutrophils and macrophages) engulf
pathogens and secrete cytotoxic chemicals
Cardinal (First) signs of Inflammation
§ Redness (rubor or erythema)= capillary dilation ®
hyperemia (­ blood flow to the area)
§ Heat (hyperemia) ® localized heat (more blood to surface)
§ Swelling (tumor)= hyperemia ® ­ tissue permeability
exudation of albumin (and fibrinogen)
• Pain = stimulation of nerve endings by edema
• Inflammation chemicals such as (bradykinin) stimulate pain
receptor by pressure exerted by edema
§ Impaired function = (if a joint is involved)
§ edema ® joint stiffness
Third line of defense
§ highly specific
§ systemic
§ has memory
§ also called the immune response
§ dependent upon antigen-antibody reactions
§ “antibody generating”
§ any material that can stimulate an immune response
(i.e., production of antibodies)
e.g. of antigens
• Proteins or carbs on the cell membrane of
bacteria, viruses, parasites, transplanted tissues
• represent the “non-self”
Antibody (immunoglobulin)
§ Protein produced in response to an antigen
§ specific:
§ neutralizes only the antigen against which it was
§ also called immunoglobulin or gamma globulin
An Antibody
2 antigen-binding sites
§ Antibody is Y-shaped protein
molecule with two arms, the
arms contain antigen-binding
§ Antigen binds with the
antibody at the antigenbinding site in a lock & key
Types of Immunity
• Cell-mediated immunity
- T cells directly attack invading antigens
- Driven by activated T lymphocytes
• Antibody-mediated immunity (humoral immunity)
- B cells transform into plasma cells (larger than B cells),
circulate in the blood & lymph
- secrete antibodies or immunoglobulin
ØType of response depends on type of invader
ØMany pathogens provoke both types
Types of Immunity
Guyton and Hall, 12th
B-cells- Humoral immunity
(antibody-mediated immunity)- involves b-cells
Humoral immunity
B-cells recognize pathogenic antigen
B-cells become fully competent
multiply rapidly (cloning)
some become plasma cells (large cells that secretes 2,000
others become memory cells
plasma cell
humoral immunity
§ 4 - 5 days later the plasma cells die
§ Antibodies circulate and bind to pathogenic antigens
Primary immune response
§ Occurs following initial exposure to a particular antigen
§ Response begins 3-6 days following exposure
§ Antibody level in blood falls usually within 28 days
§ Memory cells remain
Secondary Immune Response
§ Occurs following re-exposure to an antigen
§ Faster, more antibodies, and more prolonged than
primary response because memory cells remain from
previous exposure
§ Onset occurs within hours of re-exposure to antigen,
increases for about 2 days
§ Blood antibody level in the blood remains elevated for
weeks to months
Immunological memory
With secondary
Ø Shorter lag
(Following the first exposure to a
foreign antigen, a lag phase occurs
in which no antibody is produced,
but activated B cells are
differentiating into plasma cells.)
Ø Higher levels of
Ø Higher affinity
for the antigen
Clonal selection theory of immunity
§ Also called "Burnet’s clonal
selection theory”
§ Clonal selection: is a process
proposed to explain how a
single B or T cell that
recognizes an antigen that
enters the body is selected
from the pre-existing cell
If the antigen is part of the surface
pool of differing antigen
of a virus or bacterium, then the
specificities and then
antibody labels that organism as
reproduced to generate a foreign ("not-self"). The organism is
clonal cell population that then ingested by phagocytic cells
eliminates the antigen.
and degraded.
§ The activation of specialised
immune cells from the adaptive
immune response (i.e. B cells and T
cells) is controlled:
Ø by their specific antigen receptor
Ø by co-receptors
Janeway et al., 6th edition Garland Science
T cell co-receptors
Naïve T cells need to be activated by two signals.
1- signal from the T-cell receptor (TCR)= TCR recognises a
small part of the antigen (called peptide), this ensures the
specificity of the response; only T cells that recognise this
antigen will be activated.
2- signal 2 (co-stimulatory signal) is
provided by a costimulatory
molecules, which are induced by
antigen presenting cells, APC- cutting
antigen into small peptides for
presentation in a complex with MHC
(Major Histocompatibility
Complex) protein
T-cells recognize only antigens bound
to MHC
Janeway et al., 6th edition Garland Science
Guyton and Hall, 12th edition
• There is also another set of coreceptors which inhibit T-cell
activation. They are called coinhibitory receptors,
include CTLA-4 and PD-1.
§ These molecules are only expressed on T cells that have
already been activated.
§ Stimulation of these induced co-inhibitory receptors
contribute to a balanced immune response.
§ Defects in these co-inhibitory receptors lead to unusual
immune responses, such as lymphoproliferation and
B cell co-receptors
The specific B-cell receptor (BCR, an
immunoglubulin molecule attached to the
membrane of the B cell) recognises the
antigen in native form
Co-stimulation of B cells is notably achieved
by the molecule CD40.
CD40 ligand is expressed on T cells.
dialogue between T- and B cells ☞ allows
continuous B-cell proliferation and
activation ☞ leading to their differentiation
into plasmocytes (mature B cells) ☞
producing high affinity antibodies against
the antigen.
Janeway et al., 6th edition Garland Science
Methods of Acquiring Immunity
Two branches of our immune system
Adaptive immune
• Antibodies
• Life long protection
Innate immune response
• Phagocytic cells
• Engulfed and digested
Janeway et al., 6th edition Garland Sciences
Innate immune cells
Infection triggers an inflammatory response
permeability of
blood vessels
allowing for fluid
and proteins to
pass into tissues
neutrophils to
site of
Dendritic cells are essential for the interplay
between the innate and adaptive immune responses
Immature dendritic cells reside in
peripheral tissue and have receptors
for many pathogens
ØE.g. peptidoglycans common in
bacteria cell walls
Although able to engulf foreign
pathogens, main role is to carry
antigens to peripheral lymphoid organs
to present them to T lymphocytes
Secrete cytokines that influence both
innate and adaptive immune responses
Types of Immunity
Natural versus Artificial
Active versus Passive
Active disease
Passive transmission
Lymphocytic leukemias
Caused by
production of
lymphocytes usually
beginning in the
lymph node
Myelogenous leukemias
Begins by cancerous
production of young
myelogenous cells in
the bone marrow
Causes WBC to be
produced in many
extramedullary tissues
Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease that can develop
when strep throat or scarlet fever isn't properly treated.
caused by an infection with streptococcus bacteria.
Glomerulonephritis is inflammation and damage to the
filtering part of the kidneys (glomerulus)
Symptoms may include:
Ø Pink or cola-colored
urine from red blood
cells in your
urine (hematuria)
Ø Proteinuria
Ø High blood pressure
Myasthenia gravis= an autoimmunological inflammatory
disorder of the neuromuscular junction
Weakness and rapid
fatigue of any of the
muscles under your
voluntary control☞
caused by a
breakdown in the
between nerves and
Poison ivy rash = allergy caused by activated T-cells
§ Repeated exposure cause
formation of helper T-cells and
cytotoxic T-cells
§ Upon next exposure, there’s a
delayed reaction in which the
T-cells from the blood diffuse
into the skin to respond to the
poison ivy toxin
§ T-cells elicit a cell-mediated
type of immune response
through the release of
cytokines that activate more Tcells and macrophages
Poison Ivy
Allergic reaction to an oily
resin in the leaves, stems and
roots of poison ivy, poison
Allergies in people with
excess IgE antibodies
Release of mast cell and basophil
content causes:
ØDilation of local blood vessels
ØAttraction of eosinophils and
neutrophils to reactive site
ØIncreased permeability of
Leads to anaphylaxis or hives or
hayfever etc.
Hay fever, called allergic
rhinitis, causes cold-like
signs and symptoms, such
as a runny nose, itchy eyes,
congestion, sneezing and
sinus pressure.